Search results for: ENERGY EFFICIENT CONVOLUTION FILTER - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Key activities to improve energy management in DC microgrids connected by urban traction


    DC MicroGrids must have Energy Management Systems to guarantee efficient, dependable, and environmentally friendly electricity. The application of Model Predictive Control, proved to be helpful due to its adaptability and capacity to use non-linear models. This paper, based on an extensive literature review, identifies and discusses the three key activities to improve the characteristics of DC MicroGrids, i.e.: the use of Energy...

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  • Bilansowanie lokalne w systemie elektroenergetycznym


    - Rynek Energii - Year 2023

    Wprowadzenie rozliczeń rynkowych w handlu energią elektryczną wymusiło nowe podejście do krótkookresowego bilansowania energii w systemie elektroenergetycznym. Dla sprawnego funkcjonowania handlu energią, konieczne było wprowadzenie Rynku Bilansującego, łączącego realizację zadań technicznych i handlowych. Obecnie bilansowanie systemu rozwiązywane jest ogólnosystemowo. Decentralizacja procesu wytwarzania energii, rozwój niespokojnych...

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  • Review of hydrogen production technologies for automotive sector – thermodynamic analysis of energy and exergy losses


    - Logistyka - Year 2015

    Few recent years has shown that hydrogen technology has a good chance to replace petroleum technology in automotive sector. However, hydrogen in pure form practically does not occur on Earth. That is why H2 form is used only as an energy carrier and it must be produced using another source of energy form water or hydrocarbon fuels. In this paper short overview of hydrogen production technology has been presented, with energy and...

  • Grid-Forming Operation of Energy-Router Based on Model Predictive Control with Improved Dynamic Performance

    • M. Najafzadeh
    • N. Strzelecka
    • O. Husev
    • I. Roasto
    • K. Nassereddine
    • D. Vinnikov
    • R. Strzelecki

    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    The focus of this study is on the grid-forming operation of the Energy Router (ER) based on Model Predictive Control (MPC). ER is regarded as a key component of microgrids. It is a converter that interfaces the microgrid (s) with the utility grid. The ER has a multiport structure and bidirectional energy flow control. The ER concept can be implemented in Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) to provide flexible energy control. A...

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  • Optimization of the efficiency of braking energy recovery in rail transport by changing arrival time


    - Problemy Kolejnictwa - Year 2018

    The article refers to the previous work of the authors, in which the model of traffic organization of cooperating trains including the optimization of the use of energy returned to the catenary was presented. In the presented article, the model was modified by changing the main control variable, which affects the efficient use of energy. Departure time was changed for the arrival time of the train to the stop or station. The optimization...

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  • Assessment of the Feasibility of Energy Transformation Processes in European Union Member States

    The energy transition is now treated in most countries as a necessary condition for their long-term development. The process of energy transformation assumes the simultaneous implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a major challenge for modern economies and introduce significant restrictions in their functioning. Our study aims to group EU member states according to their ability to achieve energy transition...

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  • Powering the Future by Iron Sulfide Type Material (FexSy) Based Electrochemical Materials for Water Splitting and Energy Storage Applications: A Review

    • A. Farhan
    • W. Qayyum
    • U. Fatima
    • S. Nawaz
    • A. Balčiūnaitė
    • T. H. Kim
    • V. Srivastava
    • J. Vakros
    • Z. Frontistis
    • G. Boczkaj

    - SMALL - Year 2024

    Water electrolysis is among the recent alternatives for generating clean fuels (hydrogen). It is an efficient way to produce pure hydrogen at a rapid pace with no unwanted by-products. Effective and cheap water-splitting electrocatalysts with enhanced activity, specificity, and stability are currently widely studied. In this regard, noble metal-free transition metal-based catalysts are of high interest. Iron sulfide (FeS) is one...

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  • Układy napędowe pojazdów elektrycznych

    W artykule omówiono nowe technologie stosowane w układach napędowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Praca zawiera zależności teorii ruchu pojazdu, nowe rozwiązania w konstrukcji silników trakcyjnych. Przedstawiono również zagadnienia układów zasilania bateryjnego i magazynów energii z superkondensatorami. Pokazano metody sterowania zapewniające optymalizacje rozdziału energii pomiędzy akumulatorami a magazynem energii. Zaprezentowano...

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  • Statistically efficient smoothing algorithm for time-varying frequency estimation

    The problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary sinusoidal signal from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithm...

