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Search results for: OPTIMIZATION.
Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Unit in Power System using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms
PublicationThe phasor measurement units (PMUs) play an important and vital role in power system monitoring and controlling, since they provide the power system phasors stamped with a common real time reference through a global positioning system (GPS). Indeed, from economical point of view it is not possible to set PMUs in all system buses due to the high cost and the requirement of more complex communication...
Looking for a minimum exergy destruction in hierarchical cycle
PublicationThe paper presents results of energy analysis, complemented with an exergy balance, of hierarchical thermodynamic cycle. Proposed cycle is a binary vapour cycle based on a model of real supercritical steam power plant. Energy analysis is used to preliminary optimization of the cycle and the exergy losses analysis is proposed to perform optimization of heat transfer processes, which are essential for hierarchical cycles. Proposed...
Computer-aided reconstruction of the railway track axis geometrical shape
PublicationIn the paper a method of the railway track axis geometrical shape identification in a horizontal plane, directly from the continuous satellite measurements, is presented. In this method, an algorithm for the design of railway track sections located in the horizontal arc is used. The algorithm uses an analytical description of the layout by means of suitable mathematical formulas. The design procedure has a universal character and...
Sign Language Recognition Using Convolution Neural Networks
PublicationThe objective of this work was to provide an app that can automatically recognize hand gestures from the American Sign Language (ASL) on mobile devices. The app employs a model based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for gesture classification. Various CNN architectures and optimization strategies suitable for devices with limited resources were examined. InceptionV3 and VGG-19 models exhibited negligibly higher accuracy than...
An Efficient Framework For Fast Computer Aided Design of Microwave Circuits Based on the Higher-Order 3D Finite-Element Method
PublicationIn this paper, an efficient computational framework for the full-wave design by optimization of complex microwave passive devices, such as antennas, filters, and multiplexers, is described. The framework consists of a computational engine, a 3D object modeler, and a graphical user interface. The computational engine, which is based on a finite element method with curvilinear higher-order tetrahedral elements, is coupled with built-in...
Algorytmy Optymalizacji Dyskretnej - ed. 2021/2022
e-Learning CoursesIn real-world applications, many important practical problems are NP-hard, therefore it is expedient to consider not only the optimal solutions of NP-hard optimization problems, but also the solutions which are “close” to them (near-optimal solutions). So, we can try to design an approximation algorithm that efficiently produces a near-optimal solution for the NP-hard problem. In many cases we can even design approximation algorithms...
Optymalizacja efektywności hamowania odzyskowego w transporcie szynowym przez sterowanie czasem przyjazdu na stację
PublicationArtykuł nawiązuje do poprzednich prac autorów, w których przedstawiono model organizacji ruchu kooperujących pociągów z uwzględnieniem optymalizacji wykorzystania energii zwracanej do sieci jezdnej. W przedstawionej pracy zmodyfikowano model zmieniając główną zmienną sterującą, mającą wpływ na efektywne wykorzystanie energii, z czasu odjazdu na czas przyjazdu pociągu na stację lub przystanek. Optymalizacja dokonywana jest przez...
Design of modified PID controllers for 3D crane control
PublicationFrom the control viewpoint, 3D crane is a dynamic, nonlinear and multidimensional electromechanical system. In this paper, five control systems using a set-point weighted PID controllers (modified controllers) are designed. These structures and properties are presented. Optimization process of controllers settings based on integral performance indices is made. Simulation tests of control systems are presented. Comparison of integral...
Expedited EM-driven multi-objective antenna design in highly-dimensional parameter spaces
PublicationA technique for low-cost multi-objective optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameter spaces is presented. The optimization procedure is expedited by exploiting fast surrogate models, including coarse-discretization EM antenna simulations and response surface approximations (RSA). The latter is utilized to yield an initial set of Pareto non-dominated designs which are further refined using response correction methods....
Reduced-Cost Microwave Design Closure by Multi-Resolution EM Simulations and Knowledge-Based Model Management
PublicationParameter adjustment through numerical optimization has become a commonplace of contemporary microwave engineering. Although circuit theory methods are ubiquitous in the development of microwave components, the initial designs obtained with such tools have to be further tuned to improve the system performance. This is particularly pertinent to miniaturized structures, where the cross-coupling effects cannot be adequately accounted...
