total: 7793
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- Open Research Data 801 available results
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Monitoring the BTEX Volatiles during 3D Printing with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Using Electronic Nose and Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry
PublicationWe describe a concept study in which the changes of concentration of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) compounds and styrene within a 3D printer enclosure during printing with different acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) filaments were monitored in real-time using a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer and an electronic nose. The quantitative data on the concentration of the BTEX compounds, in particular...
PublicationThree different methods were used to obtain Bi5Ti3FeO15 ceramics, i.e. solid-state sintering, mechanical activation (MA) with subsequent thermal treatment, and electrical discharge assisted mechanical milling (EDAMM). The structure and magnetic properties of produced Bi5Ti3FeO15 samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The purest Bi5Ti3FeO15 ceramics was obtained by standard solid-state sintering...
Fundamental properties of solutions to fractional-order Maxwell's equations
PublicationIn this paper, fundamental properties of solutions to fractional-order (FO) Maxwell's equations are analysed. As a starting point, FO Maxwell's equations are introduced in both time and frequency domains. Then, we introduce and prove the fundamental properties of electromagnetic field in FO electromagnetics, i.e. energy conservation, uniqueness of solutions, and reciprocity. Furthermore, the algorithm of the plane wave simulation...
Effects of independent magnetic fields in the very low frequency range elf generated by selected elements of an electric traction unit on the ambient environment and electronic systems
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Structure and thermoelectric properties of Bi–Te alloys obtained by novel method of oxide substrates reduction
PublicationA novel method of thermoelectric materials fabrication has been developed. Oxide reagents have been melted at high temperature in air, quenched, milled to powder and reduced in hydrogen to form Bi–Te alloys. Structural and thermoelectric properties of samples have been investigated depending on initial composition and temperature of reduction process. Sample 25Bi2O3–75TeO2 reduced at 340 °C for 10 h has been found to be a p-type...
Influence of steam drying process on wood mechanical properties
PublicationResults of influence of gas-steam mixture drying process on mechanical properties of material are presented. Wood species, namely oak (Quercus L.), beech (Fagus L.), pine (Pinus L.) and spruce (Picea K.) from the northern part of Pomerania region in Poland, were subject of air-steam mixture drying process in a laboratory kiln especially arranged for that reason. Measurements of the global coefficient of elasticity and bending strength...
The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ferry electrical power system during a layover at the port
Open Research DataThe dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard the ferry during a layover at the port.
Structure and transport properties of triple-conducting BaxSr1−xTi1−yFeyO3−δ oxides
PublicationIn this work, BaxSr1−xTi1−yFeyO3−δ perovskite-based mixed conducting ceramics (for x = 0, 0.2, 0.5 and y = 0.1, 0.8) were synthesized and studied. The structural analysis based on the X-ray diffraction results showed significant changes in the unit cell volume and Fe(Ti)–O distance as a function of Ba content. The morphology of the synthesized samples studied by means of scanning electron microscopy has shown different microstructures...
Mechanical Properties of Human Stomach Tissue
PublicationThe dataset entitled Determination of mechanical properties of human stomach tissues subjected to uniaxial stretching contains: the length of the sample as a function of the corresponding load (tensile force) and the initial values of the average width and average thickness of the sample. All tests were conducted in a self-developed tensile test machine: PG TissueTester. The dataset allows the coefficients of various models of...
Successive cytotoxicity control by evolutionary surface decorated electronic push-pull green ZnCr-LDH nanostructures: Drug delivery enlargement for targeted breast cancer chemotherapy
PublicationThe reason for the increasing bioavailability and biocompatibility of the porous nanomaterials in the presence of different (bio)molecules is still unknown. The role of difference functional groups and their interactions with the potential bioavailability and biocompatibility is of great importance. To investigate the potential contribution of the electronic effects (especially on the surface of the porous nanomaterials) on their...
The Verification of the Usefulness of Electronic Nose Based on Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography and Four Different Chemometric Methods for Rapid Analysis of Spirit Beverages
PublicationSpirit beverages are a diverse group of foodstuffs. They are very often counterfeited which cause the appearance of low quality products or wrongly labelled products on the market. It is important to find a proper quality control and botanical origin method enabling the same time preliminary check of the composition of investigated samples, which was the main goal of this work. For this purpose, the usefulness of electronic nose...
