total: 28650
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A Method of Assessment of the Liquid Sloshing Impact on Ship Transverse Stability
PublicationLiquid sloshing phenomenon taking place in partly filled ships? tanks directly affects the stability of a vessel. However, only static calculations are carried out onboard ships nowadays and static transfer of liquid weight is taken into account in the course of routine stability calculation. The paper is focused on a dynamic heeling moment due to liquid sloshing in tanks onboard ships. The set of numerical simulations of liquid...
The influence of thermal conditions on V2O5 nanostructures prepared by sol-gel method
PublicationThis work presents the result of structure investigations ofV 2O5 nanorods grown from thin films and powders prepared by sol-gel method. To examine the best temperature of nanorods crystallization, thin films deposited by spin-coating method on quartz glass or silicon substrates and bulk xerogel powders were annealed at various temperatures ranging from 100∘C to 600∘C. The structure of the samples was characterized by X-ray diffraction...
Arching of railway turnouts by analytical design method
PublicationThe paper involved the issue of arching of the railway turnouts. This is an issue which is given relatively less attention to scientific and research activities. Reference has been made to the book by Wladyslaw Rzepka, under the title „Curved turnouts in plan and profile”, which has been used in Poland for more than 50 years as the main source of information relating to the turnouts on the curve. The book is a compilation of elaborations...
Analytical design method for widening the intertrack space
PublicationThe paper involved the issue of arching of the railway turnouts. This is an issue which is given relatively less attention to scientific and research activities. Reference has been made to the book by Wladyslaw Rzepka, under the title „Curved turnouts in plan and profile”, which has been used in Poland for more than 50 years as the main source of information relating to the turnouts on the curve. The book is a compilation of elaborations...
UWB Microstrip Antennas on a Cylindrical Surfaces
PublicationConformal antennas are becoming popular due to their many advantages and possibilities of applications they offer. The advantages of using antennas with a curved surface arise not only from the possibility of integrating them with the object on which they are mounted on but also from the increase, relatively to planar antennas, of their visible angular range. The circular antenna arrays, or arrays of radiators located on the surface...
A method of the UMTS-FDD network design based on universal load characteristics
PublicationIn the paper an original method of the UMTS radio network design was presented. The method is based on simple way of capacity-coverage trade-off estimation for WCDMA/FDD radio interface. This trade-off is estimated by using universal load characteristics and normalized coverage characteristics. The characteristics are useful for any propagation environment as well as for any service performance requirements. The practical applications...
Modelling of shear zones during quasi-static granular silo flow using material point method (MPM)
PublicationThe paper focuses on confined silo flow of cohesionless sand. The problem considered is a quasi-static flow in a plane strain model silo with parallel walls simulated with the material point method (MPM). The simulation used a non-local hypoplastic constitutive model. Initially, the paper validated the implemented numerical approach with basic element tests and a plane strain compression test. The subsequent MPM calculations for...
Reliability-Based Stability Analysis of a Baltic Cliff by the Combined Response Surface Method
PublicationA simple, straightforward computational procedure was proposed, incorporating the Response Surface Method (RSM) linked with the standard Monte Carlo (MC) simulation method and the Point Estimate Method (PEM). PEM samples make it possible to analyse the sensitivity of the cliff’s stability to variation in subsoil parameters and to reduce the number of random variables of the problem. The proposed methods were tested in two cases:...
A Method of Real-Time Non-uniform Speech Stretching
PublicationDeveloped method of real-time non-uniform speech stretching is presented.The proposed solution is based on the well-known SOLA algorithm(Synchronous Overlap and Add). Non-uniform time-scale modification isachieved by the adjustment of time scaling factor values in accordance with thesignal content. Dependently on the speech unit (vowels/consonants), instantaneousrate of speech (ROS), and speech signal presence, values of the scalingfactor...
Using the Fingerprinting Method to Customize RTLS Based on the AoA Ranging Technique
PublicationReal-time Locating Systems (RTLSs) have the ability to precisely locate the position of things and people in real time. They are needed for security and emergency applications, but also for healthcare and home care appliances. The research aims for developing an analytical method to customize RTLSs, in order to improve localization performance in terms of precision. The proposed method is based on Angle of Arrival (AoA), a ranging...
Positive solutions of one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problems for fourth-order differential equations with deviating arguments
PublicationPraca dotyczy istnienia dodatnich rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych rzędu czwartego z warunkami brzegowymi z odchylonymi argumentami. Stosując twierdzenie o punkcie stałym dla stożków podano warunki dostateczne na istnienia takich rozwiązań.
