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Active learning na wykładach
EventsCentrum Nowoczesnej Edukacji zaprasza na szkolenie „Active learning na wykładach”.
Thermodynamic Efficiency of an Advanced 4th Generation VHTR Propulsion Engine for Large Container Ships
PublicationIn response to global initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the maritime industry must adopt green propulsion solutions. This paper analyses the operational potential of very high-temperature reactors (VHTRs) as an innovative propulsion source for large container ships. Calculations are carried out for ships produced between 2018 and 2020 with a capacity of more than 20,000 TEU. For these ships, the average power of the...
An Optimized Ka-Band Low Profile Dual-Polarized Transmitarray Antenna With 2D Beam Switching
PublicationThis article presents an optimized dual-polarized transmitarray antenna (TA) designed for MIMO applications at the Ka-band, capable of switching beams in two directions. The antenna aperture uses a small unit cell with three layers of Taconic RF-35 dielectric substrates, which can be easily fabricated using PCB technology. The unit cell achieved a 360-degree phase shift and a transmission magnitude exceeding –0.4 dB at 28 GHz....
Balancing Energy Inputs/Outputs and GHG Emissions for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment – a Case Study
PublicationThe aim of the study is a model-based evaluation of the selected operating modes and technological upgrades on the energy balance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a large wastewater treatment plant in the city of Slupsk (northern Poland). The considered scenarios focus on energy savings for aeration, increasing energy recovery via biogas cogeneration and reduction of the CO2 equivalent emission from both direct processes (related...
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Energy efficiency of electric multiple units in suburban operation
PublicationThis thesis presents approach to analysis of energy efficiency of a suburban rail network, using novel models developed on the Matlab/Simulink basis. Necessary features and requirements for such models were determined thru in-depth review of the source literature in all applicable fields: electrified transportation systems, electric multiple units construction, vehicle drivetrains and finally, existing simulation methods. Existing...
Performance of the PEM fuel cell module. Part 2. Effect of excess ratio and stack temperature
PublicationThe paper describes a fuel cell based system performance under different thermal conditions. The system could be fed with bottled hydrogen or with very high purity hydrogen obtained from reforming of methanol. The system is based on two fuel cell units (1.2 kW each, produced by Ballard Power Systems Inc. and called Nexa), DC/DC converter, DC/AC inverter, microprocessor control unit, load unit, bottled hydrogen supply system and...
A High-Efficient Measurement System With Optimization Feature for Prototype CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationIn this paper, a gray-scale CMOS image sensor (CIS) characterization system with an optimization feature has been proposed. By using a very fast and precise control of light intensity, based on the pulsewidth-modulation method, it is avoided to measure the illuminance every time. These features accelerate the multicriteria CIS optimization requiring many thousands of measurements. The system throughput is 2.5 Gb/s, which allows...
LaNi1-xCoxO3-δ(x=0.4 to 0.7) cathodes for solid oxide fuel cells by infiltration
PublicationPerformance of LaNi 1-x Co x O 3−δ (LNC) (x=0.4 to 0.7) as a cathode in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is evaluated. Symmetrical cathode/electrolyte/cathode cells for electrochemical testing are prepared by infiltration of yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) backbone with LNC solutions. It is showed that the cathode infiltrated with LaNi 0.5 Co 0.5 O 3−δ (LNC155) has the lowest polarization resistance and activation energy, 197 mΩ cm...
PublicationIn the paper, the basic assumptions of diesel engine cylinder system's diagnosing method, based on observation of emerging and moving electric charges of ionized gas in the combustion workspaces, using Langmuir's probe. In the first part of the paper, only the technology of the measurement and results of the preliminary diagnostic tests of laboratory engine Farymann Diesel D10 were presented. The primary purpose of the research...
3-phase medium frequency transformer for a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge converter
PublicationThe article presents a three-phase Medium Frequency Transformer being a part of a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge DC-DC converter. The transformer design is detailed focusing on winding and core power loss calculation. The high power three-phase MFT prototype is presented. The experimental results include the transformer impedance characteristics, no load test and three-phase DAB full load test waveforms
An application of blended and collaborative learning in spatial planning course
PublicationSpatial Planning is a master course for graduate students of Environmental Engineering. The course is based on assumptions that students’ future work will be connected with spatial planning, and spatial issues will have an influence on their everyday lives. To familiarize students with environmental issues in planning, the teams of students get an assignment to design an urban space, waterfront along a stream. The whole project...
