Search results for: ELECTRONIC NOSE
Application of Electronic Nose to Ambient Air Quality Evaluation With Respect to Odour Nuisance in Vicinity of Municipal Landfills and Sewage Treatment
PublicationThis chapter contains information about application of the electronic nose type instruments to evaluation of ambient air odour quality connected with such sectors of human activity as municipal landfills or sewage treatment plants. The authors present potential sources of emission from these sectors, characterize the chemical compounds responsible for presence of unpleasant odours, describe the influence of those compounds on human...
On-line assessment of oil quality during deep frying using an electronic nose and proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry
PublicationWe describe a novel method for the quality assessment of oil utilized for deep frying. The method is based on the analysis of frying fumes using a custom electronic nose. The quality score could be obtained after less than 3 min of analysis and without interrupting the frying process or sampling the oil directly. The obtained results were correlated with the peroxide value using a multivariate linear regression model. The most...
On-line assessment of oil quality during deep frying using an electronic nose and proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry
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Comparison of Evaluation of Air Odour Quality in Vicinity of Petroleum Plant Using a Prototype of Electronic Nose Instrument and Fast GC Technique
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on classification of the ambient air samples collected in a vicinity of the LOTOS Group S.A. petroleum plant with respect to odour. The investigations were carried out with an electronic nose prototype and a commercial electronic nose of Fast GC-type – HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and a photoionization sensor of PID-type....
Electronic nose as a tool for differentiation of volatile organic compounds = Elektroniczny nos jako instrument do rozróżniania lotnych związków organicznych
PublicationW pracy porównano dwie metody analizy zapachów lotnych związków organicznych: klasyczną analizę opartą na percepcji ludzkiego węchu i technikę elektronicznego nosa. W przeprowadzonych badaniach za pomocą klasycznej analizy brało udział 8 ochotników w okresie 2 tygodni. Do instrumentalnej metody analizy zapachu wykorzystano zaprojektowany przez autorów prototypowy 6-cio czujnikowy elektroniczny nos. Przeprowadzone badania z wykorzystaniem...
Application of electronic nose based on fast GC for comparison of aroma profiles of homemade cherry "Nalewka" made with addition of different amount of sugar
PublicationNalewka is a traditional Polish homemade spirit beverage and there are many different recepies for the production of nalewkas. However, it is not knownwhat amount of sugar can have influence of their aroma profiles. There is little information on the comparison of aroma profiles of Polish cherry nalewkas made with addition of different amount of sugar. For this purpose electronic nose based on fast GC has been used. Electronic...
Application of electronic nose based on fast GC for comparison of aroma profiles of homemade cherry "Nalewka" made with addition of different amount of sugar
PublicationNalewka is a traditional Polish homemade spirit beverage and there are many different recepies for the production of nalewkas. However, it is not knownwhat amount of sugar can have influence of their aroma profiles. There is little information on the comparison of aroma profiles of Polish cherry nalewkas made with addition of different amount of sugar. For this purpose electronic nose based on fast GC has been used. Electronic...
Rapid on-line method of wastewater parameters estimation by electronic nose for control and operating wastewater treatment plants toward Green Deal implementation
PublicationIn order to comply with legal regulations related to wastewater quality, the operational mode of facilities at wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) should be properly adjusted according to parameters of influents, however it is very difficult without frequently performed measurements. Currently there are known many techniques and devices for assesment of wastewater parameters such as chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand,...
The Verification of the Usefulness of Electronic Nose Based on Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography and Four Different Chemometric Methods for Rapid Analysis of Spirit Beverages
PublicationSpirit beverages are a diverse group of foodstuffs. They are very often counterfeited which cause the appearance of low quality products or wrongly labelled products on the market. It is important to find a proper quality control and botanical origin method enabling the same time preliminary check of the composition of investigated samples, which was the main goal of this work. For this purpose, the usefulness of electronic nose...