Comparison of an Electronic Nose Based on Ultrafast Gas Chromatography, Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography, and Sensory Evaluation for an Analysis of Type of Whisky
PublicationWhisky is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. There are many types of whisky, for example, Scotch, Irish, and American whisky (called bourbon). The whisky market is highly diversified, and, because of this, it is important to have a method which would enable rapid quality evaluation and authentication of the type of whisky. The aim of this work was to compare 3 methods: an electronic nose based on the technology of ultrafast...
Low energy inelastic electron scattering from carbon monoxide: II. Excitation of the b3Σ+, j3Σ+, B1Σ+, C1Σ+ and E1Π Rydberg electronic states
PublicationIn this second part of a two part paper (first part: Zawadzki et al (2020 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 165201)) we present differential scattering cross sections for excitation of several Rydberg electronic states of carbon monoxide by electron impact. The first part concerned the low-lying valence states of CO. In the present study cross sections are obtained experimentally using low-energy electron energy-loss spectroscopy...
Cavitation Erosion Resistance Influence of Material Properties
PublicationThe cavitation erosion is the phenomena that causes degradation of fluid flow machinery components due to repetitive implosion of cavitation bubbles adjacent to the solid surface. Cavitation erosion is a complex phenomenon, which includes not only hydrodynamic factors of liquid, but also properties of erodible material e.g. microstructure, hardness or Young modulus. In order to reduce the negative impact of erosion on machine components,...
Properties of some fruit wines
PublicationRecently wereported about theconsumption of redwines fromgrapes, havingseveral health properties. Thereare different types of wines that originated fromgrapesand other fruits. In the present study fruit wines frompersimmon, kiwifruit and pomegranatewereinvestigated and compared for theirantioxidant ability, usingcupricion reducingantioxidant capacity (CUPRAC)and the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)assays. To thefruit wines...
Theoretical calculation of the physico-chemical properties of 1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium based ionic liquids
PublicationACCEPTED MAIonic liquids (ILs) have attracted much attention for their unique physicochemical properties, which can be designed as needed by altering the ion combinations. Besides experimental work, numerous computational studies have been concerned with prediction of physical properties of ILs. The results of molecular dynamics simulations of ILs depend strongly on the proper force field parameterization. Classical force fields...
Polyurethane-based aerogels: Preparation, properties, and applications
PublicationPolyurethane aerogels (PUAs) are interesting materials because of their high porosity, low density, and low thermal conductivity, which result in their application as thermal insulations. PUAs are mainly synthesized using di- and polyisocyanates, diols or polyols, catalysts (tertiary amines and organometallic), and solvents (which are used as reaction medium, purifying of obtained semiproducts). Preparation procedure involves several...
Photocatalytic and Antimicrobial Properties of Ag2O/TiO2 Heterojunction
PublicationAg2O/TiO2 heterojunctions were prepared by a simple method, i.e., the grinding of argentous oxide with six different titania photocatalysts. The physicochemical properties of the obtained photocatalysts were characterized by diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The photocatalytic activity was...
The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ro-ro ship electrical power system during maneuvering
Open Research DataThe dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard a ro-ro ship during maneuvering.
Rapid on-line method of wastewater parameters estimation by electronic nose for control and operating wastewater treatment plants toward Green Deal implementation
PublicationIn order to comply with legal regulations related to wastewater quality, the operational mode of facilities at wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) should be properly adjusted according to parameters of influents, however it is very difficult without frequently performed measurements. Currently there are known many techniques and devices for assesment of wastewater parameters such as chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand,...
Synthesis, structure and physical properties of new intermetallic spin glass-like compounds RE2PdGe3 (RE = Tb and Dy)
PublicationNew intermetallic compounds Tb2Pd1.25Ge2.75 and Dy2Pd1.25Ge2.75 have been synthesized using the arc-melting method. The crystallographic structure and magnetic, electronic transport, and thermal properties are reported. The crystal structure obtained from powder x-ray diffraction analysis suggests that these compounds crystallize in the AlB2-type structure (space group P6/mmm, no. 191) with lattice parameters a = 4.228 53(5)/4.230 54...
