total: 934
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Search results for: ag@si nps
Highly stable CsFAPbIBr perovskite solar cells with dominant bulk recombination at real operating temperatures
PublicationMixed-cation mixed-halide perovskite solar cells have been characterized in DC at different temperatures (from −20 °C up to 50 °C) and the time evolution of the device efficiency has been assessed using different degradation protocols (indoors and outdoors). The completely planar p–i–n structure is ITO/CuNiOx/PTAA/CsFAPbIBr/PCBM/PEI/Ag. Pristine current–voltage characteristics barely show hysteresis, at any temperature. Open circuit...
Enhancement of self-trapped excitons and near-infrared emission in Bi3+/Er3+ co-doped Cs2Ag0.4Na0.6InCl6 double perovskite
Open Research DataErbium (Er) complexes are used as optical gain materials for signal generation in the telecom C-band at 1540 nm, but they need a sensitizer to enhance absorption. Na+ substitution for Ag+ and Bi3+ doping at the In3+ site is a possible strategy to enhance the broadband emission of Cs2AgInCl6, which could be used as a sensitizer for energy transfer to...
Topography of iron-phosphate glasses doped with niobium and titanium tested by confocal microscope
Open Research DataThe topography of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium and titanium were investigated with the use of confocal miscroscope. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-35Nb2O5, 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-27.5Nb2O5-7.5TiO2 and 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-20Nb2O5-15TiO2 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents...
Imaging and chemical investigation of silver coating
Open Research DataThe recovery of silver from materials such as plates, still used in clinical radiography [1], or scrap jewelery is still very popular. The subject of the research, part of which was microscopic imaging, was to recreate the behavior of an electrochemically deposited silver coating. The copper electrodes were covered with a layer of silver obtained from...
Ewaluacja bez końca – na przykładach publikacji wdyscyplinach inżynieryjnych
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy zagadnień ewaluacji pracowników naukowych. Prace związane z oceną dorobku nabierają szczególnego znaczenia zwłaszcza w okresie tu ż przed ewaluacją instytucji. Deponowanie danych publikacyjnych odbywa si ę w systemach mających służyć ewaluacji w Polsce: system POL-on (baza PBN). Zaprezentowane aspekty ewaluacji są związane z pierwszym kryterium tj. publikacyjnym (kryterium 1). Dla nauk inżynieryjnych wkład wynosi...
Nano-structured Pt embedded in acidic salts of heteropolymolybdate matrices: MS EXAFS study
PublicationA structural study of Pt nano-catalysts is presented in the paper. The innovation in the case of the considered catalytic materials resides in the use a meso-microporous inorganic matrix of heteropolyacid salt of composition X2.5H0.5YMo12O40 where X = Rb, Cs and Y = P, Si as a catalyst support. Metallic nanoparticles were created by platinum ions reduction in a hot H2/Argon stream and were mainly located into matrix pores. As the...
Organic semiconductor rubrene thin films deposited by pulsed laser evaporation of solidified solutions
PublicationOrganic semiconductor rubrene (C42H28) belongs to most preferred spintronic materials because of the high charge carrier mobility up to 40 cm2(V·s)-1. However, the fabrication of a defect-free, polycrystalline rubrene for spintronic applications represents a difficult task. We report preparation and properties of rubrene thin films deposited by pulsed laser evaporation of solidified solutions. Samples of rubrene dissolved in aromatic...
Zadbaj o siebie. Warsztat online z elementami mindfulness
EventsNasze intensywne i wymagające życie, ostatnio jeszcze bardziej się zmieniło, często wymagając od nas dużej zmiany i wywracając do góry nogami dotychczas wypracowane nawyki. Jak sobie z tym poradzić?
Linear impedance of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-35Nb2O5
Open Research DataThe electrical properties of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium were investigated. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-35Nb2O5 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents ((NH4)2HPO4 (≥99.9%, POCH), Fe2O3 (≥99.9%, POCH), Nb2O5 (≥99.9%, PLUKA AG) and TiO2 (≥99.9%, anatase...
