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Search results for: MDW E - 70
Zuschrift zu Kurrer K.-E.: Genius loci des Stahlbaus: Meinz, Gustavsburg und der deutsche Stahlbautag 2008.
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Approcci contemporanei all’etica dei farmacisti e la loro valutazione alla luce dei princìpi della bioetica personalista
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Polymorphic microsatellite markers demonstrate hybridization and interspecific gene flow between lumbricid earthworm species, Eisenia andrei and E. fetida
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FEM Analysis of Multi Storied RC Structure using (E-TAB simulation ) and Need of High rise structures in Developing Countries
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Investigation of educational processes with affective computing methods
PublicationThis paper concerns the monitoring of educational processes with the use of new technologies for the recognition of human emotions. This paper summarizes results from three experiments, aimed at the validation of applying emotion recognition to e-learning. An analysis of the experiments’ executions provides an evaluation of the emotion elicitation methods used to monitor learners. The comparison of affect recognition algorithms...
Golden artefacts, resin figurines, body adhesives and tomb sediments from the pre-Columbian burial site El Caño (Gran Coclé, Panamá): tracing organic contents using molecular archaeometry
PublicationThis research aimed to determine the origin of organic residues from funerary contexts in the El Ca~no settlement (Gran Cocl�e area, Panam�a, Central America) by means of multiple molecular probing techniques (GC-MS of organic solvent extracts and pyrolysis-GC-MS, THM-GC-MS and FTIR of solid samples). The samples include particles of precious resin figurines, fillings of golden objects, tomb sediments, plant exudates from extant...
Szkolenie CNE: Dobrostan (e-)wykładowcy
EventsCNE PG zaprasza na kolejne cotygodniowe szkolenie w ramach programu „Dydaktyczne Piątki”: Jak zadbać o siebie w czasie pandemii (i zdalnego nauczania).
Genetic and pharmacologic proteasome augmentation ameliorates Alzheimer’s-like pathology in mouse and fly APP overexpression models
PublicationThe proteasome has key roles in neuronal proteostasis, including the removal of misfolded and oxidized proteins, presynaptic protein turnover, and synaptic efficacy and plasticity. Proteasome dysfunction is a prominent feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We show that prevention of proteasome dysfunction by genetic manipulation delays mortality, cell death, and cognitive deficits in fly and cell culture AD models. We developed...
Genetic and pharmacologic proteasome augmentation ameliorates Alzheimer’s-like pathology in mouse and fly APP overexpression models
PublicationThe proteasome has key roles in neuronal proteostasis, including the removal of misfolded and oxidized proteins, presynaptic protein turnover, and synaptic efficacy and plasticity. Proteasome dysfunction is a prominent feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We show that prevention of proteasome dysfunction by genetic manipulation delays mortality, cell death, and cognitive deficits in fly and cell culture AD models. We developed...
Anna Rzeczycka dr hab.
PeopleAnna Rzeczycka is the deputy head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Publications are situated in the field of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance. They include books, monographs, articles, publications and scientific editions of monographs and scientific journals. In terms of numbers, it includes the following items: 12 monographs...
Appunti Romani di Filologia. Studi e comunicazioni di filologia, linguistica e letteratura greca e latina
Journals -
Ruch towarowy na Dolnej Wiśle - marzenie czy koniecznośćFrightraffic on the Lower Vistula river - dream or reality?
PublicationMiędzynarodowe drogi wodne w Polsce: uwarunkowanie środowiskowe transportu, mozliwość eksploatacji, rewitalizacja dróg wodnych, żegluga towarowa na odcinku Gdańsk -Bydgoszcz i przyspieszony rozwój regionu Kujawsko Pomorskiego. Podsumowanie i wnioski.
A comparison of cuticular hydrocarbons of larvae and beetles of the Tribolium destructor
Publication -
Charge separation control in organic photosensitizers for photocatalytic water splitting without sacrificial electron donors
PublicationPhotocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (photoHER) is one of the most promising approaches towards production of “green” hydrogen. Currently, the state-of-the-art photoHER systems require the use of sacrificial electron donors (SED), because of inefficient charge separation in photosensitizers and thermodynamically challenging water oxidation by the same catalyst. Here, we present a molecular design approach for all-organic...
E. Bieńkowska, WA, Architektura sem. II, 20/21l
e-Learning Courses -
WZiE - Zarządzanie lic. ang. - e-test 2019/20
e-Learning Courses -
Szablon e-kursu do przedmiotu - 2021 dla adminów
e-Learning Courses -
Termodynamika, W, E, sem.03, zimowy 22/23
e-Learning Courses -
CNMiKnO - Baza pytań e-testów - wersja 3.0 (M.Łapińska)
e-Learning Courses -
Projektowanie zajęć prowadzonych na odległość (10h e-learning)
e-Learning Courses -
Termodynamika, C, E, sem.03, zimowy 22/23
e-Learning Courses -
E. Bieńkowska, WA, Architektura IV sem, 20/21l
e-Learning Courses -
Szablon e-kursu do zajęć - 2020 Wiktor Sieklicki
e-Learning Courses -
Szablon e-kursu do zajęć - 2020 kopia prywatna
e-Learning Courses -
Termodynamika, L, E, sem.03, zimowy 22/23
e-Learning Courses -
E. Bieńkowska, ETI, Informatyka, st.I, sem.IV, 20/21l
e-Learning Courses -
WZiE - Zarządzanie lic. ang. - e-test 2018/19
e-Learning Courses -
E. Bieńkowska Budownictwo Niestacjonarne II st, 4 sem
e-Learning Courses -
e-wykład "Fizyk pod wodą" - Brygida Mielewska (FTiMS)
e-Learning CoursesKurs zawiera materiał wykładowy pt. "Fizyk pod wodą" dotyczący fizycznych i biofizycznych aspektów nurkowania. Wykład stanowi uzupełnienie treści do przedmiotu "Biofizyka", może tez stanowić samodzielny materiał popularyzatorski, nie wymagający wiedzy specjalistycznej. Kurs zawiera 3-częściowy wykład audio w formacie SCORM, materiały pomocnicze do notatek oraz krótkie quizy tematyczne do każdej z części. Do korzystania z pełnej...
