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Search results for: LONG-PERIOD GRATINGS
Influence of operation of national experimental nuclear reactor on the natural environment
PublicationThis paper presents the impact of experimental nuclear reactor operations on the national environment, based on assessment reports of the radiological protection of active nuclear technology sources. Using the analysis of measurements carried out in the last 15 years, the trends are presented in selected elements of the environment on the Świerk Nuclear Centre site and its surroundings. In addition, the impact of research results...
Foreign visitors from Visegrad countries with regard to road safety in Poland
PublicationIn the paper the authors present road safety situation in the Polish regions mostly visited by Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian tourists. These regions include Mazowieckie, Dolnoslaskie, Slaskie and Malopolskie voivodeships. After description of the regions and main touristic destinations for foreigners from Visegrad countries, a detailed road safety analysis performed for the period 2007-2012 is given. The paper ends with conclusions in...
Optimizing the parameters of a small standalone hybrid power system
PublicationA hybrid power plant consists of renewable energy resources, an energy storage, a discharge load and an emergency power supply. Power plant parameters are tailored to meet the requirements of continuity of supply, cost minimization, return on investment period and system capacity utilization. The papaer presents the methodology for selecting power plant parameters with a larger number of decision criteria. The task is solved...
Research of the changeability of the vessels traffic intensity of inland waterways – case study for Lower Vistula
PublicationThe article presents an analysis of the changeability of traffic intensity of inland waterway vessels in the Vistula Delta. The concept of traffic intensity was defined, traffic flows and disturbances were identified in the studied area. The characteristics of the inland waterway traffic model are presented. The results of the analysis indicate the need to carry out modernization of inland waterways for the needs of inland waterway...
Seawater intrusion due to pumping mitigated by natural freshwater flux: a case study in Władysławowo, northern Poland
PublicationThe paper presents a case study of seawater intrusion into a coastal aquifer, caused by a groundwater intake located close to the seashore in Władysławowo, northern Poland. Evolution of the basic hydrogeochemical parameters for the 50-year period from 1964 to 2014 indicates progressing encroachment of saline seawater into the aquifer. However, the spatial pattern of salinity was influenced by the variability of hydraulic gradient...
Reliability of production machines in the bakery industry – theoretical and practical issues
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present probabilistic models, which were then used to analyze the reliability of production machines in the baking industry. The author conducted research in the period from January 2, 2016 to December 31, 2018 regarding the measurement of reliability of a traditional production system based on a probabilistic concept. Due to the limited scope of the article, reliability calculations for a set of thermo-oil...
Surface modifications of ti and its alloys
PublicationThis article reviews the various surface modification techniques pertaining to titanium and titanium alloys including physical treatment, mechanical treatment, and chemical and electrochemical treatment. The proper surface modification expands the use of titanium and its alloys in the biomedical field for long-term implants retaining the excellent properties of substrate material and improving the specific surface properties required...
Distillery Fusel Oil as an Alternative Carbon Source for Denitrification – from Laboratory Experiments to Full-Scale Applications
PublicationIndustrial waste products may be a viable alternative to commercial external carbon sources. In this study, the properties of fusel oil (distillery waste product) were investigated in terms of temperature dependency of denitrification and acclimation period. Furthermore, results obtained during three different full-scale trials were used to verify similarities and differences with the results obtained under laboratory-scale conditions....
Supercomputing Grid-Based Services for Hearing Protection and Acoustical Urban Planning, Research and Education
PublicationSpecific computational environments, so-called domain grids, are developed within the PLGrid Plus project in order to prepare specialized IT solutions, i.e., dedicated software implementations and hardware (infrastructure adaptation), suited for particular research group demands. One of the PLGrid Plus domain grids, presented in this paper, is Acoustics. The article describes in detail two kinds of the acoustic domain services....
Creating Dynamic Maps of Noise Threat Using PL-Grid Infrastructure
PublicationThe paper presents functionality and operation results of a system for creating dynamic maps of acoustic noise employing the PL-Grid infrastructure extended with a distributed sensor network. The work presented provides a demonstration of the services being prepared within the PLGrid Plus project for measuring, modeling and rendering data related to noise level distribution in city agglomerations. Specific computational environments,...
Students from the Russian Federation at Polish Universities
PublicationSince the dissolution of the USSR, students from the Russian Federation have been able to study at Polish universities on the basis of bilateral agreements between the Polish and Russian governments. The purpose of this article is to analyse the legal basis enabling Russian citizens to obtain education in Poland, analyse the numbers of such students and the principles and procedure they followed to begin studies at Polish universities...
