314 Osteopontin as a Potential Serum Marker in Early Breast Cancer-Preliminary Results
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Impacting the Remedial Potential of Nano Delivery-Based Flavonoids for Breast Cancer Treatment
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Plasma micronutrients, trace elements, and breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers: an exploratory study
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Physical and psychological impairments of women with upper limb lymphedema following breast cancer treatment
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Nanosized zinc, epigenetic changes and its relationship with DMBA induced breast cancer in rats
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Physical activity, life satisfaction and adjustment to illness in women after treatment of breast cancer
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Effective kernel‐principal component analysis based approach for wisconsin breast cancer diagnosis
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Prognostic Value of TOP2A Gene Amplification and Chromosome 17 Polysomy in Early Breast Cancer
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Aggressive Phenotype of Cells Disseminated via Hematogenous and Lymphatic Route in Breast Cancer Patients
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Rapana thomasiana hemocyanin modified with ionic liquids with enhanced anti breast cancer activity
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Sulforaphene, an isothiocyanate present in radish plants, inhibits proliferation of human breast cancer cells
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Patient with metastatic breast cancer presenting as acute cholecystitis with one-year survival on hormonotherapy
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Analysis of transient thermal processes for improved visualization of breast cancer using IR imaging.
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę możliwości i ograniczeń metod termograficznych w diagnostyce nowotworów piersi. Przeanalizowane termiczne modele numeryczne piersi z nowotworem pokazują, iż zastosowanie nowej metody aktywnej termografii dynamicznej z termicznym wymuszeniem zewnętrznym, może znacząco poprawić skuteczność wykrywania nowotworów piersi we wczesnym stadium ich rozwoju . Pokazano również wyniki badania klinicznego pacjentki...
Precision medicine in breast cancer: Targeting molecular subtypes with gold nanoparticle-loaded liposomes
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Productivity losses and public finance burden attributable to breast cancer in Poland, 2010–2014
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Effect Of Resveratrol And Quercetin On Telomerase Regulation In Cancer Cells And Their Anti-Cancer Potential
PublicationTelomeres and telomerase are nowadays one on targets for anticancer therapy. Telomerase is expressed in ~90% of human cancer cell lines and tumor specimens, whereas its enzymatic activity is not detectable in most human somatic cells. Was found that some dietary compounds can modulate telomerase activity in cancer cells. This review summarizes the current knowledge about the effects of resveratrol and quercetin on telomerase regulation...
Optimizing of MALDI-ToF-based low-molecular-weight serum proteome pattern analysis in detection of breast cancer patients; the effect of albumin removal on classification performance.
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Biological effects in photodynamic treatment combined with electropermeabilization in wild and drug resistant breast cancer cells
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A different methylation profile of circadian genes promoter in breast cancer patients according to clinicopathological features
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Tuning of the Anti-Breast Cancer Activity of Betulinic Acid via Its Conversion to Ionic Liquids
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Photovoltaic effect in hybrid heterojunction formed from cadmium telluride and zinc perfluorophthalocyanine layers
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki badań zjawska fotowoltaicznego w planarnym układzie złożonym z następujących warstw: ITO, CdTe, perfluoroftalocyjanina cynku, BCP, Ag.
Spectrum of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Phenotypes in Circulating Tumour Cells from Early Breast Cancer Patients
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Clinical and Biological Significance of ESR1 Gene Alteration and Estrogen Receptors Isoforms Expression in Breast Cancer Patients
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Therapy-Related Changes in the Serum Proteome Patterns of Early Stage Breast Cancer Patients with Different Outcomes
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Potential clinical application of serum proteome mass spectrometry analyses in breast cancer patients diagnosis and management
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Mass spectrometry-based serum proteome pattern analysis in molecular diagnostics of early stage breast cancer
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Occurrence of Breast Cancer in the Population of Peri- and Postmenopausal Women in the Aspect of Environmental Exposure to Airborne Dust Pollution
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Expression profile of messenger and micro RNAs related to the histaminergic system in patients with five subtypes of breast cancer
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Methodological and Cellular Factors Affecting the Magnitude of Breast Cancer and Normal Cell Radiosensitization Using Gold Nanoparticles
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Jaroslaw Spychala dr
PeopleOprócz bardzo dobrego wykształcenia osoba posiada również wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe, które jest poświadczeniem tego, że potrafi wykorzystać swoją wiedzę teoretyczną w praktycznych działaniach. Doświadczenie zawodowe jest bardzo bogate i rozbudowane. Ze względu na nabyte całkiem nowe umiejętności zwiększa się atrakcyjność doświadczonego pracownika. Są to między innymi kreatywne myślenie, zorientowanie na cel, odporność...
