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Ultra-Compact SIRC-Based Self-Triplexing Antenna with High Isolation
PublicationAn ultra-compact self-triplexing antenna realized on a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) is discussed in this study. The proposed structure employs two L-shaped slots and an in-verted U-shaped slot to radiate at three independent operating frequency bands. Three 50-ohm microstrip feed lines are used to excite the radiation in these slots. The operating frequency is individually tuned using the slot size. The slot placement...
Application of Headspace Solid-phase Microextraction with Poly(1-vinyl-3- Hexylimidazolium Chloride) Polymeric Ionic Liquid Coating using GC - MS to Determine Volatile Fatty Acids in Dairy Wastewater
PublicationVolatile fatty acids were determined in this study using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) with a poly(1-vinyl-3-hexylimidazolium chloride) polymeric ionic liquid coated fiber followed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. Experimental parameters such as extraction time and temperature, sample volume as well as desorption time and temperature were optimized. Detection limits of the method were in the range of...
Determination of Pesticide Residues in Honey using the GC×GC-TOFMS Technique
PublicationIn this study, a QuEChERS method and gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOFMS) was developed for rapid extraction and simultaneous determination of 12 pesticide residues in honey. The GCxGC-TOFMS method was validated according to the SANCO guidance in terms of linearity, selectivity, reproducibility and recovery. Regarding the results, recovery rates ranged between 70-120% with relative standard...
An odor-sensing system - powerful technique for foodstuff studies
PublicationThis work examines gas sensor array technology combined with multivariate data processing methods and demonstrates a promising potential for rapid, non-destructive analysis of food. Main attention is focused on detailed description of sensor used in e-nose instruments, construction, and principle of operation of these systems. Moreover, this paper briefly reviews the progress in the field of artificial olfaction and future trends...
Direct chromatographic methods in the context of green analytical chemistry
PublicationWe review analytical protocols based on gas and liquid chromatography (GC and LC), but involving no sample preparation.Green analytical chemistry seeks to minimize negative impacts of analytical chemistry. Direct analytical methods ideally fulfillthis requirement, as they preclude sample preparation - the most polluting step of the analytical procedure.We describe examples of GC methodologies for environmental and food analysis...
Gaseous products from scrap tires pyrolisis
PublicationIn European Union 75% of used tires should be recycled. The most common method of used tires disposal, is burning in cement kilns, which does not solve the problem. Pyrolysis process can be an alternative way of utilization of tires. The aim of the researches was to check the influence of pyrolysis products (gas and oil fractions) on environment. Samples from pyrolysis process, like light oil fractions or pyrolysis gases were analyzed...
Fast GC as a useful tool for authenticity assessment of kiwifruit
PublicationKiwifruit is one of the healthiest fruits due to its high content of biologically active substances and nutrients. The most popular species of Actinidia (kiwifruit) are the Actinidia deliciosa fruits called kiwi and Actinidia chinensis commonly called golden kiwi, while the lesser known species is Actinidia arguta known as mini kiwi. Bioactivities and nutrients of Actinidia are influenced by species and cultivars. It is very important...
Alternative methods for dark fermentation course analysis
PublicationDark fermentation course analysis is crucial, as complexed matrix of gaseous components may be formed and revealed during the process. The paper considers key issues related to the microbiological process in which complex organic substances are transformed into hydrogen. For the purposes of hydrogen generation, the application of wastewater mixed sludge pre-treated according to Faloye method (Faloye et al. in Int J Hydrog Energy...
Process control of air stream deodorization from vapors of VOCs using a gas sensor matrix conducted in the biotrickling filter (BTF)
PublicationThis article presents the validity, advisability and purposefulness of using a gas sensor matrix to monitor air deodorization processes carried out in a peat-perlite-polyurethane foam-packed biotrickling filter. The aim of the conducted research was to control the effectiveness of air stream purification from vapors of hydrophobic compounds, i.e., n-hexane and cyclohexane. The effectiveness of hydrophobic n-hexane and cyclohexane...
