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Liquid crystal technique application for heat transfer investigation in afin-tube heat exchanger element
PublicationPublikacja przedstawia rezultaty prac autorów w zakresie wykorzystania termografii ciekłokrystalicznej w badaniach wymiany ciepła dla różnych elementów wymienników ciepła. Technika ta z powodzeniem została zastosowana do analizy zabudowy wymiennika na jego efektywność.
Liquid crystal technique application for heat transfer investigation inafin-tube heat exchanger element
PublicationPublikacja przedstawia rezultaty prac autorów w zakresie wykorzystania techniki ciekłokrystalicznej w badaniach wymiany ciepła dla elementów wymiennika ciepła. Technika ta z powodzeniem została zastosowana do analizy sposobu zabudowy wymiennika na jego efektywność.
Critical evaluation of employment possibilities of OTT technique for isolation of the PAHs and PCBs from samples of water
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono krótki przegląd technik wykorzystywanych na etapie izolacji i/lub wzbogacania analitów z grupy WWA i PCB z próbek wody. W części doświadczalnej dokonano oceny możliwości wykorzystania krótkiego odcinka kapilarnej kolumny chromatograficznej jako pułapki sorpcyjnej na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania analitów z grupy WWA i PCB z próbek wody. Ponadto przedstawiono wpływ zjawiska sorpcji analitów na ściankach używanych...
Understainding solid-phase microextraction: key factors influencing the extraction process and trends in improving the technique
PublicationAnalytical chemists are faced with the daunting challenges of accurately monitoring the state of the environment and the processes taking place in it and of determining an enormous range of analytes often present in trace and ultratrace amounts in sample matrixes with complex or variable compositions. Further challenges are presented by the need to introduce new methodologies into current analytical practice and equipment to comply...
New PCR test for detection of Candida glabrata based on the molecular target chosen by the RAPD technique
PublicationRapid, reliable diagnosis is a necessary condition for the successful treatment of infections. Such diagnostic assays are continually being developed. #e paper presents a method for selecting the molecular target for PCR-based diagnostics based on the comparison of RAPD patterns. A sequence encoding Candida glabrata CBS138 hypothetical protein was selected. The limit of detection for PCR and real-time PCR reactions with DNA extracted...
Immobilization technique for enhanced production of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid by ultraviolet and gamma-irradiated Penicillium roqueforti
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Relationship between heavy metal distribution in sediment samples and their ecotoxicity by the use of the Hasse diagram technique
PublicationOpisane badania wskazują, że istnieje nowe podejście oszacowywania ryzyka zanieczyszczenia określonych przedziałów środowiska morskiego dzięki równoczesnemu monitorowaniu zawartości metali ciężkich i parametrów ekotoksykologicznych. Rutynowe podejście stosuje oddzielnie wskaźniki zawartości metali ciężkich i wskaźniki ekotoksykologiczne w celu wykrycia zależności między poziomami zawartości metali ciężkich a mierzalnymi parametrami...
Driving Performance Indicators of Electric Bus Driving Technique: Naturalistic Driving Data Multicriterial Analysis
PublicationThe issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming the key area of interest. By improving of driving techniques and the implementation of eco-driving, it is possible to save electric energy. Systems that help to decrease energy consumption and to reduce fuel emissions are becoming popular in vehicles powered by diesel engines. However, these methods have not yet gained popularity in electric vehicles. Therefore,...
Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique
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The Effect of Full-Cell Impregnation of Pine Wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) on Changes in Electrical Resistance and on the Accuracy of Moisture Content Measurement Using Resistance Meters
PublicationThe impact of the full-cell impregnation of pine wood was investigated with respect to changes in electrical resistance and the accuracy of moisture content measurement. This study compared the resistance of impregnated and untreated pine timber harvested from the northern part of Poland (Pomeranian region). The wood was impregnated by the vacuum-pressure method. The preservative (TANALITH E 3475) and coloring (TANATONE 3950) agents...
Sebastian Molin dr hab. inż.
