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Mariusz Józef Figurski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMariusz Józef Figurski (born 27 April 1964 in Łasinie, Poland) - Polish geodesist, professor of technical sciences, professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Early life and education He passed the matriculation examination in 1983 after he had finished Jan III Sobieski High school in Grudziądz. He graduated the Military University of Technology on an individual mode at the Faculty of Electromechanics and Civil Engineering...
Regionalne Centrum Zarządzania w Gdańsku - system zarządzania centralami EWSD
PublicationPrzedstawiono system zarządzania centralami EWSD stanowiący część Regionalnego Centrum Zarządzania w Gdańsku. Omówiono funkcje i strukturę systemu oraz aplikacje stanowiące jądro systemu NodeComander, jak również wymagania niezawodnościowe systemu. Zaprezentowano możliwości styków z innymi systemami, a zwłaszcza z systemami zarządzania wyższych warstw wg modelu TMN. Przedstawiono specyfikację zarządzania centralami EWSD i opisano...
Information technology assessment using a functional prototype of the agent based system
PublicationIn the paper authors present the progress of works related with the agent-based system serving the purpose of information technology assessment. Currently this is a prototype including agents, the knowledge base and the ontology; the domain incorporated by the assessment-enterprise managing technologies with special attention paid to technologies directed to IT projects. In this paper, besides indication of expected functionalities...
Previous Opinions is All You Need - Legal Information Retrieval System
PublicationWe present a system for retrieving the most relevant legal opinions to a given legal case or question. To this end, we checked several state-of-the-art neural language models. As a training and testing data, we use tens of thousands of legal cases as question-opinion pairs. Text data has been subjected to advanced pre-processing adapted to the specifics of the legal domain. We empirically chose the BERT-based HerBERT model to perform...
Modelling Object Behaviour in a Video Surveillnace System Using Pawlak's Flowgraph
PublicationIn this paper, methodology of acquisition and processing of video streams for the purpose of modelling object behaviour is presented. Multilevel contextual video processing was also mentioned. The Pawlak’s flowgraph is used as a container for the knowledge related to the behaviour of objects in the area supervised by a video surveillance system. Spatio-temporal dependencies in transitions between cameras can be easily changed in...
System monitoringu technicznego Hali Sportowo-Widowiskowej "Olivia" w Gdańsku (SMT OLIVIA-2)
PublicationSystem SMT OLIVIA-2 ma za zadanie monitorowanie podstawowych parametrów pracy konstrukcji dachu i w sposób zautomatyzowany sygnalizowanie o jej stanie technicznym. System jest nowatorskim rozwiązaniem technologicznym. Nowością w stosunku do dostępnych na rynku ofert jest w szczególności rozbudowany moduł obliczeniowy bazujący na szczegółowym modelu teoretycznym dachu oraz zintegrowany z nim system ekspercki.
Web-based marine gis for littoral security
PublicationW artykule opisano koncepcję oraz przykładowe zastosowania systemu informacji geograficznej umożliwiającego zbieranie, przetwarzanie, integrowanie oraz wizualizację danych pochodzących z pomiarów bezpośrednich, obrazów lotniczych i satelitarnych oraz systemów hydroakustycznych.Przedstawiono przykłady zastosowania systemu w dziedzinie ochrony strefy przybrzeżnej takie, jak: -monitoring rozprzestrzeniania wylewu olejowego, -monitoring...
Development of the System Assurance Reference Model for Generating Modular Assurance Cases
PublicationAssurance cases are structured arguments used to demonstrate specific system properties such as safety or security. They are used in many industrial sectors including automotive, aviation and medical devices. Larger assurance cases are usually divided into modules to manage the complexity and distribute the work. Each of the modules is developed to address specific goals allocated to the specific objects i.e. components of the...
Planning of the green road system as an element of spatial management in suburbs and small towns
PublicationThe premise for the development of sustainable forms of road infrastructure in small towns is the appropriate plan at an early stage or modifi cation in the case of existing spaces. A multi-directional approach is extremely important, which takes into account the specifi city of the regional (country) road system, availability, and capacity of traffi c network, but also social and environmental factors. Effi cient management...
Using Fast Frequency Hopping Technique to Improve Reliability of Underwater Communication System
PublicationAcoustic underwater communication systems designed to work reliably in shallow coastal waters must overcome major limitations such as multipath propagation and the Doppler effect. These restrictions are the reason for the complexity of receivers being built, whose task is to decode a symbol on the basis of the received signal. Additional complications are caused by the low propagation speed of the acoustic wave in the water and...