Nonnegative solutions to nonlocal boundary value problems for systems of second-order differential equations dependent on the first-order derivatives
PublicationStosując tw. Avery-Petersona o punkcie stałym, podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie nieujemnych rozwiązań dla układów równań różniczkowych rzędu drugiego z argumentami opóźnionymi i wyprzedzonymi oraz warunkami brzegowymi zawierającymi całki Stieltjesa. Praca zawiera wiele przykładów.
PublicationIn the article a new training and testing method of endoscopic video analysis algorithms is presented. Classical methods take into account only eciency of recognizing objects on single video frames. Proposed method additionally considers stability of classiers output for real video input. The method is simple and can be trained on data sets created for other solutions. Therefore, it is easily applicable to existing endoscopic video...
PublicationThe paper is focused on adaptation of an isochrone method necessary for application to a weather routing system with evolutionary approach. Authors propose an adaptation of the isochrone method with area partitioning assuring that the route found by the adopted method would not cross land. In result, when applied to a weather routing system with evolutionary approach, this proposal facilitates creation of initial population, resulting...
Fault detection in the marine engine using a support vector data description method
PublicationFast detection and correct diagnosis of any engine condition changes are essential elements of safety andenvironmental protection. Many diagnostic algorithms significantly improve the detection of malfunctions.Studies on diagnostic methods are rarely reported and even less implemented in the marine engine industry.To fill this gap, this paper presents the Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) method as applied to thefault detection...
Method for Assessing Rail Transport Competitiveness in Poland and the United Kingdom
PublicationBoth in Poland and United Kingdom, as well as worldwide, railways have to compete with other modes of transport, and the rail industry seeks for possibilities of achieving a competitive advantage over them. Thus, there is a need for methods for assessment of rail transport competitiveness and detection of areas for improvement. This paper presents a method developed for the Polish regional transport market and verified according...
Proton Conducting Ceramic Powder Synthesis by a Low Temperature Method
PublicationMolten salt synthesis (MSS) is a simple method for the preparation of ceramic powders with specific morphology. The main role of the molten salts is to increase the reaction rate and lower the reaction temperature. It occurs because of much higher mobility of reactants in the liquid medium than in the solid state. In this work the molten salt synthesis was applied to produce ceramic powders of La0995Ca0005NbO4 and BaCe09−xZrxY01O3....
Quality Evaluation of Small Features Fabricated by Fused Filament Fabrication Method
PublicationThe purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of small features fabricated by the fused filament fabrication (FFF) method. The samples containing circular and square cross-sections through holes with different dimensions, lengths, and orientation angles were printed from ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) filament. The adopted optical inspection method allowed us to conduct observations of individual features and...
Rozliczalność władzy politycznej jako element wzmocnienia demokracji i podwyższenia jej jakości: przykład Polski
PublicationCelem artykułu jest wskazanie odpowiednich,...
Method of lines for nonlinear first order partial functional differential equations.
PublicationClassical solutions of initial problems for nonlinear functional differential equations of Hamilton--Jacobi type are approximated by solutions of associated differential difference systems. A method of quasilinearization is adopted. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the method of lines and error estimates for approximate solutions are given. Nonlinear estimates of the Perron type with respect to functional variables...
Adaptive Multiplex Resource Allocation Method for DAB+ Broadcast System
PublicationIn this paper an adaptive multiplex resource allocation method for the DAB+ broadcast system is presented. An analysis of content transmitted over different radio programs with respect to their profile is discussed. Simulation results of an adaptive multiplexer, as well as the technological demonstrator, fully compatible with the DAB+ standard, are described. The concept is verified by a subjective quality assessment study of real-time...
Wielkoskalarne przedsięwzięcia urbanistyczne jako element strategii przekształceń miast : przypadek terenów przydworcowych
PublicationArtkuł dotyczy zagadnienia wielkoskalarnych przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych jako elementu polityki rozwoju współczesnych miast. Szczególny nacisk położono w nim na kwestie terenów pokolejowych i okołodworcowych jako potencjalnego miejsca lokalizacji tego typu załozeń.
The LA Loop as an Important Regulatory Element of the HtrA (DegP) Protease from Escherichia coli
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Stainless Steels Sintered Form the Mixture of Prealloyed Stainless Steel and Alloying Element Powders
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Analysis of the Toxic Element Concentrations in the Mesozoic Siliceous Rocks in Terms of the Raw Material Importance
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Solvolysis and oxidative liquefaction of the end-of-life composite wastes as an element of the circular economy assumptions
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Laboratoryjne badania dynamiki przepływu jako element dootrzewnowej perfuzyjnej chemioterapii w hipertermii.
PublicationPrzedstawiono przebieg i wyniki laboratoryjnych badań procesu perfuzji do otrzewnej. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na medyczne i kliniczne aspekty badań. Omówiono dynamiczną charakterystykę badanego układu oraz wynikające z niej zalecenia praktyczne.
