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Search results for: LOW ENERGY HOUSES
Low-Temperature Exfoliated Graphenes: Vacuum-Promoted Exfoliation and Electrochemical Energy Storage
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Innovative Energy-Saving Propulsion System for Low-Speed Biomimetic Underwater Vehicles
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Innovative Energy-Saving Propulsion System for Low-Speed Biomimetic Underwater Vehicles
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High-Energy-Low-Temperature Technologies for the Synthesis of Nanoparticles: Microwaves and High Pressure
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Low energy γ-rays scintillation detection with large area avalanche photodiodes
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Relativistic multiconfiguration method in low energy scattering of electrons from xenon atoms.
PublicationPo raz pierwszy dokonano obliczeń różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych na sprężyste rozpraszanie elektronów na atomach ksenonu przy użyciu relatywistycznej wersji metody wielokonfiguracyjnej.
Relativistic multiconfiguration method in low-energy scattering of electrons from argon atoms
PublicationPo raz pierwszy zaprezentowano wyniki obliczeń różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych relatywistyczną wersją metody wielokonfiguracyjnej.
Annihilation rates of low-energy positron scattering from simple diatomic molecules
PublicationWe discuss the calculations of Zeff coefficients for a series of diatomic molecules over the range of energies below the positronium formation. During the development of a general code for polyatomic, nonlinear molecules colliding with positrons, it was discovered that the earlier one, employed only for diatomic molecules, had an error. The error is corrected and the corrected results are presented here. We also discuss a way of...
Computed vibrational excitation ofCF4by low-energy electrons and positrons: Comparing calculations and experiments
PublicationQuantum calculations for the excitation of the asymmetric modes of the CF4 target gas, ν3 and ν4, by impact of low-energy electrons and positrons are carried out in the energy range around 1 eV and are compared with recent experimental findings. The similarities and differences between the two types of projectiles, and the two different modes, are analyzed and discussed vis à vis the present accord with the experimental results.
Low-energy positron scattering from DNA nucleobases: the effects from permanent dipoles
PublicationAb initio quantum calculations for low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase isolated molecular nucleobases which are part of the DNA structure are presented and discussed over the range of 1 eV to 25 eV. The calculations report the integral cross sections (ICSs) and the momentum-transfer cross sections (MTCSs) for Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine. The calculations show very clearly the important role of the dominant...
A pedagogical introduction to the Schwinger variational principle: an application to low energy positron-atom scattering
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Damage to Model DNA Fragments from Very Low-Energy (<1 eV) Electrons
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The effect of low energy impact on the tensile strength of coated and uncoated glass particulate composites.
PublicationPrzedstawiono model teoretyczny pozwalający przewidywać poudarową wytrzymałość na rozciąganie w funkcji parametrów materiałowych i budowy kompozytu. Określono eksperymentalnie poudarową wytrzymałość na ściskanie kompozytów zbrojonych ciągłym włóknem szklanym w osnowie żywicy epoksydowej napełnianej mikrokulkami szklanymi w celu obniżenia skłonności do powstawania dużych zniszczeń przy udarze o niskiej energii. Wyniki eksperymentalnie...
Chemistry induced by low-energy electrons in condensed multilayers of pure small organic acids
PublicationPrzedstawiono reakcje indukowane przez niskoenergetyczne elektrony (0.7 - 20 eV) w kondensowanych warstwach kwasu mrówkowego (HCOOH), częściowo deuterowanego kwasu octowego (CH3COOD) oraz kwasu trifluorooctowego (CF3COOD).
Low-energy electron scattering from molecular hydrogen: Excitation of the X1Σg+ to b3Σu+ transition
PublicationWe present time-of-flight differential cross-section measurements and convergent close-coupling calculations of differential cross sections for the electron-impact excitation of the X 1 g + → b 3 u + transition in molecular hydrogen. A part of this work was recently published [M. Zawadzki et al., Phys. Rev. A 97, 050702(R) (2018)]. In this work, agreement between theory and experiment is excellent overall, and marks a transition...
Technical and economic analysis of energy storage in the compressed air technology with low capacity for the production plant
PublicationCompressed air energy storage (CAES) system is a promising technology due to its numerous advantages, including relatively low maintenance cost, a long lifespan and high operational flexibility. This article explores the possibility of designing a CAES power plant as a source of electricity and heat for an existing industrial plant. The study involves the technical analysis of the power plant parameters and the economic analysis...
