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Search results for: 113 cd nmr
Wykorzystanie kapusty białej (brassica oleracea var. capitata) do fitoekstrakcji metali ciężkich (zn, cd, cu, pb) z gleby*
PublicationGatunki roślin z rodziny Brassicaceae uważane są za przydatne w fitoremediacjimetali ciężkich z gleby. Przeprowadzone badania mają na celu potwierdzenie zasadności wykorzystaniakapusty białej, odmiany 'Kamienna Głowa' do fitoekstrakcji Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb. Poziomwybranych metali badano w glebie oraz liściach i głąbach kapusty uprawianej na tych glebach,pochodzących z upraw wazonowych (Kraków) oraz polowych (Czapielsk). Zawartość metaliciężkich...
Interaction of cisplatin and two potential antitumoral platinum(ii) complexes with a model lipid membrane: a combined NMR and MD study
PublicationIn this study, the interaction of cisplatin (1) and two potential antitumoral Pt(II) complexes (2 and 3) with a model DMPC bilayer was investigated by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and MD simulations in order to understand its implication for the different antitumoral properties shown by the three complexes. In particular, 31P, 13C and 2H solid state NMR experiments were performed to obtain information on the phase structure, phase...
A DSC and NMR-Relaxation study of the molecular mobility of water protons interacting with chemically modified starches
PublicationChanges in the mobility of water protons in the chemically modified starches (CMS)–water system are studied by differential scanning calorimetry and NMR relaxation. The amounts of unfrozen water at negative temperatures and additional (after gelation) unfrozen for CMS are lower than those for native starch. The proton spin–spin relaxation time T2 for CMS samples, conventionally attributed to the water fraction in starch granules,...
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst H460 cancer cells
Open Research DataThis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst H460 cancer cells. FA (folic acid) with cyclodextrin (CD) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028).
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst LNCaP cancer cells
Open Research DataTis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst LNCaP cancer cells. FA (folic acid) with cyclodextrin (CD) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028).
Structural, spectral and magnetic properties of Ni(II), Co(II) and Cd(II) compounds with imidazole derivatives and silanethiolate ligands
PublicationA series of new metal heteroleptic complexes have been obtained in simple reactions of 1-(3-aminopropyl)-imidazole (api) and 1,4-bis(imidazol-1-yl)-butane (bbi) ligands with metal silanethiolates or acetylacetonates. The obtained complexes are the coordination polymers [Ni{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-api)]n1, [Co{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-api)]n2, [Cd{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-api)·2CH3OH]n3, [Cd{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-bbi)·CHCl3]n4 and the dimer [Co{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-bbi)·3CH3OH]25....
Selective adsorption of BTEX on calixarene-based molecular coordination network determined by 13C NMR spectroscopy
PublicationBenzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), a class of volatile organic compounds, are harmful pollutants but also very important precursors in organic industrial chemistry. Among different approaches used for the BTEX treatment, the adsorption technology has been recognized as an efficient approach because it allows to recover and reuse both adsorbent and adsorbate. However, the selective adsorption of the components is...
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst Du-145 cancer cells
Open Research DataTis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst LNCaP cancer cells. FA (folic acid) with cyclodextrin (CD) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028).
Cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst MRC-5 normal cells
Open Research DataTis study presents absorbance values of formazan product (converted from MTT) which corresponds the cytotoxicity of C-2028, QDgreen, QDred, QDgreen-CD-FA, QDred-CD-FA, QDgreen-CD-FA-C-2028 and QDred-CD-FA-C-2028 aginst MRC-5 normal cells. FA (folic acid) with cyclodextrin (CD) was used as a linker between quantum dots (QDs) and compound (C-2028).
Badanie NMR oligo(alkileno-estro-etero)dioli - monomerów do syntezy elastomerów uretanowych
PublicationCelem pracy było ustalenie rozkładu merów w zsyntezowanych oligo(alkileno-estro-etero)diolach. Ich budowę scharakteryzowano na podstawie danych z analizy widm ^1H NMR, których interpretacji dokonano wykorzystując widma COSY. Z wartości integracji odpowiednich sygnałów ustalono średnią długość cząsteczki polimeru i stopień przereagowania substratów reakcji. Bardziej szczegółowe informacje o strukturze, w tym o rozkładzie różnych...