Comparison of an Electronic Nose Based on Ultrafast Gas Chromatography, Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography, and Sensory Evaluation for an Analysis of Type of Whisky
PublicationWhisky is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. There are many types of whisky, for example, Scotch, Irish, and American whisky (called bourbon). The whisky market is highly diversified, and, because of this, it is important to have a method which would enable rapid quality evaluation and authentication of the type of whisky. The aim of this work was to compare 3 methods: an electronic nose based on the technology of ultrafast...
Use of electronic nose for quality assessment of agricultural ethanol distillates Wykorzystanie elektronicznego nosa do oceny jakości etanolowych destylatów rolniczych
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań oceny jakości destylatów rolniczych za pomocą prototypu elektronicznego nosa, wyposażonego w zestaw 6 półprzewodnikowych czujników. Frakcję lotną próbek destylatu rolniczego wytwarzano za pomocą procesu barbotażu. Klasyfikację próbek do odpowiedniej klasy jakości, przeprowadzano przy użyciu funkcji dyskryminacyjnych: liniowej i kwadratowej wspartej metodą kroswalidacji. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych...
Monitoring the BTEX Volatiles during 3D Printing with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Using Electronic Nose and Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry
PublicationWe describe a concept study in which the changes of concentration of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) compounds and styrene within a 3D printer enclosure during printing with different acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) filaments were monitored in real-time using a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer and an electronic nose. The quantitative data on the concentration of the BTEX compounds, in particular...
Monitoring the BTEX Volatiles during 3D Printing with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Using Electronic Nose and Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry
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Qualitative characteristics and comparison of volatile fraction of vodkas made from different botanical materials by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and the electronic nose based on the technology of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationBACKGROUND Vodka is a spirit-based beverage made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin. At present, increasingly more vodka brands have labels that specify the botanical origin of the product. Until now, the techniques for distinguishing between vodkas of different botanical origin have been costly, time-consuming and insufficient for making a distinction between vodka produced from similar raw materials. Therefore, it is...
Prospects of ionic liquids application in electronic and bioelectronic nose instruments
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of application of ionic liquids to chemical sensors and biosensors being an integral part of the electronic and bioelectronic-type instruments. The design and principle of operation of the electronic and bioelectronic noses are compared. Both the benefits and shortcomings of the application of ionic liquids in these type of instruments are described. The prospects of the development and application...
Electronic Noses and Electronic Tongues
PublicationChapter 7 reports the achievements on the field of artificial senses, such as electronic nose and electronic tongue. It examines multivariate data processing methods and demonstrates a promising potential for rapid routine analysis. Main attention is focused on detailed description of sensor used, construction and principle of operation of these systems. A brief review about the progress in the field of artificial senses and future trends...
Fluctuation-enhanced sensing: electronic dog nose identifies odors and counts molecules.
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję wykrywania mieszanin gazów za pomocą analizy fluktuacji rezystancji sensora gazu. Porównano proponowaną ideę do wykorzystywanej w naturze przez zmysł węchu, w którym do mózgu dociera szereg pojedynczych impulsów elektrycznych wywołujących odczuwane wrażenie zapachowe.
Electronic Noses in Medical Diagnostics
PublicationElectronic nose technology is being developed in order to identify aromas in a way parallel to the biologic olfaction. When applied to the field of medicine, such device should be able to identify and discriminate between different diseases. In recent years this kind of approach finds application in medical diagnostics, and especially in disease screening. Despite the fact that devices utilizing chemical sensor arrays are not routinely...
PublicationStan środowiska a zwłaszcza powietrza ma wpływ na wiele aspektów życia, m in. na jakość produktów spożywczych. Z tego względu niezwykle ważne jest monitorowanie stanu środowiska, które odbywa się za pomocą wielu technik analitycznych. Jedną z nich jest elektroniczny nos. Pierwotnie elektroniczny nos był wykorzystywany tylko do badania uciążliwości zapachowej powietrza. Obecnie technika ta wykorzystywana jest również do monitorowania...