Presentation of Novel Architecture for Diagnosis and Identifying Breast Cancer Location Based on Ultrasound Images Using Machine Learning
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918 The role of patients and doctors in making decisions about the choice of the kind of adjuvant treatment in early breast cancer
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The Osteopontin Tissue Level as a Breast Cancer Biomarker in Females After Mastectomy Measured by the Capillary Gel Electrophoresis Technique
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Amplification of c-myc gene and overexpression of c-Myc protein in breast cancer and adjacent non-neoplastic tissue
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Prognostic Significance of ESR1 Amplification and ESR1 PvuII, CYP2C19*2, UGT2B15*2 Polymorphisms in Breast Cancer Patients
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2014 POSTER Serum proteome mass spectrometry analyses for identification of novel diagnostic biomarkers in breast cancer patients
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Trastuzumab-Modified Gold Nanoparticles Labeled with 211At as a Prospective Tool for Local Treatment of HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
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Effect of polyphenols from Aronia melanocarpa on the total oxidative and antioxidative bone status of cadmium-exposed rats
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The effect of cabbage juice and its active components on transcription factor Nrf2 in breast cell lines
PublicationObniżenie zagrożenia chorobami nowotworowymi w przypadku diety bogatej w kapustę wiąże się ze zdolnością bioaktywnych związków tego warzywa do indukowania enzymów ochronnych 2. fazy będacych pod kontrolą czynnika transkrypcyjnego Nrf2. Zbadano wpływ soków z kapusty na poziom Nrf2 w komórkach unieśmiertelnionych i nowotworowych linii odpowiednio MCF10A i MCF-7. W obu przypadkach obserwowano wzrost poziomu tego czynnika oraz jego...
Expression of stem cell and mesenchymal markers in circulating tumor cells is associated with poor prognosis of early breast cancer patients
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Mass spectrometry-based analysis of therapy-related changes in serum proteome patterns of patients with early-stage breast cancer
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LC-PDA-MS and GC-MS Analysis of Scorzonera hispanica Seeds and Their Effects on Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines
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Differential Response of MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells to In Vitro Inhibition with CTLA-4 and PD-1 through Cancer-Immune Cells Modified Interactions
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Protective Effect of Aronia Melanocarpa Polyphenols on Cadmium Accumulation in the Body: A Study in a Rat Model of Human Exposure to this Metal
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Triple Combination of Ascorbate, Menadione and the Inhibition of Peroxiredoxin-1 Produces Synergistic Cytotoxic Effects in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells
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Expression of epithelial to mesenchymal transition-related markers in lymph node metastases as a surrogate for primary tumor metastatic potential in breast cancer
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The modulatory effect of green tea catechin on drug resistance in human ovarian cancer cells
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Tetrahydroquinolinone derivatives exert antiproliferative effect on lung cancer cells through apoptosis induction
PublicationThe anticancer properties of quinolones is a topic of interest among researchers in the scientific world. Because these compounds do not cause side effects, unlike the commonly used cytostatics, they are considered a promising source of new anticancer drugs. In this work, we designed a brief synthetic pathway and obtained a series of novel 8-phenyltetrahydroquinolinone derivatives functionalized with benzyl-type moieties at position...
Allelic length of a CA dinucleotide repeat in theegfr gene correlates with the frequency of amplifications of this sequence—first results of an inter-ethnic breast cancer study