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Search results for: WIND ENERGY CONVERSION
e-Learning CoursesCourse content: Basic information on the structure of the power system, the major devices (components) for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Active and reactive power generation and their sources. Power supply networks. Tasks, structure, parameters. AC and DC transmission of electricity. Equivalent diagrams of the components of the power system. Steady state load flow calculation: currents, voltage,...
e-Learning Courses -
PublicationVegetable oils are renewable feedstock currently being used for production of biofuels from sustainable biomass resources. The existing technology for producing diesel fuel from plant oils, such as rapeseed, soybean, canola and palm oil are largely centered on transesterification of oils with methanol to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) or biodiesel. Rapeseed pellet - crushed seed residue from oil extraction is a byproduct...
Method of sum of power losses as a way for determining the ki coefficients of energy losses in hydraulic motor
PublicationThis paper shows application of the method of sum of power losses to determining energy losses which occur in hydraulic rotary motor in situation when not all laboratory data are at one’s disposal or when no use is made of data contained in catalogue charts. The method makes it possible to determine the coefficients ,ki , of energy losses occurring in the motor. The method of sum of power losses is based on the approach proposed...
GPU Power Capping for Energy-Performance Trade-Offs in Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
PublicationIn the paper we present performance-energy trade-off investigation of training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for image recognition. Several representative and widely adopted network models, such as Alexnet, VGG-19, Inception V3, Inception V4, Resnet50 and Resnet152 were tested using systems with Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000 as well as Nvidia V100 GPUs. Using GPU power capping we found other than default configurations minimizing...
Towards an integrated assessment of environmental and human health impact of energy sector in Poland
PublicationReferat prezentuje system zintegrowanej oceny wpływu sektora energetycznego na stan środowiska i zdrowie ludzkie w Polsce. W podejściu wykorzystano kombinację modelu transportu zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu POLAIR 3D z modelem informacyjno-symulacyjnym RAINS. Model oszacowuje emisje i koncentracje zanieczyszczeń powietrza, koszty kontroli emisji zanieczyszczeń i inne koszty związane z różnymi scenariuszami rozwoju sektora energetycznego.The...
PublicationIn recent years, there has been a significant development in “green” and energy efficient propulsion systems, which fits into the general trend of environmentally friendly “green shipping”. The pursued goal is to construct a safe passenger ship that is low in energy demand and equipped with a highly energy efficient, emission-free propulsion system. The paper presents main problems encountered by designers of a small, hybrid-powered...
PublicationThis paper presents characteristics and purposefulness of supporting the renewable energy sources (OZE) by means of energy stores. The main emphasis was placed on analysis of virtual energy stores available for implementation in Polish economy conditions. A role which management of Demand Side Response (DSR) may play in balancing Polish electric power system, is discussed. Implementation of such solutions together with conventional...
A Model of Thermal Energy Storage According to the Convention of Bond Graphs (BG) and State Equations (SE)
PublicationThe main advantage of the use of the Bond Graphs method and State Equations for modeling energy systems with a complex structure (marine power plants, hybrid vehicles, etc.) is the ability to model the system components of different physical nature using identical theoretical basis. The paper presents a method of modeling thermal energy storage, which is in line with basic BG theory. Critical comments have been put forward concerning...
Comparison of Average Energy Slope Estimation Formulas for One-dimensional Steady Gradually Varied Flow
PublicationTo find the steady flow water surface profile, it is possible to use Bernoulli’s equation, which is a discrete form of the differential energy equation. Such an approach requires the average energy slope between cross-sections to be estimated. In the literature, many methods are proposed for estimating the average energy slope in this case, such as the arithmetic mean, resulting in the standard step method, the harmonic mean and...
PublicationThe article discusses the problem of mathematical modelling of energy conversion processes in a rotating mechanical system for the purpose of identifying fatigue states of propulsion shafts in this system. A simplified physical model of the analysed system, constructed in an appropriate scale, has made the basis for the experimental research. The research programme took into consideration mechanical fatigue excitation of the model...
PublicationIn the present article, selected problems connected with identification of slowly changing energy-related processes accompanying high cyclic fatigue of construction materials of simple mechanical systems, with special consideration of transmission shafts, are mentioned for diagnostic purposes. The article also presents physical models of object and processes that in a simplified way reflect mechanical energy transmission from transmission...