Machine Learning and Electronic Noses for Medical Diagnostics
PublicationThe need for noninvasive, easy-to-use, and inexpensive methods for point-of-care diagnostics of a variety of ailments motivates researchers to develop methods for analyzing complex biological samples, in particular human breath, that could aid in screening and early diagnosis. There are hopes that electronic noses, that is, devices based on arrays of semiselective or nonselective chemical sensors, can fill this niche. Electronic...
Electronic Noses for Indoor Air Quality Assessment
PublicationThis chapter presents a proposal of the use of electronic noses in the monitoring of indoor air quality. The main focus is put on the detailed characteristics of today’s indoor air quality control methods, the types of pollution in the air, and the development of electronic noses for air testing. Currently, scientists seek methodological and structural solutions that would enable real-time online indoor air control. It has been...
Electronic noses: Powerful tools in meat quality assessment
PublicationMain factors that are considered by consumers when choosing meat products are colour and aroma, of which the latter is a more reliable indicator of quality. However, a simple sensory evaluation of hedonistic qualities is often not sufficient to determine whether protein is past its shelf life, and consumption of spoiled meat can lead to serious health hazards. Some volatile compounds can be used as spoilage indicators, and so a...
Advances in Electronic Noses and Tongues for Food Authenticity Testing
Electronic noses in classification and quality control of edible oils: A review
PublicationThe growing demand for wholesome and nutritious food leads to intensification of production, which in turn can have a detrimental effect on quality and well-being of consumers. For that reason, it is important to develop novel methods of food control which would be characterized by a short time of analysis, adequate sensitivity and relatively low cost. One such technique involves the use of multi-sensory devices called electronic...
Quality evaluation of agricultural distillates using different types of electronic noses
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on quality evaluation of agricultural distillates using a prototype of electronic nose instrument and a commercial electronic nose of Fast/Flash GC type – HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with TGS type semiconductor sensors. HERACLES II included two chromatographic columns with different polarity of stationary phase and two FID detectors. In case of the prototype volatile fraction...
Gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O), electronic noses (e-noses) and electronic tongues (e-tongues) for in vivo food flavour measurement
PublicationThe capter revies two types of artificial olfaction instrumentation, i.e. gas-chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and chemical sensor technologies (electronic nose and tongue), combined with multivariate data processing methods as promising approaches for rapid analysis of food. The chapter also includes examples of specific applications for the detection of food flavour and volatile components.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono i omówiono zasadę działania instrumentu analitycznego - elektronicznego nosa (e-nos) zdolnego rozróżnić i sklasyfikować intensywność zapachu. Urządzenia te służą do automatycznej analizy i rozróżniania próbek zapachowych o złożonym składzie, do rozpoznawania ich charakterystycznych właściwości i najczęściej przeznaczone są do szybkiej analizy jakościowej. Dzięki unikatowym właściwościom technika ta znalazła...
Comparison of the measurement techniques employed for evaluation of ambient air odour quality
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on ambient air odour quality in a vicinity of the industrial sewage treatment plant being a part of the crude oil processing plant. The investigation was performed during spring-winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and one PID-type sensor. The field...
An odor-sensing system - powerful technique for foodstuff studies
PublicationThis work examines gas sensor array technology combined with multivariate data processing methods and demonstrates a promising potential for rapid, non-destructive analysis of food. Main attention is focused on detailed description of sensor used in e-nose instruments, construction, and principle of operation of these systems. Moreover, this paper briefly reviews the progress in the field of artificial olfaction and future trends...
Different Ways to Apply a Measurement Instrument of E-Nose Type to Evaluate Ambient Air Quality with Respect to Odour Nuisance in a Vicinity of Municipal Processing Plants
PublicationThis review paper presents different ways to apply a measurement instrument of e-nose type to evaluate ambient air with respect to detection of the odorants characterized by unpleasant odour in a vicinity of municipal processing plants. An emphasis was put on the following applications of the electronic nose instruments: monitoring networks, remote controlled robots and drones as well as portable devices. Moreover, this paper presents...
