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Analityka techniczna i kontrola jakości
e-Learning CoursesAnalityka techniczna i kontrola jakości, PG_00048865
Suwerenność państwa i rządy prawa: kodyfikacja prawa prywatnego w Chinach
PublicationThe main issue of this article is a comparison of codification of private law in the Republic of China (1912–1949) with the current fi fth attempt to codify civil law in the People’s Republic of China, which is planned to be enacted in 2020. The aim of the paper is to prove that in both the most important factors for drafting new laws were not the internal needs of the state, but the necessity to regulate the...
Assessment of the Symmetry and Deformation of a Submarine Hull Using the PCSE Method
PublicationThe paper presents a new dry-dock method for assessing the deformation of submarine hulls using TLS point cloud data and the point cloud spatial expansion method (PCSE). The advantage of the proposed approach is the high-resolution deformation analysis that can be conducted in the case of both the availability and a lack of technical documentation on the submarine hull. The geometry assessment involves two-plane hull symmetry in...
The treatment of wastewater containing pharmaceuticals in microcosm constructed wetlands: the occurrence of integrons (int1–2) and associated resistance genes (sul1–3, qacEΔ1)
PublicationThe aim of this study was to analyze the occurrence of sulfonamide resistance genes (sul1–3) and other genetic elements as antiseptic resistance gene (qacEΔ1) and class 1 and class 2 integrons (int1–2) in the upper layer of substrate and in the effluent of microcosm constructed wetlands (CWs) treating artificial wastewater containing diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole (SMX), which is a sulfonamide antibiotic. The bacteria in the substrate...
Smart Approach for Glioma Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Modified Convolutional Network Architecture (U-NET)
PublicationSegmentation of a brain tumor from magnetic resonance multimodal images is a challenging task in the field of medical imaging. The vast diversity in potential target regions, appearance and multifarious intensity threshold levels of various tumor types are few of the major factors that affect segmentation results. An accurate diagnosis and its treatment demand strict delineation of the tumor affected tissues. Herein, we focus on...
Telomerase inhibition - unfulfilled hopes in the perfect molecular target
PublicationTelomerase plays a pivotal role in cell proliferation, homeostasis, and neoplastic transformation, making it a promising molecular target for cancer chemotherapy. Of note, although hTERT has been explored thoroughly as a target, none of the promising molecules has been approved as a drug until now. The subject of research conducted as part of my doctoral dissertation is explaining the cellular and molecular mechanism of action...
Image Classification Based on Video Segments
PublicationIn the dissertation a new method for improving the quality of classifications of images in video streams has been proposed and analyzed. In multiple fields concerning such a classification, the proposed algorithms focus on the analysis of single frames. This class of algorithms has been named OFA (One Frame Analyzed).In the dissertation, small segments of the video are considered and each image is analyzed in the context of its...
Fault diagnosis of marine 4-stroke diesel engines using a one-vs-one extreme learning ensemble
PublicationThis paper proposes a novel approach for intelligent fault diagnosis for stroke Diesel marine engines, which are commonly used in on-road and marine transportation. The safety and reliability of a ship's work rely strongly on the performance of such an engine; therefore, early detection of any type of failure that affects the engine is of crucial importance. Automatic diagnostic systems are of special importance because they can...
Polaronic and Mott insulating phase of layered magnetic vanadium trihalide VCl3
PublicationTwo-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnetic 3d-transition metal trihalides are a new class of functional materials showing exotic physical properties useful for spintronic and memory storage applications. In this article, we report the synthesis and electromagnetic characterization of single-crystalline vanadium trichloride, VCl 3 , a novel 2D layered vdW Mott insulator, which has a rhombohedral structure (R3, No. 148) at...
Revitalization of the Narrow-Gauge Żuławy Commuter Railway and its effect on shipping conditions in the Vistula delta
PublicationThe article presents the Żuławy Access Railway and the effect of its revitalization on the change of navigational conditions in the Vistula delta. One of the problems analyzed in the article is the intersection of two different transport branches - the inland waterway and rail transport branches. A solution to the problem of their functioning is presented, without any major restrictions. Possible changes in navigational conditions...
Speed management on local government managed roads – research, recommendations and guidelines
PublicationCommissioned by the National Road Safety Council Secretariat, the project “Guidelines for speed management on local government managed roads” studied car driver be haviour when subjected to selected speed management measures such a local speed restrictions, surveillance, traffic calming and restricted speed areas. In addition, analyses were conducted on the impact of selected me asures...