On analysis of double-impact test of 1500-kg vehicle into w-beam guardrail system
PublicationEvery day on roads many scenarios of accidents may occur. One of the measures to minimize their consequences is road safety barriers. Finite Element analyses are being increasingly used to support the physical testing of these devices. The paper addresses the issue of a secondary impact into the previously damaged w-beam guardrail system. This situation belongs to one of the most dangerous which can happen on roads and may cause...
A universal IT system architecture for servicing, collecting, storing, processing and presenting data from wireless devices
PublicationIn the article we present a universal IT system architecture, which allows one to develop, based on mobile and multiplatform JAVA language, applications capable of working with many different wireless systems in an easy and effective way. Modular system architecture supports efficient data processing and enables convenient presentation of chosen parameters. Additionally, proposed IT system architecture provides easy adoption to...
CBR methodology application in an expert system for aided design ship's engine room automation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metody obliczania podobieństwa na podstawie przypadków, zastosowane w opracowanym systemie ekspertowym do wspomagania projektowania siłowni okrętowej. Do realizacji metody na przykładzie automatyki napędu głównego zastosowano oprogramowanie bazy danych i system ekspertowy. Uzyskane wyniki wyszukiwania w bazie danych statków podobnych zostały porównane i przeanalizowane. Do weryfikacji zastosowanych w bazie...
PublicationMonitorowanie pracowników w środowisku podziemnym jest niezwykle ważnym zadaniem. Z uwagi na możliwe zagrożenia, konieczne jest opracowanie niezawodnego systemu komunikacji głosowej pomiędzy personelem a przełożonym. Dzięki wysokiej odporności na uszkodzenia mechaniczne, kable zasilające pracujące w technice BPL (Broadband over Power Line) wydają się doskonałym rozwiązaniem. W pracy przedstawiono w pełni funkcjonalny dwukierunkowy...
Underwater communication system for shallow water using modified MFSK modulation
PublicationOpisano budowę i zasadę działania systemu komunikacji podwodnej z modulacją MMFSK. System służy do przekazywania danych i komend ze statku do obiektów podwodnych w płytkich wodach przybrzeżnych i jeziorach. Priorytetowe wymagania postawione systemowi to bardzo małe zużycie energii w części podwodnej i bardzo mała liczba błędów transmisji. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na nietypowe źródło błędów, jakim są zniekształcenia nieliniowe...
System numerycznej prognozy pogody oparty na pakiecie WRF EMS
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące wykorzystania systemów numerycznego prognozowania pogody przy pomocy oprogramowania wchodzącego w skład pakietu WRF EMS (ang. Weather Research and Forecast Environmental Modeling System). Artykuł opisuje podstawowe równania modelujące procesy w atmosferze oraz architekturę systemu numerycznego prognozowania pogody WRF EMS. Przedstawiono także architekturę prototypu systemu informacji...
Relation-based Wikipedia Search System for Factoid Questions Answering
PublicationIn this paper we propose an alternative keyword search mechanism for Wikipedia, designed as a prototype solution towards factoid questions answering. The method considers relations between articles for finding the best matching article. Unlike the standard Wikipedia search engine and also Google engine, which search the articles content independently, requiring the entire query to be satisfied by a single article, the proposed...
Continuous-time delay system identification insensitive to measurement faults
PublicationW pracy wykorzystuje się algorytmy identyfikacji do estymacji parametrów systemów ciągłych z opóźnieniem. Zastosowanie filtrów całkujących ze skończonym horyzontem obserwacji pozwala przekształcić równanie różniczkowe opisujące system ciągły do użytecznej postaci regresyjnej z czasem dyskretnym. Uzyskany w ten sposób i zachowujący oryginalną parametryzację model dyskretny daje się identyfikować stosując klasyczną metodę najmniejszych...
Respiratory system modelling and simulation basing on the forced oscilation technique
PublicationConventional methods of testing lung functioning demand a specific respiratory action of the patient. In contrast, the forced oscillation technique (fot) provides measurements obtained with a minimal cooperation of the subject. The aim of this study is to verify the usefulness of the forced oscillation technique modelling in respiratory system diagnosing. in order to do it two models of fot measurements have been considered: the...
Mathematical Modelling of a Seismic Isolation System to Protect Structures During Damaging Earthquakes
PublicationThe present study aims to determine the effectiveness of a nonlinear mathematical model in simulating complex mechanical behaviour of a seismic isolation system to protect structures during strong and damaging earthquakes. In order to construct the Polymeric Bearings considered in this research, a specially prepared flexible polyurethane elastomer with increased damping properties has been used. The usefulness of the proposed mathematical...