Investigation of Air Quality beside a Municipal Landfill: The Fate of Malodour Compounds as a Model VOC
PublicationThis paper presents the results of an investigation on ambient air odour quality in the vicinity of a municipal landfill. The investigations were carried out during the spring–winter and the spring seasons using two types of the electronic nose instrument. The field olfactometers were employed to determine the mean odour concentration, which was from 2.1 to 32.2 ou/m3 depending on the measurement site and season of the year. In...
Advances in olfaction-inspired biomaterials applied to bioelectronic noses
PublicationAmong all the senses, olfactory system of mammals is the least characterised as far as the mechanisms of odour identification are concerned. The results of recent investigations allow better understanding of the operation mechanism of the sense of smell. Progress in this field is crucial for the development of sensor technology based on olfaction-inspired biomaterials, which simulate the olfactory system of the biological counterparts....
Comparison of the Measurement Techniques Employed for Evaluation of Ambient Air Odour Quality Influenced by Operation of Industrial Sewage Treatment Plant
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on ambient air quality evaluation with respect to concentration of odorants in a vicinity of a sewage treatment plant of the LOTOS Group S.A. petroleum plant. The investigation was performed during winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and one PID-type...
Monitoring of odour nuisance in the Tricity Agglomeration
PublicationThe paper describes a principle of operation of odour nuisance monitoring network, which is being designed in the Tricity Agglomeration. Moreover, it presents the preliminary results of an investigation on ambient air quality with respect to odour nuisance in a vicinity of the municipal landfill. The investigation was performed during spring-winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The...
Differentiation Between Spirits According to Their Botanical Origin
PublicationAgricultural distillates are used for the production of spirit beverages. As more and more products with a specific botanical composition specified on the label are produced (e.g. rye vodkas, wheat vodkas and Polish Vodka, which cannot be produced with the addition of maize distillate), it is necessary to look for quicker and more accurate methods allowing the determination of botanical origin of alcoholic beverages and materials...
Chemiresistive gas sensors based on carbon nanotubes - fabrication and application
PublicationMany types of sensors have been invented to identify and quantify chemical contamination in the gas phase. Sensors based on carbon nanotubes are particularly attractive because of their wide range of applicaions and potential use in electronic nose that can be controlled using algorithms of Artificial Intelligence. Sensor functions, fabrication and selected applications are reviewed and discussed with focus on chemiresistors. Drawbacks...
Perspektywy wykorzystania olfaktometrii i elektronicznego nosa w badaniach stanu środowiska
PublicationIn environmental state investigations the two approaches are dominate: field olfactometry and instrumental methods. In contradiction to classical chromatographic methods, both field olfactometry and electronic nose (e-nose) in based on the analysis of the aroma as a whole, without separating gaseous mixture (air) to individual aromatic compounds. With respect to simplicity of use and relatively short time of analysis, both systems...
The analysis of raw spirits – a review of methodology
PublicationAgricultural distillates (raw spirits) are alc oholic l iquids obtained thro ugh dis till ation (preceded by alcoholic ferm entation)of specific agricultural products that do not have the properties of ethyl alcohol or a spirit, but still retain th e aroma andtaste of the raw ingredients used. This review is a brief overview of agricultural distillates and of some methods commonlyused (GC-MS, GC-FID, GC-O, electronic nose) for...
Low cost electrochemical sensor module for measurement of gas concentration
PublicationThis paper describes a low cost electrochemical sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module is universal and can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 is used. The proposed equipment will be used as a component of electronic nose system employed for classifying and distinguishing...
PublicationThis paper describes an amperometric sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors without major hardware changes. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 configurable via I2C interface is used. The concept of a measuring system composed of several modules dedicated for a gas sensors...
