Search results for: FIRST WORLD WAR - ARMAMENT INDUSTRY - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Badania i możliwości adaptacji ruin kościoła we Wocławach


    - Year 2019

    W artykule opisano wyniki badań ruin kościoła z XIV w. we Wocławach. Przedstawiono też problem adaptacji ruin obiektów sakralnych, możliwości zagospodarowania oraz możliwe warianty odbudowy ruin. Po wojnie trzynastoletniej kościół został rozbudowany o nawy boczne i wieżę. Układ świątyni został zredukowany w czasie odbudowy po pożarze w XVIII w. W czasie II wojny światowej kościół został zniszczony. Do dziś nie został odbudowany...

  • Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges in Manufacturing Industries: an Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach


    - Procedia Computer Science - Year 2020

    For the last few years, the fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, has been a hot topic among academics. Industry 4.0 literature involves researches presenting studies related to its different aspects including challenges, opportunities, implementation and adoption. However, a detailed study of challenges and barriers towards the Industry 4.0 implementation in manufacturing industries is missing. Hence, this paper...

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  • Architectural Symbols of a City – Case Study

    The identity of a city is understood as a collection of individual features, which give the city its individual character and distinguish it from other places; it undoubtedly constitutes a cultural value, which should be cherished. In the case of Sopot – a spa located on the Bay of Gdansk, the mosaic of its geographical location, landscape values, urban layout and historic architecture has created a unique image of a seaside resort....

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  • Potential applications of by-products from the coffee industry in polymer technology – Current state and perspectives


    - WASTE MANAGEMENT - Year 2021

    Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and its popularity is continuously growing, which can be expressed by almost doubling production over the last three decades. Cultivation, processing, roasting, and brewing coffee are known for many years. These processes generate significant amounts of by-products since coffee bean stands for around 50% of the coffee cherry. Therefore, considering the current pro-ecological...

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  • Evaluating Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges Using Interpretive Structural Modeling and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process



    The fourth industrial revolution known as Industry 4.0 is reshaping and evolving the way industries produce products and individuals live and work therefore, gaining massive attraction from academia, business and politics. The manufacturing industries are optimistic regarding the opportunities Industry 4.0 may offer such as, improved efficiency, productivity and customization. The present research contributes to the Industry 4.0...

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  • Architektura pomników poświęconych ofiarom ataków terrorystycznych jako kontynuacja realizacji komemoratywnych kształtowanych w postpamięci

    architecture of Memorials Dedicated to the Victims of terrorist attacks as a continuation of commemorative Structures created within Post-memory Having the rich art of commemorating events of the Second World War as a key reference, this article will try to show how contemporary architectural interven- tions in public space make attempts to respond to the social need of dealing with traumatic events and formulating a new attitude...

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  • sp2-rich dendrite-like carbon nanowalls as effective electrode for environmental monitoring of explosive nitroaromatic



    Nitroaromatic compounds are commonly used explosive materials that pose a risk to human health and ecosystems due to their acute toxicity and carcinogenicity. Nitroaromatics have numerous pathways into the environment via discarded munitions (e.g. into the Baltic Sea after World War II), after use in mining operations, and in industrial run-off from factories producing these compounds (which are produced across the world to date)....

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  • Mural i jego rola w przestrzeni zurbanizowanej


    - Year 2016

    Czym tak naprawdę jest mural? Definicji jest bardzo wiele. Według Słownika języka polskiego PWN mural to „wielkie malowidło wykonane bezpośrednio na ścianie budynku”. Pierwotnymi malowidłami tego typu były prace naskalne z epoki paleolitu. Następnie ważnymi epokami dla rozwoju tego typu prac był starożytny Egipt i starożytny Rzym. Samo słowo „mural” pochodzi z języka hiszpańskiego (h. mural – ścienny; malarstwo ścienne). To dzięki...

  • Janusz Datta prof. dr hab. inż.

    In 1988, Janusz Datta finished his studies at the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Faculty of Chemistry. Since then he has been employed at the Faculty of Chemistry in the Department of Polymer Technology. During the first six years of employement he was worked  as a scientist. In this period, he travelled extensively to ZACHEM company located  in Bydgoszcz to gain practical experience related to chemical processing. In 1994,...