Światło w kościele CD : źródła światła sztucznego.
PublicationW artykule zawarte zostały podstawowe charakterystyki typowych źródeł światła wykorzystywanych do oświetlenia wnętrz kościołów. Ponadto zaprezentowano różne metody i sposoby oświetlenia wnętrz obiektów sakralnych.
Ecophysiology of Arabidopsis arenosa, a new hyperaccumulator of Cd and Zn
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NMR study of the complexes of tris(oxaalkyl) borates with SbCl5
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H NMR analysis of rat serum with endometriosis treatment
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Studies on removal of Zn(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions in polymer inclusion membrane transport with calix[4]-crown-6 derivatives
PublicationZbadano selektywność procesu wydzielania jonów cynku(II), kadmu(II) i ołowiu(II) z wodnych roztworów azotanowych zawierających równomolową mieszaninę tych trzech metali (cMe= 0,01 M) w procesie transportu przez polimerowe membrany inkluzyjne (PIM) przy użyciu w roli przenośników jonów pochodnych kaliks[4]-korony-6. Membrany typu PIM syntezowano z trójoctanu celulozy (nośnik), eteru o?nitrofenylopentylowego (pastyfikator) i pochodnych...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 113-119, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
Photocatalytic selectivity oxidation of 2-phenoxy-1-phenylethanol coupled with Cd-MOF/S/Ni-NiO for hydrogen evolution performance and mechanism
PublicationIn this study, Cd-MOF/S/Ni–NiO (MOF = metal–organic framework) composite materials were prepared using a hydrothermal synthesis method and employed for the high-efficiency photocatalytic oxidation of the lignin β-O-4 model compound 2-phenoxy-1-phenylethanol, coupled with water splitting hydrogen evolution. The Cd-MOF/S/Ni–NiO composite material retained the petal-like morphology of Cd-MOF, with Ni-BTC acting as the precursor for...
Badanie mieszanek łoju wołowego z ciekłym i uwodornionym olejem rzepakowym przy użyciu metod DSC i NMR.
PublicationBadano właściwości fizyczne mieszanek łoju wołowego z uwodornionym i ciekłym olejem rzepakowym o różnym składzie procentowym, wykorzystując metodę skaningowej kalorymetrii różnicowej (DSC) oraz metodę pulsacyjnego NMR. Analizowane tłuszcze przed oznaczeniem zawartości fazy stałej termostatowano w różny sposób. Takie same etapy termostatowania zastosowano przed wyznaczeniem krzywych topnienia metodą DSC.
Comparison of the coordination geometries of Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions in complexes with water, methanol and bulky aryloxysilanethiolate ligands
PublicationZinc and cadmium complexes containing silanethiolate anions and methanol or water were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations. Contrary to zinc, the cadmium ion utilizes very weak donors to complete its coordination sphere; it forms contacts to phenyl rings of the silanethiolate ligand. Two zinc analogs of the general formula [Zn{SSi(OAr)3}2(L)2] where L = CH3OH (2)...
Binuclear Co(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates. Synthesis, crystal structure and spectroscopic studies.
PublicationA series of Co(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes have been synthesized in reaction of respective metal tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates with pyrazine 1 and 2 and 1,2-bis(2-pyridyl)ethylene 3–5. All compounds have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure determination, elemental analysis, FT-IR and thermogravimetry. Obtained complexes are bimetallic with the formula of [M{SSi(OtBu)3}2(μ-L)]2 and metal ions bridged by N,N′-spacer....
The interactions of monomeric acridines and unsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) with DNA duplexes: an insight provided by NMR and MD studies
PublicationMembers of a novel class of anticancer compounds, exhibiting high antitumor activity, i.e. the unsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs), consist of two heteroaromatic ring systems. One of the ring systems is an imidazoacridinone moiety, with the skeleton identical to the structural base of Symadex. The second one is a 1-nitroacridine moiety, hence it may be regarded as Nitracrine’s structural basis. These monoacridine units are connected...
PublicationThe species belong to the botanical family Brassi- caceae are considered to be useful for phytoremediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals. Problems with use the plants recognized as hyperacumulators is that, the plants need to be harvested shortly after the plants become mature, which causes problems of disposal of obtained biomass. When these plants are dried, they easily crumble and flake off, greatly reducing the yield obtained,...
