Potential and limits of landfill leachate treatment in a multi-stage subsurface flow constructed wetland – evaluation of organics and nitrogen removal
PublicationConstructed wetlands have potential of treating wastewater of poor biodegradability. The performance of a multistage sub-surface flow wetland treating municipal landfill leachate was assessed during three years of operation. During the study three research periods with different operation conditions were established. The hydralic loads, operation mode of vertical flow beds and type of treated wastewater (raw leachate – leachate...
The Concept of Construction of Hybrid Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment in Roztocze National Park
PublicationRoztocze National Park (RNP) is one of 23 national parks in Poland. It was created in 1974 both to protect the natural and cultural heritage as well as to share the park area for science, education and tourism. In caring for the environment, the park removed asbestos coverage, performs thermo-modernization using renewable energy sources by the installation of solar panels and photovoltaic cells on the roofs of buildings, and pellet...
Recent advances on the removal of phosphorus in aquatic plant-based systems
PublicationPhosphorus (P) is a vital nutrient for the ecosystems and its excess in wastewater streams leads to some environmental issues such as extensive algae growth (eutrophication). Phytoremediation is a green technology that is based on the combined actions of plants and their associated microbial groups to remove and transfer the toxic compounds in surface water, groundwater and soil. Aquatic plants are widely used for the remediation...
Metoda hydrofitowa jako przykład zastosowania inżynierii ekologicznej w oczyszczaniu ścieków ze źródeł punktowych i obszarowych
PublicationOczyszczalnie hydrofitowe są obiektami, których praca symuluje warunki hydrauliczne oraz siedliskowe naturalnych ekosystemów bagiennych i jako takie są doskonałym przykładem zastosowania inżynierii ekologicznej. Nazwa angielska - "constructed wetlands" - oddaje istotę tych obiektów jako terenów podmokłych "skonstruowanych", czyli zaprojektowanych przez człowieka. Usuwanie zanieczyszczeń organicznych, związków biogennych, a także...
Coupling transformation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in a long-term operated full-scale constructed wetland
PublicationThe coupling transformation of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur compounds has been studied in lab-scale and pilot-scale constructed wetlands (CWs), but few studies investigated full-scale CW. In this study, we used batch experiments to investigate the potentials of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur transformation in a long-term operated, full-scale horizontal subsurface flow wetland. The sediments collected from the HSFW were incubated for...