Joanna Czerska dr inż.
PeopleI am a woman whose mission and passion is the development of people and organizations. My motto is: "There is no such fantasy that human will and reason cannot transform into reality." William Shakespeare In my life I am guided by the values of respect, teamwork and a positive attitude. They define me and decide what kind of person I am. My adventure with Lean began when I was writing my diploma thesis during my studies at WZiE...
Mobilne pomiary satelitarne na liniach Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono organizację i wykonanie mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych, przeprowadzonych na liniach Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej przed oficjalnym oddaniem do eksploatacji. Pomiary te umożliwiły precyzyjne odtworzenie jej rzeczywistego kształtu geometrycznego. Opisano zagadnienia projektowania i budowy omawianej linii kolejowej oraz prace geodezyjne przy realizacji inwestycji. W analizie wyników przeprowadzonych pomiarów...
Enzo Di Natali, Bioetica e Magistero. Da Pio XII a Papa Francesco, Edizioni Medinova, Favara 2015, ss. 944
Publication -
Crystallographic studies of (Z) and (E) isomers of 2-amino-5-(2-chlorobenzylidene)-1-methyl-1H-imidazol-4(5H)-one
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Zuschrift zu Kurrer K.-E.: Zur Entwicklung der technisch-wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaftsarbeit des Deutschen Stahlbau-Verbandes - Teil II.
PublicationW dyskusji przedstawiono niemieckie odniesienia do nauki polskiej, jakie dostrzeżono w wydawnictwie Stahlbau-Kalenders 1939.
Determination of the width of the carrier recombination zone in organiclight emitting diodes.
PublicationW pracy mierzono kwantową wydajność elektroluminescencji w diodach dwuwarstwowych z różną grubością emitera w postaci warstwy hydroksychinolinowego kompleksu aluminium (Alq3). Stwierdzono, że szerokość strefy rekombinacji ładunku maleje ze wzrostem natężenia pola elektrycznego od 70 nm(dla E=0.75MV/cm do 40 nm (dla E=1.MV/cm).
Lobular carcinoma in situ, NOS - Female, 80 - Tissue image [8160730027006931]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Cellulose and its derivatives, coffee grounds, and cross-linked, β-cyclodextrin in the race for the highest sorption capacity of cationic dyes in accordance with the principles of sustainable development
PublicationIn this study, seven different materials were analyzed and includes coffee grounds (CG), two types of cellulose (CGC and CC), two types of modified cellulose (CT and CTCD), and cross-linked β-cyclodextrin (CD-1 and CD-2) were tested as adsorbents for the removal of dyes from the wastewater. The composition, morphology, and presence of functional groups in the obtained sorption materials were characterized by elemental analysis,...
Revista EDaPECI-Educacao a Distancia e Praticas Educativas Comunicacionais e Interculturais
Journals -
Ln2(SeO3)2(SO4)(H2O)2 (Ln=Sm, Dy, Yb): A Mixed‐Ligand Pathway to New Lanthanide(III) Multifunctional Materials Featuring Nonlinear Optical and Magnetic Anisotropy Properties
PublicationBottom-up assembly of optically nonlinear and magnetically anisotropic lanthanide materials involving precisely placed spin carriers and optimized metal-ligand coordination offers a potential route to developing electronic architectures for coherent radiation generation and spin-based technologies, but the chemical design historically has been extremely hard to achieve. To address this, we developed a worthwhile avenue for creating...
WEiA - E - Równania różniczkowe - 2021/22 (dr A. Niewulis)
e-Learning Courses -
WEiA - E - Równania różniczkowe - 2022/23 (dr A. Niewulis)
e-Learning Courses -
E-marketing and trend analysis 2025, ID, s. 6
e-Learning Courses -
E-marketing and trend analysis 2024, ID, sem. 6
e-Learning Courses -
Infiltrating duct carcinoma, NOS - Female, 62 - Tissue image [5040730020275931]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of BREAST tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Structural properties and adsorption of uranyl ions on the nanocomposite hydroxyapatite/white clay
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Adsorption of uranium ions on nano-hydroxyapatite and modified by Ca and Ag ions
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292. Cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil in recurrent, persistent or metastatic cervical carcinoma
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Łukasz Bugalski dr inż. arch.
PeopleŁukasz Bugalski graduated as an architect and urban planner (2013) and held a Ph.D. (2013-2018) in the same discipline (Gdańsk University of Technology). He has been Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (2017-2020) trained in the critical heritage studies as part of the "CHEurope" project (MSCA Innovative Training Network) conducted at Istituto per i Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna in Bologna. Currently...
Long-term measurement of physiological parameters - an adult (70 minutes)
Open Research DataThe data set was obtained during the project focus on the determination of changes in physiological parameters due to a stressful situation.The measurements were conducted with the system which consists e.g. sensors of temperature, skin resistance, and pulse.A long-term (70 minutes) measurement of physiological parameters was performed on the healthy...
Nano-particulate Structures with Glucose-Derived Char and Compacted Fumed Silica in Gaseous and Aqueous Media