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A Green Chemistry "environmentally friendly" approach to the synthesis of chloro-intermediates of ephedrine/pseudoephedrine
PublicationMethylamphetamine is an addictive stimulant drug that strongly activates certain systems in the brain. It is closely related chemically to amphetamine, but the central nervous system effects of methamphetamine are greater. There is much interest in methylamphetamine among scientists and therefore the synthesizes of methylamphetamine and its metabolites are carried out on a large scale in chemical laboratories. Globally, ephedrine...
Procedure based functional safety and information security management of industrial automation and control systems on example of the oil port installations
PublicationThe approach addresses selected technical and organization aspects of risk mitigation in the oil port installations with regard to functional safety and security requirements specified in standards IEC 61508, IEC 61511 and IEC 62443. The procedure for functional safety management includes the hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safety requirements and definition of...
State of Development of Intelligent Transport Systems Services on National Roads in Poland
PublicationIn recent years we can see intensifying implementation of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) measures in Polish cities and on national roads. The architecture of the National Traffic Management System (KSZR) will enable the implementation of a uniform, integrated and intelligent ICT system to launch ITS systems that are the most important for drivers and the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA). This paper...
RSS-Based DoA Estimation for ESPAR Antennas Using Support Vector Machine
PublicationIn this letter, it is shown how direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation for electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas, which are designed to be integrated within wireless sensor network nodes, can be improved by applying support vector classification approach to received signal strength (RSS) values recorded at an antenna's output port. The proposed method relies on ESPAR antenna's radiation patterns measured...
PublicationTechnology in classroom is a matter of heated discussions in the field of education development, especially when multidisciplinary education goes along with language skills. Engineers’ education requires theoretical and practical knowledge. Moreover, dedicated computer skills become crucial for both young graduates and experienced educators on the labor market. Teaching online with or without using different Learning Management...
Risk Diagnosis and Management with BBN for Civil Engineering Projects during Construction and Operation
PublicationThe authors demonstrate how expert knowledge about the construction and operation phases combined with monitoring data can be utilized for the diagnosis and management of risks typical to large civil engineering projects. The methodology chosen for estimating the probabilities of risk elements is known as Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN). Using a BBN model one can keep on updating the risk event probabilities as the new evidence...
Quality inspection system in flexible manufacturing cell.
PublicationPublikacja dotyczy struktury procesu produkcyjnego w środowisku komputerowo zintegrowanego wytwarzania (computer integrated manufacturing - CIM). Ukazuje ona aspekty kontroli jakości wykonania części na różnych etapach procesu wytwórczego, podkreślając jego istotność. W celu dokonania szczegółowej analizy problemu zebrano dane o jakości wykonania części na poszczególnych poziomach wytwarzania. Analizy dowiodły, że jakość wykonania...
Atomic Force Microscope data post-processing algorithm for higher harmonics imaging
PublicationPrevious works have proved that higher harmonics topography imaging using atomic force microscope (AFM) can significantly enhanced its measurement capabilities. Integrated tools dedicated to most of microscopes allow to visualize the investigated surface only by one selected harmonic. Because of the different characteristics of a sample, scanning tip and the environment, appropriate harmonic selection is time consuming and requires...
Design of a Distributed System using Mobile Devices and Workflow Management for Measurement and Control of a Smart Home and Health
PublicationThe paper presents design of a distributed system for measurements and control of a smart home including temper- atures, light, fire danger, health problems of inhabitants such as increased body temperature, a person falling etc. This is done by integration of mobile devices and standards, distributed service based middleware BeesyCluster and a workflow management system. Mobile devices are used to measure the parameters and are...
Virtual immersive environments
PublicationYet a higher level of active systems may be achieved when users are fully immersed in an interface which is a 3D computer generated virtual world and can interact with surrounding objects of that world as they were in a real one. This is the issue covered by Chapter 7. Interaction in such a world is both multidimensional and multimodal, with the possibility of free movement of the user in any direction and the simultaneous stimulation...
Integrating modelling, simulation and data management tools to create a planning support system for the improvement of air quality by urban planning solutions
PublicationThe urbanization pressure requires urban planners, designers, and policy makers to be more responsive to the challenges related to improving the quality of the urban environment and the living conditions of the inhabitants. One of the many environmental issues that need to be taken into account is urban air pollution. As the process of urban ventilation and air pollution dis-persion is significantly affected by the urban layout,...