PG_00055087 & PG_00055138_ PHYSICS - DaPE- 2024/25
e-Learning CoursesPhysics I (PG_00055087) and Introduction to Higher Physics (PG_00055138) for students of DAPE Courses run in academic year 2024/25
Polarization-dependent optical absorption in phosphorene flakes
PublicationThe interest of 2D materials is constantly increasing because of their very attractive mechanical, electrical and optical parameters. They have been used in many applications, e.g. photodetectors, sensors, modulators, insulators. One of the recently discovered 2D materials is phosphorene. In contrast to graphene, phosphorene has a direct bandgap tuned by numbers of layers in the 2D structure. The phosphorene flakes are strongly...
Min-max optimization of node‐targeted attacks in service networks
PublicationThis article considers resilience of service networks that are composed of service and control nodes to node-targeted attacks. Two complementary problems of selecting attacked nodes and placing control nodes reflect the interaction between the network operator and the network attacker. This interaction can be analyzed within the framework of game theory. Considering the limited performance of the previously introduced iterative...
Property revenues (PRs) and expenditures of local government units (LGUs) in Poland
PublicationPRs are new category of local government revenues, which was introduced by changing the law on public finances at the end of 2006 and which took effect in 2007. By principle, these revenues should be converted into property expenditures. Their formalisation did not only allow assessing their absolute size but also a comparison with the longer existing property expenditures. Both categories were subject of analysis in this article....
On extremal sizes of locally k-tree graphs
PublicationA graph G is a locally k-tree graph if for any vertex v the subgraph induced by the neighbours of v is a k-tree, k>=0, where 0-tree is an edgeless graph, 1-tree is a tree. We characterize the minimum-size locally k-trees with n vertices. The minimum-size connected locally k-trees are simply (k + 1)-trees. For k >= 1, we construct locally k-trees which are maximal with respect to the spanning subgraph relation. Consequently, the...
Novel structure and EM-driven design of miniaturized microstrip rat-race coupler
PublicationIn this paper, a novel structure and design procedure of a miniaturized microstrip rat-race coupler (RRC) is described. Small size of the RRC is achieved by folding the transmission lines of the conventional circuit into its interior, as well as by implementation of the structure on three layers. The final size of the coupler realized for the operating frequency of 1 GHz is only 220 mm2, which gives over 95% footprint reduction...
On analog comparators for CMOS digital pixel applications. A comparative study
PublicationVoltage comparator is the only – apart from the light-to-voltage converter – analog component in the digital CMOS pixel. In this work, the influence of the analog comparator nonidealities on the performance of the digital pixel has been investigated. In particular, two versions of the digital pixel have been designed in 0.35 μm CMOS technology, each using a different type of analog comparator. The properties of both versions have...
Mathematical modeling and prediction of pit to crack transition under cyclic thermal load using artificial neural network
PublicationThe formation of pitting is a major problem in most metals, which is caused by extremely localized corrosion that creates small holes in metal and subsequently, it changes into cracks under mechanical load, thermo-mechanical stress, and corrosion process factors. This research aims to study pit to crack transition phenomenon of steel boiler heat tubes under cyclic thermal load, and mathematical modeling...
Morphology, Photocatalytic and Antimicrobial Properties of TiO2 Modified with Mono- and Bimetallic Copper, Platinum and Silver Nanoparticles
PublicationNoble metal nanoparticles (NMNPs) enhanced TiO2 response and extended its activity under visible light. Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 modified with noble metal nanoparticles strongly depends on the physicochemical properties of NMNPs. Among others, the differences in the size of NMNPs seems to be one of the most important factors. In this view, the effect of the metal’s nanoparticles size, type and amount on TiO2 photocatalytic...
Low-Cost Unattended Design of Miniaturized 4 × 4 Butler Matrices with Nonstandard Phase Differences
PublicationDesign of Butler matrices dedicated to Internet of Things and 5th generation (5G) mobile systems—where small size and high performance are of primary concern—is a challenging task that often exceeds capabilities of conventional techniques. Lack of appropriate, unified design approaches is a serious bottleneck for the development of Butler structures for contemporary applications. In this work, a low-cost bottom-up procedure for...
Compact, Order Extensible and Wide-Stopband Bandpass Filter Based on SIW Cavity with Rectangular Ring Slot
PublicationThis article introduces novel architectures of bandpass filters (BPFs) using a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity with a rectangular ring slot (RRS) for compact size, extensible order, and broad stopband responses. Two bandpass filters, which demonstrate a second-and a fourth-order Chebyshev response, respectively, are realized by employing identical cavities with RRS, without increasing the physical size of the circuit....