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  • Local response surface approximations and variable-fidelity electromagnetic simulations for computationally efficient microwave design optimisation


    In this study, the authors propose a robust and computationally efficient algorithm for simulation-driven design optimisation of microwave structures. Our technique exploits variable-fidelity electromagnetic models of the structure under consideration. The low-fidelity model is optimised using its local response surface approximation surrogates. The high-fidelity model is refined by space mapping with polynomial interpolation of...

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  • Optymalizacja efektywności hamowania odzyskowego w transporcie szynowym przez sterowanie czasem przyjazdu na stację


    - Problemy Kolejnictwa - Year 2018

    Artykuł nawiązuje do poprzednich prac autorów, w których przedstawiono model organizacji ruchu kooperujących pociągów z uwzględnieniem optymalizacji wykorzystania energii zwracanej do sieci jezdnej. W przedstawionej pracy zmodyfikowano model zmieniając główną zmienną sterującą, mającą wpływ na efektywne wykorzystanie energii, z czasu odjazdu na czas przyjazdu pociągu na stację lub przystanek. Optymalizacja dokonywana jest przez...

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  • Isothermal Calorimetry and Compressive Strength Tests of Mortar Specimens for Determination of Apparent Activation Energy

    The hydration process of cementitious materials involves a thermally activated reaction that depends on the composition of the mixture and the curing temperature. The main parameter affecting the temperature variation of cast-in-place concrete is the apparent activation energy, which can be used for the efficient prediction of the temperature evolution and maturity index of hardening concrete. This paper discusses two methods to...

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  • Optymalizacja rozkładu jazdy na kolei z uwzględnieniem efektywności hamowania odzyskowego.


    - Logistyka - Year 2015

    Na wstępie artykułu przybliżono czytelnikowi, czym jest rozkład jazdy na sieci kolejowej, na czym polega jego optymalizacja oraz odwołano się do literatury opisującej proces jego konstrukcji. W dalszej części przedstawiono kryteria optymalizacji rozkładu jazdy i zaproponowano podejście od strony efektywności wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z hamowania rekuperacyjnego, realizowanego metodą odzysku bezpośrednio do sieci trakcyjnej....

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  • Testing Stability of Digital Filters Using Optimization Methods with Phase Analysis


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    In this paper, novel methods for the evaluation of digital-filter stability are investigated. The methods are based on phase analysis of a complex function in the characteristic equation of a digital filter. It allows for evaluating stability when a characteristic equation is not based on a polynomial. The operation of these methods relies on sampling the unit circle on the complex plane and extracting the phase quadrant of a function...

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  • Investigation of rotational state-changing collisions of C2N− ions with helium


    - Year 2020

    The cross sections for rotational inelastic collisions between atoms and a molecular anion can be very large, if the anion has a dipole moment. This makes molecular anions very efficient in cooling atomic gases. We address rotational inelastic collisions of Helium atoms with the molecular anion C2N–. Here we present preliminary calculations of the potential energy surface.

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  • The Impact of Forms of Buildings on the Air Exchange in Their Environment. Based on the Example of Urban Development in Warsaw


    - Year 2018

    Possibilities for energy-efficient, natural ventilation of buildings in an urban environment depend on the airflow around them. This chapter deals with the issue of dependence of air exchange in urban spaces on the building forms used in them and on relative position of these buildings. The authors focused on the problem of air stagnation in dense urban development. This phenomenon increases the energy demand of buildings. The...

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  • Should we seek further improvement of fluid film bearings - what for and how?


    - Year 2013

    Fluid film bearings have been extensively used in the industry because of their unbeatable durability and extremely low friction coefficient. Large bearings supporting shafts of huge and important rotating machines constitute a special group of fluid film bearings since the reliability of crucial systems, like for example electro-energetic system, rely on their trouble-free operation. Large thrust bearings, apart from enormous...

  • Optimisation of the Energy Consumption of a Small Passenger Ferry with Hybrid Propulsion


    The main goal in the design phase is to create a safe ship with a very efficient (and preferably zero-emission) propulsion system. To obtain such ships, new concepts are being developed for both propulsion systems and individual components. The choice of a propulsion system is not straightforward. To optimise the selection of the propulsion system, it is valuable to optimise the energy demand of this unit, which can be done by...

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    The article deals with one of the scientific issue solved within frames of the research project financed by Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk, namely, in particular, the method of energy investigations of the self-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard (modified) marine fuel. The representative results of engine tests worked out on the especially built laboratory...

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  • From the multiple frequency tracker to the multiple frequency smoother


    - Year 2008

    The problem of extraction/elimination of nonstationary sinusoidalsignals from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS)algorithm...