A Linear Phase Filter in Quadruplet Topology With Frequency-Dependent Couplings
PublicationThis letter presents a design of a linear phase microwave bandpass filter. The filter is composed of four resonators arranged in the quadruplet topology. Making the cross and one direct coupling dispersive gives additional design flexibility. The first advantage of using frequency-dependent couplings is the possibility to chose an arbitrary location of a pair of complex transmission zeros (TZs) in the s-domain. The second one is...
Maszyny elektryczne wokół nas. Poszukiwanie dróg do nauczania na kierunku Elektrotechnika Politechniki Gdańskiej = Electrical machines around us. searching for teaching ways at electrical engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationStreszczenie angielskie: This paper provides a summary of the didactic assumptions, goals and approach concerning the syllabus and description/modelling of electrical machines (EM) for teaching in the field of power electrical engineering at the Gdansk University of Technology. They have been used to write e-text book entitled "Electrical machines around us" that covered the lectures on electrical machines given for the second...
Instalacje PV zintegrowane z budynkiem
PublicationBIPV (ang. Building Integrated Photovoltaics) - architektoniczne, strukturalne i estetyczne systemy fotowoltaicznezintegrowane z budynkami - to jedna z najbardziej obiecujących form wykorzystania energii odnawialnej,pozwalająca na połączenie systemu generującego energie elektryczna z obiektami takimi jak domy mieszkalne,szkoły i biurowce. Obecnie instalacje takie powstają na całym świecie, głównie w prestiżowych projektach, takichjak...
Perspectives of Telematics Implementation in Tri-City Transport Systems Management and Planning
PublicationIn 2010 the City of Gdynia applied for match funding the project ''Implementation of the Integrated Traffic Management System TRISTAR in Tri-City" under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment. This year the project has been placed on a list approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure. Tri-City proceeds with a tender for the implementation of the system. The project will be implemented in key elements are included...
PublicationThe paper considers the forecasting of the euro/Polish złoty (EUR/PLN) spot exchange rate by applying state space wavelet network and econometric forecast combination models. Both prediction methods are applied to produce one-trading-day- ahead forecasts of the EUR/PLN exchange rate. The paper presents the general state space wavelet network and forecast combination models as well as their underlying principles. The state space...
Knowledge-based functional safety and security management in hazardous industrial plants with emphasis on human factors
PublicationExisting and emerging new hazards have significant potential to impact destructively operation of technical systems, hazardous plants, and systems / networks of critical infrastructure. The programmable control and protection systems play nowadays an important role in reducing and controlling risk in the process of hazardous plant operation. It is outlined how to deal with security related hazards concerning such systems to be...
Survey on Applications of Multimedia Technology to Examine Impact of Roadside Advertising on Drivers
PublicationThe correct location of ads, both static and moving, in close proximity of the roadway is an issue of high significance in the context of road safety. This publication aims to provide support in solving these issues by presenting a range of options for the implementation of extensive, multi-faceted research, using modern technology to allow an objective assessment of the risks arising from the presence of advertising spots in the...
Teaching infrastructure urbanism to aid participatory planning
PublicationThe teaching of urban planning at faculties of architecture entails constant tension, caused by issues related to the priorities among urban design (the form) and urban planning (the process). The authors note that knowledge of the relationship between urban design and infrastructure planning, particularly within the realm of public debate within the local community, is of key importance in educating young urban planners. Described...
The Use of Gravimetric Measurements to Determine the Orthometric Height of the Benchmark in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationThis paper contains a description of the technology used to make gravimetric measurements of the height of a reference point located in the Port of Gdynia, Poland. Measurements were made using a CG-5 gravimeter manufactured by LaCoste & Romberg Scintrex Inc., and determinations of position used a Leica Viva GS15 receiver integrated with a network of HxGN SmartNet GNSS reference stations. The measuring methodology required gravimeter...
Toolchain Modeling: Comprehensive Engineering Plans for Industry 4.0
PublicationThe fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) elevates the complexity and autonomy of industrial systems and engineering environments to levels not seen before. The novel challenges involve not only the software running on the partaking autonomous devices, but also architectural considerations and the technological infrastructure around the entire engineering process. In this paper, complementing the trends in industrial systems...
