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Search results for: ENGINEERING STUDIES
Communication and Documentation Practices in Agile Requirements Engineering: A Survey in Polish Software Industry
PublicationRequirements engineering, system analysis and other analytical activities form the basis of every IT project. Such activities are not clearly defined in Agile development methods, but it does not mean that they are absent in an agile project. The aim of our work was to determine which practices related to requirements-related communication and which requirements documenting techniques are used in agile software projects. For this...
Strong-coupling superconductivity of SrIr2 and SrRh2 : Phonon engineering of metallic Ir and Rh
PublicationExperimental and theoretical studies on superconductivity in SrIr2 and SrRh2 Laves phases are presented. The measured resistivity, heat capacity, and magnetic susceptibility confirm the superconductivity of these compounds with Tc = 6.07 and 5.41 K, respectively. Electronic structure calculations show that the Fermi surface is mostly contributed by 5d (4d) electrons of Ir (Rh), with Sr atoms playing the role of electron donors....
Design thinking qualifications framework – standardizing the innovative approach to entrepreneurial education delivery to engineering students
PublicationHighly competitive labor market stimulates increasing expectations towards fresh university alumni. It is not enough to be an expert - well educated and often experienced - in chosen discipline. High variability of the business environment, continuous change, number of risks, together with higher work demand than supply, shape clear employers’ expectations: entrepreneurial employees are wanted. On this ground a need for entrepreneurial...
Integrating Experience-Based Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning for Efficient Virtual Engineering Object Performance
PublicationMachine learning and Artificial Intelligence have grown significant attention from industry and academia during the past decade. The key reason behind interest is such technologies capabilities to revolutionize human life since they seamlessly integrate classical networks, networked objects and people to create more efficient environments. In this paper, the Knowledge Representation technique of Set of Experience...
Virtual engineering process (VEP): a knowledge representation approach for building bio-inspired distributed manufacturing DNA
PublicationThe objective of this research is to provide a user-friendly and effective way of representing engineering processes for distributed manufacturing systems so that they can develop, accumulate and share knowledge. The basic defini-tion and principle of the approach is introduced first and then the prototype version of the system is developed and demonstrated with case studies, which verify the feasibility of the proposed approach....
Electrophoretically deposited titanium and its alloys in biomedical engineering: Recent progress and remaining challenges
PublicationOver the past decade, titanium implants have gained popularity as the number of performed implantation operations has significantly increased. There are a number of methods for modifying the surface of biomaterials, which are aimed at extending the life of titanium implants. The developments in this field in recent years have required a comprehensive discussion of all the properties of electrophoretically deposited coatings on...
Polyurethane based hybrid ciprofloxacin-releasing wound dressings designed for skin engineering purpose
PublicationPurpose Even in the 21st century, chronic wounds still pose a major challenge due to potentially inappropriate treatment options, so the latest wound dressings are hybrid systems that enable clinical management, such as a hybrid of hydrogels, antibiotics and polymers. These wound dressings are mainly used for chronic and complex wounds, which can easily be infected by bacteria. Materials and methods Six Composite Porous Matrices...
Recent advances in rapid multiobjective optimization of expensive simulation models in microwave and antenna engineering by Pareto front exploration
PublicationPractical engineering design problems are inherently multiobjective, that is, require simultaneous control of several (and often conflicting) criteria. In many situations, genuine multiobjective optimization is required to acquire comprehensive information about the system of interest. The most popular solution techniques are populationbased metaheuristics, however, they are not practical for handling expensive electromagnetic...
Influence of Ultrasound on the Characteristics of CaP Coatings Generated Via the Micro-arc Oxidation Process in Relation to Biomedical Engineering
PublicationOver the past decade, bone tissue engineering has been at the core of attention because of an increasing number of implant surgeries. The purpose of this study was to obtain coatings on titanium (Ti) implants with improved properties in terms of biomedical applications and to investigate the effect of ultrasound (US) on these properties during the micro-arc oxidation (MAO) process. The influence of various process parameters, such...
Krystyna Gomółka prof. dr hab.
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Processing of Polyester-Urethane Filament and Characterization of FFF 3D Printed Elastic Porous Structures with Potential in Cancellous Bone Tissue Engineering
PublicationThis paper addresses the potential of self-made polyester-urethane filament as a candidate for Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)-based 3D printing (3DP) in medical applications. Since the industry does not provide many ready-made solutions of medical-grade polyurethane filaments, we undertook research aimed at presenting the process of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) filament formation, detailed characteristics, and 3DP of specially...