Optimization-based antenna miniaturization using adaptively-adjusted penalty factors
PublicationThe continuing trend for miniaturization of electronic devices necessitates size reduction of the comprising components and circuitry. Specifically, integrated circuit-antenna modules therein require compact radiators in applications such as 5G communications, implantable and on-body devices, or internet of things (IoT). The conflict between the demands for compact size and elec-trical and field performance can be mitigated by...
Structured populations with diffusion and Feller conditions
PublicationWe prove a weak maximum principle for structured population models with dynamic boundary conditions. We establish existence and positivity of solutions of these models and investigate the asymptotic behaviour of solutions. In particular, we analyse so called size profile.
Determination of the substances potentially allergenic in water
PublicationPersonal care chemicals are continuously released into environment through domestic and industrial wastewater, causing adverse effects on human health. Their presence can be detected in different environmental compartments. A group of chemicals included in most personal care products are the allergen fragrances. In the present work, simple and rapid methodology based on ultrasound-assisted emulsification-microextraction (USAEME)...
Urządzenie i Instalacje Elektryczne 22/23
e-Learning CoursesNazwa i kod przedmiotu: Urządzenia i instalacje elektryczne (00042882) Prowadzący: Kierunek studiów: Inżynieria SanitarnaPoziom kształcenia: I stopnia - inżynierskieRok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2022/2023Forma studiów: stacjonarneRok studiów: 2Semestr: 3 (zimowy)
PG_00063670: Projekt architektoniczno-urbanistyczny I SAKN/SAOZ 2024/25
e-Learning CoursesKurs przeznaczony dla studentów sem. 1 mgr realizujących w sem. zimowym 24/25 przedmiot Projekt Architektoniczno-urbanistyczny I w Katedrze Architektury Miejskiej i Przestrzeni Nadwodnych (SAKN i SAOZ) oraz Katedrze Urbanistyki i Projektowania Regionalnego
Cell-penetrating peptides – mechanism of transduction and synthesis – short review
PublicationPotential antimicrobial agents may be effective if they are delivered efficiently to their site of action. In many cases, lack of permeability through the cell membrane is the main problem. One of the possible solutions could be a novel intracellular delivery system involving cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), which may improve the efficiency of many new biophar-maceuticals. Among other things, CPPs are capable of trans-porting...
Miniaturized Dual-Band SIW-Based Bandpass Filters Using Open-Loop Ring Resonators
PublicationThis article presents two novel architectures of dual-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filters (BPFs). Initially, two identical open-loop ring resonators (OLRRs) are coupled face-to-face on the top of the SIW cavity to realize a dual-band single-pole BPF. To obtain two-pole dual-band characteristics, two OLRRs resonant units are assembled horizontally within the top metal layer of the SIW, which is a technique...
Miniaturization-Oriented Design of Spline-Parameterized UWB Antenna for In-Door Positioning Applications
PublicationDesign of ultra-wideband antennas for in-door localization applications is a challenging task. It involves development of geometry that maintains appropriate balance between the size and performance. In this work, a topologically-flexible monopole has been generated using a stratified framework which embeds a gradient-based trust-region (TR) optimization algorithm in a meta-loop that gradually increases the structure dimensionality....
Influence of nitrogen and organic matter fractions on wastewater treatment in treatment wetland
PublicationMunicipal wastewater contains both biodegradable and non-degradable pollutants. Moreover, they are present in dissolved, colloidal and particulate forms. These fractions are characterised by various decomposition rates, hence their bioavailability during microbial respiration. It was confirm that biological degradation rate in terms of COD reduction is influenced by particle size speciation. Therefore, the objective of the study...
The effect of full-cell impregnation of pine wood (Pinus Sylvestris L.) on the fine dust content during sawing on a frame sawing machine
PublicationIn this paper the results of the analysis of the effect of the impregnation treatment of pine wood on the granularity of sawdust from the sawing process on the frame sawing machine PRW 15M are presented. Granulometric analyses of chips from impregnated and unimpregnated pine wood implies that the impregnation of pine wood does not affect the size and structure of the sawdust produced. A major ≈ 95% share of the formed chips is...
