Search results for: Metals
The speciation of selected heavy metals in sewage sludge stabilized in reed basins
PublicationThe aim of the work was to determine influence of time on organic matter content, nutrients concentrations as well as speciation of selected heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu and Zn) in sewage sludge stabilized in reed basins during 7-15 years. The analyzed sewage sludge was collected from reed basins from four municipal WWTPs located in Denmark serving from 9 000 to 40 000 pe in Vallo, Rudkøbing, Nakskov and Helsinge. Sewage...
Application of bismuth film electrode for determination of heavy metals by stripping voltammetry
PublicationWhen Wang's research group introduced a new type of a working electrode: bismuth film plated electrode (BiFE), it has started attracting increasing attention in the field of electrochemical stripping analysis. These electrodes are shown to be very attractive alternative to common mercury-based electrodes, which are predominantly used in analysis of trace heavy metals.For the determination of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu) used square...
Studies on the separation of some transition metals using trialkylimidazole as selective extractant
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Diversity of microorganisms from forest soils differently polluted with heavy metals
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Changes of heavy metals concentrations in the profile of sewage slugde in reed beds
PublicationW Polsce pojawiły się jedynie pilotowe obiekty trzcinowe unieszkodliwiające osady ściekowe. Natomiast w Danii są one eksploatowane w pełnej skali w dużych oczyszczalniach ścieków. Materiał badawczy pobrano z czterech duńskich obiektów o długim czasie eksploatacji wynoszącym od 7 do 15 lat. Obiekty te zlokalizowane były na terenie oczyszczalni: Rudkobing, Vallo, Naskov i Helsinge koło Kopenhagi obsługujących od 9 000 do 40 000 mieszkańców....
Biosorption of toxic metals using freely suspended Microcystis aeruginosa biomass
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PublicationCathodes for solid oxide fuel cells prepared by the infiltration method at 600 °C are presented. The infiltration method allows to produce stable, nanostructured electrodes. Cathodes were prepared using gold, platinum, La2NiO4+δ (L2N) and La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 δ (LSCF). Symmetrical cathode/electrolyte/cathode samples were prepared and examined with SEM microscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Despite successful deposition...
Triggering antibacterial activity of a common plant by biosorption of selected heavy metals
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Corrosion monitoring of selected metals in artificial seawater by harmonic synthesis method
PublicationPrzedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne nowej metody elektrochemicznej nazwanej metodą syntezy harmonicznej (SH). Metoda jest oparta na pomiarach pierwszych trzech składowych harmonicznych prądu generowanego przez korodującą elektrodę po pobudzeniu sinusoidalnym sygnałem napięciowym bardzo niskiej częstotliwości. Na tej podstawie rekonstruowana jest dyskretna quasi-stacjonarna charakterystyka polaryzacyjna elektrody. Jej analiza numeryczna...
Superconductivity in a breathing kagome metals ROs2 (R = Sc, Y, Lu)
PublicationWe have successfully synthesized three osmium-based hexagonal Laves compounds ROs2 (R = Sc, Y, Lu), and discussed their physical properties. LeBail refinement of pXRD data confirms that all compounds crystallize in the hexagonal centrosymmetric MgZn2- type structure (P63/mmc, No. 194). The refined lattice parameters are a = b = 5.1791(1) Å and c = 8.4841(2) Å for ScOs2, a = b = 5.2571(3) Å and c = 8.6613(2) Å for LuOs2 and a =...
Removal and retention of selected heavy metals in components of a hybrid wetland system
PublicationProwadzone badania z określeniem możliwosci retencjonowania metali ciężkichw systemie hybrydowej oczyszczalni hydrofitowej. Wykazano, że znaczna rete- ncja tych pierwiastków następowała w wyniku sorpcji. Przeprowadzona ekstra- kcyjna analiza sekwencyjna wykazała, że Pb2+ i Cu2+ zostały zakumulowane w połączeniach trwałych i nie powinny ulegać wymywaniu z oczyszczalni. Nato- miast Cd2+ wskutek sorpcji we frakcjach labilnych może...