15 N NMR and FTIR studies of 2,4-dinitroanilines and their salts
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Hybridization-driven gap in U3Bi4Ni3: A 209Bi NMR/NQR study
PublicationZostały przeprowadzone badania jądrowego rezonansu magnetycznego (na jądrach 209Bi) na kryształach U3Bi4Ni3. U3Ni4Bi3 jest tzw. izolatorem typu Kondo.
NMR and MD Analysis of the Bonding Interaction of Vancomycin with Muramyl Pentapeptide
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Conformational studies of neurohypophyseal hormones analogues with glycoconjugates by NMR spectroscopy
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Corncob-supported calcium oxide nanoparticles from hen eggshells for cadmium (Cd-II) removal from aqueous solutions; Synthesis and characterization
PublicationThis study investigated the efficient removal of cadmium ions from aqueous solutions using calcium oxide nanoparticles (CaO NPs) synthesized from waste hen eggshells using a Sol-gel method and supported on corncob bio-adsorbent. The synthesized CaO NPs were characterized using FT-IR, XRD, specific surface area, and TGA. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted to examine the influence of process parameters such as adsorbent...
Coordination complexes of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) with histaminol – Crystal structures and formation constants in aqueous solution
PublicationStability constants were determined for a series of coordination complexes of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) with histaminol in aqueous solution. The tendency of histaminol to form chelate complexes has been confirmed by the isolation of several complex species in the monocrystalline form and determination of their molecular structures.
Synthesis, crystal structure, and high-resolution NMR spectroscopy of methyl 3-azido-2,3-dideoxy-4,6-di-O-p-tolylsulfonyl-α-D-xylo-hexopyranoside
PublicationOpisano syntezę 3-azydo-2,3-dideoksy-4,6-di-O-p-toluenosulfonylo- i 6-O-p-toluenosulfonylo-alfa-D-ksylo-heksopiranozydów. Dla obu związków i ich prekursorów wykonano wysokorozdzielczą spektroskopię 1H i 13C NMR. Strukturę tytułowego związku określono metodą rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej. W pracy dyskutuje się wpływ grup ochronnych przy atomach tlenu na przesunięcia chemiczne sąsiadujących atomów w węglowej i protonowej spektroskopii...
Exploring novel Cd(ii) complexes with 5-methyl-4-imidazolecarboxaldehyde: synthesis, structure, computational insights, and affinity to DNA through switchSense methodology
PublicationA series of four Cd(II) complexes with 5-methyl-4-imidazolecarboxaldehyde (L) with different inorganic anions within or outside the coordination sphere of general formula: [CdCl2 L2 ] (1), [CdBr2 L 2] (2), [CdI2L 2] (3), and [CdL4 ](PF6 )2 ·3H2 O (4) was synthesized through one-step and two-step reactions, respectively. All complexes were obtained as colorless crystals without the need for recrystallization and exhibited solubi- lity...
Spectroscopic studies on physicochemical properties of selected unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives and NMR analysis of their interactions with the model sequence Pu22 aided by molecular dynamics
PublicationIn recent years, new promising acridine derivatives have appeared, belonging to the unsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) family with high anticancer activity. Both their physicochemical properties and their mechanism of action at the molecular level have not been thoroughly analyzed so far. Four derivatives were selected for the study, termed as: C-2028, C-2041, C-2045 and C-2053. The first aim of this work was to determine the protonation...
Intercalation complex of imidazoacridinone C-1311, a potential anticancer drug, with DNA helix d(CGATCG)2: stereostructural studies by 2D NMR spectroscopy.
PublicationImidazoacridinone C-1311 (Symadex®) is a powerful antitumor agent, which successfully made its way through the Phase I clinical trials and has been recommended for Phase II few a years ago. It has been shown experimentally that during the initial stage of its action C-1311 forms a relatively stable intercalation complex with DNA, yet it has shown no base-sequence specificity while binding to DNA. In this paper, the d(CGATCG)2:C-1311...
