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Search results for: body mass index
Low energy electron attachment to platinum(II) bromide (PtBr2)
PublicationtDissociative electron attachment to PtBr2in the gas phase was studied in the low electron energy rangefrom zero up to 10 eV with an energy resolution of 150 meV. The experiments were carried out using ahemispherical electron monochromator coupled with a quadrupole mass spectrometer and pulse count-ing acquisition system. The only anion observed was Br−. This ion is formed at three resonance electronenergies: 0.4 eV, 1.2 eV and...
Bioaccumulation of metals in tissues of marine animals, Part II - metal concentrations in animal tissues
PublicationThe bioaccumulation of metals in an animal depends on a multitude of factors: biotic ones, like its body dimensions and mass, age, sex, diet, metabolism and position in the trophic web, as well as abiotic ones such as the distribution of metals in its environment, the salinity, temperature and pH of the water, habitat type, interactions with other metals. But it is diet that has the greatest influence on the accumulation of metals...
Pollutants Transport Phenomena
e-Learning CoursesIntroduction to heat and mass transfer phenomena in the environment.
Experimental and predicted physicochemical properties of monopropanolamine-based deep eutectic solvents
PublicationIn this work, the novel deep eutectic solvents (DESs) based on 3-amino-1-propanol (AP) as hydrogen bond donor (HBD) and tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) or tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) or tetraethylammonium chloride (TEAC) as hydrogen bond acceptors (HBAs) were synthesized with different molar ratios of 1: 4, 1: 6 and 1: 8 salt to AP. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy measurements were performed to provide an evidence...
Experimental and predicted physicochemical properties of monopropanolamine-based deep eutectic solvents
PublicationIn this work, the novel deep eutectic solvents (DESs) based on 3-amino-1-propanol (AP) as hydrogen bond donor (HBD) and tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) or tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) or tetraethylammonium chloride (TEAC) as hydrogen bond acceptors (HBAs) were synthesized with different molar ratios of 1:4, 1:6 and 1:8 salt to AP. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy measurements were performed to provide an evidence...
Development of a solventless stir bar sorptive extraction/thermal desorption large volume injection capillary gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for ultra-trace determination of pyrethroids pesticides in river and tap water samples
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“Dilute & Shoot” approach for rapid determination of trace amounts of nicotine in zero-level e-liquids by reversed phase liquid chromatography and hydrophilic interactions liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry-electrospray ionization
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Karolina Lademann mgr
PeopleCurriculum vitae
Neuroendocrine tumor, grade 2 - Female, 64 - Tissue image [9190729564906751]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of STOMACH tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Pollutants transfer phenomena
e-Learning CoursesSubject considering fundamentals of the heat and mass transfer in the environment.
Vacuum ultraviolet photoionization and ionic fragmentation of the isoxazole molecules
PublicationThe photofragmentation of the isoxazole molecules producing ionized atomic and molecular fragments was investigated in the photon energy range of 9e32 eV, using synchrotron radiation excitation combined with ion time-of-flight spectrometry. Twenty-one well resolved cations were identified in the mass spectra of the isoxazole, and their appearance energies were determined. The yield curves of these cations were obtained in the photon...
Robert Burczyk mgr inż.
PeopleRobert Burczyk received Eng. degree and M. SC. Eng. degree in electronics and telecommunictions engineering in 2017 and 2018 successively with specialization in radiocommunication systems and networks. The subject of the dissertations was focused on Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). Currently, he is a PhD student and an employee at the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks, Gdansk University of Technology. His...
A model of liquid film breakdown formed due to impingement of a two-phase jet on a horizontal surface
PublicationThe present work aims to provide an explanation to the phenomenon of breakdown of the thin liquid film created by impinging two-phase, liquid-gas jet. Existing in the literature models describe merely thebreakdown of single phase liquid films. The model presented here is based on examination of mass and energy equations under the applied criterion of the minimum of total energy. That allows to determinethe minimum thickness of...
In Vitro Dissolution of Na-Ca-P-Oxynitrides
Publication: Sodium-calcium-phosphate based oxynitride glasses and glass-ceramics doped with Mg, Si, and Nb were studied in vitro in simulated body fluid (SBF) under static conditions. The release of ions and pH changes up to 7 days of immersion were investigated. The nitrogen incorporation into phosphate glass matrix was found to notably influence in vitro dissolution only of homogenous glasses. Increasing the nitrogen content in the samples...
Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity - Civil Engineering, sem. I
e-Learning CoursesPreliminaries in Solid Body Mechanics focused on 2D and 3D engineering structures, in analytical approach
Study on effective front region thickness of PCM in thermal energy storage using a novel semi-theoretical model
PublicationThermal energy storage in mobile applications, particularly battery of electric vehicles, is currently gaining a lot of importance. In this paper, a semi-theoretical time-dependent mathematical model of the phase change in a double shell thermal energy storage module has been developed where the inner tube is a heat exchange surface. An effective front region thickness for the melting and solidification process has been studied....