Environmental Degradation of Engineering Materials & Materials Engineering and Technologies
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Sacral sound-engineering
PublicationOrganologic and campanologic acoustical problems due to applications to sacral objects are characterized on ground of numerous reviewed publications and engineering reports. Participations of several involved research centres, mostly Polish, at solving these problems are evaluated. Some desirable future developments are indicated. Appendices bring examples of documentation on selected investigated objects.
XPS studies of PDA-modified TiO2 nanotubes
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the XPS results (survey and high-resolution spectra) of the samples from TiO2 nanotubes modified with polydopamine. The studies were presented as a part of the research on "Band Gap Engineering toward Semimetallic Character of Quinone-Rich Polydopamine" (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c08804).
Ontological engineering versus metaphysics
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Photonics and Web Engineering 2011
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Highway engineering risk assessment
PublicationNa drogach krajowych w Polsce rocznie ginie ponad 2000 osób w wypadkach drogowych, co stanowi ponad 37% ogółu ofiar śmiertelnych w wypadkach. Do poprawy stanu bezpieczeństwa na tych drogach muszą byc podjęte działania zmierzające do systematycznego dostosowania poszcz. odcinków dróg do standardów bezpieczeństwa. Jednym z narzędzi pomocnych do wyboru odcinków dróg o największym potencjale mozliwych do uratowania od śmierci uczestników...
Engineering and Management of Space Systems
PublicationDynamic development of the European space sector results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. Current study programs of Aerospace Technology are focused on the field of mechanical engineering. Although engineering methods for design, construction and assembly of mechanical systems are covered, interdisciplinarity and life cycle aspects are not considered in a sufficient degree. Due to the increasing...
Jubilees of the engineering education in Gdańsk
Publicationz perspektywy obecnej Politechniki Gdańskiej i nawiązując do jej niemieckiej poprzedniczki ukazano 100 lat uniwersyteckiej technicznej edukacji i nauki w Gdańsku z podkreśleniem tła niemiecko-polskich stosunków właściwych dla tego miejsca.
Management of changes in software engineering
PublicationPraca zawiera rozdział poświecony problematyce budowy systemów z bazami wiedzy dla wspomagania procesów zarządzania. W rozdziale tym przedstawiono metody budowy systemów dla potrzeb zarządzania koncentrując uwagę na systemach opartych na wiedzy. Następnie omówiono możliwości zastosowania teorii zbiorów rozmytych do modelowania wiedzy. Na zakończenie przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania zbiorów rozmytych i systemów opartych na wiedzy...
Segmentation concept in mechanical engineering
PublicationZaprezentowano nowoczesne podejście do rozwiązywania problemów technicznych, technologicznych i organizacyjnych przedsiębiorstwa w oparciu ich strukturyzację. Przedstawiono przykłady segmentcji w stosunku do przedmiotów obrabianych oraz struktur organizacyjnych przedsiębiorstwa.
Ontology-Aided Software Engineering
PublicationThis thesis is located between the fields of research on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR), Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Model Driven Engineering (MDE). The modern offspring of KRR - Description Logic (DL) [Baad03] is considered here as a formalization of the software engineering Methods & Tools. The bridge between the world of formal specification (governed by the mathematics)...
Modelling of engineering materials with microstructure
PublicationArtykuł omawia różne modele do opisu lokalizacji odkształceń w postaci rys i stref ścinania w materiałach budowlanych takich jak grunt i beton. Zastosowane modele mechaniki ośrodka ciągłego i modele dyskretne.
Retrospecting Polish Audio Engineering Society Membership on 20th Anniversary of the Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society
PublicationIn this article some key events concerning founding Polish Section of the Audio Engineering Society were presented. In addition, the history covering International Symposia on Sound Engineering and Mastering was outlined. Also, papers contained in this issue were shortly reviewed.
Virtual Engineering Object / Virtual Engineering Process: A specialized form of Cyber Physical System for Industrie 4.0
PublicationThis paper reviews the theories, parallels and variances between Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) / Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Cyber Physical System (CPS). VEO and VEP is an experience based knowledge representation of engineering objects and processes respectively. Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated....
Applications of the Future Internet Engineering Project
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Engineering a de Novo Transport Tunnel
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Engineering Challenges in the Design of Cochlear Implants
PublicationHearing aids such as cochlear implants have been used by both adults and children for a long time. In addition, cochlear implants are used by patients who have severe hearing loss either by birth or after an accident. This paper aims to investigate the engineering challenges bounding the design of cochlear implants and present its possible solution...
Wilga Photonics and Web Engineering 2011
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WILGA Photonics and Web Engineering 2010
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WILGA Photonics and Web Engineering 2010
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Engineering contribution for cartilage cultivation in bioreactor.
