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Sea bottom structure investigation by means of acoustic methods
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is the result of experimental investigations of the seabed in the Gulf of Gdańsk arried out using parametric echosounder as a main measuring tool. Examination of the surface's upper layer of the seabed, especially is acoustic properties, reflecting most often transsmision and reflection properties of the incident elastic wave, could be a valuable material for determination of the stratification, and the...
Resonance Frequency Calculation of Spherical Microstrip Structure Using Hybrid Technique
PublicationIn this paper the spherical microstrip structure is considered. The structure is composed of a metallic patch with an arbitrary shape placed on a dielectric coated metallic sphere. In the analysis the hybrid technique is utilized. In this approach the finite-difference technique is applied in a cavity model to determine the current basis functions on the patch. Next, using method of moments, the resonance frequency of the structure...
PublicationDiagnostic device monitors the tractor’s technical condition and identifies the location of damaged components during operation. The diagnostic device detects and identifies the following types of defects: functional defects (uf) which affect performance, exhaust defects (ue) which increase toxic emissions and fuel consumption, defects that jeopardize driving safety (us), defects that affect engine performance (ud). The key component...
The Bridge of Knowledge – defining and implementing national Open Access policy by Polish universities. Gdansk University of Technology perspective
PublicationThe European Commission states that Open Access to scientific resources funded by the European Union shall facilitate the use of research results financed from the public funds. Moreover, it will cause an increase in the innovative capacity of Europe. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors such as mandates. The open mandate may be voluntary or mandatory and implemented at the institutional, national or international...
Verification of algorithms determining wave loads on support structure of wind turbine
PublicationThe offshore wind turbines require determination of wave loads on their support structure. This structure is fixed and, therefore, this problem is reduced to solving only the diffraction problem, which is determined by Laplace equation and conditions on the following boundaries: on the support structure, on the sea free surface and on its bottom, and at infinity on free surface. The linear problem was applied to determine the wave...
Road Safety Observatories within the Structure of Integrated Transport Safety Systems
PublicationAccurate knowledge about the causes, circumstances and place of transport accidents is the prerequisite to take the correct action to improve transport safety. Developing appropriate organizational structures, forms and methods of management and implementation of safety measures in the sectoral approach condition the success. Therefore the Safety Information System is one of the integral areas of the Integrated Transport Safety...
Employment structure by enterprise size in Poland in 2010-2014
Open Research DataMicro, small and medium-sized enterprises employ in total nearly 70% of all employees working in the corporate sector. Micro enterprises play a decisive role in this respect, accounting for nearly 40% of all employees. This dataset contains data showing the structure of the number of employees in enterprises in 2010-2014.
Application of the fluid–structure interaction technique for the analysis of hydrodynamic lubrication problems.
PublicationFluid–structure interaction technique seems to be one of the most promising possibilities for theoretical analysis of lubrication problems. It allows coupling of different physical fields in one computational task, taking into account the interaction between them. In this article, two sets of fluid–structure interaction analyses focusing on the bearing performance evaluation are presented. One analysis was applied to a water-lubricated...
The Performance of ASON/GMPLS Network with Hierarchical Control Plane Structure
PublicationThe paper regards the problem of ASON/GMPLS network performance with hierarchical control plane structure in condition of incomplete domain network information. The authors propose the hierarchical ASON/GMPLS control plane architecture, which fulfills the requirements of modern optical networks and allows to control the multidomain network with requirement quality of service. The authors examine the scalability and properties of...
Subsoil degradation effect in reliability analysis of the jack-up platform structure
PublicationStructural reliability analysis is considered, by FORM and SORM applied to a certain idealized soil-platform structure interaction problem due to cyclic water wave and wind loads. Wave and wind loads are random variables, whereas dead load is deterministic. Load parameters are typical for storm conditions in the Baltic Sea. The soil-structure interaction is idealized as a set of linear translational and rotational springs. Due...
Effect of heat treatment on the diffusion intermixing and structure of the Cu thin film on Si (111) substrate: a molecular dynamics simulation study
PublicationThis work is devoted to the study of the diffusion process at the interface between copper films with a thickness of 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 atomic monolayers and silicon substrate by molecular dynamics simulation method. For this purpose, the variation of the concentration of copper and silicon along the perpendicular direction to the interface was investigated. An analysis of the density profile along this direction made it possible...