  • Social media and efficient computer infrastructure in smart city


    - Year 2018

    Social media require an efficient infrastructures of computer and communication systems to support a smart city. In a big city, there are several crucial dilemmas with a home and public space planning, a growing population, a global warming, carbon emissions, a lack of key resources like water and energy, and a traffic congestion. In a smart city, we expect an efficient and sustainable transportation, efficient management of resources...

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  • Deep Learning Optimization for Edge Devices: Analysis of Training Quantization Parameters


    - Year 2019

    This paper focuses on convolution neural network quantization problem. The quantization has a distinct stage of data conversion from floating-point into integer-point numbers. In general, the process of quantization is associated with the reduction of the matrix dimension via limited precision of the numbers. However, the training and inference stages of deep learning neural network are limited by the space of the memory and a...

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  • The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ferry electrical power system during a layover at the port

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard the ferry during a layover at the port.

  • Testing Stability of Digital Filters Using Multimodal Particle Swarm Optimization with Phase Analysis


    - Year 2020

    In this paper, a novel meta-heuristic method for evaluation of digital filter stability is presented. The proposed method is very general because it allows one to evaluate stability of systems whose characteristic equations are not based on polynomials. The method combines an efficient evolutionary algorithm represented by the particle swarm optimization and the phase analysis of a complex function in the characteristic equation....

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  • Management Strategy for Seaports Aspiring to Green Logistical Goals of IMO: Technology and Policy Solutions

    • T. T. Le
    • H. P. Nguyen
    • K. Rudzki
    • L. Rowiński
    • V. D. Bui
    • T. H. Truong
    • H. C. Le
    • N. D. K. Pham

    - Polish Maritime Research - Year 2023

    Recently, because of serious global challenges including the consumption of energy and climate change, there has been an increase in interest in the environmental effect of port operations and expansion. More interestingly, a strategic tendency in seaport advancement has been to manage the seaport system using a model which balances environmental volatility and economic development demands. An energy efficient management system...

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  • Daylight in Architecture 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • N. Sokół
    • J. Martyniuk-Pęczek

    Tutor: Professor Claudia Naves David Amorim (University of Brasilia) Project: 60 h (lectures + online platform + individual consultations) With a support of e-platform NLITED educational content;,  Students will become familiar with the different methods of daylight assessment within the built environment. Innovative daylight design is understood as a better user-centred and energy-efficient design strategy. The...

  • Energy Demand of Short-Range Inland Ferry with Series Hybrid Propulsion Depending on the Navigation Strategy


    - ENERGIES - Year 2019

    Interest in hybrid propulsion systems that can be used on small vessels has increased significantly in recent years. They can replace inefficient and environmentally burdensome conventional systems based on diesel engines. Hybrid propulsion has many advantages such as high energy efficiency and virtually noiseless operation, and therefore it fits well with the current trends of “green shipping” and “zero emission”. The aim of the...

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  • Potential of Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Advancing Renewable Energy: Challenges and Prospects

    • V. N. N. Nhanh Van
    • W. Tarełko
    • S. Prabhakar
    • A. S. El-Shafay
    • W. Chen
    • P. Q. P. Nguyen
    • N. X. Phuong
    • T. A. Nguyen

    - ENERGY & FUELS - Year 2024

    Modern machine learning (ML) techniques are making inroads in every aspect of renewable energy for optimizationand model prediction. The effective utilization of ML techniques for the development and scaling up of renewable energy systemsneeds a high degree of accountability. However, most of the ML approaches currently in use are termed black box since their work isdifficult to comprehend. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)...

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  • Novel Adaptive Method for Data Streams Allocation Based on the Estimate of Radio Channel Parameters in Heterogeneous WBAN Network

    The new adaptive method for data streams allocation in heterogeneous Wireless Body Area Networks and meas-urement equipment is presented. The results obtained using the developed method compared with the selected algorithms likely to be used in those networks. The pro-posed adaptive data streams allocation method based on radio channel parameters makes it even twice as efficient to use in terms of resources usage in a WBAN heterogeneous...

  • Review and Indication of Key Activities for Energy Management Improvement in DC Microgrids


    DC MicroGrids (MG) must have Energy Management Systems (EMS) to guarantee efficient, dependable, and environmentally friendly electricity. The application of Model Predictive Control (MPC), proved to be helpful due to its adaptability and capacity to use non-linear models. This paper, based on an extensive literature review, identifies and discusses the three key activities to improve the characteristics of DC microgrids, i.e.:...