Ochrona środowiska człowieka przed hałasem, jako element zrównoważonego rozwoju struktur zurbanizowanych
PublicationTworzenie środowiska życia i warunków higienicznych jest jednym z aspektów środowiskowej ochrony zrównoważonego rozwoju. Spełnianie podstawowych warunków zamieszkania powinno dotyczyć również wymagań technicznych związanych z zagadnieniami akustycznymi. Odnosi się to zarówno do izolacji budynku jak i ochrony ich otoczenia przed hałasem zewnętrznym.
Formulation of spectral truss element for guided waves damage detection in spatial steel trusses
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono sformułowanie wielowęzłowego elementu spektralnego oraz odpowiedniego schematu całkowania ukierunkowanego na problem propagacji fal w kratownicach przestrzennych o dowolnej geometrii. Zaproponowane podejście nie ogranicza liczby węzłów w elemencie kratowym. Porównawcze rozwiązania numeryczne przeprowadzono dla konstrukcji idealnej (w stanie nieuszkodzonym) oraz dlakonstrukcji z miejscową nieregularnością w...
Muzyka jako element twórczy w architekturze na podstawie teorii B. Leitnera.
PublicationMuzyka pozostaje w głębokiej relacji z innymi dziedzinami w tym w szczególności z architekturą. Treść artykułu przedstawia praktyczne wykorzystanie nietypowego dla kształtowania przestrzeni medium - dźwięku w procesie projektowym. Wykorzystanie muzyki (dźwięku) daje możliwość swobodnego kreowania przestrzeni między innymi zmiany funkcji, formy zewnętrznej, kształtowania komunikacji. Ujęta problematyka może być cenna również dla...
Zespół bram ul. Długiej jako element systemu obronnego Gdańska (1343-1612)
PublicationTekst przedstawia przekształcenia funkcjonalno- przestrzenne zespołu przedbramia ul. Długiej w Gdańsku od poł. XIV do pocz. XVI w. oraz jego rolę w systemie obrony miasta.
Strony WWW bibliotek jako element promocji i narzędzie komunikacji z użytkownikiem
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zasady tworzenia stron WWW bibliotek, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem bibliotek kościelnych. Zwrócono uwagę na elementy interfejsu i narzędzia służące informacji o zbiorach i usługach, a także promocji działalności biblioteki. Omówiono narzędzia z obszaru Web 2.0, służące komunikacji z użytkownikami w przestrzeni wirtualnej w czasie rzeczywistym (takie jak komunikatory, czaty, formularze zapytań) na przykładzie...
Method of estimating the rolling resistance coefficient of vehicle tyre using the roller dynamometer
PublicationThe tendency in the past few years has been to introduce tyres with lower rolling resistance coefficients to the market. This paper presents a mathematical method for determining the rolling resistance coefficients variation depending on the speed. The method uses power balance which results from automobile dynamics while rolling on chassis dynamometer. The rolling resistance coefficients of tyres obtained through ‘drum test method’,...
Use of the AHP Method for Preference Determination in Yacht Design
PublicationA sailing yacht is a human-centred product, the design of which revolves primarily around the wants and desires of the future owner. In most cases, these preferences are not measurable, such as a personal aesthetic feeling, or a need for comfort, speed, safety etc. The aims of this paper are to demonstrate that these preferences can be classified and represented numerically, and to show that they are correlated with the type...
Simplified method of water cooled exhaust system design.
PublicationThe water cooled exhaust systems are not often used onboard ships. Prime goal is to lower temperature of exhaust gas from main propulsion and auxiliary engines to the defined limit. The design of such systems require detailed analysis of propulsion system operational parameters to meet designer expectations. The paper outlines the cooled exhaust system design problems in specific application. The simplified method of evaluation...
Use of the AHP Method for Preference Determination in Yacht Design
PublicationA sailing yacht is a human-centred product, the design of which revolves primarily around the wants and desires of the future owner. In most cases, these preferences are not measurable, such as a personal aesthetic feeling, or a need for comfort, speed, safety etc. The aims of this paper are to demonstrate that these preferences can be classified and represented numerically, and to show that they are correlated with the type of...
The new investing effectiveness evaluation multi-criteria method in modern supply systems
PublicationThe important problem in the processes of modelling and programming the development of sustainable energy sector is the multi-criteria manner of assessing the effectiveness of investments. The goal of this paper is to show how to take into account the impact of investments in multidimensional modelling decision-making processes. This goal can be achieved through the development, presentation, and use of a new multi-criteria method...
Interior Point Method Evaluation for Reactive Power Flow Optimization in the Power System
PublicationThe paper verifies the performance of an interior point method in reactive power flow optimization in the power system. The study was conducted on a 28 node CIGRE system, using the interior point method optimization procedures implemented in Power Factory software.
