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Search results for: imperfect thermal contact
Recycled polyethylene and crumb rubber composites modified asphalt with improved aging resistance and thermal stability
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Mechanical Strength and Thermal Properties of Cement Concrete Containing Waste Materials as Substitutes for Fine Aggregate
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Thermodynamic Analysis of a Closed-Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Power Plant for Offshore Platforms
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Self-adaptive heat extraction controller for solar thermal tower operational with molten salt tanks
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CdS thin films obtained by thermal treatment of cadmium(II) complexprecursor deposited by MAPLE technique
PublicationCienkie warstwy kompleksu [Cd{SSi(O-But)3}(S2CNEt2)]2 zostały osadzone na podłożach Si przy użyciu techniki MAPLE (ablacja laserowa z zamrożoną matrycą). Otrzymanie warstw CdS było możliwe dzięki zastosowaniu obróbki termicznej podłoży z naniesionym prekursorem. Powierzchnia filmów była analizowana pod kątem morfologii przy użyciu mikroskopii sił atomowych (AFM) oraz pomiarów elipsometrycznych (SE).
Structure and superconductivity of VN-SiO2 films obtained by thermal nitridation of sol-gel derived coatings
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki badań strukturalnych oraz właściwości nadprzewodzących cienkich warstw xVN-(100-x)SiO2, gdzie x = 90, 80, 70, 60 mol%. Warstwy zostały wykonane metodą termicznego azotowania z użyciem amoniaku cienkich warstw tlenkowych otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. Badania struktury przeprowadzono metodami XRD oraz XPS, natomiast właściwości nadprzewodzące badano metodą MMMA. Właściwości nadprzewodzące warstw zależą zarówno...
Biopolyols obtained via microwave-assisted liquefaction of lignin: structure, rheological, physical and thermal properties
PublicationThe present study examined the application of polyols obtained via microwave-assisted liquefaction of lignin in the production of rigid polyurethane foam. Lignin was liquefed in crude glycerol and 1,4-butanediol at diferent temperatures (130–170 °C), without a catalyst and using various biomass concentrations (15 and 30 wt%). The physicochemical properties, process yield, and FTIR-based identifcation of the obtained polyols were...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - DISTILLED WATER. Specim. set K06
Open Research DataFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DISTILLED WATER. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - DISTILLED WATER. Specim. set K07
Open Research DataFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DISTILLED WATER. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - DISTILLED WATER. Specim. set K02
Open Research DataFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: DISTILLED WATER. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in reciprocating siding friction tests. Ball-on-flat contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Lubricant - PARAFFIN OIL. Specim. set K08
Open Research DataFriction and wear tests in ball-on-flat contact. Both specimens made of sintered alumina ceramics (98%) - self-mated contact.Linear reciprocating motion.Lubrication: PARAFFIN OIL. Sliding velocity (peak): 0.1 m/s. Load (normal force): 5N. Test rig: TPZ-1 Tribometer.Running time: progressive increments of 10, 15, 30, 60, 180 and 300s. (stored in separate...
Wear in siding friction tests. Ring-on-ring contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%). Paraffin oil lubrication. Specim. sets #20-#21, #22-#23, #24-#25, #26-#27, #28-#29,#30 - #31. Run time: 0-4h. High frequency burst recording.
Open Research DataWear in sliding friction tests in ring-on-ring contact. Sintered alumina ceramics (98%) in self-mated contact. Lubrication: paraffin oil. Sliding velocity: 0.2 m/s. Mean contact stress: 10 MPa. Test rig: PT-3 Tribometer. High frequency burst recording.Running time: 0 - 4h.Specimen sets:Specim. sets (# [upper, rotating] - #[lower, non-rotating]):#20-#21,...
Jeffreys heat conduction in coupled semispaces subjected to interfacial heating
PublicationA Jeffreys heat conduction problem for coupled semispaces subjected to the action of an interfacial heat source was defined. An analytical solution of the problem was derived for a polynomial specific power of the heat source using the Laplace transform approach. The asymptotic and parametric analysis was performed for different ratios of thermal conductivities , thermal diffusivities , thermal relaxation times and coefficients...
Nanocomposite of copper oxide nanoparticles and multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a solid contact of a copper-sensitive ion-selective electrode: intermediate layer or membrane component–comparative studies
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Thermal degradation assessment of canola and olive oil using ultra-fast gas chromatography coupled with chemometrics
PublicationOil blending is often used to enhance the properties of vegetable oils. The admixture of a more thermally stable oil makes the resulting blend more suitable for use in frying. A new method of quality assessment of vegetable oils used in frying is presented in this paper. In this method, ultra-fast gas chromatography coupled with flame ionization detector and chemometrics is employed. Principal component analysis was used for data...
Possibility of thermal imaging use in studies of natural convection heat transfer on the example of an isothermal vertical plate.
PublicationA new method of infrared (IR) camera use in convective heat transfer studies has been presented. Until now, IR cameras were utilized for temperature field visualizations of flat heated surfaces of solid objects only. Because liquids and gasses do not emit radiation in the infrared range of wave lengths, detection of temperature field in the air was conducted with the use of plastic mesh, which, after heating by hot air, emits infrared...
Real-Time Monnitoring of Vegetable Oils' Thermal Degradation Using Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry
PublicationThe volatile aldehydes, which are generated during frying, can be harmful to human health, therefore the concentration of these compounds in frying fumes should be monitored. In addition, aldehydes are markers of oils’ quality, and so it is possible to determine shelf-life or suitability for frying of these oils. Commonly, in order to determine aldehydes concentration gas chromatography is performed, however it does not allow for...
