Search results for: IDEAL WIND TURBINE - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: IDEAL WIND TURBINE

Search results for: IDEAL WIND TURBINE

  • Adaptive Algorithm of a Tap-Changer Controller of the Power Transformer Supplying the Radial Network Reducing the Risk of Voltage Collapse


    - ENERGIES - Year 2020

    he development of renewable energy, including wind farms, photovoltaic farms as well as prosumer installations, and the development of electromobility pose new challenges for network operators. The results of these changes are, among others, the change of network load profiles and load flows determining greater volatility of voltages. Most of the proposed solutions do not assume a change of the transformer regulator algorithm....

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  • Arsalan Muhammad Soomar Doctoral Student


    Hi, I'm Arsalan Muhammad Soomar, an Electrical Engineer. I received my Master's and Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electrical Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.  Currently enrolled as a Doctoral student at the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. Also worked in Yellowlite. INC, Ohio  as a Solar Design Engineer.   HEADLINE Currently Enrolled as a Doctoral...

  • Experimental validation of the rolling resistance measurement method including updated draft standard

    • F. Anfosso-Ledee
    • V. Cerezo
    • R. Karlsson
    • A. Bergiers
    • S. Dauvergne
    • J. Ejsmont
    • L. Goubert
    • H. Lesdos
    • J. Maeck
    • U. Sandberg... and 2 others

    - Year 2016

    The main objective of ROSANNE is the harmonisation and standardisation of the measurement of skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements. Regarding rolling resistance characterisation, a draft for standardization of a harmonized procedure for classification of road surfaces across Europe has been prepared within WP3 (deliverable 3.5). The procedure deals with the direct measurement on real roads of...

  • A multithreaded CUDA and OpenMP based power‐aware programming framework for multi‐node GPU systems

    In the paper, we have proposed a framework that allows programming a parallel application for a multi-node system, with one or more GPUs per node, using an OpenMP+extended CUDA API. OpenMP is used for launching threads responsible for management of particular GPUs and extended CUDA calls allow to manage CUDA objects, data and launch kernels. The framework hides inter-node MPI communication from the programmer who can benefit from...

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  • Bacteriophages as potential tools for use in antimicrobial therapy and vaccine development


    The constantly growing number of people suffering from bacterial, viral, or fungal infections, parasitic diseases, and cancers prompts the search for innovative methods of disease prevention and treatment, especially based on vaccines and targeted therapy. An additional problem is the global threat to humanity resulting from the increasing resistance of bacteria to commonly used antibiotics. Conventional vaccines based on bacteria...

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  • Fault detection in measuring systems of power plants


    This paper describes possibility of forming diagnostic relations based on application of the artifical neural networks (ANNs), intended for the identifying of degradation of measuring instruments used in developed power systems. As an example a steam turbine high-power plant was used. And, simulative calculations were applied to forming diagnostic neural relations. Both degradation of the measuring instruments and simultaneously...

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  • Towards Changes of Macro-Economic Structures in Middle Eastern Countries. Empirical Evidence for 1970–2018


    Middle East countries share a wide bundle of specific structural economic features and one of the latest is a high dependency of these economies on fossil fuels, which is quantitatively demonstrated through the share of oil and gas revenues in total export, but also in gross domestic product composition. This high economic dependency on natural resources on one hand has recently generated a material wealth of Middle Eastern countries...

  • Integration Data Model of the Bathymetric Monitoring System for Shallow Waterbodies Using UAV and USV Platforms

    • O. Lewicka
    • M. Specht
    • A. Stateczny
    • C. Specht
    • G. Dardanelli
    • D. Brčić
    • B. Szostak
    • A. Halicki
    • M. Stateczny
    • S. Widźgowski

    - Remote Sensing - Year 2022

    Changes in the seafloor relief are particularly noticeable in shallow waterbodies (at depths up to several metres), where they are of significance for human safety and environmental protection, as well as for which the highest measurement accuracy is required. The aim of this publication is to present the integration data model of the bathymetric monitoring system for shallow waterbodies using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and...

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  • Impacts on human health in the Arctic owing to climate-induced changes in contaminant cycling – The EU ArcRisk project policy outcome

    • J. Pacyna
    • I. Cousins
    • C. Halsall
    • A. Rautio
    • J. Pawlak
    • E. G. Pacyna
    • K. Sundseth
    • S. J. Wilson
    • J. Munthe


    Results of the EU ArcRisk project on human health impacts in the Arctic owing to climate-induced changes in contaminant cycling are summarized in the context of their policy application. The question on how will climate change affect the transport of selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury, both to and within the Arctic has been addressed, as well as the issue of human health impacts of these pollutants in the...

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  • A novel concept of negative CO2 emission power plant for utilization of sewage sludge

    • P. Ziółkowski
    • J. Badur
    • H. Pawlak-kruczek
    • L. Niedzwiecki
    • M. Kowal
    • K. Krochmalny

    - Year 2020

    Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS) technology is considered an important “bridge technology”, allowing effective abatement of CO2 emissions for power units using fossil fuels. However, if biomass is used in a power plant, equipped with CCS system, negative CO2 emissions can be achieved. In practice, wide development of such technologies would enable not only reduction of CO2 emissions, but also reversal of the harm done so far. In...

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  • Broken Rotor Symptons in the Sensorless Control of Induction Machine


    Inverter fed sensorless controlled variable speed drives with induction machine are widely used in the industry applications, also in wind power generation and electric vehicles. On-line self diagnostic systems implementation is needed for early stage fault detection and avoiding a critical fault. Diagnostic algorithms in modern DSP-based controllers can operate simultaneously with control system functions. In the closed-loop controlled...

  • Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model


    - FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS - Year 2008

    This paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...

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  • Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model


    - FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS - Year 2007

    This paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...

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  • Alina Guzik mgr

  • Koncepcja zdalnego sterowania i monitoringu urządzeń trakcyjnych z wykorzystaniem technologii teleinformatycznych


    Advancement in wireless communication enables engineers to apply sophisticated and relatively inexpensive technologies in new fields of industry, which were previously designated solely to wire-based solutions. One of those fields is railway transportation system. In effect of a high reliability and safety demands, this area was resistive to new technologies. Nowadays, increased security and reliability of wireless sensor networks...

  • Dew and hoarfrost frequency, formation efficiency and chemistry in Wroclaw, Poland



    This article presents the results of a research study concerning a comparison of frequency, formation efficiency and basic physico-chemical properties of dew and hoarfrost in urban conditions. Longer than two-year series of measurements was carried out from 1 February 2008 to 10 March 2010 in Wroclaw, Poland. Sampling of atmospheric deposits was made by means of insulated plain passive radiative condensers, which allowed to collect...

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  • Evolution of electrohydrodynamic flow of sduspended particles in a needle-to-plate negative DC corona discharge in air

    Corona discharges are used for collecting dust in electrostatic precipitators (ESPs). The dust collection is mainlyrealized by the electric forces which move the ionized dust particles to the collecting electrodes. However, the presence of coronadischarge in the space between the charging and collecting electrodes in ESPs causes also the so-called ionic wind which set the gasmolecules and dust...

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  • Typology and comparative analysis of black tents built in tradition of iranian tribes


    - Year 2021

    This study focused on the habits and way of life of nomads in the Iranian Highlands, but their homes, called Black Tents, were of the main interest. The research explored the construction of the Black Tents and the way of shaping the space in which family life takes place. It concerned the architectural forms of tents, structures and materials from which they are erected, as well as interior furnishings and objects that determine...

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  • Cleaner energy for sustainable future using hybrid photovoltaics-thermoelectric generators system under non-static conditions using machine learning based control technique

    In addition to the load demand, the temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of the thermoelectric generator (TEG) module determines the output power for thermoelectric generator systems. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control is needed to track the optimal global power point as operating conditions change. The growing use of electricity and the decline in the use of fossil fuels have sparked interest in photovoltaic-TEG...

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  • Modelowanie systemów energetycznych wytwarzania energii elektrycznej i ciepła do celów planowania rozwoju - wybrane zagadnienia


    - Year 2023

    Systemy energetyczne wymagają przemian technologicznych w kierunku neutralności klimatycznej. W Polsce, w której systemie elektroenergetycznym i systemach ciepłowniczych dominują przestarzałe elektrownie i ciepłownie węglowe, dążenie do minimalizacji wpływu na środowisko wiąże się z wysokimi kosztami. Dlatego należy szukać optymalnych ścieżek roz-woju energetyki, aby osiągnąć ambitne długoterminowe cele strategiczne, przy minimalizacji...

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  • CTD Gdańsk Deep_2001_2005

    Dataset includes measurements of conductivity (mS cm-1), temperature (°C), sound speed (m s-1) and salinity (PSU) made with the probe Falmouth Scientific Inc. The research was carried out in 2001 (at the turn of May and June), 2003 (beginning of May), 2005 (end of April) and in 2002 and 2004 (at the turn of September and October). In 2002, only temperature...

  • Agent-based social network as a simulation of a market behaviour


    - Year 2010

    Recent years and the outbreak of world's economic crisis in 2008 proved the crucial importance of reliable analysis of market dynamics. However, werarely apply models of proper detail level (the global prosperity forecast of 2007 can be seen as a grim proof). The behaviour of individuals and companies is far from being ideal and rational. Many claims that the economic paradigm of rational expectations (coming from J. Muth and R....

  • Mariusz Figurski prof. dr hab. inż.

    Mariusz Józef Figurski (born 27 April 1964 in Łasinie, Poland) - Polish geodesist, professor of technical sciences, professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Early life and education He passed the matriculation examination in 1983 after he had finished Jan III Sobieski High school in Grudziądz. He graduated the Military University of Technology on an individual mode at the Faculty of Electromechanics and Civil Engineering...

  • Techniki Komputerowe - Integracja Procesów Projektowania (2022/2023)

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Cyparski

    Program nauczania zapewnia studentom solidne podstawy w BIM (Building Information Modelling) przy użyciu programu Autodesk Revit Architecture. Plan zajęć wprowadza w typowy przepływ pracy projektowej, rozwija umiejętności rozwiązywania problemów podczas tworzenia pełnego modelu 3D BIM i powiązanej z nim dokumentacji architektoniczno-budowlanej. Kurs zawiera następujące zasoby: materiały szkoleniowe online, filmy instruktażowe oraz...

  • Wysokoczęstotliwościowy falownik napięcia - badania symulacyjne


    Większość ruchomych odbiorników energii elektrycznej jest połączona ze źródłem energii poprzez: giętkie przewody, komutatory, pierścienie ślizgowe lub pantografy. Taki sposób zasilania w energię elektryczną jest powszech-nie akceptowalny w łagodnym środowisku pracy, ale może być ograniczony w środowisku zagrożonym pod względem wybuchu lub wilgotnym. W wielu przypadkach zastosowań trakcyjnych warunki środowiskowe nie pozwalają na...