The Righi-Leduc effect: on evidence of two-band electronic structure in Nd1.86Ce0.14CuO4-y.
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania temperaturowe zależności oporu elektrycznego, efektu Halla (RH), przewodnictwa cieplnego (k) i współczynnika Righi-Leduc(SRL). Badania wykazały, że współczynnik RL> 0 w szerokim zakresie temperatur RH zmienia znak dwukrotnie w T=50 i 250K. Niezgodność znaków SRL i RH jednoznacznie wskazuje obecność w materiale nośników obu znaków tzn. n- i p- typu. W pracy pokazano, że transport ciepła zdominowany jest przez...
Implementation of an input-output method of diagnosis of analog electronic circuits in embedded systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono implementację zmodyfikowanej metody 2D detekcji i lokalizacji uszkodzeń sieci analogowych z uwzględnieniem tolerancji elementów nieuszkodzonych w systemach wbudowanych bazujących na mikrokontrolerach. Metoda składa się z dwóch etapów: przedtestowego - tworzenie słownika uszkodzeń i testowego, w którym dokonywany jest pomiar przez mikrokontroler amplitudy i przesunięcia fazowego odpowiedzi na pobudzenie przebiegiem...
Tunable semiconductor laser application for interferometric optical fibersensors.Optical and Electronic Sensors V.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metody stabilizacji punktu pracy światłowodowych sensorów interferometrycznych. W metodach tych wykorzystuje się układy regulacji sterujące długością fali przestrajalnego lasera półprzewodnikowego. Przedstawiono tryby pracy układów regulacji oraz problemy związane z ich projektowaniem i realizacją. Przeanalizowano ograniczenia sensorów wykorzystujących powyższe układy. Dokonano weryfikacji eksperymentalnej...
Computer simulation of current voltage response of elektrocatalytic sensor.Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors V.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki symulacji komputerowej działania czujnika elektrokatalitycznego. Do badań wykorzystano program D. Gossera opierający się na metodzie różnic skończonych.
Fluctuation-enhanced sensing: electronic dog nose identifies odors and counts molecules.
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję wykrywania mieszanin gazów za pomocą analizy fluktuacji rezystancji sensora gazu. Porównano proponowaną ideę do wykorzystywanej w naturze przez zmysł węchu, w którym do mózgu dociera szereg pojedynczych impulsów elektrycznych wywołujących odczuwane wrażenie zapachowe.
On fault diagnosis of analogue electronic circuits based on transformations in multi-dimensional spaces.
PublicationPrzedstawiono ideę nowej klasy metod diagnostycznych opartej na przekształceniu transformującym zmiany parametru układu na krzywe identyfikacyjne w przestrzeniach wielowymiarowych. Rozszerzono również klasę tych metod na diagnostykę uszkodzeń wielokrotnych. Dla takich metod omówiono algorytm lokalizacji i identyfikacji pojedynczych i wielokrotnych uszkodzeń parametrycznych w liniowych układach elektronicznych. Przedstawiono rezultaty...
Application of case based reasoning to hybrid expert system for electronic filter design
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję i przykład praktycznej realizacji obiektowo zorientowanego hybrydowego systemu ekspertowego wykorzystującego rozumowanie sytuacyjne. System wykorzystuje algorytmy najbliższego sąsiada i sztuczne sieci neuronowe. System został przetestowany jako klasyfikator decyzyjny w projektowaniu filtrów elektronicznych. W budowie systemu został wykorzystany obiektowy system CLIPS, rozszerzony o wiele dodatkowych funkcji...
Electronic conduction in (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O glass-ceramics
PublicationAmorficzny materiał (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox wygrzewany w odpowiednich warunkach staje się nieuporządkowanym metalem i nadprzewodnikiem. Przedstawiono model mechanizmu przewodnictwa elektrycznego tych materiałów. Przeprowadzono dyskusję istniejących teorii do opisu badanych materiałów.