A Method for Underwater Wireless Data Transmission in a Hydroacoustic Channel under NLOS Conditions
PublicationWireless data transmission in the hydroacoustic channel under non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation conditions, for example, during a wreck penetration, is difficult to implement reliably. This is mostly due to the multipath propagation, which causes a reduction in the quality of data reception. Therefore, in this work an attempt has been made to develop a reliable method of wireless underwater communication test it under the NLOS...
Reliability assessment of truss towers using Monte Carlo Method, PEM and RSM
PublicationThe paper discusses reliability assessment of simple random truss structures using three different probabilistic methodologies: the Monte Carlo Method (MCM), the Point Estimate Method (PEM) and the Response Surface Method (RSM). A benchmark truss structure and a simplified full–size engineering tower are both analyzed. A set of ultimate load numerical calculations is performed and the results are taken as the basis of advanced...
PublicationThe authors present the experience and results of field studies carried out at the technical acceptance of Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland). An unusual design of covering made in the form of “Sheerfill I” technical fabric membrane required spanned in the form of sails, required the use of terrestrial laser scanning. Such approach allowed for the fast and accurate record of the surface of individual panels...
A Generalized SDP Multi-Objective Optimization Method for EM-Based Microwave Device Design
PublicationIn this article, a generalized sequential domain patching (GSDP) method for efficient multi-objective optimization based on electromagnetics (EM) simulation is proposed. The GSDP method allowing fast searching for Pareto fronts for two and three objectives is elaborated in detail in this paper. The GSDP method is compared with the NSGA-II method using multi-objective problems in the DTLZ series, and the results show the GSDP method...
A new diagnostic method for evaluation of cardiosurgery wound healing
PublicationOne of important and still unsolved problems in medicine is the question of objective and quantitative evaluation of post-surgery wound healing. The aim of this research is to analyse possibility and value of using the newly elaborated infrared imaging procedure – Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) – for quantitative description of wound healing processes in cardiosurgery. Both, classical thermal figures of merit as well as ADT...
A study of the kinetics of bismuth telluride synthesis by an oxide reduction method
PublicationThe kinetics of a reduction of bismuth and tellurium oxides in a hydrogen atmosphere, leading to the formation of thermoelectric bismuth telluride is investigated. The evaluation of the reaction kinetics was based on a thermogravimetric analysis performed in non-isothermal conditions. A non-parametric analysis method and the Friedman method were used for the evaluation of the data. Additionally, for a better understanding of the...
AgileSafe – a method of introducing agile practices into safety-critical software development processes
PublicationThis article introduces AgileSafe, a new method of incorporating agile practices into critical software development while still maintaining compliance with the software assurance requirements imposed by the application domain. We present the description of the method covering the process of its application and the input and output artefacts.
Discrete Green's function approach to disjoint domain simulations in 3D FDTD method
PublicationA discrete Green’s function (DGF) approach to couple 3D FDTD subdomains is developed. The total-field/scattered-field subdomains are simulated using the explicit FDTD method whilst interaction between them is computed as a convolution of the DGF with equivalent current sources measured over Huygens surfaces. In the developed method, the DGF waveforms are truncated using the Hann’s window. The error varies in the range -65 to -40...
OpenGL accelerated method of the material matrix generation for FDTD simulations
PublicationThis paper presents the accelerated technique of the material matrix generation from CAD models utilized by the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulators. To achieve high performance of these computations, the parallel-processing power of a graphics processing unit was employed with the use of the OpenGL library. The method was integrated with the developed FDTD solver, providing approximately five-fold speedup of the material...
Improvement of Fingerprinting Method based on Hill Cipher by using Frequency Domain
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to present the advantages of a digital fingerprinting in a frequency domain over a pixel domain, in case of VoD services (Video on Demand). The paper presents basic issues of a multimedia data protection by digital fingerprinting. It also describes threats to embedded fingerprints from both collusion attacks and from a transmission itself. Possible solution was presented on the example of the DCT...
Method of Decision-Making Logic Discovery in the Business Process Textual Data
PublicationGrowing amount of complexity and enterprise data creates a need for novel business process (BP) analysis methods to assess the process optimization opportunities. This paper proposes a method of BP analysis while extracting the knowledge about Decision-Making Logic (DML) in a form of taxonomy. In this taxonomy, researchers consider the routine, semi-cognitive and cognitive DML levels as functions of BP conceptual aspects of Resources,...
Polynomial description of dynamic impedance spectrogram—introduction to a new impedance analysis method
PublicationThis paper presents a polynomial description of spectrograms obtained using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. A method to fit the polynomial degree correctly is discussed. A simple electrical system of a diode connected in parallel with a capacitor was used for testing. Dynamic impedance measurements during potentiodynamic polarization were conducted. This paper presents an alternative analysis method that allows...