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Different Ways to Apply a Measurement Instrument of E-Nose Type to Evaluate Ambient Air Quality with Respect to Odour Nuisance in a Vicinity of Municipal Processing Plants
PublicationThis review paper presents different ways to apply a measurement instrument of e-nose type to evaluate ambient air with respect to detection of the odorants characterized by unpleasant odour in a vicinity of municipal processing plants. An emphasis was put on the following applications of the electronic nose instruments: monitoring networks, remote controlled robots and drones as well as portable devices. Moreover, this paper presents...
Tomasz Menet mgr inż.
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Impedance Measurement and Selection of Electrochemical Equivalent Circuit of a Working PEM Fuel Cell Cathode
PublicationThe dynamic impedance analysis of direct methanolfuel cell (DMFC) cathode supplied with pure oxygen is pre-sented. Presented results were obtained during dynamic chang-es of the current density in working fuel cell. Investigation ofthe occurring processes at cathode was carried with dynamicelectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). A discussionwas conducted based on the determined correlation parameterχ2. It was shown that...
A Measurement System for Quasi-Spectral Determination of Absorption and Scattering Parameters of Veterinary Tissue Phantoms
PublicationThis paper describes the construction of a system for the quasi-spectral determination of absorption and scattering parameters of animal tissue phantoms. Several tissue phantoms, including one reference and two modified for examination, were prepared from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The phantoms were measured using a system based on an integrating sphere and the light sources of wavelengths commonly used for the treatment of various...
Measurement of dynamic pulsations in bulk solid during silo discharging using ECT method
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów pulsacji materiału sypkiego pomieroznych z zastosowaniem metody pomiarowej ECT. Analizę dynamicznych zmian koncetracji przperowadzono dla podstawowych(surowych) danych pomiarowych oraz danych zrekonstruowanych
Measurement of selected characteristics of low-coherence optical signal sources for optical coherence tomography
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Methodology of heat transfer and flow resistance measurement for matrices of rotating regenerative heat exchangers
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Thermodynamic modeling of the Sb–Te system supported by DSC measurement and ab initio calculations
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Interlaboratory comparison of methodologies for the measurement of urinary 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine
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Application of the Least Squares Method to the approximation of equally spaced samples in frequency measurement approach
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The Influence of Noise Level on the Value of Uncertainty in a Measurement System Containing an Analog-to-Digital Converter
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Strouhal Number Measurement for Novel Biomimetic Folding Fins Using an Image Processing Method
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The critical rotational speed of circular saw: simple measurement method and its practical implementations.
PublicationProducenci pił tarczowych są zobligowani do podawania ich dopuszczalnych prędkości obrotowych. Jednakże, umieszczane przez nich prędkości na piłach są często bliskie prędkościom krytycznym lub je przewyższają. Przecinanie takimi narzędziami może być więc niebezpieczne dla obsługującego. Praca przedstawia prostą metodologię wyznaczania prędkości obrotowych krytycznych pił tarczowych. Badania były prowadzone z wykorzystaniem technik...
A new approach to chronotype measurement - the Polish version of the Single Item Chronotyping (SIC) tool
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Portable measurement system for breath analysis by real-time fluctuation enhanced sensing method
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Analysis of occurrence of guided disorders in selected railway equipment — impact of load on measurement results
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Feature-Based Characterisation of Turned Surface Topography with Suppression of High-Frequency Measurement Errors
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Proposals of Frequency-Based and Direction Methods to Reduce the Influence of Surface Topography Measurement Errors
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Application of the short time Fourier transformation to the continuous frequency method of measurement of electrode impedance
PublicationPrzedstawiona została nowa metoda pomiaru impedancji elektrodowej. Wykorzystuje ona jako pobudzenie niestacjonarny sygnał napięciowy, którego częstotliwość jest liniową funkcją czasu. Zastosowanie transformacji STFT do analizy napięciowego sygnału pobudzenia i odpowiedzi prądowej umożliwia wyznaczenie widma impedancyjnego. Dokładność otrzymywanych wartości impedancji uwarunkowana jest wielkością okna i zastosowanej funkcji analizującej.