Impedance Measurement and Selection of Electrochemical Equivalent Circuit of a Working PEM Fuel Cell Cathode
PublicationThe dynamic impedance analysis of direct methanolfuel cell (DMFC) cathode supplied with pure oxygen is pre-sented. Presented results were obtained during dynamic chang-es of the current density in working fuel cell. Investigation ofthe occurring processes at cathode was carried with dynamicelectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). A discussionwas conducted based on the determined correlation parameterχ2. It was shown that...
Hybrid Processing by Turning and Burnishing of Machine Components
PublicationThe paper presents a method of hybrid manufacturing process of long 5 shafts and deep holes by simultaneous turning and burnishing method. The tech- 6 nological results of the research focus on the influence of the basic technological 7 parameters of this process on the surface roughness of piston rods of hydraulic 8 cylinders. Research results are presented in the graphs as well as mathematical 9 formula. Set of samples were made...
Collaborative Data Acquisition and Learning Support
PublicationWith the constant development of neural networks, traditional algorithms relying on data structures lose their significance as more and more solutions are using AI rather than traditional algorithms. This in turn requires a lot of correctly annotated and informative data samples. In this paper, we propose a crowdsourcing based approach for data acquisition and tagging with support for Active Learning where the system acts as an...
Efficient Simulation-Based Global Antenna Optimization Using Characteristic Point Method and Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics
PublicationAntenna structures are designed nowadays to fulfil rigorous demands, including multi-band operation, where the center frequencies need to be precisely allocated at the assumed targets while improving other features, such as impedance matching. Achieving this requires simultaneous optimization of antenna geometry parameters. When considering multimodal problems or if a reasonable initial design is not at hand, one needs to rely...
PublicationIn the present article, selected problems connected with identification of slowly changing energy-related processes accompanying high cyclic fatigue of construction materials of simple mechanical systems, with special consideration of transmission shafts, are mentioned for diagnostic purposes. The article also presents physical models of object and processes that in a simplified way reflect mechanical energy transmission from transmission...
Optimization model of agile team’s cohesion
PublicationTeam’s cohesion is one of the most important factors of IT project execution effectiveness. Optimization of team’s cohesion gives the possibility of reducing the risk of project failure. It also allows to increase the teamwork efficiency and thus optimize time of tasks execution, increase the guarantee of maintaining the scope of the project and the chance of achieving a given level of products quality. This article presents determination...
The Influent Effects of Flow Rate Profile on thePerformance of Microbial Fuel Cells Model
PublicationThe energy contained in wastewaters has been identified as a promising sustainableenergy resource that could be harvested by using microbial fuel cells (MFC). When dealing with realwastewaters, the MFCs should be able to manage high flow rates and flow rates fluctuations. In thiswork, the short-term effects of the influent flow rate variations on the performance of a microbialfuel cell has been studied. With this aim, the influent...
Techniki rozszerzonej rzeczywistości i ich zastosowanie w systemach klasy dual-use.PREPRINT
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono ogólną koncepcję systemów rozszerzonej rzeczywistości i technik łączących w sobie elementy świata realnego oraz tzw. rzeczywistości wirtualnej. W sposób szczególny praca została poświęcona wyświetlaczom holograficznym 3D, które mogą znaleźć szerokie zastosowanie w systemach klasy dual-use. W artykule wskazano także kilka przykładów praktycznych zastosowań wielodotykowego wyświetlacza holograficznego...
Employing Blended E-Learning to Improve Rate of Assignments Handing-In
PublicationIt has been observed that students hand in homework assignments at a notably low rate in introductory C programming course. A survey has revealed that the real issue was not student learning but instructor work organization. Based on survey results, the physical course has been complemented with an e-learning component to guide the homework process. Assignment handing-in rate significantly improved, as e-learning allowed the homework...
An examination of the effect of ethanol–gasoline blends' physicochemical properties on emissions from a light-duty spark ignition engine
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Semicrystalline Polyesters Based on a Novel Renewable Building Block
PublicationIsohexides, like e.g. isosorbide, are well-known carbohydrate-based rigid diols which are capable of dramatically increasing the glass transition temperature of polyesters. However, their relatively low reactivity has thus far hampered large-scale industrial applications in the polymer field. Recently, with the aim to increase reactivity while at the same time retain rigidity, we have developed a new isoidide dicarboxylic acid...
Development of the Polish energy sector through transformation and harmonization with the European energy and climate policy
PublicationThe paper presents the dilemmas of energy sector development vs European energy policy due to the way of energy transition. The identification of barriers and opportunities for the development of the power industry is presented. The possibilities of using modern energy technologies for the processes of energy transformation are described. The path useful to achieving climate and energy goals is determined. The new method of electricity...