  • Software Factory project for enhancement of student experiential learning


    - Year 2019

    Providing opportunities for students to work on real-world software development projects for real customers is critical to prepare students for the IT industry. Such projects help students to understand what they will face in the industry and experience real customer interaction and challenges in collaborative work. To provide this opportunity in an academic environment and enhance the learning and multicultural teamwork experience,...

  • More than just a beer—the potential applications of by-products from beer manufacturing in polymer technology


    Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world, and its popularity is continuously growing. Currently, global beer production is estimated at around 2 billion hectoliters. Nevertheless, the increasing production capacity implicates the rising issue of generated by-products—brewers’ spent grain, spent hops, spent yeast, and wastewater. They are generated in massive amounts, so having in mind the current pro-ecological...

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  • Architectural & Urban Heritage 2021/2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Szczepański
    • M. Sołtysik
    • A. Orchowska
    • R. Hirsch
    • Ł. Bugalski

    Participation in the course ARCHITECTURAL & URBAN HERITAGE gives an opportunity of knowing political, economic, and cultural issues of Polish Architecture in the 19th and 20th century. This period includes the fall of feudalism, the flourish of the industrial era, the birth of modernism, two totalitarian systems, and the rebuilding of Poland after II World War. Mentioned circumstances caused deep changes which gave a strong...

  • Production fragmentation and employment. Country-industry level analysis based on WIOD 2016

    The aim of this research is to reanalyse the possible impact of production fragmentation on employment using the newest world input-output database (WIOD) release (2016) and recently proposed by Timmer, Los, Stehrer and de Vries measure of production fragmentation which traces the imports needed in all stages of production. This study is provided on country-industry level for 56 industries and 41 countries for the years 2000–2014....

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    Paper presents conditions of science and industry cooperation in Poland (restrictions, barriers, good practice). A key role in initiation of collaboration between units has financial support. What is also important, it is much easier to create innovative solutions on the base of combining the potential of individuals. That is why many countries all over the world look for innovative solutions using budget funds to support grants...

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    - Year 2018

    Water-lubricated bearings are finding increasingly wide use in various branches of industry. As such, they may also be encountered in hydro power industry. They are also increasingly frequently employed in bearing systems of marine shaft propulsions and water pumps [1]. This rising popularity is due to a number of reasons [2]. First of all, their simple construction has direct impact on the level of pricing which is usually quite...

  • Anna Rzeczycka dr hab.


    Anna Rzeczycka is the deputy head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Publications are situated in the field of social sciences in the discipline of economics and finance. They include books, monographs, articles, publications and scientific editions of monographs and scientific journals. In terms of numbers, it includes the following items: 12 monographs...

  • Barcelona - from the province to Metropolis.The cogent strategy of branding the city


    - Year 2016

    The phenomenon of rebranding Barcelona's image, called the Barcelona effect or 'Barcelona Model', is exampled as one of the most spectacular transformations of the city perception in the last decade. Why has Barcelona been successful? Is it the effect of the recently intensified revitalization practice, or has the city of Barcelona built its brand market value for years? The aim of the research is to name these transition...

  • Changes in Manufacturing Industries- an Empirical Verifiction of the Kaldor-Verdoorn Laws


    - Year 2009

    This paper focus on showing the importance of manufacturing industry for the growth of selected european countries from a kaldorian perspective. the author discusses and testes two (the first and the second) kaldor-verdoorn laws, which state that manufacturing is the engine of growth (the first law) and that exist positive relation between labour productivity and output in manufacturing industries because of increasing returns...

  • Architects and urban planners in the face of energy transition - smart cities energy aspects in shaping building structures and cities


    Contemporary architects and urban planners are facing steadily increasing challenges. The growing problems around environmental issues, shrinking natural resources and climate action are just some of them. Currently, planning should also include balancing with all the aspects of sustainable development such as not only the environmental issues, but also social and economic ones. How to meet them in the era of energy transition...

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    - TASK Quarterly - Year 2017

    The paper investigates both the causes and effects of the rapid increase in the data volume(BigData)andtheirimpactonhumancognition.TheroleoftheInternetindistributing and exchanging of such data, and their impact on the growth of the Information Society are emphasized. As a result, Wisdom Science – a new kind of research – emerges which has the potential to facilitate more advanced solutions in the digital world. In consequence,...