Linear impedance of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-27.5Nb2O5-7.5TiO2
Open Research DataThe electrical properties of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium and titanium were investigated. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-27.5Nb2O5-7.5TiO2 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents ((NH4)2HPO4 (≥99.9%, POCH), Fe2O3 (≥99.9%, POCH), Nb2O5 (≥99.9%, PLUKA AG) and...
Linear impedance of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-20Nb2O5-15TiO2
Open Research DataThe electrical properties of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium and titanium were investigated. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-20Nb2O5-15TiO2 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents ((NH4)2HPO4 (≥99.9%, POCH), Fe2O3 (≥99.9%, POCH), Nb2O5 (≥99.9%, PLUKA AG) and TiO2...
Utilising AI Models to Analyse the Relationship between Battlefield Developments in the Russian-Ukrainian War and Fluctuations in Stock Market Values
PublicationThis study examines the impact of battlefield developments in the ongoing Russian–Ukrainian war, which to date has lasted over 1000 days, on the stock prices of defence corporations such as BAE Systems, Booz Allen Hamilton, Huntington Ingalls, and Rheinmetall AG. Stock prices were analysed alongside sentiment data extracted from news articles, and processed using machine learning models leveraging natural...
Measurement of luminance and color uniformity of displays using the large-format scanner
PublicationUniformity of display luminance and color is important for comfort and good perception of the information presented on the display. Although display technology has developed and improved a lot over the past years, different types of displays still present a challenge in selected applications, e.g. in medical use or in case of multi-screen installations. A simplified 9-point method of determining uniformity does not always produce...
Derivatization of SWCNTs with cobalt phthalocyanine residues and applications in screen printed electrodes for electrochemical detection of thiocholine
PublicationJednościenne nanorurki węglowe (SWCNTs) sfunkcjonalizowane resztami ftalocyjaniny kobaltu zostały nałożone na sitodrukowane elektrody grafitowe (SPEs) i zastosowane do elektrochemicznego utleniania tiocholiny (TCh) w zakresie niskich potencjałów. Kowalencyjne przyłączenie ftalocyjaniny kobaltu do SWCNTs trwałym wiązanie sulfonamidowym zostało dowiedzione spektroskopią Ramana i UV-Vis i analizą termograwimetryczną połączoną z detekcją...
Experimental tuning of AuAg nanoalloy plasmon resonances assisted by machine learning method
PublicationPlasmonic nanostructures based on AuAg nanoalloys were fabricated by thermal annealing of metallic films in an argon atmosphere. The nanoalloys were chosen because they can extend the wavelength range in which plasmon resonance occurs and thus allow the design of plasmonic platforms with the desired parameters. The influence of initial fabrication parameters and experimental conditions on the formation of nanostructures was investigated....
Enhanced supercapacitor materials from pyrolyzed algae and graphene composites
PublicationThis study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of supercapacitor materials derived from pyrolyzed natural compounds. Four compounds were investigated: methylcellulose with lysine (ML), methylcellulose with lysine-graphene composite (MLG), algae (A), and algae-graphene composite (AG). The pyrolysis process was utilized to convert these natural compounds into carbon-based materials suitable for supercapacitor applications....
Interlaboratory Test to Characterize the Cyclic Behavior of Bituminous Interlayers: An Overview of Testing Equipment and Protocols
PublicationThe performance assessment of multi-layered pavements strongly depends on the mechanical behavior of the interface between bituminous layers. So far, comprehensive studies have been carried out mainly using quasi-static laboratory tests focusing on the interlayer shear strength at failure. However, it is generally recognized that cyclic shear testing will lead to the determination of parameters which are more closely linked to...