Miniaturization of ESPAR Antenna Using Low-Cost 3D Printing Process
PublicationIn this paper, the miniaturized electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna is presented. The size reduction was obtained by embedding its active and passive elements in polylactic acid (PLA) plastic material commonly used in low-cost 3D printing. The influence of 3D printing process imperfections on the ESPAR antenna design is investigated and a simple yet effective method to...
Enhanced bioactivity and mechanical properties of silicon-infused titanium oxide coatings formed by micro-arc oxidation on selective laser melted Ti13Nb13Zr alloy
PublicationThe titanium scaffolds and surface-porous implants are manufactured by fast and cheap additive methods such as selective laser melting (SLM). The obtained irregularity and relative biological inertness of the titanium need proper surface modification. This research is aimed at forming bioactive multicomponent oxide coatings by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) at different process parameters on the selective laser-melted Ti13Zr13Nb...
Towards developing fully sustainable elastomers: the role of chemistry
PublicationThe development of sustainable polymer materials is no longer just an option but a necessity. Elastomers are indispensable members of the polymer family due to their high tensile strength, durability, energy absorption capabilities, and excellent resistance to fatigue and environmental degradation. Elastomers have found a unique role in diverse industries, like transportation, automotive, aerospace, construction, and sports. However,...
Impact Assessment of Electric Vehicles Integration and Optimal Charging Schemes Under Uncertainty: A Case Study of Qatar
PublicationThe integration of electric vehicles (EVs) is rapidly growing compared to conventional vehicles in Qatar. To assess how these electric vehicles will impact Qatar’s distribution network, it is necessary to accurately model EV loads. However, EV loads exhibit uncertainties due to driving behaviour in charging time, state of charge (SOC), number of trips, and distance travelled. This necessitates the development of a probabilistic...
Behaviour of deformed steel columns exposed to impact load during earthquakes: numerical analysis
PublicationIt has been observed during earthquakes that the so called soft-storey failure of an upper floor of a building leads to considerable vertical impact load acting on structural members of the lower storeys. The aim of this paper is to investigate numerically the behaviour of horizontally deformed columns (deformation as the result of earthquake loading) that are additionally subjected to vertical impact load. In the first stage of...
Dielectric Properties of BiNbO<sub>4</sub>-Based Ceramic-Polymer Composites with 0-3 Connectivity
PublicationIn the present study two-phase BiNbO4//PVDF composites with 0-3 connectivity were studied by impedance spectroscopy within the frequency range Δν=100Hz-1MHz at room temperature. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) acted as a matrix whereas bismuth niobate (BiNbO4) powder acted as a dispersed phase. The volume fraction of the ceramic phase was cV=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 and 20vol%. Analysis of the impedance data registered for composites...
Imidazoacridinone-dependent lysosomal photodestruction: a pharmacological Trojan horse approach to eradicate multidrug-resistant cancers
PublicationMultidrug resistance (MDR) remains a primary hindrance to curative cancer therapy. Thus, introduction of novel strategies to overcome MDR is of paramount therapeutic significance. Sequestration of chemotherapeutics in lysosomes is an established mechanism of drug resistance. Here, we show that MDR cells display a marked increase in lysosome number. We further demonstrate that imidazoacridinones (IAs), which are cytotoxic fluorochromes,...
Field investigation of low-temperature cracking and stiffness moduli on selected roads with conventional and high modulus asphalt concrete
PublicationHigh Modulus Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) was introduced in Poland as a one of the solutions to the problem of rutting, type of deterioration common in the 1990s. After first encouraging trials in 2002 HMAC was widely used for heavily loaded national roads and motorways. However some concerns were raised about low-temperature cracking of HMAC. This was the main reason of the studies presented in this article were started. The article...