A Set of Low-power Microcontroller-based Modules Used for Testing of Small Energy Measurement Methods
PublicationEstimation of energy consumption of low-power devices is not widely discussed in the scientific literature, but this topic is getting more and more popular. Evaluation process of newly developed methods and instrumentation requires carefull treatment. In order to fulfill this niche, the set of micro-power microcontroller based devices was proposed. The devices represent typical energy consuption profiles and allow experimental verification...
A universal NDT method for examination of low energy impact damage in CFRP with the use of TLC film
PublicationThe article presents an attempt to use a sheet of laminated thermochromic liquid crystal film (TLC film) for non-destructive testing of the impact damage (energy values: 1J, 2J, 3J and 4J) in carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP). This is a new, alternative NDT approach based on the thermo-optical effect. The main advantages of this method are a) the low cost of TLC film, b) the low cost of recording devices due to the usage of...
Total cross section for low-energy electron scattering from formic acid, (HCOOH), molecules
PublicationTotal cross section (TCS) for low-energy electron scattering from formic acid molecules has been measured using electrostatic electron spectrometer working in linear transmission mode. Two local maxima centered around 1.7 eV and 7.8 eV have been observed and associated with resonant scattering processes.
Methodology for determining the elemental composition, as well as energy and ignition properties of the low-sulfur marine fuels
PublicationThe key metrological issue of substance and energy balance in research engines is the precise determination of the elemental composition of the applied fuel and its net calorific value. This makes it possible to calculate the amount of heat brought with the fuel into the combustion chamber, as well as the amount and gas composition of the exhaust. However, to fully assess the energy quality of the fuel used, its ignition properties...
A semiempirical model for low energy electron–atom transport cross sections: The case of noble gases
PublicationA semiempirical approach to describe low energy electron–atom transport cross sections of easy implementation and reproduction is presented. The heart of the model is an energy independent two-parameter potential that was adjusted to reproduce the accurate total cross sections for He, Ne, Ar and Kr, measured with a threshold photoelectron source technique from meV up to 20 eV. Once the potential was conceived, the model was validated...
A non-adiabatic wavepacket dynamical study of the low energy chargetransfer process in the S3+ + H collision
PublicationThe collisional system S3+ + H?S2+ + H+ has been studied using a time-dependent wavepacket methodologyin two-dimensions. Using available potential energy surfaces and coupling matrix elementsobtained from multireference ab initio calculations, five non-adiabatically coupled electronic states of1P symmetry have been included in the dynamical simulations. The collision has been studied in thelow energy regime of 1-10 eV. The wavepacket...
Charge Transfer, Complexes Formation and Furan Fragmentation Induced by Collisions with Low-Energy Helium Cations
PublicationThe present work focuses on unraveling the collisional processes leading to the fragmentation of the gas-phase furan molecules under the He+ and He2+ cations impact in the energy range 5–2000 eV. The presence of different mechanisms was identified by the analysis of the optical fragmentation spectra measured using the collision-induced emission spectroscopy (CIES) in conjunction with the ab initio calculations. The measurements of...
Dissociative Low-Energy Electron Attachment to the C–S Bond of H3CSCH3 Influenced by Coulomb Stabilization
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Tailoring a low-energy ball milled MnCo2O4 spinel catalyst to boost oxygen evolution reaction performance
PublicationThe development of cost-efficient oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysts is one of the most important tasks facing modern techniques for hydrogen production. In this work, for the first time, a low-energy ball milling process of MnCo2O4 (MCO) spinel powders, with a mechanical modification time exceeding 1 day was used. After 6 days of ball-milling, the obtained overpotential of the electrocatalyst reached the value of 375 mV...
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase pyrimidine: A quantum treatment of the dynamics and a comparison with experiments
PublicationWe are reporting detailed quantum scattering calculations that describe the diffusion of a beam of low-energy positrons interacting with the pyrimidine target as a gas-phase partner. The calculations have employed an essentially ab initio model for the short-range correlation interaction and for the electrostatic interaction of an impinging positron and the electron+nuclear structure of the target molecule at its equilibrium geometry.