On forced vibrations of piezo-flexomagnetic nano-actuator beams
PublicationThe effect of excitation frequency on the piezomagnetic Euler-Bernoulli nanobeam taking the flexomagnetic material phenomenon into consideration is investigated in this chapter. The magnetization with strain gradients creates flexomagneticity. We couple simultaneously the piezomagnetic and flexomagnetic properties in an inverse magnetization. Resemble the flexoelectricity, the flexomagneticity is also size-dependent. So, it has...
Damage detection in plates based on Lamb wavefront shape reconstruction
PublicationMany of the current studies in the area of damage detection using elastic wave propagation are based on deploying sensor networks with a large number of piezoelectric transducers to detect small-size cracks. A major limitation of these studies is that cracks are usually larger and have different shapes in real cases. Moreover, using a large number of sensing nodes for damage detection is both costly and computationally intensive....
Shadow Economy in Poland Recent Evidence Based on Survey Data
PublicationThe book provides an estimate of the size of the shadow economy in Poland. Using analogous data, it traces core determinants of the existence of the shadow economy in Poland. It compares results with neighbouring countries, and if possible, the remaining Central-Eastern economies. The book tells why the problem of the unreported economic activity matters; it presents the problem from different angles―economic, social and institutional....
Earthworks calculations due to reconstruction of railway geometrical layout
PublicationThe paper characterizes continuation of ongoing work of computer program MUGO which is connected with earthworks. The program is related to the modernization of the railway track layout. The methodology for the calculating the size of earthworks in the areas of embankments on the two way railway line is discussed in detail.
Aktualne trendy w zakresie certyfikacji normatywnych systemów zarządzania w branży spożywczej
PublicationW opracowaniu omówiono aktualne trendy dotyczące certyfikacji systemu zarządzania jakością w sektorze rolno-spożywczym. Na podstawie danych uzyskanych z dużej, renomowanej jednostki certyfikującej przedstawiono analizę porównawczą dotyczącą liczby wydanych certyfikatów dla ogólnych systemów zarządzania oraz dla systemów branżowych dedykowanych sektorowi rolno-spożywczemu w odniesieniu do przedsiębiorstw różnych wielkości.
Technologia i organizacja robót instalacyjnych sem. 1 rok akad. 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesKurs jest przeznaczony dla Studentów Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska, studiów niestacjonarnych II stopnia, Kierunku Inżynieria Środowiska. Osoba odpowiedzialna za przedmiot: mgr inż. Anna Cuglewska-Lech, cuglech@pg.edu.pl
Radioactivity of drilling cuttings from shale resources of the Lower Paleozoic Baltic Basin, Poland
PublicationFractionated drilling wastes originating from shale gas exploration in the Baltic Basin in Pomerania were subjected to the measurements of mean activity concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs).To better understand rock structure and texture, the X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM) observation were used. To compare activity concentration of radionuclides in bulk wastes...
Modeling of Surface Roughness in Honing Processes by UsingFuzzy Artificial Neural Networks
PublicationHoning processes are abrasive machining processes which are commonly employed to improve the surface of manufactured parts such as hydraulic or combustion engine cylinders. These processes can be employed to obtain a cross-hatched pattern on the internal surfaces of cylinders. In this present study, fuzzy artificial neural networks are employed for modeling surface roughness parameters obtained in finishing honing operations. As...
Oxide nanoparticle exsolution in Lu-doped (Ba,La)CoO3
PublicationThis study investigated Lu doping of Ba0.5La0.5CoO3 and its influence on the exsolution of oxide nanoparticles (NPs). As a result of Lu doping, we observed the phase segregation into the main Ba0.4La0.6Co0.85Lu0.15O3 (BLCO–Lu) phase and the secondary Ba0.85La0.15Co0.75Lu0.25O3 (BCO–Lu) phase. We noticed the exsolution of BCO–Lu nanoparticles on the main BLCO–Lu phase. Moreover, the BLCO–Lu phase exsolved in the form of nanoparticles...
Rendezvous of Distance-Aware Mobile Agents in Unknown Graphs
PublicationWe study the problem of rendezvous of two mobile agents starting at distinct locations in an unknown graph. The agents have distinct labels and walk in synchronous steps. However the graph is unlabelled and the agents have no means of marking the nodes of the graph and cannot communicate with or see each other until they meet at a node. When the graph is very large we want the time to rendezvous to be independent of the graph size...