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  • Recent Progress on Hydrogen Storage and Production Using Chemical Hydrogen Carriers

    Depleting fossil fuel resources and anthropogenic climate changes are the reasons for the intensive development of new, sustainable technologies based on renewable energy sources. One of the most promising strategies is the utilization of hydrogen as an energy vector. However, the limiting issue for large-scale commercialization of hydrogen technologies is a safe, efficient, and economical method of gas storage. In industrial practice,...

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  • Low-Power WSN System for Honey Bee Monitoring


    - Year 2019

    The paper presents a universal low-power system for biosensory data acquisition in scope of bees monitoring. We describe the architecture of the system, energy-saving components as well as we discuss the selection of used sensors. The work focuses on energy optimization in a scope of wireless communication. A custom protocol was implemented, which is the basis for presented energy-efficient devices. Data exchange process during...

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    - Współpraca Europejska - Year 2021

    The payment system and infrastructure is a sector that is not given enough attention today in the context of energy efficiency. This sector plays a big role in organizing and ensuring money circulation and funds. It has its value consisting on the one hand of the cost of payment equipment, infrastructure, payment instruments. On other hand, its value consists of the cost of energy for their manufacture and maintenance. The European...

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  • Game theory-based virtual machine migration for energy sustainability in cloud data centers

    • F. J. Maldonado-Carrascosa
    • S. García-Galán
    • M. Valverde-Ibáñez
    • T. Marciniak
    • M. Szczerska
    • N. Ruiz-Reyes

    - APPLIED ENERGY - Year 2024

    As the demand for cloud computing services increases, optimizing resource allocation and energy consumption has become a key factor in achieving sustainability in cloud environments. This paper presents a novel approach to address these challenges through an optimized virtual machine (VM) migration strategy that employs a game-theoretic approach based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) (PSO-GTA). The proposed approach leverages...

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  • Security Requirements and Controls for Incident Information Sharing in the Polish Power System


    Among the strategies of protecting information assets of the power system, sharing of information about current cybersecurity incidents between energy operators appears to be a prerequisite. Exchange of information leads to the effective detection of attacks and exploited vulnerabilities as well as the identification of countermeasures. This paper presents the results of continuation of our works on developing a secure and efficient...

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  • Social media for e-learning of citizens in smart city


    - Year 2018

    The rapid development of social media can be applied for citizens’ e-learning in a smart city. Big cities have to cope with several open issues like a growing population or a traffic congestion. Especially, a home and public space is supposed to be used in more efficient way. Sustainable homes and buildings can be planned with using some modern techniques. Even currently, there is a huge problem with a lack of key resources like...

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  • AMCA to TAMRA long range resonance energy transfer on a flexible peptide

    • A. Synak
    • R. Fudala
    • I. Gryczynski
    • L. Kułak
    • S. Shah
    • I. E. Serdiuk
    • B. Grobelna
    • P. Arłukowicz
    • A. Kubicki
    • P. Bojarski

    - DYES AND PIGMENTS - Year 2018

    Förster resonance energy transfer between 7-amino-4-methyl-3-coumarinylacetic acid, (AMCA, donor) and 5- carboxytetramethylrhodamine, (TAMRA, acceptor) bound to Lys(AMCA)-Gly-Pro-Arg-Ser-Leu-Ser-Gly-Lys (TAMRA)-NH2 peptide is demonstrated by various spectroscopic techniques in glycerol at room temperature. In particular, nonexponential character of fluorescence intensity decay evidences the distance distribution between the donor...

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  • Multifunctional catalyst-assisted sustainable reformation of lignocellulosic biomass into environmentally friendly biofuel and value-added chemicals

    • M. Naeem
    • M. Imran
    • S. Latif
    • A. Ashraf
    • N. Hussain
    • G. Boczkaj
    • W. Smułek
    • T. Jesionowski
    • M. Bilal

    - CHEMOSPHERE - Year 2023

    Rapid urbanization is increasing the world's energy demand, making it necessary to develop alternative energy sources. These growing energy needs can be met by the efficient energy conversion of biomass, which can be done by various means. The use of effective catalysts to transform different types of biomasses will be a paradigm change on the road to the worldwide goal of economic sustainability and environmental protection. The...

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  • FPGA implementation of the multiplication operation in multiple-precision arithmetic


    - Year 2017

    Although standard 32/64-bit arithmetic is sufficient to solve most of the scientific-computing problems, there are still problems that require higher numerical precision. Multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA) libraries are software tools for emulation of computations in a user-defined precision. However, availability of a reconfigurable cards based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) in computing systems allows one to implement...