Nanosilver-loaded PMMA bone cement doped with different bioactive glasses – evaluation of cytocompatibility, antibacterial activity, and mechanical properties
PublicationNanosilver-loaded PMMA bone cement (BC-AgNp) is a novel cement developed as a replacement for conventional cements. Despite favorable properties and antibacterial activity, BC-AgNp still lacks biodegradability and bioactivity. Hence, we investigated the doping with bioactive glasses (BGs) to create a new bioactive BC characterized by time-varying porosity and gradual release of nanosilver. The BC Cemex was used as the base material...
Review of methods for assessing traffic conditions on basic motorway and expressway sections
PublicationMotorways and expressways are the core of each country’s road system. Road planning, design and management requires tools to ensure that roads have the right geometry, traffic layout and equipment. These include methods for capacity estimation and assessing traffic conditions. Because the paper focusses on the basic segments of motorways and expressways (sections located between interchanges and outside of their influence), its...
Catalytic Mechanism of Non-Target DNA Cleavage in CRISPR-Cas9 Revealed by Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
PublicationCRISPR-Cas9 is a cutting-edge genome editing technology, which uses the endonuclease Cas9 to introduce mutations at desired sites of the genome. This revolutionary tool is promising to treat a myriad of human genetic diseases. Nevertheless, the molecular basis of DNA cleavage, which is a fundamental step for genome editing, has not been established. Here, quantum–classical molecular dynamics (MD) and free energy methods are used...
FEM modelling of screw displacement pile interaction with subsoil
PublicationPredicting the-settlement characteristics of piles is an important element in the designing of pile foundations. The most reliable method in evaluating pile-soil interaction is the static load test, preferably performed with instrumentation for measuring shaft and pile base resistances. This, however, is a mostly post-implementation test. In the design phase, prediction methods are needed, in which numerical simulations play an...
Thermal cooling process by nanofluid flowing near stagnating point of expanding surface under induced magnetism force: A computational case study
PublicationThis paper is dedicated to the exam of entropy age and research of the effect of mixing nanosolid additives over an extending sheet. In this review, Newtonian nanofluid version turned into researched at the actuated appealing field, heat radiation and variable heat conductivity results. With becoming modifications, the proven PDEs are moved into popular differential situations and paintings mathematically making use of a specific...
The Structure of Entrepreneurial Team Members’ Competencies: Between Effectuation and Causation
PublicationA conscious shaping of entrepreneurial competence is a relevant element of entrepreneurial education. In order to recognize which of the competencies regarded as entrepreneurial are characteristic of members of entrepreneurial teams, which is crucial for the work of those teams, it is necessary to identify the structure of those competencies. This quantitative study was conducted with the use of a survey method and involved 111...
EDAX file presenting the composition of the SS316L wick structure
Open Research DataEnergy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) measurements facilitate the determination of the chemical composition of each atom within the SS316L structure
Fuctional structure of diagnostic system for wheeled tractors
PublicationAn application of computer controlled fuel injection systems in vehicle engines and growing demands concerning toxic substances emission and fuel consumption was a main reason for OBD (On Board Diagnosis) development. In spite of a great technological development, only some tractors are equipped in diagnostic systems. On board diagnosis is strongly connected with emission demands and does not concern other important vehicle functions.In...
Normalization of face illumination using basic knowledge and information extracted from a single image
PublicationThis paper presents a method for face image normalization that can be applied to the extraction of illumination invariant facial features or used to remove bad lighting effects and produce high-quality, photorealistic results. Most of the existing approaches concentrate on separating the constant albedo from the variable light intensity; that concept, however, is based on the Lambertian model, which fails in the presence of specularities...
PublicationThe support structure being the object of the analysis presented in the article is Tripod. According to the adopted assumptions, it is a foundation gravitationally set in the water region of 60 m in depth, not fixed to the seabed, which can be used for installing a 7MW wind turbine. Due to the lack of substantial information on designing and strength calculations of such types of structures in the world literature, authors have...
Rubber devulcanization in the planetary extruder – processing properties and structure
PublicationThermo-mechanical devulcanization of ground tire rubber (GTR) in a planetary extruder was investigated. The processing parameters of recycled rubber were studied based on standardized protocols using a Mooney viscometer and a rubber processing analyzer (RPA). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine rubber structure. Devulcanization process upscaling limits processing properties...
Electronic structure of CeBa2Cu3O7.