Laser granulometer as an useful tool for selection of appropriate membranes used in the MIEX®DOC-UF/MF hybrid process
PublicationIn the study, particle size distribution of the MIEX® resin was presented. Such analyses enable to determinate whether presence of fine resin fraction may be the reason for unfavorable membrane blocking during water purification by the hybrid MIEX®DOC-microfiltration/ultrafiltration systems. Granulometric analysis of resin grains using the laser diffraction particle size analyzer (laser granulometer) was carried out as well as...
Characterization of Defects Inside the Cable Dielectric With Partial Discharge Modeling
PublicationThe continuous monitoring of power system devices is an important step toward keeping such capital assets safe. Partial discharge (PD)-based measurement tools provide a reliable and accurate condition assessment of power system insulations. It is very common that voids or cavities exist in every solid dielectric insulation medium. In this article, different voids are modeled and analyzed using an advanced finite element (FE)-based...
Sustainable upcycling of brewers’ spent grain by thermo-mechanical treatment in twin-screw extruder
PublicationThermo-mechanical treatment of brewers’ spent grain (a by-product of beer manufacturing) was successfully performed via the extrusion process. The impact of temperature (from 30 to 180 °C), throughput (from 1 to 5 kg/h) and screw speed (from 75 to 375 rpm) on particle size, color, chemical structure, antioxidant activity and thermal stability of resulting material, as well as correlations between particular properties, were investigated....
Molecular basis of the osmolyte effect on protein stability: a lesson from the mechanical unfolding of lysozyme
PublicationOsmolytes are a class of small organic molecules that shift the protein folding equilibrium. For this reason, they are accumulated by organisms under environmental stress, and find applications in biotechnology where proteins need to be stabilized or dissolved. However, despite years of research, debate continues over the exact mechanisms underpinning the stabilizing and denaturing effect of osmolytes. Here, we simulated the mechanical...
Dyplomy Wdrożeniowe na WILIŚ - program dyplomowania dla studentów
e-Learning CoursesKoordynator programu: dr inż. Marcin Szczepański
Obtaining of coumarone-indene resins based on light fraction of coal tar 2. Coumarone-indene resins with epoxy groups
PublicationCoumarone-indene resins (CIR) with carboxy groups were synthesized via cooligomerization of unsaturated compounds presented in light fraction of coal tar and its fraction boiling out within 423–463 K with the addition of such industrial monomers as styrene, maleic anhydride, glycidyl methacrylate and methacrylic acid. 2,2`-Azobis(2-methylpropionitrile) in the form of 0.2 M solution in toluene was used as an initiator. The effect...
Validated GC–MS method for determination of bisphenol a and its five analogues in dietary and nutritional supplements
PublicationBisphenol A (BPA) and its analogues showing structural and functional similarity to BPA are commonly applied in various industrial applications and thus are becoming ubiquitous in the environment. At the same time there is increasing scientific evidence that exposure to these chemicals may lead to adverse health effects in human and wildlife. In recent years dietary and nutritional supplements dedicated for athletes have become...
The use of HPLC-Q-TOF-MS for comprehensive screening of drugs and psychoactive substances in hair samples and several “legal highs” products
PublicationNon-targeted screening of drugs present in herbal products, known as “legal high” drugs and in hair as a biological matrix commonly used in toxicological investigations was accomplished with the use of high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-Q-TOF-MS). In total, 25 and 14 therapeutical drugs and psychoactive substances/metabolites were detected in investigated hair samples...
Drawing maps with advice
PublicationW pracy podejmujemy temat konstrukcji algorytmu dla agenta, który zostaje umieszczony w dowolnym wierzchołku grafu (wierzchołki są nierozróżnialne, krawędzie mają etykiety portów), po czym realizuje algorytm zmierzający do znalezienia drzewa spinającego grafu lub izomorficznej kopii grafu. Dla obu problemów podajemy asymptotycznie dokładne lub prawie dokładne oszacowania na ilość bitów dodatkowej informacji, którą agent musi otrzymać...
Bricks images dataset
Open Research DataThe set contains 200 images of various wooden bricks of various shapes and colors placed on a background (blanket) with some heart shaped patterns. Each photo is available in 300x300 and 224x224 pixels size in PNG format. Photos are divided in 10 classes – 8 types of bricks photographed form various angles + 2 additional classes (multiple bricks at...