Silicon-based all-electronic quasi-optical pairs for THz frequency range
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252-GHz Compact All-Electronic CMOS Optopair with SNR of 62 dB
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Electronic conduction in (Bi,Pb)–Sr–Ca–Cu–O glass-ceramics
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Electronic conduction in (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O granular superconductors
PublicationMetale i nadprzewodniki granulaste są bardzo ciekawymi materiałami dzięki jednoczesnej obecności oddziaływań kulombowskich, tunelowania elektronów i par Coopera oraz różnych zjawisk związanych z nieuporządkowaniem. W pracy przedstawiono właściwości elektryczne granulastego nadprzewodnika (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O otrzymanego wskutek krystalizacji w fazie stałej. Badane materiały mogą być traktowane jako układ granul umieszczonych w matrycy...
Mixed electronic-ionic conductivity in vanadate oxide glasses containing alkaline ions
PublicationZbadano mieszane przewodnictwo polaronowo-jonowe w szkłach wanadanowych zawierających jony metali alkalicznych.
Issue of Assessment of the Strong Electromagnetic Pulses Impact on the Functioning of Selected Electronic Devices
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Determination of Safety Levels of Electronic Devices Exposed to Impact of Strong Electromagnetic Pulses
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Reliability analysis of aerodrome’s electronic security systems taking into account electromagnetic interferences
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Using the AHP Method to Select an Electronic Documentation Management System for Polish Municipalities
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Stereochemical Assingment of β -lactam Antibiotics and their Analogues by Electronic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
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Complementarity of electronic and vibrational circular dichroism based on stereochemical studies of vic-diols
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Advanced photonic, electronic, and web engineering systems: WILGA Symposium, January 2013
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Hierarchical Hydrographic Data Fusion for Precise Port Electronic Navigational Chart Production
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High Frequency Harmonics Emission of Modern Power Electronic AC-DC Converters
PublicationModern AC/DC converters with bidirectional power flow employing PWM boost topology generate harmonic distortions of input current in relatively high frequency range tightly related to modulation carrier frequency. These frequencies and its multiples in typical applications are usually located in frequency range from single up to several of kHz. Increased harmonic emission in this frequency range can easily and harmfully influence...
Potential energy surfaces of the low-lying electronic states of the Li+LiCs system
PublicationAb initio quantum chemistry calculations are performed for the mixed alkali triatomic system. Global minima of the ground and first excited doublet states of the trimer are found and Born-Oppenheimer potential energy surfaces of the Li atom interacting with the LiCs molecule were calculated for these states. The lithium atom is placed at various distances and bond angles from the lithium-caesium dimer. Three-body nonadditive forces...
The influence of frequency separation on imaging properties in DFEIT
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wpływ wyboru składowych częstotliwościowych dla różnicowej tomografii impedancyjnej na wynik i własności obrazowania w dwuczęstotliwościowej różnicowej tomografii impedancyjnej.A Dual Frequency EIT is an extension of a traditional EIT that uses two sinusoidal signals for imaging. Appropriate selection of signals' frequency allows to achieve reasonable contrast of imaged structure. It has already been shown...
Recovery of facial expressions using functional electrical stimulation after full-face transplantation
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Design of hight voltage busbar: trade off between electrical field and stray inductance
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy optymalizacji konstrukcji i technologii szyny doprowadzenia zasilania do pojedynczej gałęzi falownika średniego napięcia. Dla szeregowego układu złożonego z trzech modułów elektroizolowanych (6 par tranzystorów i diod) rozważono warianty geometrii szyny zasilania przy uwzględnieniu wypadkowej indukcyjności obwodu komutacyjnego. Wyznaczono główne składniki indukcyjności rozproszenia oraz wykazano jej wpływ na przepięcia...
Electrical and Noise Characteristics of Fin-Shaped GaN/AlGaN Devices for High Frequency Operation
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The use of a static electrical energy meter as a transducer of active power to a pulse frequency signal
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Cross-border transmission line configuration influence on the electrical power and energy billing process
PublicationIn 2015 a connection between the Polish and Lithuanian power systems become fully operational. The connection consists of a 400 kV double circuit transmission line and a back-to-back HVDC substation located on the Lithuanian side. A magnetic couplings between the circuits of the transmission line cause that during power transmission a different values of active power losses are observed in both circuits. This situation may cause...