Enterprise Gamification - Learning as a Side Effect of Competition
PublicationGmification in companies can be used for driving desired employees behaviour that are advantageous to their development and performance improvement. This paper presents tools acquired from online social networking services and game mechanisms to encourage managers to compete by providing extended statistics and user profiles features in e-learning system.
Comprehensive comparison of compact UWB antenna performance by means of multi-objective optimization
PublicationAn optimization-based procedure for comprehensive performance comparison of alternative compact UWB antenna topologies is discussed. The assessment of the antenna performance is conducted with respect to the structure size and its reflection response. More specifically, the best possible tradeoffs between these two figures of merit are identified through multiobjective optimization at the level...
Assessment of Fuel Cells’ State of Health by Low-Frequency Noise Measurements
PublicationWe proposed applying low-frequency (flicker) noise in proton-exchange membrane fuel cells under selected loads to assess their state of health. The measurement set-up comprised a precise data acquisition board and was able to record the DC voltage and its random component at the output. The set-up estimated the voltage noise power spectral density at frequencies up to a few hundred mHz. We observed the evolution of the electrical...
A Mammography Data Management Application for Federated Learning
PublicationThis study aimed to develop and assess an application designed to enhance the management of a local client database consisting of mammographic images with a focus on ensuring that images are suitably and uniformly prepared for federated learning applications. The application supports a comprehensive approach, starting with a versatile image-loading function that supports DICOM files from various medical imaging devices and settings....
Breast MRI segmentation by deep learning: key gaps and challenges
PublicationBreast MRI segmentation plays a vital role in early diagnosis and treatment planning of breast anomalies. Convolutional neural networks with deep learning have indicated promise in automating this process, but significant gaps and challenges remain to address. This PubMed-based review provides a comprehensive literature overview of the latest deep learning models used for breast segmentation. The article categorizes the literature...
Activity of Patents in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production in the Context of Passenger Car Fleet in the V4 Countries
PublicationThe hydrogen market in the world today is capable ovule and em-pirical evidence on activity of patents in fuel cells and hydrogen production islimited so far. Patent applications in zero-emission mobility in the aspect of fuelcells include: DAFC/DMFC&DMFC, PEMFC, SOFC, AFC, PAFC. As for thepatents relating to the hydrogen production, they concern low carbon, electrol-ysis and inorganic. The purpose of the study was to investigate...
Microgrid Energy Management System
PublicationIn the era of rapid development of "green energy” and storage devices, microgrids implemented in line with the concept of distributed generation can be an effective form of power management. There is a need for an efficient, optimal and reliable control of the combined infrastructure. The article presents a flexible, configurable microgrid's resources control system, which executes the task of meeting the electricity demand of...
Selection of energy storage units by genetic algorithm for mitigating voltage deviations
PublicationIn recent years, energy storage units have become very popular. They are applied both for economic and technical purposes. Unfortunately, the cost of such devices is still high and selecting their proper location and rated power have to be performed precisely. In this paper, a Genetic-Algorithm-based optimization method for selecting the best configuration of energy storage units in the power network is proposed. The presented...
High-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine with flow bleeding in a novel thermodynamic cycle for decarbonizing power generation
PublicationIn the global pursuit of sustainable energy and reduced carbon footprints, advances in power generation techniques play a crucial role, not only in meeting the ever-increasing energy demands but also in ensuring that environmental standards are maintained and that the health of our planet is prioritized for future generations. In the ongoing quest for sustainable energy solutions, novel high-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine...
Potential energy curves of LiCs dimer
Open Research DataThis data presents potential energy curves of LiCs dimer in Hund's case (a). Calculated using Born-Oppenheimer approximation with scalar relativistic effects are included via large effective core potentials. Custom basis sets, core polarization potentials and MRCI method are used to accurately describe electron correlation. Dataset consists of 22 potential...
Potential energy curves of NaRb dimer
Open Research DataThis data presents potential energy curves of NaRb dimer in Hund's case (a). Calculated using Born-Oppenheimer approximation with scalar relativistic effects are included via large effective core potentials. Core polarization potentials and MRCI method is used to describe electron correlation. Dataset consists of 18 potential energy curves of ground...
In situ study of a composition of outlet gases from biogas fuelled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell performed by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
PublicationThe purpose of this study was to develop a method and software based on the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for the in-situ, quantitative analysis of the composition of outlet gases from Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The calibration procedure performed at the beginning of the experiment indicated a polynomial dependence between the concentration of a calibrating gas (CO, CO2, CH4) and the corresponding integrated absorbance in...