Reductive cleavage of the halogen-phosphorus and sulfur-phosphorus bonds with alkali metals
PublicationBadano redukcję chlorków kwasów tiofosforowych za pomocą: sodu lub potasu w ciekłym amoniaku i za pomocą antracenidku oraz naftalenidku potasu. Związki te ulegają, co wykazano, szybkiej redukcji do anionów >P-S- a te mogą być efektywnie utleniane siarką elementarną w ciekłym amoniaku.
Accumulation and fate of selected heavy metals in biological wastewater treatment system
PublicationBadano akumulację oraz stopień usuwania metali ciężkich (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) w systemie biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków. Porównano zawartość wybranych metali w ściekach surowych i oczyszczonych, a także ich stężenie w osadzie czynnym przed i po beztlenowej stabilizacji.
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Journal of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
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Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces
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Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals
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Determination of Metals Content in Wine Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
PublicationKnowledge about the metal content of wine is very important, for many reasons. Depending on the element, its quantity varies in wine from ng/L to mg/L. Despite the fact that metals are not directly connected to the taste and aroma of the wine, their content should be determined and controlled, because excess is undesirable, and in some cases prohibited, due to potential toxicity. Several analytical procedures for metal determination...
Determination of metals in water samples by atomic absorption spectrometry and flame emission spectrometry
PublicationMetal species in environmental waters are relevant to characterize the metal toxicity, the mobility between different environmental compartments, and for remediation purposes in case of contamination. The concentration of many trace metals in natural water samples are generally at µg/l level. The paper describes determination of metals in water samples based on flame atomic emission and flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
Coastal cliff erosion as a source of toxic, essential and nonessential metals in the marine environment
PublicationDue to the rising environmental awareness, emissions and releases of pollutants, including metals, have been considerably reduced in the last decades. Therefore, the remobiliza-tion of natural and anthropogenic contaminants is gaining importance in their biogeochemical cycle. In the marine coastal zone, this process occurs during the erosion of a shore, especially the most vulnerable cliffs. The research was conducted in the...
Speciation of heavy metals in wastewater and rejected waters from multistage bioreactors (MUCT)
PublicationThe objective of the study is to investigate the occurrence and availability of selected heavy metals after subsequent stages of treatment in WWTP with activated sludge (enhanced biological N and P removal). To achieved the target it was necessary to recognize the allocation of selected heavy metals between aqueous and solid phase in wastewater and reject waters. Application of sequential extraction of such metals as Cd Zn, Pb,...
Arctic catchment as a sensitive indicator of the environmental changes: distribution and migration of metals (Svalbard)
PublicationArctic regions experience metal pollution, despite their remote location, and the distribution and migration of those metals determine their potential impact on the local environment. Here, a High-Arctic catchment (Revelva, Svalbard) located remotely from human-induced pollution sources is studied with respect to the distribution and migration of chosen trace elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Cs, Mo, Ni, Pb,...
MXene-based materials for removal of antibiotics and heavy metals from wastewater– a review
PublicationAs a novel family of 2D materials, MXenes provide an extensive variety of applications in water and effluent treatment due to their distinctive properties and attractive applicability, including superior electrical conductivity, higher thermal stability, hydrophilicity, and high sorption-reduction capacity. Their excellent sorption selectivity makes them perfect for removing hazardous contaminants. Currently, MXene-based materials...
Distribution and concentration of heavy metals in ash during thermal process sewage sludge
PublicationKażdego roku na świecie, obserwuje się znaczący wzrost produkcji osadów ściekowych. Przykładowo w 2006 roku, w Polsce ich ilość osiągnęła 1 mln ton w przeliczeniu na sucha masę, w tym ok. połowa pochodziła z oczyszczalni komunalnych. Problem ich zagospodarowania stanowi przedmiot zainteresowania wielu instytucji zajmujących się ochroną środowiska, zarówno w Polsce, jak i na całym świecie. Ich dotychczasowe wykorzystania polegało...
Design of a most efficient fuel cell using noble metals and composite materials.
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Selected Metals in Urban Road Dust: Upper and Lower Silesia Case Study
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The application of acetylacetone for the separation of heavy metals in roadside soil belts by extraction methods
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Heavy Metals in Waters and Sediments of Rivers Affected by Brown Coal Mine Waters
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Detoxification of parabens using UV-A enhanced by noble metals—TiO2 supported catalysts
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16S rDNA Pyrosequencing Analysis of Bacterial Community in Heavy Metals Polluted Soils
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XRF analysis of heavy metals contents in oak wood (Quercur robur L.)