NOx Photooxidation over Different Noble Metals Modified TiO2
PublicationWe compared the activity enhancement effect of noble metal deposited on TiO2 in photocatalytic nitrogen oxides oxidation. Titanium dioxide was decorated with Ag, Au, Pt or Pd in the sol-gel process. Synthesized catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller measurement (BET), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX)....
Preparation and photocatalytic activity of Nd-modified TiO2 photocatalysts: Insight into the excitation mechanism under visible light
PublicationTitanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (NPs) modified with neodymium (Nd) in the range between 0.1 and 1.0 mol% were prepared via the hydrothermal method. The samples obtained were characterized by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray fluorescence (EDX), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method, X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and photoluminescence...
The effect of gold shape and size on the properties and visiblelight-induced photoactivity of Au-TiO2
PublicationtIn the present investigation, TiO2modified with a different geometry and size of gold particles, suchas nanospheres (NSPs), nanostars (NSTs) and nanorods (NRs), were prepared by the immobilizationmethod. The effect of the gold shape, size and TiO2matrix type (TiO2microspheres or rutile TIO-6 TiO2)were systematically investigated. The obtained photocatalysts were thoroughly characterized by UV–visdiffuse-reflectance spectroscopy...
Featuring Semitransparent p–i–n Perovskite Solar Cells for High-Efficiency Four-Terminal/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
PublicationTwo issues need to be resolved when fabricating p–i–n semitransparent perovskite solar cells (ST-PVSCs) for four-terminal (4 T) perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells: 1) damage to the underlying absorber (MAPbI3), electron transporting layer ([6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester, PCBM), and work function (WF) modifier (polyethylenimine, PEI), resulting from the harsh sputtering conditions for the transparent electrodes (TEs)...
Thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties of Fe2O3–PbO–SiO2 glass prepared by traditional melt-quenching and twin roller fast-cooling methods
PublicationIn this study, Fe–Pb–Si oxide glasses containing between 12.5 and 17.5 mol% Fe2O3 were prepared using two different methods comprising traditional melt-quenching and twin roller fast-cooling techniques. The topography and structure of the materials obtained were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. All of the materials were found to be amorphous. The topography of most of the glasses comprised...
Mn-Co nanofilms on nickel foam measured by XPS mehod
Open Research DataManganium-Cobaltium based thin films were electrochemically deposited on a Ni based subsrates in a one-step process at −1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl in an aqueous solution of differently concentrated Mn(NO3)2·4H2O and Co(NO3)2·6H2O with the deposition time limited by charges of 60, 120, and 200 mC at 25 °C. The concentration ratios of Mn(NO3)2·4H2O to Co(NO3)2·6H2O...
Hydrogenation process ofTiO2/BiVO4/PEDOT:PSS observed by XPS method
Open Research DataTitania nanotubes synthesis was based on a two-stage anodization process at water/ethylene glycol (5%/95%) electrolyte containing 0.27 M NH4F and 1 M H3PO4 described previously. Anodization process was performed in two-electrode cell compartment using platinum mesh as a cathode. The distance between electrodes was about 2 cm. The anodization voltage...
High temperature linear impedance of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-35Nb2O5
Open Research DataThe high temperature electrical properties of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium were investigated. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-35Nb2O5 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents ((NH4)2HPO4 (≥99.9%, POCH), Fe2O3 (≥99.9%, POCH), Nb2O5 (≥99.9%, PLUKA AG) and TiO2...
High temperature linear impedance of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-27.5Nb2O5-7.5TiO2
Open Research DataThe high temperature electrical properties of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium were investigated. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-27.5Nb2O5-7.5TiO2 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents ((NH4)2HPO4 (≥99.9%, POCH), Fe2O3 (≥99.9%, POCH), Nb2O5 (≥99.9%, PLUKA AG)...
High temperature linear impedance of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-25Nb2O5-15TiO2
Open Research DataThe high temperature electrical properties of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium and titanium were investigated. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-20Nb2O5-15TiO2 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents ((NH4)2HPO4 (≥99.9%, POCH), Fe2O3 (≥99.9%, POCH), Nb2O5 (≥99.9%,...