Quantification of unconjugated and total ibuprofen and its metabolites in equine urine samples by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry: Application to the excretion study
PublicationIbuprofen (IBU) is a widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in human and also veterinary medicine. NSAIDs are usually highly metabolized compounds in horses; they are often present in equine urine, mostly in their conjugated forms (glucuronides). Thus, hydrolysis to cleave the glucuronide linkage prior to anti-doping analysis is often necessary for improving detection. In this study, unconjugated and total IBU...
The Central European GNSS Research Network (CEGRN) dataset
PublicationThe Central European GNSS Research Network (CEGRN) collects GNSS data since 1994 from contributors which today include 42 Institutions in 33 Countries. CEGRN returns a dataset of coordinates and velocities computed according to international standards and the most recent processing procedures and recommendations. We provide a dataset of 1229 positions and velocities resulting from 3 or more repetitions of coordinate measurements...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2018
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2018. The survey was conducted in 2020, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 727 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2013.
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2013. The survey was conducted in 2015, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1777 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2017
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2017. The survey was conducted in 2019, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1594 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of...
Data from the survey on motivation to study abroad and criteria for choosing a place to study for foreign graduates of Gdańsk University of Technology
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology foreign graduates’ on motivation to study abroad and criteria for choosing a place to study. The research was conducted over a four-month period, from December 2019 to March 2020, using the Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI). The research sample included 142 respondents....
Poverty rate in Poland in 2008-2016
Open Research DataThe poverty rate in Poland is also systematically falling. According to Eurostat statistics, poor households are considered to have incomes lower than 60% of the average household income in a given country.
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2015
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2015. The survey was conducted in 2017, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2553 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
The share of employment in individual cities in total employment in the BPO/SSC sector in Poland
Open Research DataEmployment in the sector in 2019 was almost three times higher than in 2013. Throughout the analyzed period, employment grew year on year. The dynamics of changes ranged from 10% in 2019 to nearly 43% in 2016, when the highest increase in employment in the sector in nominal terms was at the level of 64,000.BPO, SSC / GBS, IT, R&D centers generated...
Comparison of the number of foreigners registered for retirement and disability pension insurance - at the end of the year
Open Research DataThe increase in the number of foreigners registered for retirement and disability insurance was characterized by the highest dynamics in the case of non-EU migrants, in particular Ukrainian citizens (26-time increase in the period 2008-2018; impressive nominal growth from 16.2 to 420.7 thousand economic migrants) and Georgia (a 37-time increase). Also...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2014
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2014. The survey was conducted in 2016, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2004 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
Test of the antimicrobial properties against E. coli of the innovative CS-2a preservative.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a single series of determinations of the antimicrobial properties against E. coli of the innovative CS-2 a preservative in the solution of model fluids.During the test, the infected product is inoculated (on chromogenic Coliform Agar) at specified intervals (0 min. [cs2a 0] and after 1 day-24 h of incubation [cs2a...
Number of active HCE cards installed in mobile phones (2017)
Open Research DataHCE technology (Host Card Emulation), which enables contactless payments by phone in a similar way as in the case of a payment card. At the time of making the transaction, the phone is close to the terminal, practically the same as the payment card. This solution, like the others described previously, should be included in the elements of electronic...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' professional careers - the year 2016
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers, from the year 2016. The survey was conducted in 2018, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1947 respondents. The study concerned i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates of the...
Agnieszka Pastula Dr
PeopleAgnieszka received her masters degree in biology at Jagiellonian University (Poland). Besides standard university classes, she did multiple extracurricular research internships in both basic science and medical life sciences e.g. at Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, University of Medical Sciences in Poznań and University Medical Center Utrecht, that provided her with excellent interdisciplinary training...
On a Method of Efficiency Increasing in Kaplan Turbine
PublicationThis paper presents a method of increasing efficiency in Kaplan-type turbine. The method is based on blade profile optimisation together with modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Loss coefficient was chosen as the optimisation criterion, which is related directly to efficiency. Global optimum was found by means of Genetic Algorithms, and Artificial Neural Networks were utilised for approximations to reduce...
PublicationFuel tanks are designed with regard to standard actions and operating conditions. The work analyses the impact of corrosion and other means to variation of stresses and deformation of a horizontal underground tank shell. The computations are preliminary. Due to the long computational time of the entire tank the analysis is restricted to its part only. The full analysis is bound to assess structural reliability, further allowing...