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  • Determinants of Directionality and Efficiency of the ATP Synthase Fo Motor at Atomic Resolution

    Fo subcomplex of ATP synthase is a membrane-embedded rotary motor that converts proton motive force into mechanical energy. Despite a rapid increase in the number of high-resolution structures, the mechanism of tight coupling between proton transport and motion of the rotary c-ring remains elusive. Here, using extensive all-atom free energy simulations, we show how the motor’s directionality naturally arises from the interplay...

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  • Design analysis of ORC micro-turbines making use of thermal energy of oceans


    The article presents the results of the analysis of energy conversion cycles making use of thermal energy of oceans. The objects of analysis were two cases of closed Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power plants, which were: the cycle in which the vapour of the working medium was produced by warm oceanic water in the circum-equatorial zone, and the so-called “arctic” cycle in which this vapour was produced by non-frozen water in the circumpolar...

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  • Progress in module design for membrane distillation

    • A. Ali
    • M. M. Agha Shirazi
    • L. Nthunya
    • R. Castro Munoz
    • N. Ismail
    • N. Tavajohi
    • G. Zaragoza
    • C. A. Quist-Jensen

    - DESALINATION - Year 2024

    There have been tremendous advances in membrane distillation (MD) since the concept was introduced in 1961: new membrane designs and process configurations have emerged, and its commercial viability has been evaluated in several pilot-scale studies. However, its high energy consumption has hindered its commercialization. One of the most promising ways to overcome this obstacle is to develop more energy-efficient membrane modules....

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  • Two-Step Model Based Adaptive Controller for Dissolved Oxygen Control in Sequencing Wastewater Batch Reactor


    Dissolved Oxygen (DO) concentration is a crucial parameter for efficient operation of biological processes taking place in the activated sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). High-quality DO control is difficult to achieve because of complex nonlinear behavior of the plant and substantial influent disturbances. A method to improve the Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control (DMRAC) technology in application to DO tracking for...

  • Electromagnetic Simulation with 3D FEM for Design Automation in 5G Era


    Electromagnetic simulation and electronic design automation (EDA) play an important role in the design of 5G antennas and radio chips. The simulation challenges include electromagnetic effects and long simulation time and this paper focuses on simulation software based on finite-element method (FEM). The state-of-the-art EDA software using novel computational techniques based on FEM can not only accelerate numerical analysis, but...

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  • Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization


    - SENSORS - Year 2019

    In order to minimize the number of evaluations of high-fidelity (“fine”) model in the optimization process, to increase the optimization speed, and to improve optimal solution accuracy, a robust and computational-efficient multi-fidelity local surrogate-model optimization method is proposed. Based on the principle of response surface approximation, the proposed method exploits the multi-fidelity coarse models and polynomial interpolation...

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  • Estimation of the Regenerative Braking Process Efficiency in Electric Vehicles


    - Acta Mechanica et Automatica - Year 2023

    In electric and hybrid vehicles, it is possible to recover energy from the braking process and reuse it to drive the vehicle using the batteries installed on-board. In the conditions of city traffic, the energy dissipated in the braking process constitutes a very large share of the total resistance to vehicle motion. Efficient use of the energy from the braking process enables a significant reduction of fuel and electricity consumption...

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  • The innovative experimental rig for wood steam drying at atmospheric pressure

    The high cost of fossil fuel and soaring consumer interest have encouraged people in the wood industry to look for faster and more energy-efficient methods to dry lumber. The air-steam mixture as medium of drying process was used in a laboratory kiln especially arranged for that reason. Experimental rig is based on automatic control system. At the time of drying measurements of the internal temperature, wood temperature, moisture...

  • The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ro-ro ship electrical power system during a sea voyage

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard a ro-ro ship during a sea voyage.

  • The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ro-ro ship electrical power system during maneuvering

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard a ro-ro ship during maneuvering.

  • Nauka – edukacja – przemysł : synergiczna współpraca dla innowacyjności

    • B. Marek
    • W. Kamrat
    • M. Każmierkowski
    • W. Lewandowski
    • P. Maciej
    • T. Peryt
    • T. Skoczkowski
    • A. Strupczewski
    • S. Adam

    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Year 2017

    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotycz ą ce relacji na styku nauka-edukacja- przemys ł w aspekcie efektywnej wspó ł pracy dla uzyskania odpowiedniego poziomu synergii w rozwi ą zywaniu problemów energetyki, w szczególno ś ci samowystarczalno ś ci energetycznej i konieczno ś ci wdra ż ania innowacyjnych rozwi ą za ń w tym obszarze. Odniesiono si ę do metod oceny prowadzenia bada ń naukowych w uczelniach...

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