Spectroelectrochemical characteristics of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) / iron hexacyanoferrate film-modified electrodes
PublicationPraca dotyczy pomiarów spektroelektrochemicznych materiałów hybrydowych złożonych z polimeru elektroaktywnego poli(3,4-etylenodioksytiofenu) i Błękitu Pruskiego. Dla porównania badano również filmy polimerowe z wybranymi przeciwjonami: heksacyjanożelazowym (Fe(CN)63-/4-), chlorkowym (Cl-) i polistyrenosulfonowym (PSS-). Materiały w postaci cienkich filmów otrzymano na elektrodzie szklanej pokrytej tlenkiem indowo-cynowym. Widma...
Electrochemical Stability of Few-Layered Phosphorene Flakes on Boron-Doped Diamond: A Wide Potential Range of Studies in Aqueous Solutions
PublicationTwo-dimensional phosphorene has attracted great interest since its discovery as a result of its extraordinary properties. Two-dimensional single crystals of phosphorene can be useful for electrochemical (EC) sensing applications due to their enhanced surface-to-volume ratio. We proposed to investigate the electrochemical performance of phosphorene deposited directly on boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. Noncovalent interaction...
Enhanced Photoelectrocatalytical Performance of Inorganic-Inorganic Hybrid Consisting BiVO4, V2O5, and Cobalt Hexacyanocobaltate as a Perspective Photoanode for Water Splitting
PublicationThin layers of BiVO4/V2O5 were prepared on FTO substrates using pulsed laser deposition technique. The method of cobalt hexacyanocobaltate (Cohcc) synthesis on the BiVO4/V2O5 photoanodes consists of cobalt deposition followed by electrochemical oxidation of metallic Co in K3[Co(CN)6] aqueous electrolyte. The modified electrodes were tested as photoanodes for water oxidation under simulated sunlight irradiation. Deposited films...
C-1311 (Symadex), a potential anti-cancer drug, intercalates into DNA between A and G moieties. NMR-derived and MD-refined stereostructure of the d(GAGGCCTC) 2 :C-1311 complex
PublicationImidazoacridinone C-1311 (Symadex®) is an antitumor agent which has been recommended for Phase II clinical trials a few years ago. Previously, it was shown experimentally that during the initial stage of its action C-1311 forms stable intercalation complexes with DNA duplexes. Herein, a NMR-derived stereostructure of d(GAGGCCTC)2:C-1311 complex was reported. The ligand was found locating itself between A and G moieties, forming...
Visible light activity of pulsed layer deposited BiVO4/MnO2 films decorated with gold nanoparticles: The evidence for hydroxyl radicals formation
PublicationThin films containing BiVO4 and MnO2 deposited on FTO and modified by Au nanoparticles were studied towards their photoelectrochemical and photocatalytical activities in an aqueous electrolyte. Electrodes were prepared by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method. The surfactant-free ablation process was used for preparation of the gold nanoparticles (GNP) water suspension. Obtained layers of varied thicknesses (27–115 nm) were...
Investigation of the electrochemical behaviour of AA1050 aluminium alloy in aqueous alkaline solutions using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
PublicationThe paper presents the electrochemical behaviour of aluminium alloy AA1050 in aqueous alkaline media in the pH range 14–8.5. Electrochemical study was applied in order to obtain comprehensive information on the mechanism and kinetics of the process of anodic dissolution of aluminium, supplemented by monitoring of surface topography using an electron microscope. The corrosion rate of AA1050 increases with increasing concentration...
Comparative Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Used in Photogrammetric Surveys
PublicationThere are many manufacturers on the market offering various types of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). The multitude of drones available on the market means that the choice of a UAV for a specific application appears to be a decision problem to be solved. The aim of this article is a comparative analysis of drones used in photogrammetric surveys. The criteria for evaluating the UAVs were: availability and product support, payload...