Jacek Pokrzywnicki doktor
PeopleZ wykształcenia jestem filologiem klasycznym. Dyplom magistra i doktora uzyskałem na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim. Z uczelnią tą jestem związany również zawodowo jako adiunkt w Zakładzie Filologii Klasycznej Instytutu Studiów Klasycznych i Slawistyki na Wydziale Filologicznym. Na co dzień obcuję z łacińskojęzycznymi starymi drukami i rękopisami. Zajmuję się recepcją kultury antycznej w dawnym Gdańsku, na obszarze dawnych Prus Królewskich...
Gdyńskie chłodnie portowe - studium przypadku przemysłowej architektury portowej okresu modernizmu
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje tematykę obiektów monumentalnej architektury przemysłowej portu gdyńskiego, o funkcji chłodni. Rozwój technologii chłodzenia spowodował, że od połowy XIX w. obiekty takie budowano w dużych, zazwyczaj międzynarodowych ośrodkach dla zapewnienia wysokiego poziomu obsługi handlu produktami łatwo psującymi się. Dynamiczny rozwój portowego zaplecza Gdyni w okresie międzywojennym zaowocował powstaniem aż trzech budowli...
Participatory Budgeting in Poland – Missing Link in Urban Regeneration Process
PublicationIn last thirty years Poland has gone a long way toward democracy and decentralization. Role of public participation in planning is increasing rapidly and recently many new instruments of empowering the community is being introduced, participatory budgeting is one of the most important. On the other hand, urban regeneration is one of the most important challenges of polish cities are facing. Technical and transport infrastructure...
Corrosion fatigue crack propagation rate characteristics for weldable ship and offshore steels with regard to the influence of loading frequency and seawater temperature
PublicationAfter Vosikovsky (1975), the corrosion fatigue crack growth rate (CFCGR) characteristics have been divided into three regions. The region-III rates are very close to mechanical fatigue crack growth rates. CFCGR formulae, including the long-crack length effect (in region I only), the loading frequency effect (in region II only), and the saltwater temperature effect, have been proposed. It has been assumed that CFCGR is proportional...
Improving Savonius rotor performance by shaping its blade edges
PublicationThe article presents the results of the numerical analysis of the flow inside the Savonius rotor. Particular at-tention has been paid to the vicinity of the blade gap in order to recognise the mechanisms controlling the flow in this area. The conclusions resulting from the analysis made the basis for an attempt to improve Savonius turbine performance via shaping rotor blade edges. The paper presents selected characteristic flow...
Meat freshness classification using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationMeat constitutes an important component of human diet. In order to ensure that it is safe to consume, it is important to be able to determine whether a particular sample is fresh. To this end, an analysis of the headspace of pork, beef, and poultrywas performed over a period of seven days using ultra-fast gas chromatography. Compounds that may possibly be used as indicators of spoilage were identified. Based on the obtained results...
Identification of aromatic compounds in odours mixture by gas chromatography and field olfactometry techniques
PublicationThis paper shows the results of investigation on identification aromatic compounds present in odorous mixture in atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the oil refinery LOTOS S.A., located in Gdansk, during March and April period have be presented. The studies were conducted by the use of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph equipped with a cryogenic modulator and coupled with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer,...
The Diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies
PublicationThis book provides extensive evidence on information and communication technologies development patterns and dynamics of this process across developed economies over the period 1980 to the present day. It adopts newly developed methodology to identification of the ‘critical mass’ and isolation of technological takeoff intervals, which are intimately related to the process of technology diffusion. The statistically robust analysis...
Interferometric Sensor of Wavelength Detuning Using a Liquid Crystalline Polymer Waveplate
PublicationOperation of a polarization interferometer for measurement of the wavelength changes of a tunable semiconductor laser was investigated. A lambda/8 waveplate made from liquid crystalline polymer is placed in one of interferometers’ arms in order to generate two output signals in quadrature. Wavelength was measured with resolution of 2 pm in the wavelength range 628–635 nm. Drift of the interferometer, measured in the period of 500...
Co-operation with local stakeholders: a crucial element of urban design
PublicationIn this article,the authors endeavour to illustratethe evolution of the role of local stakeholder in teaching urban planning by example of selected experiences in the Faculty of Architecture atGdańsk University of Technology(FA-GUT), Gdańsk, Poland. The timeframe covers the period from the political breakthrough in 1989 to the present. The background is composed of the social, economic and legal changes that have...