Measurement of selected characteristics of low-coherence optical signal sources for optical coherence tomography
PublicationOCT to nowa metoda badania wewnętrznych struktur materiałów. Wśród wielu technik detekcji sygnału optycznego wykorzystywanych w OCT najpopularniejszą i najbardziej obiecującą jest OLCR (Opticla-Low Coherence Reflectomerty - reflektometria niskokoherentna). OLCR wykorzystuje szerokopasmowe źródła, których parametry, jak np.: charakterystyka widmowa, charakterystyka szumowa, determinują właściwości metrologiczne systemu OCT. W artykule...
Analysis of Transformation Methods of Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Based on the Tombolo Measurement Campaign in Sopot
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Modelling of Diffusing Capacity Measurement Results in Lung Microangiopathy Patients. A novel Diagnostic Suppport
PublicationLung microangiopathy is a little known negative influence of diabetes mellitus on the functioning of the lungs. The aim of this study is to design a supportive method for diagnosing lung microangiopathy. This will be based on routinely performed pulmonary measurements as well as on investigation process modelling and data processing. A model of the diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli to the blood has been described with a set...
3D Sound Intensity Measurement Around Organ Pipes Using Acoustic Vector Sensors
PublicationThe aim of the presented paper was to obtain and visualize sound intensity distribution of radiated acoustic energy around the organ pipes. The experimental setup consisted of the multichannel acoustic vector sensor and the specialized Cartesian robot. Measurements were performed in free field with spatial resolution of 0.1 [m]. Two organ pipes, i.e. wooden and metal were measured during the ex-periment. The organ pipes were activated...
Measurement of Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Angular Dependence at 150 kHz Using a Multibeam Echosounder
PublicationAcoustic seafloor measurements with multibeam echosounders (MBESs) are currently often used for submarine habitat mapping, but the MBESs are usually not acoustically calibrated for backscattering strength (BBS) and cannot be used to infer absolute seafloor angular dependence. We present a study outlining the calibration and showing absolute backscattering strength values measured at a frequency of 150 kHz at around 10–20 m water...
Geospatial Modeling of the Tombolo Phenomenon in Sopot using Integrated Geodetic and Hydrographic Measurement Methods
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Application of particle image velocimetry (PIV) for deformation measurement during granular silo flow.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów tensora odkształceń w materiałach granulowanych podczas przepływu silosowego Pomiary wykonano przy zastosowaniu techniki optoelektronicznej PIV dla silosów z wkładkami i bez wkładek. Wyniki porównano ze zdjęciami rentgenowskimi.
Atomic force microscopy technique for the surface characterization of sol–gel derived multi-component silica nanocomposites
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Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) at Boron-doped Diamond (BDD) Sensor by Means of Amperometric Technique
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Fabrication of polyurethane and polyurethane based composite fibres by the electrospinning technique for soft tissue engineering of cardiovascular system
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The application of single drop extraction technique for chromatographic determination of solvent residues in edible oils and pharmaceutical products
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zalety i wady techniki ekstrakcji do pojedynczej kropli, będącą prostą i tanią alternatywą dla mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej. Ponadto opisano dwie analityczne procedury do chromatograficznego oznaczania wybranych rozpuszczalników organicznych (heksanu, benzenu, toluenu oraz trichlorometanu, 1,1,1-trichloroetanu, tetrachlorometanu, trichloroetylenu, tetrachloroetenu)w olejach jadalnych i próbkach farmaceutycznych....
Application of the PASSIL technique for the passive sampling of exemplary polar contaminants (pharmaceuticals and phenolic derivatives) from water
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Regarding the “The spiral ladder technique of facial nerve trunk identification during parotidectomy: A convenient roadmap for the beginners”
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Facile and cost-effective technique to control europium oxidation states in glassy fluorophosphate matrices with tunable photoluminescence
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Trans-endocardial delivery of progenitor cells to compromised myocardium using the “needle technique”and risk of myocardial injury
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Evaluation of the Combination of Muscle Energy Technique and Trigger Point Therapy in Asymptomatic Individuals with a Latent Trigger Point
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Dynamic deformations tests of Ni3Al based intermetallic alloy by using the split Hopkinson pressure bar technique
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Evaluation of protective footwear fit for older workers (60+): A case study using 3D scanning technique
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A new technique with high reproducibility to estimate renal oxygenation using BOLD-MRI in chronic kidney disease