Low energy differential elastic electron scattering from acetonitrile (CH3CN)
PublicationMeasurements of elastic differential cross sections for electron scattering from acetonitrile (CH3CN) have been performed utilizing a crossed electron-molecular beam experiment and with the relative flow method, for the incident electron energy range of 0.7 eV–30 eV and the scattering angle range of 10◦–130◦. These differential cross sections have been used to calculate the elastic integral and momentum- transfer cross sections,...
Interaction of low energy electrons with formic acid monomer, dimer and trimer
PublicationConfigurations of the formic acid monomer, dimer and trimer are presented. We have calculated the total energies for these structures. We have considered also the negatively charged clusters and discussed the possible pathways of interaction of low energy electrons with monomers and clusters. Calculations have been executed using 6-311G** and 6-311++G** basis sets. The electron affinities of monomer and clusters are presented....
The Effect of Sodium Tetrafluoroborate on the Properties of Conversion Coatings Formed on the AZ91D Magnesium Alloy by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
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Enhancing CO2 Conversion to CO over Plasma-Deposited Composites Based on Mixed Co and Fe Oxides
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Up-conversion luminescence in low phonon heavy metal oxide glass co-doped with Er3+/Ho3+
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Intra-operative gallbladder scoring predicts conversion of laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy: a WSES prospective collaborative study
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Modulation of the binding affinity of naproxen to bovine serum albumin by conversion of the drug into amino acid ester salts
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FPGA implementation of reverse residue conversion based on the new Chinese Remainder Theorem II- Part I
PublicationW pracy opisano implementację algorytmu konwersji z systemu resztowego do systemu binarnego opartą na nowej formie chińskiego twierdzenia o resztach określanego jako CRT II.Nowa forma CRT nie wymaga operacji modulo M , gdzie M jest zakresem liczbowym systemu resztowego, jednak wymagana jest pewna liczba mnożników. W środowisku FPGA jest zwykle dostępne są mnożniki, stąd mogą być one wykorzystane do realizacji konwertera. Głównym...
PublicationThe implementation of smart charging of electric vehicles allows operators of local power networks and electricity suppliers to implement new business models for the interaction of electric vehicles with the network. In addition to the optimal selection of Microgrid capacities when charging electric vehicles, it is also important to use different charging methods. To satisfy the interests of all participants of local systems from...
Improving the energy balance in wastewater treatment plants by optimization of aeration control and application of new technologies
PublicationThe methods to improve the energy balance of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) by optimization of aeration process control and application of innovative nitrogen removal technologies were overviewed in the study. The control of aeration based on the ABAC (Ammonia-Based Aeration Control) system allows not only for significant savings in electricity consumption, but it can also increase the efficiency of the denitrification process....
Hybrid energy storage forelectric multiple units to operate at the partially electrified line Gdynia -Hel
PublicationThe article presents calculations enabling the selection of an on-board energy storage device to replace diesel-powered trains with modern storage multiple units on the example railway line Gdynia Główna -Hel. The pioneering and currently used storage electric multiple units, mainly in Europe, were presented. The condensed results of the inventory of the line in question, including the technical condition...
Grid-Forming Operation of Energy-Router Based on Model Predictive Control with Improved Dynamic Performance
PublicationThe focus of this study is on the grid-forming operation of the Energy Router (ER) based on Model Predictive Control (MPC). ER is regarded as a key component of microgrids. It is a converter that interfaces the microgrid (s) with the utility grid. The ER has a multiport structure and bidirectional energy flow control. The ER concept can be implemented in Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) to provide flexible energy control. A...
The Dilemmas of Choosing a Suitable Technology for Low Energy and Passive Houses in the Context of their Overheating Issues
PublicationIn compliance with European Union directives, numerous countries are introducing increasingly stricter legal limits on the estimated energy consumption of newly designed residential buildings. However, the fact, that regulations and designers' efforts are focused on decreasing energy consumption (and consequently carbon dioxide emissions) only at the post-occupancy stage, may lead to a significant increase in the carbon footprint...
Impact of Energy Slope Averaging Methods on Numerical Solution of 1D Steady Gradually Varied Flow
PublicationIn this paper, energy slope averaging in the one-dimensional steady gradually varied flow model is considered. For this purpose, different methods of averaging the energy slope between cross-sections are used. The most popular are arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and hydraulic means. However, from the formal viewpoint, the application of different averaging formulas results in different numerical integration formulas. This study...