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  • Deep learning-based waste detection in natural and urban environments

    Waste pollution is one of the most significant environmental issues in the modern world. The importance of recycling is well known, both for economic and ecological reasons, and the industry demands high efficiency. Current studies towards automatic waste detection are hardly comparable due to the lack of benchmarks and widely accepted standards regarding the used metrics and data. Those problems are addressed in this article by...

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  • Material Flow Analysis in a cooked mussel processing industry

    • P. M. Bello Bugallo
    • A. Stupak
    • L. C. Andrade
    • R. Torres López


    Galicia (NW Spain) is an ideal environment for mussel culture owing to its excellent natural conditions. It is the first Spanish and European mussel producer and the second worldwide after China. More than 50% of the mussel collected in Galicia is used in the processing industry, which produces different products, as cooked mussel that is canned, frozen or used in the food industry. In this paper a methodology based on Life Cycle...

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  • Space and spatial practices in times of confinement. Evidence from three European countries: Austria, France and Poland


    - Urban Design International - Year 2021

    In the first half of 2020, millions of people were subjected to drastic restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of the Covid-19 disease. Austria, France and Poland have implemented a lockdown to varying degrees and for varying lengths of time. This is an unprecedented situation in Europe: until now, even in times of war, curfew measures have never been applied 24 h a day. The research presented in this article was carried out...

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  • Płyty przedprożowe z elewacji dawnego budynku jatek mięsnych w Gdańsku?


    - Year 2018

    Podczas badań archeologicznych prowadzonych w latach 2004-2005 na terenie historycznych jatek mięsnych głównomiejskiego cechu rzeźników w Gdańsku, kierujący badaniami Robert Krzywdziński postawił tezę, że fragmenty płaskorzeźbionej dekoracji ściany szczytowej od strony ulicy Mariackiej, zniszczonego w 1945 roku budynku jatek, zostały wykorzystane jako elementy dekoracyjnych płyt przedprożowych podczas powojennej odbudowy kamienicy...

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  • Wireless Systems of Threats Monitoring

    The concept of wireless system of threats monitoring with self-organizing network of multipurpose data transfer nodes are presented. Two practical applications of this system are also presented. The first of these is the Global Wireless Monitoring System for Containers, and the second is the Mobile Monitoring System for Gas Air Pollution Measurements. Presented practical applications of the wireless threats monitoring system is...

  • New First - Path Detector for LTE Positioning Reference Signals


    - Year 2014

    In today's world, where positioning applications reached a huge popularity and became virtually ubiquitous, there is a strong need for determining a device location as accurately as possible. A particularly important role in positioning play cellular networks, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). In the LTE Observed Time Difference of Arrival (OTDOA) positioning method, precision of device location estimation depends on accuracy...

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    Permanent urban growth of the world of today world implies demanding challenges for the steel construction industry. Nowadays, one of the most important issues is the cost optimization of steel structures. Since the weight of building materials is a major component of the total cost, engineers and designers try to reduce structural weight, without compromising durability and sustainability of a steel structure. Therefore, light...



    - Journal of Green Building - Year 2024

    The agenda of Industry 4.0 strongly affects design and construction at all its phases, and three-Dimensional Printing (3DP) is an essential part of it. The emerging technology has the potential to become a more valid and accepted form of construction. This research is based on a literature review regarding the relationships between the concepts of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and energy efficiency for 3DP in construction research...

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  • Nowe możliwości generowania zarysów satelitowych mechanizmów roboczych


    - Year 2012

    Planetary hydraulic gear motors have been well known since 70's . first motors were constructed for maritime industry by hydroster from gdansk. the evolution of this type of motors led to an increase of nominal pressure and durability. nowadays the industry needs reliable and efficient motor able to work with alternative hydraulic fluids like water, emulsion and vegetable oil. therefore a new type of motors are being developed...

  • Digital technologies and women's empowerment – casting the bridges


    This work briefly discusses the nexuses between digital technology development and adoption across societies, and its potential impact on overall welfare through women’s economic empowerment. In the first section it sets out the context and background. Next, Section 2 demonstrates the state of access to and the use of digital technologies across the world. Section 3 intends to trace the causal links and channels of digital technologies'...