PublicationPrzeprowadzono obliczenia ab initio struktury elektronowej związku CeBa2Cu3-O7(Ce123) metodą LAPW oraz porównano z analogicznymi strukturami otrzymanymi dla YBa2Cu3O7 (Y123), NdBa2Cu3O7(Nd123) i PrBa2Cu3O7(Pr123). Wszystkie wyliczone struktury pasmowe są zasadniczo podobne. W pracy postawiono hipotezę dotyczącą korelacji pomiędzy silnym rozszczepieniem spinowym w Pr123 i Ce123a niestabilnością strukturalną tych układów.
Fatigue of the ship structure.
PublicationZaprezentowano wyniki prac badawczych zachowania paneli SANDWICH pod obciążeniem zginającym. Prace prowadzone były w Kat. Technol. Okrętów i Obiektów Oceanotechn. Wydz. OiO i obejmowały między innymi badania konstrukcji w skali rzeczywistej. Dokonano porównania uzyskanych rezultatów z wynikami prezentowanymi w literaturze.
The structure of nystatin A2
PublicationBudowa chemiczna składnika kompleksu nystatyn (nystatyny A2) została ustalona na podstawie analizy estru metylowego N-acetylonystatyny A2 przy pomocy metod spektroskopowych UV, MS i NMR. Widmo UV wskazało obecność w badanym związku chromoforu tetraenowego. Ciężar cząsteczkowy ustalono jako 909 j.m. na postawie analizy MS z wykorzystaniem techniki FAB, co pozwoliło wydedukować skład elementarny nystatyny A2 jako C47H75NO16. Analizy...
Electronic structure of TbBa2Cu3O7
PublicationW pracy wykonano obliczenia kwantowomechaniczne struktury elektronowej hipotetycznego materiału TbBa2Cu3O7 (Dy123) metodą FP-LAPW (full potential - linearized augmented plane wave) w ramach formalizmu DFT (density functional theory) stosując przybliżenie GGA (generalized gradient approximation). Ze względu na silne oddziaływania korelacyjne elektronów 4f w atomie Tb zastosowano dodatkowo poprawkę kulombowską U w ramach modelu...
Urban Knowledge Conversatory
Journals -
Applying Fuzzy Logic of Expert Knowledge for Accurate Predictive Algorithms of Customer Traffic Flows in Theme Parks
PublicationThis study analyzes two forecasting models based on the application of fuzzy logic and evaluates their effectiveness in predicting visitor expenditure and length of stay at a popular theme park. The forecasting models are based on a set of more than 600 decision rules constructed in the form of a complex series of IF-THEN statements. These algorithms store expert knowledge. A descriptive instrument that records the individual visitor's...
Reconstruction of 3D structure of positive corona streamer by local methods
PublicationThe computer algorithms were used for reconstruction of streamer 3D structure. We propose the 3D tree structure model of corona discharge streamer composed with nodes and edges between chosen couples of nodes, which enables easy computation of some important parameters ofstreamers. The 3D model can be derived directly from two projection images by global methods like evolutionary searching or particle simulations. In this paper...
Variable-structure algorithm for identification of quasi-periodically varying systems
PublicationThe paper presents a variable-structure version of a generalized notchfiltering (GANF) algorithm. Generalized notch filters are used for identification of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems and can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters. The proposed algorithm is a cascade of two GANF filters: a multiple-frequency "precise" filter bank, used for precise system tracking, and a...
Formation of Porous Structure of the Metallic Materials Used on Bone Implants
PublicationResearch on improvement of structure and fabrication methods of the bone implants are carried out for many years. Research are aimed to shape the structures, that will have a Young's modulus value similar to the value of the human bones Young's modulus. Depending on theporosity, Young's moduli can even be tailored to match the modulus of bone closer than solid metals can, thus reducing the problems associated with stress shielding...
Structure of the SME sector by economy sectors in Poland and the EU-28
Open Research DataEurostat data show that almost 75% of SMEs in Poland are trade and services, and every seventh enterprise conducts activities related to construction, and every eight - in industry. Comparing the industry structure of Polish companies with the structure of enterprises operating in EU countries, it should be noted that we are characterized by a greater...
