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X-ray diffraction (XRD) and particle size distribution (PSD) data of iron oxide (Fe3O4) - magnetite particles
Open Research DataDataset presenting X-ray diffractogram and particle size distribution of nanomagnetite (Fe3O4) iron oxide particles purchased from Sigma Aldrich (637106).X-ray diffraction study was performed with a PRO X-ray diffractometer (X’Pert PRO Philips diffractometer, Co. Ka radiation, Almelo, Holland), while PSD was determined using laser diffraction technique...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d cathode sintered at 900 °C measured at 700 °C
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00 and 1.05) cathodes sintered at 900 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 20% of oxygen partial pressure. Results converted to electrode surfaces area and dived by...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d cathode sintered at 800 °C measured at 700 °C
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00 and 1.05) cathodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 20% of oxygen partial pressure. Results converted to electrode surfaces area and dived by...
Numerical metadata of a microchamber with bacteria
Open Research DataSelected results in the form of graphs and a diagram of the analysed system. The metadata shows in sequence: 1) Temperature distribution inside fluidic chamber (=0.8, h=100) after 190s of irradiationTemperature distribution inside fluidic chamber (=0.8, h=100) after 190s of irradiation; 2) Maximum temperature profile in the fluidic chamber during the...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 800 °C and 15% oxygen partial pressure
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 800 °C and 15% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included....
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 700 °C and 100% oxygen partial pressure
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 100% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included....
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 700 °C and 15% oxygen partial pressure
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 15% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included....
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 700 °C and 20% oxygen partial pressure
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 20% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included....
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 700 °C and 5% oxygen partial pressure
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 700 °C and 5% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included. Results...
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode measured at 600 °C and 15% oxygen partial pressure
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 600 °C and 15% of oxygen partial pressure. Spectra of two RCPE elements from equivalent circuit , are also included. Results converted...
Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis of wood and straw based biochars
Open Research DataThis data set includes the BJH and BET analysis results for straw and wood chips-based biochars generated at 450 Celsius degrees.
Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu magnetycznym
PublicationW rozprawie przedstawiono opis wpływu zewnętrznego stałego, słabego, jednorodnego pola magnetycznego na jednoelektronowy atom Diraca. Wykorzystując funkcje gęstości ładunku elektrycznego oraz gęstości prądu elektrycznego, rozważono procesy indukowania się w atomie dodatkowych elektromagnetycznych momentów multipolowych. Dokonano analizy indukowanego momentu dipolowego, w wyniku której uzyskano wyrażenie dla magnetyzowalności atomu....
Results of research on the SME sector in the context of applying tax reliefs
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the quantitative results of the survey conducted in the period June 2019 - April 2020. In total, 274 completed survey questionnaires were obtained.
Database of the thermal ablation model
Open Research DataThermal ablation is a low invasive technique which eliminates cancerous tissue using high temperature. The presented database was used to show the temperature distribution for t=600[s] in two cases: when the value of the thermal conductivity of tissue k(x;T) is constant and for the variable k(x;T). In addition, using these data we showed the difference...
The surface of the sensor used in the analysis of odorous substances
Open Research DataHuman industrial activity usually leads to smaller or larger interference with the ecosystem, contributing to changes affecting the quality of life. An example may be the emission of gaseous substances, not necessarily toxic, but due to their intense smell, they can cause discomfort to people exposed to their inhalation. The problem is so important...
Usługi ośrodków podregionalnych w Polsce
PublicationOśrodki podregionalne definiowane są jako miasta, w których skoncentrowane są takie usługi, które w Polsce mogą być w kilku miastach województwa, ale nie w każdym mieście powiatowym. Usługi zawsze miały tendencję do koncentracji, tworząc ośrodki różnych poziomów w hierarchicznej sieci osadniczej. Celem prezentowanych badań było: (1) określenie usług typowych dla poziomu podregionalnego; (2) rozpoznanie koncentracji tych usług,...
The AFM topographic measurements of the surface heterogeneity of iron hexacyanoferrate on a steel surface
Open Research DataMeasurements in semi-contact mode. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. NSG 01 probe.
Measurements of the coefficients of active power distribution between two generators operating in parallel in a ship power station
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing coefficients...
BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) surface area analysis of titanium dioxide coated nickel foams
Open Research DataThe data are presented for the BET surface results of nickel foams coated with titanium dioxide and heated 400, 500 and 600 degrees Celsius in an argon atmosphere. N2 sorption was performed at 77 K pore size distribution was determined by BJH and DFT methods.
The smoothness test for a density function
PublicationThe problem of testing hypothesis that a density function has no more than μ derivatives versus it has more than μ derivatives is considered. For a solution, the L2 norms of wavelet orthogonal projections on some orthogonal ‘‘differences’’ of spaces from a multiresolution analysis is used. For the construction of the smoothness test an asymptotic distribution of a smoothness estimator is used. To analyze that asymptotic distribution,...