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  • Fashion Games, Fashion in Games and Gamification in Fashion. A First Map


    - Year 2023

    Fashion companies have been using different forms of entertainment such as film and television, sport, music, museums, and photography as inspiration sources and as communication and marketing channels for decades. However, in recent years, they have also started to consider the gaming world. While gaming offers a potential revenue stream from sales of physical and digital clothing, change in it is also the gateway to access new...

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  • Toolchain Modeling: Comprehensive Engineering Plans for Industry 4.0


    - Year 2020

    The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) elevates the complexity and autonomy of industrial systems and engineering environments to levels not seen before. The novel challenges involve not only the software running on the partaking autonomous devices, but also architectural considerations and the technological infrastructure around the entire engineering process. In this paper, complementing the trends in industrial systems...

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  • Katalizatory wykorzystywane w syntezie biodiesla


    - Wiadomości Chemiczne - Year 2022

    Rising prices of electricity, conventional fuels and heating require decisive steps in the further development of technologies based on renewable energy sources. These include geothermal-; hydrothermal-; aerothermal-; and solar energy. Due to the fact that the petrochemical industry is one of the fastest growing branches of the economy, we would like to expand on the topic related to biofuels. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel similar...

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  • Study on Strategy in University Laboratory Class Teaching


    - Year 2021

    Laboratory teaching is a critical way to ensure the effective input of techniques in engineering learning. Laboratory teaching not only contributes to improving course quality but also helps enrich comprehensive engineering application ability. However, there are some typical problems in current university laboratory teaching, such as rigid and isolated course design, outdated contents and materials, and not encouraging innovation...

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  • Polish waterfront in the process of transformation: The case of Elbląg port city


    - PORTUSPlus - Year 2020

    The topic of waterfront transformation is a vast and challenging issue, which in small and medium-sized cities is still unexplored. With growing global interest in the matter of regeneration of city-water relationship and increasing public awareness of the value of waterfront public spaces, actions to transform abandoned waterfront areas have been undertaken in many Polish port cities. City of Elbląg, located in northern Poland,...

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  • Od postawy prozdrowotnej w stoczni jachtowej do ograniczania zagrożeń na stanowisku pracy formierza-laminiarza


    Tematyka zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa pracowników, coraz częściej popularyzowana w świecie biznesu, nadal stanowi dość mało rozpoznany obszar działalności polskich przedsiębiorstw. Niniejszy artykuł porusza ważką kwestię promocji zdrowia w miejscu pracy jako czynnika zwiększającego efektywność pracy oraz jego wpływ na osiąganie wysokiej jakości produktu. Publikacja omawia znaczenie postawy prozdrowotnej i sposobów jej kształtowania...

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  • Energetic model of hydraulic system of refuse collection vehicle based on simulation and experimental data

    This paper presents an energetic model of hydraulic system of a refuse collection vehicle. First, benefits resulting from implementation of an energetic model in the industry and operation of a Refuse Collection Vehicle are briefly explained. Then, components of the energy consumption in hydraulic circuits of compactor and lifting device are described and combined into a comprehensive model that can be evaluated using basic measurement...

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  • Karolina Sobieraj mgr inż.


    MSc. Karolina Sobieraj graduated in 2018 in the field of Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management in the specialization of Waste Management, with a scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for students for outstanding scientific achievements in the 2017/2018 academic year. From October 2019, she started studies at the UPWr Doctoral School in the discipline of environmental engineering, mining and energy....

  • Re-use of historic wooden verandas in Sopot, Poland


    Sopot is the best-known seaside resort in Poland. The city is unique with regard not only to its location and natural values, but also its interesting architecture, which dates back to the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Wooden verandas are one of the characteristic features of Sopot architecture. Their origin is associated with the Swiss style, which was fashionable at the turn of the 20th century and quite...

  • The Brick Face of Modernism and Architecture of Gustav Oelsner

    There are many reasons that make the work of Gustav Oelsner worth to present. One of the reasons is comparison of two different ways of development of two cities, Gdynia (an exhibition of work of Gustav Oelsner was presented in Gdynia in April and May of 2011) and Altona, were Oelsner created his architecture. These two cities has grown at the side of their big neighbours, Gdansk and Hamburg. They are harbour cities and their...