PublicationIn this paper, we examined whether entropy-based methods are able to differentiate healthy individuals from patients with congestive heart failure. To this aim, we applied two methods: Permutation Entropy and Block Entropy. Long-term ECG recordings (75 000 RR intervals) were analyzed. The results proved that both methods can distinguish those groups on condition that the parameters are appropriately chosen.
Error analysis of calculating average d-q current components using Regular Sampling and Park transformation in FOC drives
PublicationIn electric drives using voltage source inverters, motor currents contain ripple component resulting from pulse-width modulated (PWM) voltage. The frequency range of the ripples is much higher than the bandwidth of current control. Therefore the control is performed on the basis of a fundamental current component, i.e. average value with the averaging time being the PWM period. In majority of cases the average current is measured...
Frequently updated noise threat maps created with use of supercomputing grid
PublicationAn innovative supercomputing grid services devoted to noise threat evaluation were presented. The services described in this paper concern two issues, first is related to the noise mapping, while the second one focuses on assessment of the noise dose and its influence on the human hearing system. The discussed services were developed within the PL-Grid Plus Infrastructure which accumulates Polish academic supercomputer centers....
Reliability of nitrogen removal processes in multistage treatment wetlands receiving high-strength wastewater
Publicationreatment wetlands have been proved to be more effective than conventional treatment processes in case of high-strength wastewater containing high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and recalcitrant organic matter. In this study nitrogen removal processes and reliability of nitrogen removal at two identical pilot-scale multistage treatment wetlands (MTWs) receiving real, non-synthetic wastewater were discussed. The wastewater discharged...
Effective Equations for the Optimum Seismic Gap Preventing Earthquake-Induced Pounding between Adjacent Buildings Founded on Different Soil Types
PublicationThe best approach to avoid collisions between adjacent structures during earthquakes is to provide sufficient spacing between them. However, the existing formulas for calculating the optimum seismic gap preventing pounding were found to provide inaccurate results upon the consideration of different soil types. The aim of this paper is to propose new equations for the evaluation of the sufficient in-between separation gap for buildings...
Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk mediated by financial performance and goodwill
PublicationIn today’s business environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly significant factor for firms. This study is driven by the motivation to add to the current literature by investigating the mediating elements that explain the relationship between CSR and forward default risk. In this paper, we attempt to identify the important mediators and give a more comprehensive explanation of this connection...
Real-time isothermal DNA amplification monitoring in picoliter volumes using an optical fiber sensor
PublicationRolling circle amplification (RCA) of DNA can be considered as a great alternative to the gold standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR), especially during this pandemic period, where rapid, sensitive, and reliable test results for hundreds of thousands of samples are required daily. This work presents the first research to date on direct, real-time and label-free isothermal DNA amplification monitoring using a microcavity in-line...
Predicting the peak structural displacement preventing pounding of buildings during earthquakes
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to verify the effectiveness of the artificial neural network (ANN) in predicting the peak lateral displacement of multi-story building during earthquakes, based on the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and building parameters. For the purpose of the study, the lumped-mass multi-degree-of-freedom structural model and different earthquake records have been considered. Firstly, values of stories mass and...
The influence of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of dry and wet periods in Central Poland in 1954–2018
PublicationThis work presents the influence of atmospheric circulation on the occurrence of dry and wet periods in the central Polish region of Kujawy. The material on which the authors relied encompassed monthly totals of precipitation obtained from 10 weather stations in the period 1954–2018. Both dry and wet periods have been identified on the basis of monthly values of the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI). Additionally, the calendar...
Fighting Administrative Corruption with Digital Government in Sub-Saharan Africa
PublicationAdministrative corruption is a pervasive problem and a major threat to economic and social development around the world, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa which lags behind other regions in various development indicators and is seen as one of the most corrupt regions globally. This paper examines a hypothesis that digital government – the use of digital technology to transform public administration organizations and their relationships...
state aid for sustainable urban development
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts with respect on the usage of EFRD for urban projects, a list of selected bibliography as well as a list of selected individual notifications of state aid measures being part of the Sustainable Urban Development Programme in the period 2014- 2020. As a comparison, an example of individual EC decision...
The structure of the Polish banking sector in 2004-2018
Open Research DataDynamic changes in the banking system in the 1990s contributed to the relative stability of the number of banks in all sectors (state-owned, private, cooperative) after 2004. The total number of banks (including credit institutions) has decreased since 2004 from 653 to 612 in 2018 - it should therefore be noted that in the analyzed period the Polish...