PublicationPraca omawia metody oraz korzyści wynikające z hodowli tkanek w bioreaktorach w zakresie inżynierii tkankowej. Przedstawiono również współczesne technologie, w tym nanotechnologie, towarzyszące hodowli chrząstek stawowych w bioreaktorach. Praca prezentuje także nowe trendy badawcze w zakresie procesu doskonalenia i optymalizacji hodowli tkanek dla potrzeb medycyny.
How to teach sustainable structural engineering.
PublicationNa podstawie analizy toretycznej i doświadczeń praktycznych - autora jako profesora politechniki, badacza i praktykującego inżyniera - uzyskanych w niniejszym pięćdziesięcioleciu, przedstawiono ogólny stan obecny zrównoważonej inżynierii i jej akcentowanie w Politechnice Gdańskiej.
Engineering theory and practice: wisdom of thinking
PublicationOmówiono wzajemny związek teorii i praktyki w rozwijaniu zawodowych umiejętności inżynierów. Teorię rozumie się tu jako zdolność do kreatywnego myślenia - źródła wszelkiej działalności człowieka. Dlatego należy kłaść nacisk na wysoki poziom kształcenia ogólnego w szkole średniej i na samej uczelni aby w wyniku otrzymać intelektualnie dojrzałych inżynierów-humanistów
Some engineering applications of ANN in CAD
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych: dla obliczeń i doboru regulatora pneumatycznego, w optymalizacji pneumatycznych układów napędowych i w optymalizacji systemu amortyzacji siedziska.
Knowledge Views and their application in systems engineering
PublicationWykorzystanie technologii Semantic Web, w szczególności baz wiedzy, w przemyśle informatycznym jest niewielkie. Jest to spowodowane między innymi dużym ryzykiem związanym z wdrażaniem nowych technologii i brakiem wiedzy na ich temat ze strony inżynierów oprogramowania. Aby zmniejszyć ryzyko związane z wdrażaniem baz wiedzy i zminimalizować nakład pracy inżynierów na zapoznanie się z nimi, w niniejszej pracy zaproponowano koncepcję...
Biomedical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationShort history of education in Biomedical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology is presented. The last initiative- implementation of the new programme, Biomedical Engineering - an interfaculty direction of study, supported by a grantfinanced by the European Social Fund is presented. Curricula of four specializations: Chemistry in Medicine, run by the Facultyof Chemistry; Electronics in Medicine and Informatics in Medicine,...
Modal diagnostics of civil engineering structures.
PublicationKsiążka dotyczy zastosowania analizy modalnej do diagnostyki konstrukcji budowlanych.
Surface shape reverse engineering with nurbs
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano algorytm, który interpoluje prostokątną tablice punktów w przestrzeni trójwymiarowej przy pomocy powierzchni NURBS. Algorytm oblicza parametry powierzchni NURBS tak, aby jak najwierniej oddać kształt opisany przez punkty. Do interpolacji punktów wybrano powierzchnię NURBS, jako najbardziej uniwersalny i najczęściej używany w programach CAD rodzaj powierzchni. Interpolowane punkty mogą pochodzić zarówno...
New applications of sound and vision engineering
PublicationMultimedia, Sound & Vision Engineering are relatively new fields within the area of science and technology, but teaching and research in this area has been carried out at Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland) for nearly 5 decades. Current project carried-out in the Multimedia Systems Department are in the scope of the paper.
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy data of PDA-modified TiO2 nanotubes
Open Research DataThis dataset contains Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy data of the samples from TiO2 nanotubes modified with polydopamine. The studies were presented as a part of the research on "Band Gap Engineering toward Semimetallic Character of Quinone-Rich Polydopamine" (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c08804).
PublicationThe authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce...
PublicationThe authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce into...
60th anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation
PublicationThe paper presents the outline history of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation of the Gdansk University of Technology over the span of 60 years - throughout the period 1945-2006.
Applications of knowledge technologies to sound and vision engineering
PublicationSpecjalność Inżynieria Dźwięku i Obrazu jest ukierunkowana przede wszystkim na aplikacje praktyczne metod rejestracji i przetwarzania sygnałów fonicznych i wizyjnych we współczesnej telekomunikacji i w multimediach. W związku z tym, specjalność ta wykorzystuje również wiedzę z obszaru akustyki, psychofizjologii percepcji a także estetyki muzycznej. W zastosowaniach multimedialnej technologii informatycznej w telekomunikacji, w...
Photonics applications and web engineering: WILGA 2021
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Photonics Applications and Web Engineering: WILGA 2017
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Photonics applications and web engineering: WILGA 2019
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Photonics Applications and Web Engineering: WILGA 2018
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The approach to engineering tasks composition on knowledge portals