Microsphere structure application for supercapacitor in situ temperature monitoring
PublicationConstant, real-time temperature monitoring of the supercapacitors for efficient energy usage is in high demand and seems to be crucial for further development of those elements. A fiber-optic sensor can be an effective optoelectronic device dedicated for in-situ temperature monitoring of supercapacitors. In this work, the application of the fiber-optic microstrucutre with thin zinc oxide (ZnO) coating fabricated in the atomic layer...
Organochlorine pesticides and polichlorinated biphenyls concentrations in fresh snowfall or top layer of snow from Hornsund region, Svalbard, in the spring 2019
Open Research DataThe dataset contains concentration of organochlorine persistent organic pollutants in snow samples collected from top layer of snow, which corresponded to fresh snowfall in most cases (except DS location, where these are 20 cm top layer sampled weekly). All snow samples have been collected within one month during spring 2019, in the vicinity of the...
Application of Vertical Reed Beds as a Buffer for Effluent from SBR ANAMMOX Treatment for Reject Water from Centrifugation
PublicationThe main purpose of this study is to determine the removal efficiency of nitrogen compounds in the effluentfrom ANAMMOX process used to treat reject water after centrifugation. A pilot model was bulit consisting of fourdifferent Treatment Wetlands beds with different filter substrate and with or without macrophytes growth. Verticalsubsurface flow type filters have been choosen thanks to their highest efficiency in NH4-N removal...
Accurate simulation-driven modeling and design optimization of compact microwave structures
PublicationCost efficient design optimization of microwave structures requires availability of fast yet reliable replacement models so that multiple evaluations of the structure at hand can be executed in reasonable timeframe. Direct utilization of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations is often prohibitive. On the other hand, accurate data-driven modeling normally requires a very large number of training points and it is virtually infeasible...
Pathways of nitrogen compounds depletion in hybrid constructed wetlands
PublicationHybrid Constructed Wetlands are composed of two or more filters with mixed flow direction of sewage. Apparently in the HCWS the benefits of both types of bed are merged, resulting in better effluent quality (organic and nitrogen componds removal). Such heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different ways of nitrogen "disappearing". The objective of the present study was to compare the removal of nitrogen with accompanying...
The Use of Wavelet Analysis to Denoising of Electrocardiography Signal
PublicationThe electrocardiography examination, due to its accessibility and simplicity, has an important role in diagnostics of the heart ailments. It enables quick detection of various heart defects, undetectable by other kinds of diagnostic tools, so it is very popular. Nevertheless, the measured signal is exposed to a different disturbances. Among them, the electromagnetic interferences, drift of reference electrode and high frequency...
Physics augmented classification of fNIRS signals
PublicationBackground. Predictive classification favours performance over semantics. In traditional predictive classification pipelines, feature engineering is often oblivious to the underlying phenomena. Hypothesis. In applied domains such as functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), the exploitation of physical knowledge may improve the discriminative quality of our observation set. Aims. Give exemplary evidence that intervening the...
Metody wykorzystania energii z rekuperacji w transporcie szynowym
PublicationW artykule przedstawiony został przegląd metod wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z hamowania odzyskowego. Wśród znanych i stosowanych w praktyce metod wymieniono wykorzystanie odzyskanej energii na nietrakcyjne potrzeby własne pojazdu, magazynowanie odzyskanej energii w zasobnikach (pokładowych lub stacjonarnych) i wykorzystywanie jej w razie potrzeby, transformację i zwrot odzyskanej energii do krajowej sieci zasilania, a także...
Analiza wydajności kolektora słonecznego przeznaczonego dla systemu ogrzewania budynku o niskim zapotrzebowaniu na ciepło
PublicationNiniejsza praca przedstawia wyniki badań numerycznych kolektora słonecznego, przeznaczonego dla budynków o niskim zapotrzebowaniu na ciepło. W pracy przedstawiono nowatorską koncepcję kolektora słonecznego o obniżonej wydajności, niskich kosztach wykonania oraz wykorzystującego istniejące elementy konstrukcji przekryć budynku. Istotną zaletą kolektora jest brak ingerencji w architekturę zewnętrzną budynku. Za pomocą symulacji numerycznej...
Badania stabilności biologicznej wody w wybranych systemach wodociągowych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mikrobiologicznych wody powierzchniowej i wód podziemnych z rejonu Trójmiasta, które zasilają systemy dystrybucji charakteryzujące się nikim stosunkiem powierzchni kontaktu do objętości przesyłanej wody (≈0,65) w aspekcie ich stabilności biologicznej. Dokonano oceny skuteczności zastosowanych procesów uzdatniania w usuwaniu ogólnej liczby bakterii (OLB), a w badaniach laboratoryjnych określono...