Supervised-learning-based development of multi-bit RCS-reduced coding metasurfaces
PublicationCoding metasurfaces have been introduced as efficient tools allowing meticulous control over the electromagnetic (EM) scattering. One of their relevant application areas is radar cross section (RCS) reduction, which principally relies on the diffusion of impinging EM waves. Despite its significance, careful control of the scattering properties poses a serious challenge at the level of practical realization. This article is concerned...
Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM For a Cascaded Multi-level Inverter
PublicationThis paper deals with the selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHE-PWM) technique. This technique is used for the elimination of selected dominant low order harmonics in the multi-level inverter output voltage. The presence of these harmonics is the essential drawback of such kind of inverters; especially when it is used for the control of different AC drivers. The SHE-PWM is based...
Objective selection of minimum acceptable mesh refinement for EMC simulations
PublicationOptimization of computational electromagnetics (CEM) simulation models can be costly in both time and computing resources. Mesh refinement is a key parameter in determining the number of unknowns to be processed. In turn, this controls the time and memory required for a simulation. Hence, it is important to use only a mesh that is good enough for the objectives of the simulation, whether for direct handling of high-fidelity EM...
The OptD-multi method in LiDAR processing
PublicationNew and constantly developing technology for acquiring spatial data, such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging), is a source for large volume of data. However, such amount of data is not always needed for developing the most popular LiDAR products: digital terrain model (DTM) or digital surface model. Therefore, in many cases, the number of contained points are reduced in the pre-processing stage. The degree of reduction is determined...
Optimal shape and stress control of geometrically nonlinear structures with exact gradient with respect to the actuation inputs
PublicationThis paper presents an efficient and robust optimization methodology for stress and shape control of actuated geometrically nonlinear elastic structures, applied to 3D trusses. The actuation inputs, modeled as prescribed strains, serve as the optimization variables. The objective is to minimize total actuation while satisfying several constraints: (i) actuation bounds in each actuated element and (ii) target ranges for nodal displacements...
Optimizing FSO networks resilient to adverse weather conditions by means of enhanced uncertainty sets
PublicationThis work deals with dimensioning of wireless mesh networks (WMN) composed of FSO (free space optics) links. Although FSO links realize broadband transmission at low cost, their drawback is sensitivity to adverse weather conditions causing transmission degradation on multiple links. Hence, designing such FSO networks requires an optimization model to find the cheapest configuration of link capacities that will be able to carry...
Parallelization of large vector similarity computations in a hybrid CPU+GPU environment
PublicationThe paper presents design, implementation and tuning of a hybrid parallel OpenMP+CUDA code for computation of similarity between pairs of a large number of multidimensional vectors. The problem has a wide range of applications, and consequently its optimization is of high importance, especially on currently widespread hybrid CPU+GPU systems targeted in the paper. The following are presented and tested for computation of all vector...
Benchmarking Performance of a Hybrid Intel Xeon/Xeon Phi System for Parallel Computation of Similarity Measures Between Large Vectors
PublicationThe paper deals with parallelization of computing similarity measures between large vectors. Such computations are important components within many applications and consequently are of high importance. Rather than focusing on optimization of the algorithm itself, assuming specific measures, the paper assumes a general scheme for finding similarity measures for all pairs of vectors and investigates optimizations for scalability...
Optimizing control by robustly feasible model predictive control and application to drinking water distribution systems
PublicationThe paper considers optimizing Model Predictive Control (MPC) for nonlinear plants with output constraints under uncertainties. Although the MPC technology can handle the constraints in the model by solving constraint model based optimization task, satisfying the plant output constraints under the model uncertainty still remains a challenge. The paper proposes Robustly Feasible MPC (RFMPC), which achieves feasibility of the outputs...
Zarządzanie opóźnieniami w ruchu kolejowym
PublicationZarządzanie opóźnieniami w ruchu kolejowym zostało przedstawione jako wielokryterialny problem optymalizacyjny, do rozwiązania którego został użyty model ogólny (job-shop) szeregowania zadań. W artykule przedstawiono sposób zastosowania trzech algorytmów metaheurystycznych: algorytmu genetycznego (Genetic Algorithm), algorytmu roju (Particle Swarm Optimization) i algorytmu mrówkowego (Ant Colony Optimization) do znalezienia optymalnego...