Fast GC as a useful tool for authenticity assessment of kiwifruit
PublicationKiwifruit is one of the healthiest fruits due to its high content of biologically active substances and nutrients. The most popular species of Actinidia (kiwifruit) are the Actinidia deliciosa fruits called kiwi and Actinidia chinensis commonly called golden kiwi, while the lesser known species is Actinidia arguta known as mini kiwi. Bioactivities and nutrients of Actinidia are influenced by species and cultivars. It is very important...
Gas sampling system for matrix of semiconductor gas sensors
PublicationSemiconductor gas sensors are popular commercial sensors applied in numerous gas detection systems. They are reliable, small, rugged and inexpensive. However, there are a few problem limiting the wider use of such sensors. Semiconductor gas sensor usually exhibits a low selectivity, low repeatability, drift of response, strong temperature and moisture influence on sensor properties. Sample flow rate is one of the parameters that...
The surface of the sensor used in the analysis of odorous substances
Open Research DataHuman industrial activity usually leads to smaller or larger interference with the ecosystem, contributing to changes affecting the quality of life. An example may be the emission of gaseous substances, not necessarily toxic, but due to their intense smell, they can cause discomfort to people exposed to their inhalation. The problem is so important...
The Analysis of Vodka: A Review Paper
PublicationVodka is the most popular alcoholic beverage in Poland, Russia and other Eastern European countries, made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin that has been produced via fermentation of potatoes, grains or other agricultural products. Despite distillation and multiple filtering, it is not possible to produce 100 % ethanol. The solution with a minimum ethanol content of 96 %, which is used to produce vodkas, also contains trace amounts...
Novel analytical method for detection of orange juice adulteration based on ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationThe food authenticity assessment is an increasingly important issue in food quality and safety. The application of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique enables rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food samples. Due to the fact that this technique provides chemical profiling of natural products, it can be a powerful tool for authentication in combination with chemometrics. In this article,...
A calibration model for gas sensor array in varying environmental conditions
PublicationAbstract: Gas-analyzing systems based on gas sensors, commonly referred to as electronic noses, are the systems which enable the recognition of volatile compounds in their working environment and provide the on-line results of analysis. The most commonly used type of sensors in such systems is semiconductor gas sensors. They are considered to be the most reliable in the long-term applications (more than 1 year), however,...
A calibration model for gas sensor array in varying environmental conditions
PublicationAbstract: Gas-analyzing systems based on gas sensors, commonly referred to as electronic noses, are the systems which enable the recognition of volatile compounds in their working environment and provide the on-line results of analysis. The most commonly used type of sensors in such systems is semiconductor gas sensors. They are considered to be the most reliable in the long-term applications (more than 1 year), however,...
Effects of n-butanol presence, inlet loading, empty bed residence time and starvation periods on the performance of a biotrickling filter removing cyclohexane vapors from air
PublicationThis paper presents the results of investigations on the removal of cyclohexane vapors from air using a peat-perlite packed biotrickling filter. Effects of basic process parameters i.e. IL (inlet loading) and EBRT (empty bed residence time) as well as introduction of n-butanol to the treated air stream and starvation periods on the process performance were evaluated. The results show that the introduction of hydrophilic n-butanol...
Detection of apple in orange juice using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationThe determination of authenticity is an increasingly important issue for food quality and safety. The use of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique ensures rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food products. Due to the fact that this technique enables chemical profiling of agricultural products, it can be an effective tool for authentication when combined with chemometrics. In this article...
Analysis of volatile fraction selected hybrid fruits using chromatographic techniques
PublicationAt present, "healthy eating" is gaining in popularity. Many people associate this term with eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. The basic elements influencing the selection of fruit are their appearance and smell. Of course, their origin and impact on human health are also very important. In recent years, exotic fruits have become increasingly accessible, making them gaining popularity, even among Poles. You can also meet plants...