Akcelerator predykcji wewnątrzramkowej H.264 do kompresji obrazu w sensorach wizyjnych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono konfigurowalny cyfrowy akcelerator predykcji wewnątrzramkowej przeznaczony dla enkodera wideo standardu H.264. Akcelerator realizuje predykcję typu „intra” dla makrobloków luminancji o wymiarach 4x4 i 16x16. Akcelerator wstępnie zaimplementowano w układzie FPGA, gdzie został on pomyślnie zweryfikowany, a następnie zaimplementowano go w układzie ASIC w technologii UMC 90 nm. Szczegółowe wyniki testów akceleratora...
Koncepcja metropolitalnego slow-przedmieścia jako narzędzie poprawy jakości życia w międzymieście
PublicationPowstałe wskutek suburbanizacji struktury uznawane są za nową formę krajobrazu zurbanizowanego. Poprawa ich jakości wymaga stworzenia nowych narzędzi planowania międzymiasta (niem. die Zwischenstadt). Należą do nich innowacyjne wizje przestrzenne, kreujące alternatywę dla globalnych trendów homogenizujących kulturę życia społecznego w strefi e podmiejskiej. Inspirowana modelem agri-hood autorska koncepcja slow-przedmieścia wykorzystuje doświadczenie...
Akcelerator predykcji wewnątrzramkowej H.264 do kompresji obrazu w sensorach wizyjnych
PublicationW komunikacie przedstawiono konfigurowalny cyfrowy akcelerator predykcji wewnątrzramkowej przeznaczony dla enkodera wideo standardu H.264. Akcelerator realizuje predykcję typu „intra” dla makrobloków luminancji o wymiarach 4x4 i 16x16. Akcelerator wstępnie zaimplementowano w układzie FPGA, gdzie został on pomyślnie zweryfikowany, a następnie zaimplementowano go w układzie ASIC w technologii UMC 90 nm. Szczegółowe wyniki testów...
State Key Laboratory of Contemporary Design and Integrated Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education China
Laboratories -
Methodology Approach for Microplastics Isolation from Samples Containing Sucrose
PublicationThe growing production and use of plastics significantly contribute to microplastics (MPs) contamination in the environment. Humans are exposed to MPs primarily through the gastrointestinal route, as these particles are present in beverages and food, e.g., sugar. Effective isolation and identification of MPs from food is essential for their elimination. This study aimed to evaluate factors influencing the isolation of MPs from...
Low-Cost Method for Internal Surface Roughness Reduction of Additively Manufactured All-Metal Waveguide Components
PublicationIn this study, a novel low-cost polishing method for internal surface roughness reduction of additively manufactured components, developed for waveguide (WG) circuits operating in the millimeter frequency range is proposed. WG components fabricated using powder bed fusion (PBF) generally feature roughness of ten to fifty microns, which influences the increase of roughness-related conductor power losses having a major effect on...
Fracture surface topography measurements analysis of low-alloyed corrosion resistant steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests
PublicationIn this paper, an assessment of a topography measurement method for fracture surfaces of 10HNAP steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests was performed. Surface roughness was measured by using a non-contact Focus Variation Microscopy (FVM) technique in which the non-measured points (NMPs) and outliers (spikes) were removed by the application of general methods. The results revealed, that the optical measurement method introduced...
Pathways of Nitrogen Removal in Hybrid Treatment Wetlands
PublicationHybrid Treatment Wetlands (HTWs) are composed of two or more filters with different modes of flow, allowing the benefits of both types of bed to be combined, resulting in better effluent quality (nitrogen and organic compounds removal). Such a heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different mechanisms of nitrogen removal. The objective of the present study was to investigate the removal of nitrogen versus a range...
Analysis of airborne metal containing particles with EDX/EDS detectorsin electron microscopes
PublicationIn years 2006-2010 particulate matter analysis was undertaken for dust samples collected from Gdansk and London area in orderto compare their morphology and composition. Part of those studies was devoted to analysis of particulate matter (PM) bearingmetals. Characterization of the morphology and size of the particles collected onto the filters was performed using a scanning electronmicroscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope...