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  • Przewodnik Architektoniczny=Architectural Guide=Architekturführer. Gdynia


    - Year 2021

    Gdynia is a unique city that is particularly interesting for architects due to its homogeneous architecture. The city, based on the structure of an earlier fishing village, was entirely designed and built from scratch in the interwar period, as was the case later for cities such as Brasilia and Chandigarh. Today, Gdynia is a modern port town that forms the Tri-City metropolitan area together with Gdańsk, the city of amber, and...

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  • Revitalization of Sopot - The Seaside Spa Town in Poland


    - Year 2016

    Sopot is a Polish seaside resort. In the past - as early as at the beginning of the 20th century - this town was famous for the healing opportunities they created: good conditions for resting and recreation. This town was places where everyone with enough selfesteem was willing to be seen. Since the post-war reconstruction until 1989 (establishment of local governments in Poland), not much has happened in Polish cities in terms...

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  • Global value chains and wages under different wage setting mechanisms

    This study examines whether, and how, differences in wage bargaining schemes shape the relationship between global value chains (GVCs) and the wages of workers while considering both GVC participation and position in GVC. Our dataset is derived from the European Structure of Earnings Survey (SES), containing employee–employer data from 18 European countries, merged with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database (WIOD)....

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  • Co-Living or a “Sandpit” for Future Entrepreneurs. First Experience from Poland.

    Nowadays, the Western world seems saturated with the myriad of enhancements for entrepreneurship development. Also, in Eastern European countries we observe a growing number of initiatives at different organizational levels, aiming at accompanying potential future entrepreneurs in their efforts. Meanwhile, there is one novelty, never before offered on the Polish market – the first co- -living space, launched in Gdañsk. Therefore,...

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  • Prophylaxis of Non-communicable Diseases: Why Fruits and Vegetables may be Better Chemopreventive Agents than Dietary Supplements Based on Isolated Phytochemicals?



    The World Health Organization (WHO) report from 2014 documented that non-communicable socalled civilization diseases such as cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer or type 2 diabetes are responsible for over 50% of all premature deaths in the world. Research carried out over the past 20 years has provided data suggesting that diet is an essential factor influencing the risk of development of these diseases....

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  • Is the Concept of Zero Waste Possible to Implement in Construction?


    The scientifically treated problem of reusing building materials appeared in the literature more than 50 years ago. This paper includes an analysis of the characteristics of recycled building materials, which is a prerequisite for rational recycling. The analysis and simulation of building stocks at different scales has led to the conclusion that the most important link in the transformation of the construction industry towards...

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  • Structure of the US investment company industry over the period 2000 to 2017: substitution analysis


    Over the last years the investment company industry has undergone deep transformation in the majority of the most advanced economies, including the United States. Traditional investment companies, such as mutual funds, have lost their market share to innovative exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The main distinctive features of ETFs are listing and trading in their units on the stock exchanges as well as lower costs for investors. The...

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  • More than just a beer – Brewers' spent grain, spent hops, and spent yeast as potential functional fillers for polymer composites

    • A. Hejna
    • M. Barczewski
    • P. Kosmela
    • J. Aniśko
    • J. Szulc
    • K. Skórczewska
    • A. Piasecki
    • T. Kuang

    - WASTE MANAGEMENT - Year 2024

    Beer is among the most popular beverages in the world, with the production distributed uniformly between the biggest continents, so the utilization of brewing by-products is essential on a global scale. Among their potential recipients, the plastics industry offers extensive range of potential products. Herein, the presented study investigated the application of currently underutilized solid brewing by-products (brewers' spent...

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  • Bio-inspired Decisional DNA in Machinas and other Man-made Systems: The Way Forward


    - Year 2014

    Artificial bio-inspired intelligent techniques and systems supporting smart, knowledge-based solutions of real world problems which are currently researched very extensively by research teams around the world, have enormous potential to enhance automation of decision making and problem solving for a number of diverse areas including design, manufacturing, Information Technology (IT), social communities of practice, and economics...



    - Economics & Sociology - Year 2015

    The paper contributes by providing new insights into relationship between female labor force and economic growth in 162 world countries over the period 1990-2012. It is anticipated uncovering U-shaped relationship between female labor force participation and economic growth. The analysis is run in two different perspectives – first the relationship is examined for sample encompassing 162 countries; and second – the evidence is...

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