Driver’s Condition Detection System Using Multimodal Imaging and Machine Learning Algorithms
PublicationTo this day, driver fatigue remains one of the most significant causes of road accidents. In this paper, a novel way of detecting and monitoring a driver’s physical state has been proposed. The goal of the system was to make use of multimodal imaging from RGB and thermal cameras working simultaneously to monitor the driver’s current condition. A custom dataset was created consisting of thermal and RGB video samples. Acquired data...
Weather Routing System Architecture Using Onboard Data Collection and Route Optimisation
PublicationThis paper describes the architecture of a weather routing system consisting of two key elements: onboard monitoring and route optimiser sub-systems. The former is responsible for collecting various onboard measurements, such as current ship position or ship motion variables. These data, when gathered and processed, are then used for fine-tuning a ship model. The model, together with weather forecasts, is utilised by a multi-objective...
On the Possibility of Increasing Ship Energy Efficiency Through Improved Propulsion Control System
PublicationThis paper summarizes the analyses conducted to assess the impact of the ship's propulsion control system on energy efficiency in calm, manoeuvre, and sea wave conditions, where the goal of the investigation is to develop new strategies for controlling the ship's motion while considering the interactions between the hull, engine, and propeller.
Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD): Experience Based Product Development System for Industry 4.0
PublicationThis chapter presents the concept of smart virtual product development (SVPD) system capable of supporting industrial product development. It enhances the decision making process during various activities involved in product development i.e. product design, manufacturing, and inspection planning. This is achieved by using the explicit knowledge of past formal decision events, which are captured, stored, and recalled in the form...
Quality Analysis of Audio-Video Transmission in an OFDM-Based Communication System
PublicationApplication of a reliable audio-video communication system, brings many advantages. With the spoken word we can exchange ideas, provide descriptive information, as well as aid to another person. With the availability of visual information one can monitor the surrounding, working environment, etc. As the amount of available bandwidth continues to shrink, researchers focus on novel types of transmission. Currently, orthogonal frequency...
Design of Intelligent Low-Voltage Load Switch for Remote Control System in Smart Grid
PublicationCurrent low-voltage load switches do not support remote disconnect/connect and real-time monitoring of a disconnect/connect state. Addressing to these issues, this paper presents a low-voltage load switch for a smart remote control system, which uses a one-chip microcontroller board and a DC step motor drive mechanism and provides the feedback on the switch status also. Arrears disconnect and full-pay connect control is implemented...
Influence of the Delay in Monitor System on the Motor Coordination of Musicians while Performing
PublicationThis paper provides a description and results of measurements of the maximum acceptable value of delay tolerated by a musician, while playing an instrument, that does not cause de-synchronization and discomfort. First, methodology of measurements comprising audio recording and a fast camera is described. Then, themeasurement procedure for acquiring the maximum value of delay conditioning...
Miernik elementów RLC na bazie układu ''programmable system On a Chip''
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano miernik parametrów impedancyjnych oparty na układzie typu ''programmable system On a Chip'' firmy Cypress. Zawiera on w sobie mikroprocesor oraz reprogramowalne bloki analogowe i cyfrowe. Do budowy modelu wykorzystano układ CY8C26443, w którym zaimplementowano metodę pomiaru opartą na dyskretnym przekształceniu Fouriera pozwalającą, na podstawie zebranych próbek napięcia i prądu, wyznaczyć składowe Re...
PublicationDuring the operation of wind turbines with a gearbox of traditional configuration, a high failure rate of high-speed shaft bearings is observed. Such a high failures frequency is not reflected in standard bearing durability calculation methods, which can be attributed to atypical failure mechanism. To avoid observed problems in the 1.5 MW wind turbine, the modification of the existing bearing system is proposed. Multiple options,...
A vertical subway, namely, an internal transport system in a 1200 m tall building,
PublicationThis article deals with the topic of designing an efficient internal transport system in a 1200 m tall multifunctional building called the “World’s Tower” due to its symbolism and specific architectural form. The building comprises four towers whose bases are 75 m/75 m long each and whose height is 1200 m. Two of the towers are located along the north-south axis while the two others along the east-west one. The towers are joined...