Systematics of intelligent transport systems services
PublicationRecent years have seen a more intensified deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Polish cities. Work is also underway on the implementation of ITS on the national roads within the National Traffic Management System (KSZR). The research project RID-4D (part of Road Innovations), is designed to fill the gap, which is the lack of systematics of ITS services in Poland. The paper presents a proposal of ITS services systematics,...
Technical Physics 24/25
e-Learning CoursesTechnical Physics, ćwiczenia grupa 1 (Inżynieria Danych, 3 semestr)
Technical Physics
e-Learning CoursesTechnical Physics, ćwiczenia grupa 1 (Inżynieria Danych, 3 semestr)
Błaszki 2021- video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Open Research DataBłaszki 2021- video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
From place to city: constructing collectively the habitat - workshop Elective design I
e-Learning CoursesZapraszamy na projekt fakultatywny “From place to city: constructing collectively the habitat” - workshop Elective design I - Seminars & assignments: 30 h Teachers: dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka dr inż. arch. Piotr Czyż dr inż. arch. Weronika Mazurkiewicz
Indeksy demokracji i stan zaawansowania ich rozwoju dla pomiaru jakości demokracji na poziomie lokalnym - Democracy indices and current state of their advancement for measuring quality of democracy at a local level
PublicationJak mierzyć demokrację? Jak ocenić, czy jeden ustrój demokratyczny jest bardziej de-mokratyczny od innego i na jakiej podstawie to stwierdzić? Pomiary jakości demokracji na poziomie państw istnieją już od 1946 roku, a na ich podstawie powstawały indeksy demokracji jak np. Freedom House, Polity IV, czy też Varieties of Democracy. Poza poziomem państw jest zdecydowanie mniej narzędzi tego typu, a istniejące – jak np. Local Autonomy...
Podstawy fizyki
e-Learning CoursesKierunek: Informatyka (WETI), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2019/2020 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 2) Kierunek: Automatyka, cybernetyka i robotyka (WETI), I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, 2019/2020 - zimowy (obecnie sem. 2)
[25.11.2021] Information meeting for 1-st year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 25.11.2021 1st-year PhD students
[25.10.2022] Information meeting for 1-st year PhD students - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 25.10.2022 1st-year PhD students
[18.12.2023] Information meeting for 1-st year PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 18.12.2023 1st-year PhD students
Information meeting for PhD students 23
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 18.12.2023 1st-year PhD students
Fizyka przyrządów półprzewodnikowych - 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesStacjonarne I stopnia Kurs "Fizyka przyrządów półprzewodnikowych - 2022/2023" Kierunek: Fizyka Techniczna Wydział FTiMS stopień I, semestr 5
Fizyka przyrządów półprzewodnikowych - 2021/2022
e-Learning CoursesStacjonarne I stopnia Kurs "Fizyka przyrządów półprzewodnikowych - 2021/2022" Kierunek: Fizyka Techniczna Wydział FTiMS stopień I, semestr 5
Diamonds in the Mine. Strategies for the Cities in the Silesian Metropolitan Region. / Diamenty w kopalni. Strategie rozwoju dla miast śląskiego regionu metropolitalnego.
PublicationJan Olbrycht, poseł do Parlamentu Europejakiego, w swojej działalności związanej z rozwojem miast współpracuje z Towarzystwem Urbanistów Polskich, jednym z najstarszych stowarzyszeń urbanistów w Europie, które aktywnie działa od 1923 roku. Miałam przyjemność i zaszczyt reprezentować Zarząd Główny Towarzystwa w naszych ostatnich wspólnych przedsięwzięciach. W roku 2016 po konferencji „Miasto - Zarządzanie Miastem” corocznie...