Badanie i analiza właściwości kanałów radiowych w sieciach WBAN (część 2)
PublicationW tej części artykułu przeprowadzono analizę zaników wolnozmiennych i szybkozmiennych w sieciach WBAN typu off-body z przestrzennym odbiorem zbiorczym oraz analizę stopnia skorelowania odbieranych sygnałów. Zaprezentowano model kanału radiowego dla wąskopasmowych i szerokopasmowych sieci WBAN typu off-body, pracujących w środowisku promu pasażerskiego. Przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą zaników wolnozmiennych i szybkozmiennych...
Minichannel and minigap classification criteria based on the aspect ratio of the minigeometry: A numerical study
PublicationA detailed numerical investigation has been carried out to analyze the diabatic flow distribution and velocity profile in 18 minigeometries with various aspect ratios for V-type and I-type flow configurations (for 36 cases) assuming ethanol as a working fluid. The aim of the study is to distinguish the value of the aspect ratio for which the flow in minigeometry starts to be two-dimensional (minigap). Cases with a constant Reynolds...
Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska dr hab. inż.
PeopleAnna Brillowska-Dąbrowska, born in 1971 in Gdańsk, Poland, graduated in 1996 in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). In 2001 she got her PhD, in 2013 became a DSc (habilitation). She was employed in 2004 as a researcher in Statens Serum Institut in Denmark. Currently she is an Associate Professor (adiunkt) in the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Microbiology and Vice-dean...
Theoretical consideration of free convective heat transfer from a round isothermal plate slightly inclined from the vertical
PublicationA semi-analytical solution of simplified Navier-Stokes and Fourier-Kirchhoff equations describing free convective heat transfer from a round isothermal surface slightly inclined from the vertical is presented. The solution is based on the assumption, typical for natural convection, that the velocity component normal to the surface is negligibly small in comparison to the tangential one. Next we neglect the nonlinear inertia force...
Marcin Niedopytalski Ekspert ds. Ochrony Osób, Strzelectwa i Prawa Konstytucyjnego
PeopleMarcin Niedopytalski is a recognized expert with 25 years of experience in the field of protection and security, author of many specialized books, scientist, as well as researcher and observer in the broadly understood sphere of security. His extensive competences cover many key areas such as crisis management, VIP protection, self-defense,shooting, as well as medical rescue. Marcin started his career in security very early, starting...
Double-diffusive natural convection energy transfer in magnetically influenced Casson fluid flow in trapezoidal enclosure with fillets
PublicationThe prime motive of this disquisition is to deal with mathematical analysis of natural convection energy transport driven by combined buoyancy effects of thermal and solutal diffusion in a trapezoidal enclosure. Casson fluid rheological constitutive model depicting attributes of viscoelastic liquids is envisioned. The influence of the inclined magnetic field governed by Lorentz field law is also considered. To raise the essence...
LCT, PIV and IR Imaging Detection in Selected Technical and Biomedical Applications
PublicationThermochromic liquid crystals (TLC), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Infrared Imaging Themography (IR) have been successfully used in non-intrusive technical, industrial and biomedical studies and applications. These four tools (based on the desktop computers) have come together during the past two decades to produce a powerful advanced experimental technique as a judgment of quality of information that cannot be obtained...
Effects of Laser Remelting at Cryogenic Conditions on Microstructure and Wear Resistance of the Ti6Al4V Alloy Applied in Medicine
PublicationThe titanium and its alloys can be subjected to surface treatment, including laser treatment. In this work a new laser treatment at cryogenic conditions of Ti6Al4V alloy has been described. The work has been aimed at establishing whether such surface treatment could be suitable for implants working under wear in biological corrosive environment. The remelting has been made with the use of CO2 continuous work laser at laser power...
Liquid Crystals, PIV and IR-Photography in Selected Technical and Biomedical Applications
PublicationThermochromic liquid crystals (TLC), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Infrared Imaging Themography (IR) and True-Colour Digital Image Processing (TDIP) have been successfully used in non-intrusive technical, industrial and biomedical studies and applications. These four tools (based on the desktop computers) have come together during the past two decades to produce a powerful advanced...
PublicationIn this paper, we estimate aversion to rank inequality (ATRI) underlying selected Italian income inequality indices, I, notably the Pietra index, the Bonferroni index and the “new” Zenga index. We measure ATRI by the parameter v of the generalised Gini index G(v). ATRI is distinct from aversion to income inequality, as measured by parameter ε of Atkinson’s index A(ε). We propose eliciting v from the equation I = GE(v). As, in general,...
Size-exclusion chromatography for the determination of the boiling point distribution of high-boiling petroleum fractions
PublicationThe paper describes a new procedure for the determination of boiling point distribution of high-boiling petroleum fractions using size exclusion chromatography with refractive index detector. Thus far, the determination of boiling range distribution by chromatography has been accomplished using simulated distillation with gas chromatography with the flame ionization detection. This study revealed that in spite of substantial differences...