System subwencjonowania jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce: dysfunkcje i pożądane kierunki racjonalizacji
PublicationMonografia poświęcona jest problematyce racjonalizacji subwencjonowania samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce. Jej głównym celem jest określenie roli i znaczenia subwencji w systemie finansowym jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Za dysfunkcje w największym stopniu zniekształcające system subwencjonowania uznano: ― brak powiązania globalnej kwoty subwencji ogólnej ze składowymi budżetu państwa, ― pomijanie, przy ocenie potencjału...
Power control system structure of doubly‐fed induction generator connected to current source converter
PublicationThe power control system structures for a doubly-fed generator (DFIG) are proposed. The classical field oriented control and the feedback control with the multi-scalar variables were considered. The generator is working in the AC grid connection mode. The rotor side of the generator is connected to the current source converter (CSC); the stator is directly related to the AC grid. The static feedback linearization using the multi-scalar...
Moral Knowledge Expert System : On the Borderline Between Business Ethics and New Technologies
PublicationAutorzy przedstawiają wstępną koncepcję zbudowania Internetowego Systemu Ekspertowego w dziedzinie wiedzy moralnej. Idea sprowadza się do zaaplikowania możliwości ogólnoświatowej sieci internetowej oraz koncepcji rozwijanych w ramach zarządzania wiedzą w odniesieniu do problemów moralnych występujących w życiu gospodarczym. System ten obejmuje: wiedzę ekspercką, akwizycję wiedzy o faktycznie dokonanych wyborach moralnych i ich...
Study of railway traffic safety based on the railway track condition monitoring system
PublicationThe solution to the problem of monitoring the railway track, as well as potentially dangerous objects and phenomena in the adjacent territories, is determined by the need to implement increased requirements for traffic safety (primarily to the geometric parameters of the devices of a long railway track under construction and functioning load-bearing highways), prevention of technological disasters and large-scale negative effects...
JeromeDL-System zarządzania bibliotekami cyfrowymi z wykorzystaniem technologii semantycznych i społecznych
PublicationPrzedstawiono system zarządzania biblioteką cyfrową JeromeDL, który powstał w wyniku współpracy pomiędzy Instytutem DERI (Narodowy Uniwersytet Irlandzki w Galway) i Politechniką Gdańską. Omowiono architekturę systemu JeromeDL. Zaprezentowano różne usługi semantyczne i społeczne dostaczone przez tą biblioteke cyfrową; w szczególności omówiono komponenty wspierajace proces wyszukiwania informacji. Przedstawiono wyniki ewaluacji porównującej...
Subjective Quality Evaluation of Speech Signals Transmitted via BPL-PLC Wired System
PublicationThe broadband over power line – power line communication (BPL-PLC) cable is resistant to electricity stoppage and partial damage of phase conductors. It maintains continuity of transmission in case of an emergency. These features make it an ideal solution for delivering data, e.g. in an underground mine environment, especially clear and easily understandable voice messages. This paper describes a subjective quality evaluation of...
New Method for Increasing Precision of Position Estimation in Hybrid Inertial Navigation System
PublicationIn article new method for increasing precision of position estimation by using inertial navigation in hybrid localization system with reduced number of reference nodes for radio distance measurements was presented. Measuring campaign using developed measuring stand were carried out to verify precision of position estimation of moving person in indoor environment.
Roof over PGE Arena in Gdansk. Review of structure and monitoring system
PublicationThis paper presents general structural assumptions of the steel construction designed for a newfootball stadium to be built for UEFA Championship 2012 in the city of Gdańsk. The superstructureis founded directly on the modified abutment. The facade and the roof are collected from 82 steelgirders made of tube profiles. The girders are braced by circular beams and X tension rods. All thiscreates a quasi - dome covered by polycarbonate...
Stability Enhancement of Grid-Connected Wind Power Generation System Using PSS, SFCL and STATCOM
PublicationThe stability related issues may occur in a power system due to disturbances in generating or loading conditions, especially in the presence of distributed generation (DG) based on renewable energy resources (RERs). This paper proposes a novel strategy for the stability enhancement of a wind power generation system (WPGS) by using a combination of three devices, namely, a power system stabilizer (PSS), resistive superconductor...
Autonomous pick-and-place system based on multiple 3Dsensors and deep learning
PublicationGrasping objects and manipulating them is the main way the robot interacts with its environment. However, for robots to operate in a dynamic environment, a system for determining the gripping position for objects in the scene is also required. For this purpose, neural networks segmenting the point cloud are usually applied. However, training such networks is very complex and their results are unsatisfactory. Therefore, we propose...