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase tetrahydrofuran: A quantum treatment of the dynamics and a comparison with experiments
PublicationIn this paper we report new quantum calculations of the dynamics for low-energy positrons interacting with gaseous molecules of tetrahydrofuran. The new quantum scattering cross sections are differential and integral cross sections at collision energies between 1.0 and 25.0 eV and include a careful treatment of the additional effects on the scattering process brought about by the permanent dipole moment of the target molecule....
Operation of a ground thermal energy storage supplied by different sources in a low-temperature district heating network
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Dia- and paramagnetic contributions to magnetizabilities of relativistic hydrogenlike atoms in some low-lying discrete energy eigenstates
PublicationIn this paper we present tabulated data for relative diamagnetic and paramagentic contributions to the magnetizability ($\chi$) of the relativistic hydrogenlike atoms with a pointlike, motionless and spinless nucleus of charge $Ze$. Utilizing general analytical formulas for the diamagnetic ($\chi_{d}$) and paramagnetic ($\chi_{p}$) components of $\chi$, recently derived by us [P. Stefa{\'n}ska, 2020] with the aid of the Gordon...
The basis set, scattering wavefunction and Schwinger variational principle: an application for low energy positron-atom scattering
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Low-energy (0.1 eV) electron attachment S?S bond cleavage assisted by Coulomb stabilization
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O 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2molecule studied via detection of low-energy fluorescence emission
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Analysis of the selection of low-temperature medium for a turbine power plant using ocean thermal energy (OTEC)
PublicationThe paper presents the results and conclusions of numerical calculations modelled in the EES program of a closed OTEC cycle. The following mediums were analysed: ammonia, R32, R41, R404a, R407c, R410a, R423a, R500, R502, R507a and R114, R152a, R234fa, R600, R1234yf, R1234ze. Analogous assumptions were adopted as in the ORC cycle with heat regeneration for dry refrigerants without regeneration for wet refrigerants. Each of them...
Analysis of the selection of low temperature medium for a turbine power plant using ocean thermal energy (OTEC)
PublicationThe paper presents the results and conclusions of numerical calculations modelled in the EES program of a closed OTEC cycle. The following mediums were analysed: ammonia, R32, R41, R404a, R407c, R410a, R423a, R500, R502, R507a and R114, R152a, R234fa, R600, R1234yf, R1234ze. Analogous assumptions were adopted as in the ORC cycle with heat regeneration for dry refrigerants without regeneration for wet refrigerants. Each of them...
H2O˙+ and OH+ reactivity versus furan: experimental low energy absolute cross sections for modeling radiation damage
PublicationRadiotherapy is one of the most widespread and efficient strategies to fight malignant tumors. Despite its broad application, the mechanisms of radiation-DNA interaction are still under investigation. Theoretical models to predict the effects of a particular delivered dose are still in their infancy due to the difficulty of simulating a real cell environment, as well as the inclusion of a large variety of secondary processes. This...
Practical Trial for Low-Energy Effective Jamming on Private Networks With 5G-NR and NB-IoT Radio Interfaces
PublicationFourth-generation (4G) mobile networks are successively replaced by fifth-generation (5G) ones, based on the new releases of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard. 5G generation is dedicated to civilian users and the conducted analytical work shows that it has numerous technological gaps that prevent its direct implementation in military communications systems. However, the recent armed world conflicts showed that...
Age Prediction from Low Resolution, Dual-Energy X-ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationAge prediction from X-rays is an interesting research topic important for clinical applications such as biological maturity assessment. It is also useful in many other practical applications, including sports or forensic investigations for age verification purposes. Research on these issues is usually carried out using high-resolution X-ray scans of parts of the body, such as images of the hands or images of the chest. In this...
Hydroperoxyl radical and formic acid formation from common DNA stabilizers upon low energy electron attachment
Publication2-Amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (TRIS) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) are key components of biological buffers and are frequently used as DNA stabilizers in irradiation studies. Such surface or liquid phase studies are done with the aim to understand the fundamental mechanisms of DNA radiation damage and to improve cancer radiotherapy. When ionizing radiation is used, abundant secondary electrons are formed...