Energy Yield Generated by a Small Building Integrated Photovoltaic Installation
PublicationIn the recent years photovoltaic (PV) industry has experienced a major growth, caused by the ever present annual decrease in module production prices and the expanding awareness of the general public in terms of renewable energy. There are numerous ways to implement PV modules as an additional energy source for a building, be it mounted on the rooftop, or building integrated (BIPV). An analysis of BIPV consisting of 8 modules with...
Bioelectrochemical detection of COVID protein (RBD) on boron doped diamond - optimization of functionalziation parameters
Open Research DataThe following dataset is a comprehensive overview of preparation of biofunctionalizaed BDD (boron-doped diamond) electrodes and their application in electrochemical sensing of COVID protein RBD. The specific receptor against RBD (Receptor Binding Domain) protein ACE-2 (Angiotensin Convertase Enzyme) is attached to the surface of BDD via a series of...
Comparative Evaluation of Dual-Purpose Converters Suitable for Application in DC and AC Grids
PublicationThis article presents a comparative evaluation of several topological solutions to the universal power electronics interface for the dc or single-phase ac grids using the same terminals. The idea of a dual-purpose approach lies in the utilization of the same semiconductors in the dc–dc and the dc–ac configuration, resulting in minimal redundancy. Particular focus is on the power density improvement and control. Out of the three...
Estimation, optimization and analysis based investigation of the energy consumption in machinability of ceramic-based metal matrix composite materials
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Potential Application of Solar Energy Systems for Electrified Urban Transportation Systems
PublicationThe paper presents a novel approach toward the use of solar energy systems in public transportation. The concept of energy generation in PV systems for supplying a trolleybus transportation system is proposed for the city of Gdynia (Poland). The suggested way of energy production allows reducing the environmental harm impact of the municipal transportation system. Moreover, the proposed way of green energy use can be a more profitable...
Relevance of the EU Structural Funds’ Allocation to the Needs of Combating Air Pollution in Poland. Analysis of the Operational Programmes of Regions Threatened With Critical Air Pollution from Distributed Energy Sources
PublicationRecent years, the European Environmental Agency, has been reporting air quality parameters in Poland, as the poorest among all the EU countries. Despite of adoption of the EU legislation on energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings, existing legal solutions occur insufficient in reducing air pollution in Polish regions. Lack of an effective schemes supporting complex thermal renovation of buildings, exchange of inefficient...
The Influence of External Load on the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells
PublicationIn this work, the effect of the external load on the current and power generation, as well as on the pollutant removal by microbial fuel cells (MFCs), has been studied by step-wise modifying the external load. The load changes included a direct scan, in which the external resistance was increased from 120 Ω to 3300 Ω, and a subsequent reverse scan, in which the external resistance was decreased back to 120 Ω. The reduction in the...
Active Learning Based on Crowdsourced Data
PublicationThe paper proposes a crowdsourcing-based approach for annotated data acquisition and means to support Active Learning training approach. In the proposed solution, aimed at data engineers, the knowledge of the crowd serves as an oracle that is able to judge whether the given sample is informative or not. The proposed solution reduces the amount of work needed to annotate large sets of data. Furthermore, it allows a perpetual increase...
A novel architecture for e-learning knowledge assessment systems
PublicationAbstract. In this paper we propose a novel e-learning system, dedicated strictly to knowledge assessment tasks. In its functioning it utilizes web-based technologies, but its design differs radically from currently popular e-learning solutions which rely mostly on thin-client architecture. Our research proved that such architecture,while well suited for didactic content distribution systems is ill-suited for knowledge assessment...
PublicationCollaborative Learning Environment for Engineering Education is a European project implemented under the Erasmus + program, The main goal of 5 partners from 4 different European countries – Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal and Romania is to develop an innovative collaborative training approach, encompassing curricula related to the introduction of enterprise automation. Project activities are carried out in the period from Dctober 2018...
Perfectly Wetting Mixtures of Surfactants from Renewable Resources: The Interaction and Synergistic Effects on Adsorption and Micellization
PublicationThis paper presents a study of the surface properties of mixtures of surfactants originating from renewable sources, i.e., alkylpolyglucoside (APG), ethoxylated fatty alcohol (AE), and sodium soap (Na soap). The main objective was to optimize the surfactant ratio which produces the highest wetting properties during the analysis of the solution of the individual surfactants, twoand three-component mixtures, and at different pH values....
Problems of modelling toxic compounds emitted by a marine internal combustion engine for the evaluation of its structure parameters
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of using an analytical study of the engine exhaust ignition to evaluate the technical condition of the selected components. Software tools available for the analysis of experimental data commonly use multiple regression model that allows the study of the effects and iterations between model input quantities and one output variable. The use of multi-equation models gives a lot of freedom in the...