Modelling and Control of a Brushless Multiphase Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in a Stand-Alone Wind Generation System
PublicationThe development of the novel multiphase brushless doubly-fed generator system and voltage controller for stand-alone mode configuration is proposed in this paper. The generator system is based on the new machine construction with multiphase control winding and traditional three-phase power winding. The dynamic model of multiphase brushless doubly-fed generator is presented, and the control strategy for voltage amplitude and frequency...
Selektywne chłodzenie mózgu noworodka po niedotlenieniu okołoporodowym. Cześć 3. Hybrydowy system selektywnego chłodzenia mózgu noworodka
PublicationZapoczątkowane brakiem tlenu procesy biochemiczne mają zgubne skutki dla układu nerwowego, w szczególności rozwijającego się. Hipotermia, czyli stan oziębienia poniżej pewnych wartości temperatur, spowalnia znacznie lub całkowicie wyhamowuje poszczególne reakcje, i to leży u podstaw jej własności neuroprotekcyjnych. Powyższe twierdzenie poparte licznymi faktami naukowymi leży u podstaw koncepcji selektywnego chłodzenia mózgu i...
System monitorowania prac organów przedstawicielskich - doświadczenie z zakresu e-demokracji
PublicationArtykuł zawiera wprowadzenie w tematykę e-demokracji oraz przedstawia uruchomiony w połowie roku 2004 ''System Monitorowania Prac Sejmu'', który udostępnia obywatelom informację dotyczącą zachowań ich przedstawicieli - posłów na Sejm RP. Przedstawiono obecną funkcjonalność systemu, zastosowane rozwiązania techniczne oraz plany rozwojowe.
Stabilizing forces in trapezoidal sheeting used as a part of the bracing system
PublicationIn the analysis of bracing systems imperfections of the restrained elements should be considered. According to EC3 this effect can be calculated by means of the equivalent stabilizing force, which replaces (in simplified way) initial bow imperfection of the braced element. However, alternative suggestions of the equivalent stabilizing force calculations can be also found in the literature. In this paper segment of the pitched roof...
Stabilizing forces in trapezoidal sheeting used as a part of the bracing system
PublicationIn the analysis of bracing systems imperfections of the restrained elements should be considered. According to EC3 this effect can be calculated by means of the equivalent stabilizing force, which replaces (in simplified way) initial bow imperfection of the braced element. However, alternative suggestions of the equivalent stabilizing force calculations can be also found in the literature. In this paper segment of the pitched roof...
PublicationAim of the study This study analyses the efficiency of flood protection in a small urban catchment, based on a system of small reservoirs. Material and methods To assess the flood routing and surge reduction, a mathematical model of the river catchment was implemented. This was a lumped hydrological model, based on the SCS-CN method. Channel routing was performed, using kinematic wave equation. The sub-catchments have been determined...
Motor bearing diagnostics performed by means of laser vibrometer
PublicationDamage of bearings is the most common cause of failures in squirrel-cage induction motors. That is why the issues connected with diagnostics of bearings are so important. The equipment employed for bearing diagnostics usually makes use of vibrations as the criterion for technical condition of the bearings. This paper presents exemplary results of the research conducted on bearings with artificially introduced damage. A scanning...
Selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children
PublicationIn this article the procedure of selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children is proposed. Authors designed and conducted an experiment in which a group of 30 health volunteers (16 females and 14 males) were examined. Under controlled conditions people were exposed to a stressful situation caused by the picture or sound (1kHz constant sound, which was gradually...
System laboratoryjny do identyfikacji uszkodzeń parametrycznych analogowych układów elektronicznych
PublicationPrzedmiotem artykułu jest komputerowy system laboratoryjny do testowania parametrów funkcjonalnych analogowych układów elektronicznych w dziedzinie czasu. W systemie wykorzystano dwa generatory 33120A oraz multimetr 34401A dołączone do komputera za pośrednictwem interfejsu RS232. Oprogramowanie sterujące pracą systemu zrealizowano w środowisku Matlab. W systemie zaimplementowano metodę testowania polegającą na pobudzaniu układu...
Evolving neural network as a decision support system — Controller for a game of “2048” case study
PublicationThe paper proposes an approach to designing the neuro-genetic self-learning decision support system. The system is based on neural networks being adaptively learned by evolutionary mechanism, forming an evolved neural network. Presented learning algorithm enables for a selection of the neural network structure by establishing or removing of connections between the neurons, and then for a finding the beast suited values of the network...