Large-Scale and Low-Cost Motivation of Nitrogen-Doped Commercial Activated Carbon for High-Energy-Density Supercapacitor
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Nuclear magnetic shielding constants of Dirac one-electron atoms in some low-lying discrete energy eigenstates
PublicationWe present tabulated data for the nuclear magnetic shielding constants (σ) of the Dirac one-electron atoms with a pointlike, motionless and spinless nucleus of charge Ze. Utilizing the exact general analytical formula for σ derived by us (Stefańska, 2016) valid for an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate, we have computed the numerical values of the magnetic shielding factors for the ground state and for the first and the second...
Reactivity induced at 25 K by low-energy electron irradiation of condensed NH3-CH3COOD (1:1) mixture
PublicationW wyniku bombardowania niskoenergetycznymi elektronami skondensowanej mieszaniny kwasu octowego (CH3COOD) i amoniaku (NH3) następuje synteza najprostszego aminokwasu - glicyny - bez potrzeby dodatkowej aktywacji termicznej. Filmy molekularne przed i po bombardowaniu elektronami były badane techniką HREELS.
Polarization effects, shape resonances and bound states in low energy positron elastic scattering by Zinc and Cadmium vapours
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Differential cross sections for low-energy elastic electron scattering from tetrahydrofuran in the angular range 20°-180°
PublicationWartości absolutne różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych na rozproszenie sprężyste elektronów o energii 6-20eV na cząsteczce tetrahydrofuranu w zakresie kątów 20°-180°. W pomiarach wykorzystano technikę lokalnego pola magnetycznego. Wyznaczono także całkowity przekrój czynny na rozproszenie sprężyste oraz przekrój czynny na przekazanie pędu poprzez scałkowanie zmierzonych różniczkowych przekrojów czynnych dla wybranych energii.
O 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule studied via detection of low-energy fluorescence emission
PublicationOxygen 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule have been studied with dispersed and non-dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon-photoion coincidence technique. The intensity of the neutral O emission line at 845 nm shows particular sensitivity to core-to-Rydberg excitations and core-valence double excitations, while shape resonances are suppressed. In contrast,...
Potential energy surfaces of the low-lying electronic states of the Li+LiCs system
Open Research DataThis data presents potential energy surfaces of Li atom interacting with LiCs dimer for the ground and first excited state. They were calculated using effective core potentials and MRCI method and include relativistic effects. The interatomic distance in the dimer is kept constant and equal to experimental value of 6.931704423 bohrs (3.6681 A). Energy...
Low energy inelastic electron scattering from carbon monoxide: I. excitation of the a3Π, a’3Σ+ and AΠ1 electronic states.
PublicationDifferential scattering cross sections for electron excitation of the three lowest excited electron states of carbon monoxide are obtained experimentally using low-energy electron energy-loss spectroscopy and theoretically using the R-matrix method. The incident electron energies range from near-threshold of 6.3 eV to 20 eV. Experimental scattering angles range from 20◦ to 120◦. The normalization of the experimental cross sections...
Magnetic-dipole-to-electric-quadrupole cross-susceptibilities for relativistic hydrogenlike atoms in some low-lying discrete energy eigenstates
PublicationIn this paper we present tabulated data for magnetic-dipole-to-electric-quadrupole cross-susceptibilities (χ_{M1→E2}) for Dirac one-electron atoms with a pointlike, spinless and motionless nucleus of charge Ze. Numerical values of this susceptibility for the hydrogen atom (Z = 1) and for hydrogenic ions with 2 \leqslant Z \leqslant 137 are computed from the general analytical formula, recently derived by us (Stefanska, 2016), valid...
Application of low-cost Gallium Arsenide light-emitting-diodes as kerma dosemeter and fluence monitor for high-energy neutrons
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Evaluation of the relative thermoluminescence efficiency of LiF:Mg,Ti and LiF:Mg,Cu,P TL detectors to low-energy heavy ions
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Experimental and theoretical study of a vertical tube in shell storage unit with biodegradable PCM for low temperature thermal energy storage applications
PublicationThis article presents the experimental investigations of the coconut oil-based TES module for HVAC applications in the ambient and-sub ambient temperature range. To properly study this problem modular experimental module and test loop were developed. Special attention has been paid to study the physical mechanism of the melting/solidification process for natural substance (coconut oil) which has perspectives to be used in thermal...