Przesył energii elektrycznej - potrzeby,progi i bariery
PublicationW artykule przeanalizowano stan aktualny i kierunki rozwoju krajowego systemu przesy ł owego w kontek ś cie potrzeb gospodarki krajowej. Przedstawiono znaczenie sieci przesy ł owych oraz rol ę operatorów systemu przesy ł owego i systemów dystrybucyjnych w sektorze energetycznym. Oceniono mo ż liwo ś ci rozwoju przy uwzgl ę dnieniu aktualnych prognoz zapotrzebowania na energi ę , wytyczono potencjalne...
Nowa metoda obliczania rozpływu prądów zwarciowych w przewodach odgromowych linii wysokiego napięcia
PublicationReferat przedstawia nowatorską metodę obliczania wartości prądów płynących w przewodach odgromowych w czasie zwarć, pozwalającą na dobór przewodów odgromowych pod względem wytrzymałości cieplnej. Proponowana metoda charakteryzuje się większą dokładnością i większą uniwersalnością niż powszechnie stosowane metody, pozwalając tym samym na dobór przewodów odgromowych z mniejszym ryzykiem niepewności. Prezentowana metoda obliczeniowa...
Jednofazowy falownik napięcia z aktywnym obwodem odsprzęgającym
PublicationZnanym zagadnieniem w jednofazowych falownikach napięcia jest pobieranie ze źródła napięcia stałego składowej przemiennej o częstotliwości dwukrotnie większej od częstotliwości generowanej przez falownik. Jednym z rozwiązań problemu jest stosowanie dużej baterii kondensatorów elektrolitycznych, lecz lepszym sposobem z punktu widzenia niezawodności i gęstości mocy przekształtnika jest stosowanie aktywnych układów odsprzęgania mocy....
PublicationW pracy poddano analizie wielozadaniowy proces tworzenia komputerowego modelu przepływów. W efekcie zidentyfikowano szereg czynników ograniczających obszar stosowania modelu w praktyce inżynierskiej. W zakresie pozyskiwania danych strukturalnych i operacyjnych wskazano potencjalne źródła błędów, które przyczyniają się do zmniejszenia dokładności odwzorowania stanu rzeczywistego. Specjalną rangę nadano specyfikacji czynników związanych...
Effective density of airborne wear particles from car brake materials
PublicationPeople living in urban environments are subject to high health risks due to various anthropogenic sources of airborne particulate matter, including wear of transport vehicle brakes. Studies of airborne particles often require an estimate of the effective particle density, a property that allows correct matching of mass and size characteristics measured by different aerosol instruments. In this study we investigated the effective...
Jakość usług w optycznej sieci wielodomenowej z hierarchiczną strukturą płaszczyzn sterowania
PublicationW rozprawie przedstawiono przegląd architektur sieci z gwarancją jakości klas usług oraz stan prac w zakresie realizacji optycznych sieci ASON, GMPLS oraz ASON/GMPLS. Opisano wymagania i zaawansowanie prac w realizacji sieci ASON/GMPLS z hierarchiczną strukturą płaszczyzn sterowania oraz problemy związane z zagadnieniem jakości klas usług w tej sieci. Zaprezentowano założenia, koncepcję oraz realizację modelu symulacyjnego optycznej...
Au nanoparticles identifiction with the use of AFM Volta potential mapping
Open Research DataThe specific physical, chemical and electrochemical electrical properties of gold nanoparticles have led to their extensive use as high-performance chemical and biochemical sensors. The described properties relate to surface plasmon resonance, fluorescence quenching or enhancement, high electrical conductivity and light scattering. The described nanoparticles...
Nitrogen sorption isotherm for V2CTx
Open Research DataData of points for nitrogen sorption isotherm for sample V2CTx (only sorption branch). The V2CTx was prepared via selective etching of aluminium from MAX matrice V2AlC using 50% HF for 96 h at room temperature.
Curing characteristics and Mooney viscosity of reclaimed rubbers
Open Research DataPresented data shows the difference in curing characteristics and Mooney’s viscosity between commercially available reclaimed rubbers and ground tire rubber (GTR) with specific particle size distribution cured with the same curing system and with the same manner. Samples were prepared using a two-roll mill. After 24 hours of aging at ambient conditions,...
Measurements of apparent power distribution in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing an apparent...
Phylogenetic trees of genus Oncidium Sw. based on analysis of DNA sequences
Open Research DataGenus Oncidium Sw. is widely regarded as a polyphiletic, and the taxonomic boundaries between him and such genera as Odontoglossum Kunth. or Miltonia Lindley remain blurred. The goal of the study was to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Oncidium s.lato based on the DNA sequences analysis. The correlation between molecular data...
Robert Bogdanowicz prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleRobert Bogdanowicz received his Ph.D. degree with honours in Electronics from the Gdansk University of Technology. He worked as a post-doc researcher in Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald Institut für Physik. He has initiated optical emission imaging of muti-magnetron pulsed plasma and contributed to the development of antibacterial implant coatings deposited by high-power impulse magnetron sputtering. He moved back to...
Results of nanoindentation, XRD and microscopic studies of bacterial cellulose
Open Research DataThe archive contains the results of research on BNC bacterial biocellulose, which was modified in two ways. When BNC was synthesized, it was subjected to in situ modification involving the addition of hyuloronic acid to the bacterial medium. The second way of ex situ modification consisted of soaking the BNC in water and then convectionally drying it...