Reducing Air Pollutant Emissions from the Residential Sector by Switching to Alternative Energy Sources in Single-Family Homes
PublicationThe paper discusses a scenario for adapting residential buildings to the requirements of the EU climate and energy package. It analyzes the option of reducing pollutant emissions to ambient air by switching to alternative energy sources in a typical single-family residential building. The most common sources of energy in central heating and ventilation systems and water heating systems were compared, and the analyzed energy carriers...
Potential of silicon carbide MOSFETs in the DC/DC converters for future HVDC offshore wind farms
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Review of Structural Strength in the Event of a One-Leg Punch through for a Wind Turbine Installation Vessel
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Wind-wave variability in a shallow tidal sea—Spectral modelling combined with neural network methods
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The influence of height-do-diameter ratio on wind load of double-shell cylindrical, vertical tank
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano skrót badań modelowych obciążenia wiatrem dwupłaszczowych zbiorników walcowych o różnych smukłościach aerodynamicznych. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów przeprowadzonych na dwóch modelach zbiorników z dachem pływającym i stosunku wysokości do średnicy płaszcza 0,45 i 0,25.
Application scanning laser measurements and wavlet transform for dmagae detection in composite wind turbine blade
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów postaci drgań własnych kompozytowej łopaty turbiny wiatrowej. Przedstawiono wyniki detekcji uszkodzeń oparte o analize falkową zmierzonych form drgań.
A non-adiabatic wavepacket dynamical study of the low energy chargetransfer process in the S3+ + H collision
PublicationThe collisional system S3+ + H?S2+ + H+ has been studied using a time-dependent wavepacket methodologyin two-dimensions. Using available potential energy surfaces and coupling matrix elementsobtained from multireference ab initio calculations, five non-adiabatically coupled electronic states of1P symmetry have been included in the dynamical simulations. The collision has been studied in thelow energy regime of 1-10 eV. The wavepacket...
Physical and chemical basis of energy generation
e-Learning Courses -
Control system for contactless electrical energy transfer with varying air gap
PublicationInductive power transfer (IPT) is a system by which electrical energy may be transmitted without electrical connection through a large air gap between coils. Systems usually considered in the literature are the ones with a constant air gap. The paper describes the analysis of IPT, which allows for supplying an electrical load in the conditions of slow, in relation to the dynamics of power supply, changes in the dimensions of the...
Do the New Requirements for the Use of Energy Efficient Lighting Design Mean the End of Creativity?,
PublicationThis paper addresses issues strongly connected to recent environmental discussions which are currently taking place in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and other parts of the world about global warming, the Greenhouse Effect, light pollution and other negative impacts artificial lighting has on our planet and what can be done about it. The author also attempts to answer indirectly two of the most important questions for lighting...
Super capacitor energy bank MEDCOM UCER-01 in Gdynia trolleybus system
PublicationSince 2001, trolleybus system in Gdynia has been involved in many activities related to the reduction of power consumption, both in terms of implementation and research and development. The installation of the supercapacity energy bank on substation Wielkopolska in 2014 year was one of them. It is the first such big stationary supercapacitor storage system installed in trolleybus supply system in the Middle - Eastern Europe. The...
Dynamic GPU power capping with online performance tracing for energy efficient GPU computing using DEPO tool
PublicationGPU accelerators have become essential to the recent advance in computational power of high- performance computing (HPC) systems. Current HPC systems’ reaching an approximately 20–30 mega-watt power demand has resulted in increasing CO2 emissions, energy costs and necessitate increasingly complex cooling systems. This is a very real challenge. To address this, new mechanisms of software power control could be employed. In this...
Fracture Energy of Bonded Joints with 2D Elastic Adhesive Layer
PublicationWhen bonded joint is subjected to mode I fracture loading, the adhesive joints analytical solutions treats the adhesive layer, usually, as not existing or 1D Hooke elastic layer. In the case of 1D elastic layer, represented as Hookes spring element, is acting, only, in direction contrary to the applied load. Basing on the information yielded from sensitive laser profilometry technique, where deflections of bonded part of the joint...
Low energy elastic scattering of electrons from hexafluoropropene (C3F6)
PublicationWe present cross sections from a joint experimental and theoretical study on elastic electron scattering from hexafluoropropene (C3F6) in the gas phase. The experimental results, using low energy electron spectroscopy, were obtained at incident electron energies of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 and 20 eV, for scattering angles ranging from 10°to 130°. The theoretical method used in the computation of the integral, momentum...