Operational problems of large power diesel engines combusting biofuels, considered togetherwith assessment of their operation
PublicationWithin this article the issue of large power self ignition engines fed with biofuels has been undertaken. The analysis focused mainly on operation problems. There has been noticed some advantages and difficulties associated with the biofuel application to self ignition engines. The research problem has been characterised and the research purposes have been proposed enabling the most profitable formation of energetic features of...
Novel Functionalization of Boron-Doped Diamond by Microwave Pulsed-Plasma Polymerized Allylamine Film
PublicationWe report the novel modification of a hydrogen-terminated polycrystalline boron-doped electrode with a microwave pulsed-plasma polymerized allylamine. Boron-doped diamond (BDD) was coated with a very thin layer of adherent cross-linked, pinhole- and additive-free allylamine plasma polymer (PPAAm) resistant to hydrolysis and delamination and characterized by a high density of positively charged amino groups. The pulsed microwave...
Deposition and characterization of organic polymer thin films using a dielectric barrier discharge with different C2Hm/N2 (m = 2, 4, 6) gas mixtures
PublicationOrganic polymer thin films have been deposited on Si(100) and aluminum coated glass substrates by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operated at medium pressure using different C2Hm/N2 (m = 2, 4, 6) gas mixtures. The deposited films were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques. Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (FT-IRRAS) revealed the chemical functional groups present in the films. The surface...
Morphology, Photocatalytic and Antimicrobial Properties of TiO2 Modified with Mono- and Bimetallic Copper, Platinum and Silver Nanoparticles
PublicationNoble metal nanoparticles (NMNPs) enhanced TiO2 response and extended its activity under visible light. Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 modified with noble metal nanoparticles strongly depends on the physicochemical properties of NMNPs. Among others, the differences in the size of NMNPs seems to be one of the most important factors. In this view, the effect of the metal’s nanoparticles size, type and amount on TiO2 photocatalytic...
MOF/TiO2 erythrocyte-like heterostructures decorated by noble metals for use in hydrogen photogeneration and pollutant photodegradation
PublicationVarious metal–organic framework (MOF)/TiO2 heterostructures can be obtained by the partial hydrolysis or calcination of Ti-based MOFs. By adjusting the hydrolysis and calcination steps of NH2-MIL-125 (Ti), a novel photoactive material composed of a MOF (NH2-MIL-125 (Ti)) and TiO2, with a unique “erythrocyte” shape, was developed. Furthermore, modification of the composition prepared by the partial hydrolysis of NH2- MIL-125 (Ti)...
Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś dr hab. inż.
PeopleMagdalena Brzozowska-Woś is a graduate of the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology (specialization: management systems). She is also a graduate of Postgraduate Studies in Advertising (Faculty of Management and Economics, GUT) and Postgraduate Studies in Public Relations (SWPS University of Humanities and Social Sciences). In the years 2000-2003, she cooperated with Panorama Internet sp. z o....
Mixed-use buildings as the basic unit that shapes the housing environment of smart cities of the future
PublicationThe contemporary approach to creating the residential function is confronted with the trend of increasing the volume of buildings and expectations regarding the future urban environment focused on sustainable development. This paper presents an overview of the residential structure in the context of defined thematic scopes. Namely, it is a systemic approach to the problem of designing mixed-use buildings which create a modern residential...
Characterization of glucoamylase immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles
PublicationMagnetic support was prepared by precipitation from an alkaline solution of divalent and trivalent iron ions and subsequently was modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane. FTIR analysis showed existence of a new Si-O-Fe bond in obtained particles. Scanning electronic microscopy images shows that the nanoparticles of all samples have particle size below 30 nm. Glucoamylase AMG 300L was immobilized onto the modified magnetic support...