Shared processor scheduling
PublicationWe study the shared processor scheduling problem with a single shared processor to maximize total weighted overlap, where an overlap for a job is the amount of time it is processed on its private and shared processor in parallel. A polynomial-time optimization algorithm has been given for the problem with equal weights in the literature. This paper extends that result by showing an (log)-time optimization algorithm for a class...
Green energy extraction for sustainable development: A novel MPPT technique for hybrid PV-TEG system
PublicationThe Photovoltaic (PV) module converts only a small portion of irradiance into electrical energy. Most of the solar energy is wasted as heat, resulting in a rise in PV cell temperature and a decrease in solar cell efficiency. One way to harvest this freely available solar thermal energy and improve PV cell efficiency is by integrating PV systems with thermoelectric generators (TEG). This cogeneration approach of the hybrid PV-TEG...
Projektowanie układów geometrycznych toru z zastosowaniem optymalizacji wielokryterialnej
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę projektowania odcinków trasy kolejowej położonych w łuku, dostosowaną do techniki mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych. Rozwiązanie problemu projektowego wykorzystuje zapis matematyczny i polega na wyznaczeniu uniwersalnych równań opisujących całość układu geometrycznego. Odbywa się to sekwencyjnie, obejmując kolejne fragmenty tegoż układu. Procedura projektowania ma charakter uniwersalny, gdyż w ogólnym...
Natalia Stawicka-Morawska dr inż.
PeopleMgr inż. Natalia Stawicka-Morawska pracuje na Politechnice Gdańskiej od października 2017 r. na stanowisku Asystenta, na Wydziale Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa (poprzednio: Wydziale Mechanicznym), w Instytucie Mechaniki i Konstrukcji Maszyn (poprzednio: Katedrze Mechaniki i Mechatroniki).Prowadzona przez nią działalność naukowa dotyczy dziedziny nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie naukowej budowa i eksploatacja maszyn. Główną...
Fast EM-driven size reduction of antenna structures by means of adjoint sensitivities and trust regions
PublicationIn this letter, a simple yet robust and computationally efficient optimization technique for explicit size reduction of antenna structures is presented. Our approach directly handles the antenna size as the main design objective, while ensuring satisfactory electrical performance by means of suitably defined penalty functions. For the sake of accuracy, the antenna structure is evaluated using high-fidelity EM simulation. In order...
Selection of optimal location and rated power of capacitor banks in distribution network using genetic algorithm
PublicationIn this paper, the problem of placement and rated power of capacitor banks in the Distribution Network (DN) is considered. We try to suggest the best places for installing capacitor banks and define their reactive power. The considered formulation requires the optimization of the cost of two different objectives. Therefore the use of properly multiobjective heuristic optimization methods is desirable. To solve this problem we use...
On Alternative Approaches to Design of Corporate Feeds for Low-Sidelobe Microstrip Linear Arrays
PublicationTwo design approaches, illustrated by simulations and measurements, aiming at a systematic computer-aided design of printed circuit feeds for low-sidelobe microstrip antenna arrays are described. The novelty of these approaches resides in identification of the optimal feed architectures with subsequent simulation-based optimization of the feed and array aperture dimensions. In this work, we consider microstrip corporate feeds realizing...
Expedited Design Closure of Antenna Input Characteristics by Trust Region Gradient Search and Principal Component Analysis
PublicationOptimization-based parameter tuning has become an inherent part of contemporary antenna design process. For the sake of reliability, it is typically conducted at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. This may incur considerable computational expenses depending on the cost of an individual EM analysis, the number of adjustable variables, the type of task (local, global, single-/multi-objective optimization),...
Design of three control algorithms for an averaging tank with variable filing
PublicationAn averaging tank with variable filling is a nonlinear multidimensional system and can thus be considered a complex control sys-tem. General control objectives of such object include ensuring stability, zero steady state error and achieving simultaneously shortest possible settling time and minimal overshoot. The main purpose of this research work was the modelling and synthesis of three control systems for an averaging tank. In...