Results of EIS measuremnts and DRT analysis of SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode at 800 °C and 1% oxygen partial pressure by using three R-CPE fiting elements
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 800 °C and 1% of oxygen partial pressure. EIS and DRT spectra of simmulated three R-CPE elements from equivalent circuit,...
Results of EIS measuremnts and DRT analysis of SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode at 800 °C and 1% oxygen partial pressure by using two R-CPE fiting elements
Open Research DataThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 800 °C and 1% of oxygen partial pressure. EIS and DRT spectra of simmulated two R-CPE elements from equivalent circuit,...
Room temperature depinning of the charge-density waves in quasi-two-dimensional 1T-TaS2 devices
PublicationWe report on the depinning of nearly commensurate charge-density waves in 1T-TaS2 thin films at room temperature. A combination of the differential current–voltage measurements with the low-frequency noise spectroscopy provides unambiguous means for detecting the depinning threshold field in quasi-2D materials. The depinning process in 1T-TaS2 is not accompanied by an observable abrupt increase in electric current—in striking contrast...
Measurements of active power distribution in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data expressing an active...
Measurements of reactive power distribution in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (E/A v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached dataset contains processed data, expressing a reactive...
High Energy Density Physics
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The effect of current delay angle on tripping of residual current devices
PublicationPower electronics converters applied in domestic or similar installations may utilize current delay (phase) angle control to change the level of transferred power. Due to application of such types of converters, earth fault current in the installation may be strongly distorted. The current distortion level depends on a value of current delay angle. This delay angle also influences the tripping threshold of residual current devices....
Sea ice floe size and shape data from a very high resolution satellite image (Knox Coast, East Antarctica)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains floe size distribution data from a very high resolution (pixel size: 0.3 m) optical satellite image of sea ice, acquired on 16. Feb. 2019 off the Knox Coast (East Antarctica). The image shows relatively small ice floes produced by wave-induced breakup of landfast ice between the Mill Island and Bowman Island. The ice floes are...
Selection of the lambda parameter for DRT analysis of SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode at 800 °C and 1% oxygen partial pressure
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of selection of the lambda parameter for Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 800 °C and 1% of oxygen partial pressure. Used lambdas: 5 x 10^(-3), 1 x 10^(-3), 5 x 10^(-4) and 1 x 10^(-4)....
XRD data of (Cr,Fe,Mn,Co,Ni)3O4 High-entropy spinel oxide thin films deposited on amorphous SiO2 substrate by spray pyrolysis techniqe, annealed in a range from 400 to 900oC
Open Research DataDataset include collected XRD data of (Cr,Fe,Mn,Co,Ni)3O4 high-entropy spinel oxide thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique on amorphous SiO2 substrates and annealed from 400 to 900oC. Samples were prepared in the form of a ~ 500 nm thin film utilising a facile spray pyrolysis technique. The structural and electrical properties of the layers...
Detection of high frequency current components by residual current devices
PublicationThe negative impact of current harmonics on the main components of residual current devices is presented. A solution for the improvement of the operation of residual current devices is proposed.
Density functional approaches to the many-body problem
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A Quantitative Investigation of Dislocation Density in an Al Matrix Composite Produced by a Combination of Micro-/Macro-Rolling
PublicationAn aluminum matrix composite with dispersed carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was produced via flake powder metallurgy using a micro-rolling process and vacuum hot pressing (VHP), followed by conventional rolling using a macro-rolling process. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the produced composites were studied. In addition, a new quantitative model was introduced to study the dislocation density based on the microstructural...
Density functional LCAO calculations of vibrational modes and phonon density of states in the strained single-layer phosphorene
PublicationThe paper presents an investigation of phosphorene under axial strain on the phonon density of states and vibrational modes. The studies were performed by means of density functional theory (DFT) within the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO). The strained models were constructed using optimised supercell techniques. The vibrational mode spectra were estimated for strains applied for both the zigzag and armchair directions...
Distribution of the displacement sequence of an orientation preserving circle homeomorphism
PublicationIn some applications not only the knowledge of the behaviour of trajectories of a map is important, but also their displacements. We describe in detail the distribution of elements of the displacement sequence along a trajectory of an orientation preserving circle homeomorphism ϕ with irrational rotation number ϱ(ϕ). The values of displacement are dense in a set which depends on the map γ (semi-)conjugating ϕ with the rotation...
Gold nanocubic structures agglomeration when put on conductive surfaces
Open Research DataThis dataset contains SEM images of gold nanocubes (AuNC), which were deposited at the conductive Si wafer surface and dried. The deposition method, the solvent used and AuNC concentration have a significant influence on the homogeneous distribution and their agglomeration at the surface, further influencing the electrochemical characteristics of the...
Measurement of the temperature change of PVCP tissue phantom illuminated by dermatological laser 1.series
Open Research DataApplication of laboratory set-up for characterization of thermal properties of optical tissue phantoms during laser irradiation is presented. The produced system utilizes a thermographic camera VIGOcam v50 and a dermatological laser system with a 975 nm diode laser module. The set-up was used to perform measurements of the temporal and spatial temperature...