Investigation of the Membrane Localization and Interaction of Selected Flavonoids by NMR and FTIR Spectroscopy
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Mixture model of NMR - its application to diagnosis and treatment of brain cancer
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O-256 Evaluation of the fertility potential of semen using Proton NMR
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Structural Model of the Bilitranslocase Transmembrane Domain Supported by NMR and FRET Data
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Badania struktury chemicznej (metodami FTIR i NMR) oraz własności termicznych (metodą DSC) materiałów i ustalenie rodzaju tworzywa sztucznego - Numer umowy: 032257
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania struktury chemicznej (metodami 1H NMR oraz FTIR) oraz własności termicznych (metodą DSC) materiałów pobranych z dostarczonych obiektów i ustalono typ tworzywa sztucznego z jakiego zostały wykonane dostarczone obiekty.
Chemical Characteristics and Thermal Oxidative Stability of Novel Cold-Pressed Oil Blends: GC, LF NMR, and DSC Studies
PublicationPlant oils contain a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. Studies of food products have revealed a considerable disproportion in the ratio of ω6 to ω3. This article presents information on the healthful qualities of eight new oil blends that contain a beneficial proportion of ω6 to ω3 fatty acids (5:1), as well as their degradation during heating at 170 and 200 °C. The fatty acid profile was analyzed by gas chromatography (GC),...
The impact of QDgreen, QDgreen−β−CD−FA, β−CD, C−2028, β−CD(C−2028), QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−β−CD(C−2028)−FA nanoconjugates on lysosomal content in the cancer (H460, Du-145, LNCaP) and normal (MRC-5, PNT1A) cells
Open Research DataThe impact of QDgreen, QDgreen−β−CD−FA, β−CD, C−2028, β−CD(C−2028), QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−β−CD(C−2028)−FA nanoconjugates on lysosomal content in the cancer (H460, Du-145, LNCaP) and normal (MRC-5, PNT1A) cells was performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). To explore the influence...
Retention of selected heavy metals: Cd, Cu, Pb in a hybrid wetland system
PublicationWykonano bilans wybranych metali ciężkich Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2+ dla pilotowej oczyszczalni hydrofitowej w Przywidzu k. Gdańska. Wykazano m.i. że sorpcja była głównym mechanizmem odpowiedzialnym za usuwanie tych pierwiastków ze ścieków.
A strong preference for the TA/TA dinucleotide step discovered for an acridine-based, potent antitumor dsDNA intercalator, C-1305: NMR-driven structural and sequence-specificity studies
PublicationTriazoloacridinone C-1305, a potent antitumor agent recommended for Phase I clinical trials, exhibits high activity towards a wide range of experimental colon carcinomas, in many cases associated with complete tumor regression. C-1305 is a well-established dsDNA intercalator, yet no information on its mode of binding into DNA is available to date. Herein, we present the NMR-driven and MD-refined reconstruction of the 3D structures...
Synthesis, the crystal structure, and high-resolution NMR spectroscopy of methyl 4-O-acetyl-3-azido-2,3,6-trideoxy-6-iodo-ŕ-D-arabino-hexopyranoside
PublicationW wyniku wieloetapowej syntezy otrzymano glikozyd metylowy 4-O-acetylo-3-azydo-2,3,6-trideoksy-6-jodo-ŕ-D-arabino-heksopyranozy. Związek wykazuje konformację 4C1, co wykazano na podstawie wysokorozdzielczej spektroskopii1H i 13C NMR oraz rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej monokryształu. W pracy scharakteryzowano również 7 nowych związków otrzymanych jako produkty pośrednie i uboczne.
X-ray and NMR structural studies of the series of porphyrazines with peripheral pyrrolyl groups
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Solvent effects on the nitrogen NMR chemical shifts in 1-methylazoles – a theoretical study
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Theoretical analysis of solvent effects on nitrogen NMR chemical shifts in oxazoles and oxadiazoles
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Hardening of (Pb,Cd)Te Crystal Lattice with an Increasing CdTe Content in the Solid Solution
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MiMSeg - an algorithm for automated detection of tumor tissue on NMR apparent diffusion coefficient maps.
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Low-Field NMR Study of Shortcake Biscuits with Cricket Powder, and Their Nutritional and Physical Characteristics
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Low Field NMR Studies of Wheat Bread Enriched with Potato Juice During Staling