SHM System of the Roof Structure of Sports Arena “Olivia”
PublicationThe paper presents a structural health monitoring system of the Sports Arena “Olivia” in Gdansk, Poland. The system was installed because of doubts about the roof stability due to observed buckling of the steel truss members. The SHM system was based on nonlinear FEM models used for detection of type of near failure modes of the roof. The application of detailed FEM model in current state updated on data from in situ loading testes...
Cross-sectional imaging of materials structure using PS-OCT
PublicationOptical low-coherence tomography is a measurement technique for non-contact and non-destructive investigation of materials inner structure. Nowadays, this method is highly applied in medical treatment especially in dermatology and ophthalmology. During our research we have developed an optical low-coherence tomography system with polarization state analysis for structure examination of a broad range of technical materials. In this...
Crystal structure and physical properties of a novel ternary compound La15MoxGe9
PublicationWe present the synthesis, structural characterization and physical properties measurements of a new compound, La15MoxGe9 in Mn5Si3-type derived structure with interstitial Mo. The sample was synthesized by arc-melting method. La15MoxGe9 crystallizes in non-centrosymmetric hexagonal structure P63mc (#186) with lattice parameters a = b = 15.495(5) Å and c = 6.917(2) Å. The refinement on single X-ray diffraction data show that interstitial...
Structure of Microemulsion Formulated with Monoacylglycerols in the Presence of Polyols and Ethanol
PublicationThe influence of polyols as cosurfactants (propylene glycol PG; glycerol G) and short chain alcohol as a cosolvent (ethanol EtOH) on the formation and solubilization capacity of the systems: hexadecane/monoacylglycerols (MAG)/polyol/water:EtOH, at 60C, was investigated. Electrical conductivity measurement, and the DSC method were applied to determine the structure and type of microemulsions formed. The dimension of the droplets...
Rubber devulcanization in the planetary extruder – processing properties and structure
PublicationThermo-mechanical devulcanization process of ground tire rubber (GTR) in aplanetary ex-truder was investigated. The rheological properties of reclaimed rubber (rGTR) were studied using aMooney viscometer and arubber processing analyzer (RPA). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to determine reclaimed rubber structure. Increasing the scale of the devulcanization process...
A structure and design of a novel compact UWB MIMO antenna
PublicationIn the paper, a concept and design procedure of a novel compact MIMO slot antenna is presented. In order to achieve a better filling of available space, individual antennas are constrained to a triangular shape and optimized for a reduced size. The MIMO structure is then assembled using the two of previously designed antennas in orthogonal arrangement. Surrogate-assisted numerical optimization involving variable-fidelity electromagnetic...
Coupling coefficients for the space group of the hexagonal close-packed structure
PublicationWe have computed the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of the representations for the space group of the hexagonal close-packed structure for the points:V, A, H, K, L, M. We enumerate all arms of the wave vector stars and all wave vector selection rules.
Effect of Different Structure Type Traffic On Railway Line Capacity
PublicationThe article points to methods of analyzing railway traffic conditions based on two parameters: capacity and delay of trains. The impact of the differentiated railway type structure on the capacity of the railway line was presented. Particular attention has been paid to the assessment of commonly used simplifications in analyzes.
Emergent Versus Deliberate Knowledge Management Strategy: Literature Review and Case Study Analysis
PublicationThis paper discusses emergent and deliberate knowledge management (KM) strategies on the basis of literature review and case study analysis. It grounds on the results of a comprehensive analysis of the literature on KM strategies and approaches adopted by companies of various sizes. Although KM strategies have been abundantly examined by scholars, not many studies compare deliberate and emergent approaches. By examining the case...
Effects of V2O5 Additive on Structure and Dielectric Properties of BiNbO4 Ceramics
PublicationGoal of the present research was to investigate the influence of V2O5 additive on the structure and dielectric properties of BiNbO4 ceramics. To fabricate BiNbO4 ceramics with V2O5 added the solid state reaction route and pressureless sintering was utilized. Thus obtained ceramics was characterized in terms of its microstructure (SEM), chemical composition (EDS), phase composition and crystalline structure (X-ray phase and structural...