Karolina Lademann Mgr
People -
Structure and properties of liquid Al–Cu alloys: Empirical potentials compared
PublicationWe report on the structure and mass transport properties of liquid Al–Cu alloys predicted by two recently-developed empirical many-body potentials: MEAM (Jelinek et al., 2012) and EAM-ADP (Apostol and Mishin, 2011), and by the well-known Gupta potential. Total and partial pair correlation functions, angular distribution functions, densities, coordination numbers and self-diffusion coefficients are compared with published experimental...
Piotr Bartłomiejczyk dr hab.
PeopleW roku 2014 zostałem zatrudniony w Katedrze Równań Różniczkowych i Zastosowań Matematyki na Wydziale Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej Politechniki Gdańskiej. Zajmuję się badaniem niezmienników występujących w analizie nieliniowej. W roku 2000 uzyskałem stopień naukowy doktora w zakresie nauk matematycznych w Instytucie Matematycznym Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie. Uchwałą Rady Wydziału Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki...
Natural convective heat transfer from isothermalconic
PublicationTheoretical considerations on convective heat transfer from isothermal upward conicalsurfaces have been presented. The physical model of this phenomenon consists of an isothermalcone of inclination angle (φ) between the cone generating line (X) and the radius (R) of the cone base. The angle is a parameter of conical surface which varied from (φ = 0−circular horizontal plate) to (φ = π/2—vertical cylinder) . Onthe basis of Navier–Stokes...
Flow through a prosthetic mechanical aortic valve: Numerical model and experimental study
PublicationThis research presents a numerical model dedicated for virtual patient diagnostics in the field of synthetic valve implantation. The model operates based on computational fluid dynamics solver with implemented rigid body motion solver. Characteristic indicators related to the prosthetic valve were determined to assess the correctness of cardiac system operation after implantation. A novel approach for dynamic time discretization...
The role of hydrogen bonding on tuning hard-soft segments in bio-based thermoplastic poly(ether-urethane)s
PublicationThis work describes the preparation of bio-based thermoplastic poly(ether-urethane)s (TPU) via a prepolymer method and investigates the effect of varying the interphase hydrogen-bonding (H-bonding) on physicochemical, thermal and mechanical properties. This was achieved by varying the glycol type and molar ratio of [NCO]/[OH] groups used during the prepolymer chain extending step. The TPUs’ chemical structure was analyzed by Fourier...
Influence of User Mobility and Antenna Placement on System Loss in B2B Networks
PublicationIn this paper, the influence of user mobility and on-body antenna placement on system loss in body-to-body communications in indoor and outdoor environments and different mobility scenarios is studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The novelty of this work lies on the proposal of a classification model to characterise the effect of user mobility and path visibility on system loss, allowing to identify the best...
Electrochemical simulation of metabolism for antitumor-active imidazoacridinone C-1311 and in silico prediction of drug metabolic reactions
PublicationThe metabolism of antitumor-active 5-diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone (C-1311) has been investigated widely over the last decade but some aspects of molecular mechanisms of its metabolic transformation are still not explained. In the current work, we have reported a direct and rapid analytical tool for better prediction of C-1311 metabolism which is based on electrochemistry (EC) coupled on-line with electrospray...
Quantum Correlations of a Few Bosons within a Harmonic Trap
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Ground-State Entanglement Properties of Helium Atom in a Finite Spherical Cavity
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Note on the Harmonic Approximation in the Treatment of Entanglement: N Cold Trapped Ions
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Two-Boson Correlations in Various One-Dimensional Traps
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Test of an Optimised Exact-Diagonalization Approach for Trapped Fermionic Mixtures
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Correlation Effects in the Moshinsky Model
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Entanglement Entropies in the Ground States of Helium-Like Atoms
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Doubly Excited Resonance States of Helium Atom: Complex Entropies
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Correlation and Entanglement in Elliptically Deformed Two-Electron Quantum Dots
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Entanglement in Hooke’s Law Atoms: an Effect of the Dimensionality of the Space
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Entanglement of Two Charged Bosons in Strongly Anisotropic Traps
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Fermionized Dipolar Bosons Trapped in a Harmonic Trap
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Quantum Entanglement of Two Harmonically Trapped Dipolar Particles
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Numerical model for thin liquid film with evaporation and condensation on solid surfaces in systems with conjugated heat transfer
PublicationCondensation and evaporation processes from wetted surfaces are of utmost importance in many technological or industrial applications. In many devices such as home-appliances and air conditioning systems just to name a few, condensation and evaporation processes greatly impact their performance and energy efficiency; The physics of these processes is quite complex, involving conjugate heat transfer among solid–liquid film-gaseous...
Non-destructive inspection of ground anchors using guided wave propagation
PublicationThis paper deals with numerical and experimental investigations of specific problems of guided wave propagation in ground anchors. The research focuses on recognizing the phenomenon of the energy transfer between anchor components. Particular attention is paid to characteristic features of guided waves propagating in free and embedded parts of the tendon, at the interface between the tendon and the surrounding anchor body as well...