The loop impedance measurement
Open Research DataThe loop impedance measurement
[19.11.2020] Information meeting for PhD students
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 19.11.2020 1st and 2nd-year PhD students
Szablon e-Kursu dla KIDiT
e-Learning CoursesNazwa kursu (2020/2021), kurs przeznaczony dla: Nazwa i kod przedmiotu: Nazwa przedmiotu zgodna z moja PG (np. PG_00044591) Kierunek studiów: Transport Poziom kształcenia: I stopnia - inżynierskie Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2020/2021 Forma studiów: stacjonarne Rok studiów: 2 Semestr: 4 (letni)
Ochrona Środowiska w Transporcie 2022/2023 (zima)
e-Learning CoursesOchrona Środowiska w Transporcie (2022/2023), kurs przeznaczony dla: Nazwa i kod przedmiotu: Ochrona środowiska w transporcie (PG_00044591) Kierunek studiów: Transport Poziom kształcenia: I stopnia - inżynierskie Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2022/2023 Forma studiów: stacjonarne Rok studiów: 2 Semestr: 3 (zimowy)
Ochrona Środowiska w Transporcie 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesOchrona Środowiska w Transporcie (2023/2024), kurs przeznaczony dla: Nazwa i kod przedmiotu: Ochrona środowiska w transporcie (PG_00044591) Kierunek studiów: Transport Poziom kształcenia: I stopnia - inżynierskie Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2023/2024 Forma studiów: stacjonarne Rok studiów: 2 Semestr: 3 (zimowy)
Prognozowanie wpływu drgań komunikacyjnych na budynki mieszkalne za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych i maszyn wektorów wspierających
PublicationDrgania komunikacyjne mogą stanowić duże obciążenie eksploatacyjne budynku, powodując zarysowania i spękania tynków, odpadanie wypraw, zarysowania konstrukcji, pękanie elementów konstrukcji lub nawet zawalenie się budynku. Pomiary drgań na rzeczywistych konstrukcjach są pracochłonne i kosztowne, a co ważne nie w każdym przypadku są one uzasadnione. Celem pracy jest analiza autorskiego algorytmu, dzięki któremu z dużym prawdopodobieństwem...
Completely entangled subspaces of entanglement depth k
PublicationWe introduce a class of entangled subspaces: completely entangled subspaces of entanglement depth k (k-CESs). These are subspaces of multipartite Hilbert spaces containing only pure states with an entanglement depth of at least k. We present an efficient construction of k-CESs of any achievable dimensionality in any multipartite scenario. Further, we discuss the relation between these subspaces and unextendible product bases (UPBs)....
A Noether theorem for stochastic operators on Schatten classes
PublicationWe prove that a stochastic (Markov) operator S acting on a Schatten class C_1 satisfies the Noether condition S'(A) = A and S'(A^2) = A^2, where A is a Hermitian bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H, if and only if, S(E(G)XE(G)) = E(G)S(X)E(G) holds true for every Borel subset G of the real line R, where E(G) denotes the orthogonal projection coming from the spectral resolution of A. Similar results are obtained...
Inequivalence of entanglement, steering, and Bell nonlocality for general measurements
PublicationEinstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering is a form of inseparability in quantum theory commonly acknowledged to be intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. However, this statement has so far only been proven for a restricted class of measurements, namely, projective measurements. Here we prove that entanglement, one-way steering, two-way steering, and nonlocality are genuinely different considering general measurements,...
The cohomological span of LS-Conley index
PublicationIn this paper we introduce a new homotopy invariant – the cohomological span of LS-Conley index. We prove the theorems on the existence of critical points for a class of strongly indefinite functionals with the gradient of the form Lx+K(x), where L is bounded linear and K is completely continuous. We give examples of Hamiltonian systems for which our methods give better results than the Morse inequalities. We also give a formula...
Valence and ionic lowest-lying electronic states of small esters studied by high resolution vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption, photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
PublicationEsters are an important class of oxygenated volatile organic compounds used in food flavorings, perfumes and other cosmetic products. They are present in fruits and pheromones and are emitted to the atmosphere naturally. Esters are also formed in the atmosphere as a product of the oxidation of ethers. Some of them form poly-molecule chains and are used in plastics. Phosphoesters form DNA backbone, while nitroesters are known for...
Influence of nodes with positive eccentricity on load-carrying capasity of truss' top chords in trusses made of welded cold-formed members.
PublicationIn order to establish the influence of eccentric crossing of truss members on the load-carrying capacity of the folded chord of a hat-section truss, a research model was created and preliminary numerical analysis of the truss was performed with the use of Marc Mentat programme. Distorial instability of crossheads caused by deviation of loose (unmounted) channel section web’s bends was observed. Due to the slenderness of the section’s...
Minimal number of periodic points of smooth boundary-preserving self-maps of simply-connected manifolds
PublicationLet M be a smooth compact and simply-connected manifold with simply-connected boundary ∂M, r be a fixed odd natural number. We consider f, a C1 self-map of M, preserving ∂M . Under the assumption that the dimension of M is at least 4, we define an invariant Dr(f;M,∂M) that is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points for all maps preserving ∂M and C1-homotopic to f. As an application, we give necessary and sufficient...