Growth and Isolation of Large Area Boron‐Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Sheets: A Route toward Diamond‐on‐Graphene Heterojunction
PublicationMany material device applications would benefit from thin diamond coatings, but current growth techniques, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or atomic layer deposition require high substrate and gas‐phase temperatures that would destroy the device being coated. The development of freestanding, thin boron‐doped diamond nanosheets grown on tantalum foil substrates via microwave plasma‐assisted CVD is reported. These diamond...
Transparent TiO2 nanotubes supporting silver sulfide for photoelectrochemical water splitting
PublicationDifferences between photoelectrochemical and electrochemical activity were thoroughly investigated for the oxygen evolution reaction mediated by Ag2S deposited on two types of ordered titania substrates. Titanium dioxide nanotubes were fabricated by anodization of magnetron sputtered Ti films on ITO-coated glass substrates or directly from Ti foil. Further, Ag2S deposition on the nanotubes was carried out using successive ionic...
Organic-inorganic composites consisted of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)and Prussian Blue analogues
PublicationThe organic-inorganic material consisted of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (pEDOT) and copper hexacyanoferrate (Cuhcf) was synthesized. The pEDOT film with Fe(CN)63−/4− as counter-ions potentiodynamically polarized in aqueous CuCl2 electrolyte brings about stable hybrid material (pEDOT/Cuhcf) performing single redox activity of FeII/III at a formal potential Ef = 0.61 V (vs. Ag/AgCl/0.1 M KCl) and less clearly shaped two redox...
The influence of polarization of titania nanotubes modified by a hybrid system made of a conducting polymer PEDOT and Prussian Blue redox network on the Raman spectroscopy response and photoelectrochemical properties
PublicationIn this work we show the impact of applied potential on network vibrations and photoelectrochemical properties of a composite material containing hydrogenated titania nanotubes and poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) with iron hexacyanoferrate (H-TiO2/pEDOT:Fehcf) acting as a redox centre. For this purpose, Raman spectroscopy measurements under the working electrode (WE) polarization were carried out, allowing investigation of changes...
Estimating the Impact of Inflow on the Chemistry of Two Different Caldera Type Lakes Located on the Bali Island (Indonesia)
PublicationThis paper is a preliminary attempt to assess the composition of pollutants in two different caldera lakes situated in the Indonesian Archipelago: Batur and Bratan. Both lakes are characterized by largely different physico-chemical regimes; Batur Lake is located in an area that is currently volcanically active, unlike Bratan Lake. The latter is much smaller and shallower than Batur Lake. The concentration of pollutants in the Indonesian...
The role of atmospheric precipitation in introducing contaminants to the surface waters of the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen.
PublicationAlthough the Svalbard Archipelago is located at a high latitude, far from potential contaminant sources, it is not free from anthropogenic impact. Towards the Fuglebekken catchment, in the southern part of Spitsbergen, north of Hornsund fjord, contaminants can be transported from mainland pollution sources. In the precipitation and surface water collected in the catchment, the following elements were detected and quantified: Ag,...
Mineral Composition of Dietary Supplements-Analytical and Chemometric Approach
PublicationThere is a lack of data on the actual composition and effectiveness of beetroot-based dietary supplements. The research aimed to determine the profile of 22 elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, As, Se, Zn, Cu, Ag, Co, Ni, Mo, Al, Mn, Sr, Cr, Ba, Li, Pb, Cd) in beetroot and its supplements by the microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES) method. The analytical procedure was optimised and validated. The composition of both...
Multisine impedimetric probing of biocatalytic reactions for label-free detection of DEFB1 gene: How to verify that your dog is not human?
PublicationAlbert is a dog (Canis familiaris), but he does not realize this. Albert loves human food (and beer), watching movies on the internet, sleeping in bed, and more. But he should not do all these things. To convince him that, we have desinged a test procedure. The DEFB1 gene is unique to human species. Detecting its presence from saliva and in short periods may offer an advantage in the field of forensic medicine, and influence Albert’s...