Experimental and numerical investigation on shell and coil storage unit with biodegradable PCM for modular thermal battery applications
PublicationThermal energy storage (TES) in automotive applications is currently growing in importance. TES can visibly reduce primary energy consumptions, decrease CO2 emission, and improve thermal comfort in electric as well as hybrid vehicles. However, to meet the new ambitious target (15% reduction of CO2 emissions in the new cars until 2025) it is required to use plug-in electric vehicles. For this reason, this paper focuses on the optimization...
Paweł Rościszewski dr inż.
PeoplePaweł Rościszewski received his PhD in Computer Science at Gdańsk University of Technology in 2018 based on PhD thesis entitled: "Optimization of hybrid parallel application execution in heterogeneous high performance computing systems considering execution time and power consumption". Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland....
Zastosowanie algorytmów rojowych do kolorowania grafów
PublicationPrzedstawiamy sposób adaptacji heurystycznej metody przeszukiwania PSO (ang. Particle Swarm Optimization) do znajdowania suboptymalnych pokolorowań wierzchołkowych grafów prostych. Prezentujemy sposób przeprowadzenia eksperymentów obliczeniowych oraz ich wyniki.
Evaluation of Vehicle Routing Problem Algorithms for Transport Logistics Using Dedicated GIS System
PublicationThe development and research related to optimization of fleet management is of high interest among many industrial and scientific entities related to logistics and transport. Optimal distribution of transportation resources leads to significant cost reduction. In this context, scientific research related to so called Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) which relies on determining the shortest transport routes for a strictly limited number...
Evaluation of Temperature Influence on Electrochemical Processes Occurring in a Lithium-Ion Supercapacitor with the Use of Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
PublicationIn order to obtain the full impedance characteristics of a lithium-ion capacitor as a function of temperature, the authors proposed the use of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Impedance tests were carried out under wide range of dynamic temperature changes for lithium-ion supercapacitors. Significant differences in electrochemical processes were observed as a result of working temperature. Moreover, the quality of...
Cost-Efficient EM-Driven Size Reduction of Antenna Structures by Multi-Fidelity Simulation Models
PublicationDesign of antenna systems for emerging application areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT), fifth generation wireless communications (5G), or remote sensing, is a challenging endeavor. In addition to meeting stringent performance specifications concerning electrical and field properties, the structure has to maintain small physical dimensions. The latter normally requires searching for trade-off solutions because miniaturization...
Enhancing Resilience of FSO Networks to Adverse Weather Conditions
PublicationOptical wireless networks realized by means of gigabit optical wireless communication (OWC) systems are becoming, in a variety of applications, an important alternative, or a complementary solution, to their fiber-based counterparts. However, performance of the OWC systems can be considerably degraded in periods of unfavorable weather conditions, such as heavy fog, which temporarily reduce the effective capacity of the network....
Implementation of Hierarchical Control of Drinking Water Supply System
PublicationThe paper presents the outline of the didactical project of a complex computer controlled system realized by the first degree students of the Automatics and Robotics on the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering (FoEaCE) in Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). The synthesis, implementation and analysis of a multilayer hierarchical control system for drinking water supply system (DWSS) are main topics of that project. The...
Multi-fidelity aerodynamic design trade-off exploration using point-by-point Pareto set identification
PublicationAerodynamic design is inherently a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem. Determining the best possible trade-offs between conflicting aerodynamic objectives can be computationally challenging when carried out directly at the level of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations. This paper presents a computationally cheap methodology for exploration of aerodynamic design trade-offs. In particular, point-by-point...
Fast Design Closure of Compact Microwave Components by Means of Feature-Based Metamodels
PublicationPrecise tuning of geometry parameters is an important consideration in the design of modern microwave passive components. It is mandatory due to limitations of theoretical design methods unable to quantify certain phenomena that are important for the operation and performance of the devices (e.g., strong cross-coupling effects in miniaturized layouts). Consequently, the initial designs obtained using analytical or equivalent network...
Improved Design Closure of Compact Microwave Circuits by Means of Performance Requirement Adaptation
PublicationNumerical optimization procedures have been widely used in the design of microwave components and systems. Most often, optimization algorithms are applied at the later stages of the design process to tune the geometry and/or material parameter values. To ensure sufficient accuracy, parameter adjustment is realized at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, which creates perhaps the most important bottleneck due to...