Thermal and economic investigation of straight and U-bend double tube heat exchanger with coiled wire turbulator
PublicationExperimental research has been carried out for four individual heat exchanger constructions, i.e., plain double tube, turbulized double tube, plain U-bend and U-bend with turbulator. Tests were made for the water-water system. The study covered a wide measuring range, i.e., Re = 800–9000 – on the shell side, for a constant cold water temperature of 9 ◦C and hot water of 50 ◦C. The heat exchangers were made from copper tubes with...
Thermal treatment of montmorillonite modified with Cd[SC(NH2)2]42+ from two polymorphic salts
PublicationMontmorillonite(MMT)/CdS nanocomposites can be obtained using simple ionic exchange between Na(I)-MMT and Cd[SC(NH2)2]42+∙2NO3. The resulting products may be annealed to give (MMT)/CdS nanocomposites as it was proved by XRD analysis.
Possibility of thermal imaging use in studies of natural convection heat transfer on the example of an isothermal vertical plate
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Comprehensive studies on the properties of apple juice treated by non-thermal atmospheric plasma in a flow-through system
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Utilization of thermal decomposition of immobilized compounds for the generation of gaseous standard mixtures used in the calibration of gas analysers
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Study of a method for the preparation of standard gas mixtures based on thermal decomposition of surface compounds. Application to isothiocyanates
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High level synthesis with adaptive evolutionary algorithm for solving reliability and thermal problems in reconfigurable microelectronic systems.
PublicationPraca dotyczy badań efektywności adaptacyjnego algorytmu ewolucyjnego (AEA)zastosowanego do syntezy wysokiego poziomu układów cyfrowych CMOS w celu zredukowania rozpraszanej przez nie mocy. W wyniku obniżenia poziomu mocy pobieranej przez układ mikroelektroniczny uzyskuje się zmniejszenie szczytowej i średniej temperatury układu scalonego co z kolei prowadzi do wzrostu niezawodności całego systemu. Podczas przeprowadzonych...
Experimental investigation of PCM thermal energy storage charge and discharge process with aperiodic (ramp) temperature inputs
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Cooling System with PCM Storage for an Office Building: Experimental Investigation Aided by a Model of the Office Thermal Dynamics
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Examining the Influence of Re–Used Nanofiller—Pyrolyzed Montmorillonite, on the Thermal Properties of Polypropylene–Based Engineering Nanocomposites
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Determination of the thermal conductivity of material dividing the metallic core elements of the bi-calorimeter using modified theory
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zmodyfikowaną teorię bikalorymetru z dzielonym metalowym rdzeniem. Pomiędzy dwiema częściami rdzenia umieszczano próbki badanego ciała stałego lub gazu. Ogrzewano jedną stronę rdzenia. Mierzono temperaturę obu części rdzenia w funkcji czasu. Uzyskane wyniki umożliwiły wyznaczenie różnicy temperatur i strumienia ciepła, przepływającego przez próbkę. Z zastosowaniem prawa Fouriera obliczano współczynnik przewodności...
Comparison of How Graphite and Shungite Affect Thermal, Mechanical, and Dielectric Properties of Dielectric Elastomer-Based Composites
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Synthesis and Thermal, Photophysical, Electrochemical Properties of 3,3-di[3-Arylcarbazol-9-ylmethyl]oxetane Derivatives
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Simultaneously improving the thermal stability, flame retardancy and mechanical properties of polyethylene by the combination of graphene with carbon black
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Thermal Barrier Stability and Wear Behavior of CVD Deposited Aluminide Coatings for MAR 247 Nickel Superalloy
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Microscopic and Spectroscopic Imaging and Thermal Analysis of Acrylates, Silicones and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Adhesive Transdermal Patches
PublicationDermal or transdermal patches are increasingly becoming a noteworthy alternative ascarriers for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), which makes their detailed physicochemical evaluation essential for pharmaceutical development. This paper demonstrates mid-infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy with complementary microscopic methods (SEM, optical and confocal Raman microscopy) and differential scanning calorimetry...
Thermal and mechanical properties of (W,Zr)B2-z coatings deposited by RF magnetron sputtering method
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Microscopic and Spectroscopic Imaging and Thermal Analysis of Acrylates, Silicones and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Adhesive Transdermal Patches
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The effect of CeO2 on the thermal stability, structure and thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence properties of barium borate glass
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Sulfonated poly(benzoyl paraphenylene) as a membrane for PEMFC: Ex situ and in situ experiments of thermal and chemical stability
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Investigating the Effect of Aluminum Diethylphosphinate on Thermal Stability, Flame Retardancy, and Mechanical Properties of Poly(butylene succinate)
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DOPO-Functionalized Molybdenum Disulfide and its Impact on the Thermal Properties of Polyethylene and Poly(Lactic Acid) Composites
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Thermal, structural and spectroscopic properties of heavy metal oxide glass and glass-ceramics doped with Er3+ions
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Operation of a ground thermal energy storage supplied by different sources in a low-temperature district heating network
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Thermal analysis of macro-encapsulated phase change material coupled with domestic gas heater for building heating
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Influence of different types of the internal system of the ballistic helmet shell on the thermal insulation measured by a manikin headform
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Effect of Thermal Treatment at Inert Atmosphere on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Non-stoichiometric Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles
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Thermal quenching of Ce3+luminescence in the cuspidine-type oxide nitride compounds Y4Si2−xAlxO7+xN2−x
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Ice Regime of the Kozłowa Góra Reservoir (Southern Poland) as an Indicator of Changes of the Thermal Conditions of Ambient Air
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Laser Thermal Oxidation by Ytterbium-Doped Fibre Laser of the Hot and Cold-Rolled Stainless Steel Surface
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Numerical Verification of Tests on the Influence of the Imposed Thermal Cycles on the Structure and Properties of the S700MC Heat-Affected Zone
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Thermal Design of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Used as an Oil Cooler in Ships: A Comparative Case Study