Strategies for achieving energy neutrality in biological nutrient removal systems - a case study of the Slupsk WWTP (northern Poland)
PublicationThe paper presents a model-based evaluation of technological upgrades on the energy and cost balance in a large biological nutrient removal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the city of Slupsk (northern Poland). The proposed upgrades include chemically enhanced primary sludge removal and reduction of the nitrogen load in the deammonification process employed for reject water treatment. Simulations enabled to estimate the increased...
Strategies for Achieving Energy Neutrality in Biological Nutrient Removal Systems – a Case Study of the Slupsk WWTP (northern Poland)
PublicationThe paper presents a model-based evaluation of technological upgrades on the energy and cost balance in a large biological nutrient removal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the city of Slupsk (northern Poland). The proposed upgrades include chemically enhanced primary sludge removal and reduction of the nitrogen load in the deammonification process employed for reject water treatment. Simulations enabled to estimate the increased...
Adiabatic potential energy curves of the 3, 4 and 5^1Σ^+ excited states of LiCs molecule
Open Research DataAdiabatic potential energy curves of the 3, 4, and 5^1Σ^+ excited states have been calculated for the LiCs molecule. The results of three excited states of the symmetry Σ^+ have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction of valence electrons with atomic...
Vessel Energy Requirement Prediction from Acceleration Stage Towing Tests on Scale Models
PublicationOne of the most crucial tasks for naval architects is computing the energy required to meet the ship’s operational needs. When predicting a ship’s energy requirements, a series of hull resistance tests on a scale model vessel is carried out in constant speed stages, while the acceleration stage measurements are ignored. Another important factor in seakeeping analysis is the ship’s hydrodynamic added mass. The second law of dynamics...
Low-energy positron collisions with water: elastic and rotationally inelastic scattering
PublicationDifferential, integral and momentum transfer cross sections for the vibrationally elastic and rotationally inelastic scattering of positrons from water at low collision energy (E ≤ 10 eV) are reported. Several models within the R-matrix method are used to compute the body-fixed T-matrices, while the scattering calculations are performed within the fixed-nuclei approximation corrected with the standard Born-closure formula. These...
Effect of Vascular Lumen Reduction on the Performance and Energy Consumption of an Innovative Implantable LVAD
PublicationThis paper presents the results of a study on the effect of vascular lumen reduction on the performance of an innovative implantable LVAD (left ventricular assist device). It details the pressures in the individual cardiac chambers as a function of device frequency. In addition, mass flow rates and energy consumption of the device are examined, varying with lumen reduction and operating frequency. While the lumen reduction of the...
Assessing Roadside Hybrid Energy Absorbers Using the Example of SafeEnd
PublicationA combination of crash cushion and end-terminal, hybrid energy absorbing devices have been in use worldwide for a few years already. They include SafeEnd, a system Poland has recently introduced. Some road authorities have raised concerns as regards the operating conditions of the devices and how they work together with safety barriers. The objective of this research is to clarify the concerns and answer the following questions:...
Geometry optimization of steroid sulfatase inhibitors - the influence on the free binding energy with STS
PublicationIn the paper we review the application of two techniques (molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics) to study the influence of geometry optimization of the steroid sulfatase inhibitors on the values of descriptors coded their chemical structure and their free binding energy with the STS protein. We selected 22 STS-inhibitors and compared their structures optimized with MM+, PM7 and DFT B3LYP/6–31++G* approaches considering separately...
Striving for spatial energy efficiency in dwelling complexes. Kształtowanie przestrzennej efektywności energetycznej w zespołach zabudowy mieszkaniowej.
PublicationThe main aim of this article was to discover the key characteristics in shaping most rewarded eco- district complexes built respectively in temperate climate zone in respect to spatial energy efficiency and resilience principles. It was done through careful case studies, comparative analysis and juxtaposition of critical parameters related to spatial energy efficiency and resilience in chosen representative dwelling complexes....
Silicon Oxycarbide-Graphite Electrodes for High-Power Energy Storage Devices
PublicationHerein we present a study on polymer-derived silicon oxycarbide (SiOC)/graphite composites for a potential application as an electrode in high power energy storage devices, such as Lithium-Ion Capacitor (LIC). The composites were processed using high power ultrasound-assisted sol-gel synthesis followed by pyrolysis. The intensive sonication enhances gelation and drying process, improving the homogenous distribution of the graphitic...