PODEJŚCIE WARIANTOWE WE WSTĘPNYM PROJEKTOWANIU STATKÓW Variant methods approach to the preliminary ship design.
PublicationKlasyczna metoda projektowania okrętów jest metodą iteracyjną, bazującą na zgromadzonym doświadczeniu ze statków już zbu-dowanych. Natomiast w przypadku statku całkowicie nowego typu, bez „posagu wcześniejszych doświadczeń”, projektowanie polega na opracowaniu szeregu równoległych, wariantowych rozwiązań z wykorzystaniem optymalizacji. Artykuł wskazuje wybrane metody projektowe wykorzystujące optymalizacje, używane we wstępnym...
Structure and computationally-efficient simulation-driven design of compact UWB monopole antenna
PublicationIn this letter, a structure of a small ultra-wideband (UWB) monopole antenna, its design optimization procedure as well as experimental validation are presented. According to our approach, antenna compactness is achieved by means of a meander line for current path enlargement as well as the two parameterized slits providing additional degrees of freedom that help to ensure good impedance matching. For the sake of reliability, the...
Miniaturization-Oriented Design of Spline-Parameterized UWB Antenna for In-Door Positioning Applications
PublicationDesign of ultra-wideband antennas for in-door localization applications is a challenging task. It involves development of geometry that maintains appropriate balance between the size and performance. In this work, a topologically-flexible monopole has been generated using a stratified framework which embeds a gradient-based trust-region (TR) optimization algorithm in a meta-loop that gradually increases the structure dimensionality....
Category-Based Workload Modeling for Hardware Load Prediction in Heterogeneous IaaS Cloud
PublicationThe paper presents a method of hardware load prediction using workload models based on application categories and high-level characteristics. Application of the method to the problem of optimization of virtual machine scheduling in a heterogeneous Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) computing cloud is described.
Paweł Czarnul dr hab. inż.
PeoplePaweł Czarnul obtained a D.Sc. degree in computer science in 2015, a Ph.D. in computer science granted by a council at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology in 2003. His research interests include:parallel and distributed processing including clusters, accelerators, coprocessors; distributed information systems; architectures of distributed systems; programming mobile devices....
Genetic Programming for Workload Balancing in the Comcute Grid System
PublicationA genetic programming paradigm is implemented for reliability optimization in the Comcute grid system design. Chromosomes are generated as the program functions and then genetic operators are applied for finding Pareto-suboptimal task assignment and scheduling. Results are compared with outcomes obtained by an adaptive evolutionary algorithm.
Surrogate-assisted EM-driven miniaturization of wideband microwave couplers by means of co-simulation low-fidelity models
PublicationThis article proposes a methodology for rapid design optimization of miniaturized wideband couplers. More specifically, a class of circuits is considered, in which conventional transmission lines are replaced by their abbreviated counterparts referred to as slow-wave compact cells. Our focus is on explicit reduction of the structure size as well as on reducing the CPU cost of the design process. For the sake of computational feasibility,...
Expedited Trust-Region-Based Design Closure of Antennas by Variable-Resolution EM Simulations
PublicationThe observed growth in the complexity of modern antenna topologies fostered a widespread employment of numerical optimization methods as the primary tools for final adjustment of the system parameters. This is mainly caused by insufficiency of traditional design closure approaches, largely based on parameter sweeping. Reliable evaluation of complex antenna structures requires full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. Yet, EM-driven...
Application of the ISE Optimized Proportional Control of the Wave Maker in a Towing Tank
PublicationThis paper presents the improvement of the wave maker control system. The wave maker is a facility widely used in hydromechanics laboratories to generate waves in towing tanks. It is equipped with an electrohydraulic drive and an actuator submerged into water. The waves are generated to model the environmental conditions for physical experiments, performed on reduced-scale models of maritime objects. The physical experiments allow...
Magnetic Signature Description of Ellipsoid-Shape Vessel Using 3D Multi-Dipole Model Fitted on Cardinal Directions
PublicationThe article presents a continuation of the research on the 3D multi-dipole model applied to the reproduction of magnetic signatures of ferromagnetic objects. The model structure has been modified to improve its flexibility - model parameters determined by optimization can now be located in the cuboid contour representing the object's hull. To stiffen the model, the training dataset was expanded to data collected from all four cardinal...