Minimum drag shape bodies moving in inviscid fluid - revisited
PublicationThis paper presents the classic approach to minimum drag shape body problem, moving at hypersonic speeds, leading to famous power law shapes with value of the exponent of 3/4. Two- and three-dimensional cases are considered. Furthermore, an exact pseudo solution is given and its uselessness is discussed. Two new solutions are introduced, namely an approximate solution due to form of the functional and solution by means of optimisation...
Innovative rehabilitation lifts – mechanics in medical devices
PublicationMechanical devices are now widely used in physiotherapy and other rehabilitation processes. Particular importance is attached to devices enabling easy and effective transport of disabled people. The article presents innovative designs of rehabilitation lifts offered by the Polish manufacturer of lifts and medical accessories, LeviCare company. Moreover, the main assumptions of the research and development project implemented by...
A Novel [4+2] Cycloaddition Reaction Involving Lawesson’s Reagent. Structure and Specific Fragmentations of a New Cyclic 1,2-Thiaphosphinane-4-one
PublicationA crude morpholine enamine of acetone treated with Lawesson’s reagent unexpectedly yielded a six-membered thiaphosphinane-4-one. This compound is the first example of a new class of heterocycles. It has been proven that it is formed from 4-methyl-2-morpholino-1,3-pentadiene which is usually present in crude morpholine enamine batches. A mechanism of this regioselective reaction was postulated and a characteristic chair-like conformation...
Podstawy Zarządzania i Marketingu, Budownictwo / studia stacjonarne I st. / sem. VII, 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesPrzedstawienie poza technicznych aspektów funkcjonowania współczesnych przedsiębiorstw, decydujących o ich konkurencyjności na rynku. semestr zimowy 2021/2022 Prowadzący: dr inż. Magdalena Apollo
Podstawy Zarządzania i Marketingu, Budownictwo / studia stacjonarne I st. / sem. VII, 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesPrzedstawienie poza technicznych aspektów funkcjonowania współczesnych przedsiębiorstw, decydujących o ich konkurencyjności na rynku. semestr zimowy 2023/2024 Prowadzący: dr inż. Magdalena Apollo
2022 Uzdatnianie wody do celów spożywczych i przemysłowych
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest zaznajomienie studentów z technologiami stosowanymi w uzdatnianiu wody docelów spożywczych i przemysłowych
Podstawy Zarządzania i Marketingu, Budownictwo / studia stacjonarne I st. / sem. VII, 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesPrzedstawienie poza technicznych aspektów funkcjonowania współczesnych przedsiębiorstw, decydujących o ich konkurencyjności na rynku. semestr zimowy 2023/2024 Prowadzący: dr inż. Magdalena Apollo
2023 Uzdatnianie wody do celów spożywczych i przemysłowych
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest zaznajomienie studentów z technologiami stosowanymi w uzdatnianiu wody docelów spożywczych i przemysłowych
Joanna Ozimek WIMiO, BM II st., sem 2, niestacj., 2022/2023 l
e-Learning Courses.
Roads unsafety - social costs
PublicationThe condition of road safety has a significant impact on the quality of citizens' life. Yearly, one in a hundred families in Poland suffers because of road accidents. It is affected by them not only in material terms but first and foremost in moral terms. Road accidents are one of the main causes of degradation in the quality of life. In Poland we hardly know anything about the fate of the road traffic victims, their life problems...
Evaluating the Use of Edge Devices for Detection and Tracking of Vehicles in Smart City Environment
PublicationThis paper introduces a Smart City solution designed to run on edge devices, leveraging NVIDIA's DeepStream SDK for efficient urban surveillance. We evaluate five object-tracking approaches, using YOLO as the baseline detector and integrating three Nvidia DeepStream trackers: IOU, NvSORT, and NvDCF. Additionally, we propose a custom tracker based on Optical Flow and Kalman filtering. The presented approach combines advanced machine...
Providing Differentiated Levels of Service Availability in VANET Communications
PublicationInter-vehicle communications seems to be a promising remedy not only for a number of road-safety issues, but also to improve the efficiency of road traffic, as well as to support the on-board infotainment applications. However, it often encounters disruptions due to high mobility of vehicles causing frequent failures of communication links. In this paper, we utilize the idea of multipath vehicle-to-vehicle routing to provide protection...