Porosity and shape of airborne wear microparticles generated by sliding contact between a low-metallic friction material and a cast iron
PublicationThe wear of brakes in transport vehicles is one of the main anthropogenic sources of airborne particulate matter in urban environments. The present study deals with the characterisation of airborne wear microparticles from a low-metallic friction material / cast iron pair used in car brakes. Particles were generated by a pin-on-disc machine in a sealed chamber at sliding velocity of 1.3 m/s and contact pressure of 1.5 MPa. They...
Design of a Patch Power Divider with Simple Structure and Ultra-Broadband Harmonics Suppression
PublicationThis paper introduces a simple H-shaped patch Wilkinson power divider (WPD), which provides ultra wide harmonics suppression band. The presented WPD designed at 1.8 GHz, and exhibits good performance at the operating bandwidth. In the proposed divider structure, two simple patch low-pass filters (LPFs) are employed at each branch, and three open ended stubs are added at each port. The proposed divider, implemented using the aforementioned...
Airfoil Design Under Uncertainty Using Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Theory and Utility Functions
PublicationFast and accurate airfoil design under uncertainty using non-intrusive polynomial chaos (NIPC) expansions and utility functions is proposed. The NIPC expansions provide a means to efficiently and accurately compute statistical information for a given set of input variables with associated probability distribution. Utility functions provide a way to rigorously formulate the design problem. In this work, these two methods are integrated...
Design and Experiments of a Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators
PublicationThis paper represents a numerical and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor. The proposed design consists of three individual cells that are integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. Each of the cells is characterized by a traveling wave and rotating mode motor. A finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain optimal...
Estimating Traffic Intensity Employing Passive Acoustic Radar and Enhanced Microwave Doppler Radar Sensor
PublicationInnovative road signs that can autonomously display the speed limit in cases where the trac situation requires it are under development. The autonomous road sign contains many types of sensors, of which the subject of interest in this article is the Doppler sensor that we have improved and the constructed and calibrated acoustic probe. An algorithm for performing vehicle detection and tracking, as well as vehicle speed measurement,...
Air quality policy in the U.S. and the EU – a review
PublicationThe high level of atmospheric pollution is a global problem that has taken on particular significance in recent years and will continue to grow in the near future. Air pollution directly affects the health, living organisms, vegetation, water, soil and buildings. Additionally, it moves easily even over long distances. Certain air pollutants influence the climate, cause negative processes in the protective ozone layer and contribute...
Energy Modeling of Single-Family Houses in the Conceptual Phase
PublicationThe aim of the article is to identify the potential impact of the latest commercial digital tools for building energy analysis on the everyday architectural practice in Poland in the context of typology and energy optimization of single –family houses. The reason for this survey is that “architect friendly” interfaces simulation results’ visualization and energy analysis tools are not given deserved attention in the architectural...
Przyszłość fotowoltaiki - Instalacje fotowoltaiczne zintegrowane z budynkiem (BIPV)
PublicationBIPV (ang. Building Integrated Photovoltaics) architektoniczne, strukturalne i estetyczne systemy fotowoltaiczne zintegrowane z budynkami to jedna z najbardziej obiecujących form wykorzystania energii odnawialnej, pozwalająca na połączenie systemu generującego energię elektryczną z obiektami takimi jak domy mieszkalne, szkoły i biurowce. Instalacje takie powstają na całym świecie, głównie w przypadku prestiżowych projektów, takich...
Algorytm kontroli jakości z elementami sterowania rozmytego dla elastycznie zautomatyzowanego wytwarzania.
PublicationPublikacja dotyczy struktury procesu produkcyjnego w środowisku komputerowo zintegrowanego wytwarzania (computer integrated manufacturing - CIM). Ukazuje ona aspekty kontroli jakości wykonania części na różnych etapach procesu wytwórczego, podkreślając jego istotność. W celu dokonania szczegółowej analizy problemu zebrano dane o jakości wykonania części na poszczególnych poziomach wytwarzania. Analizy dowiodły, że jakość wykonania...
Empirical Investigation into the Evaluation Methodology for Transport Interchange Accessibility for Individuals with Special Needs: An In-Depth Analysis of Selected Transport Interchanges in Gdańsk
PublicationThe manuscript delineates an empirical research methodology for gathering data for the functional characterization of transport interchanges. The adoption of a universal, standardized field research method ensures the feasibility of objective interchange comparisons. The explicated methodology encompasses observational and survey research, yielding both quantitative and qualitative data. The amassed data comprises the count of...