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Improvements to the two-phase sandwich method for calculating the melting points of pure metals
PublicationThe thermophysical properties of metal alloys are often investigated via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.An exact and reliable estimation of the thermophysical parameters from the MD data requires a properly and carefullyelaborated methodology. In this paper, an improved two-phase sandwich method for the determination of the metal meltingtemperature is proposed, based on the solid-liquid equilibrium theory. The new method was...
Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination with Heavy Metals from Municipal Sewage Sludge
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Spectral criterion for high-cycle fatigue of metals under multiaxial random loading
PublicationPrzedstawiono kryterium projektowe elementów z metali ciągliwych, poddanych w zakresie wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej wysokocyklowej wieloosiowemu naprężeniu o zerowej wartości średniej. Jest ono oparte na równaniu krzywej Whleradla symetrycznego rozciągania-ściskania i gęstościach widmowych mocy składowych naprężenia. W tym celu wyznaczono równoważne naprężenie w dziedzinie częstości przy założeniu, że składowe rzeczywistego naprężenia...
Retention of selected heavy metals: Cd, Cu, Pb in a hybrid wetland system
PublicationWykonano bilans wybranych metali ciężkich Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2+ dla pilotowej oczyszczalni hydrofitowej w Przywidzu k. Gdańska. Wykazano m.i. że sorpcja była głównym mechanizmem odpowiedzialnym za usuwanie tych pierwiastków ze ścieków.
Heavy metals partition between leachate and soilds the course of municipal sewage treatment.
PublicationAnalizowano zawarotści metali ciężkich w cieczy nadosadowej i zawiesinie w ściekach oraz osadach ściekowych po stabilizacji oraz odwadnianiu.Badania prowadzono w miejskiej oczyszczalni ścieków ''Wschód'' w Gdańsku.
Combining tight-binding and molecular dynamics methods to model the behaviour of metals in the plastic regime
PublicationOpisujemy zastosowanie metody dwuskalowej (kwantowo-klasycznej) w zastosowaniu do metali. Region energetycznie najważniejszy jest traktowany kwantowo, podczas gdy reszta układu jest traktowana klasycznie. Wprowadzamy własną implementację metody oraz przedstawiamy uzyskane wyniki dla metali.
Bioaccumulation of metals in tissues of marine animals, Part II - metal concentrations in animal tissues
PublicationThe bioaccumulation of metals in an animal depends on a multitude of factors: biotic ones, like its body dimensions and mass, age, sex, diet, metabolism and position in the trophic web, as well as abiotic ones such as the distribution of metals in its environment, the salinity, temperature and pH of the water, habitat type, interactions with other metals. But it is diet that has the greatest influence on the accumulation of metals...
Distribution and removal efficiency of heavy metals in two constructed wetlands treating landfill leachate
PublicationThe results of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb, Cd) removal and partitioning between aqueous and solid phases at two wetlands (TWs) treating municipal landfill leachates are presented. One of the TWs is a surface flow facility consisting of 10 ponds. The other TW is a newly constructed pilot-scale facility consisting of three beds with alternately vertical and horizontal sub-surface flow. The metals concentrations were...
Anthropogenic trace metals in Setiu Wetland: Spatial and seasonal distribution and implications for environmental health
PublicationThe growing urban wastewater volume poses a major global environmental challenge, especially in developing nations where inadequate treatment and discharge impact clean water availability. This study focused on Setiu Wetland, aiming to analyze seasonal and spatial variations of trace metals in particulate form from anthropogenic and pathogenic sources. Surface water samples were collected from multiple stations, measuring physical...
Ongoing progress on novel nanocomposite membranes for the separation of heavy metals from contaminated water
PublicationMembranes, as the primary separation element of membrane-based processes, have greatly attracted the attention of researchers in several water treatment applications, including wastewater treatment, water purification, water disinfection, toxic and non-toxic chemical molecules, heavy metals, among others. Today, the removal of heavy metals from water has become challenging, in which chemical engineers are approaching new materials...
Review of cigars and cigar-type products as potential sources of consumer exposure to heavy metals
PublicationThe popularity of cigars, growing since 1993, has not gone hand in hand with the increased interest of researchers in these products. Although the literature widely describes the harmfulness of tobacco and the content of toxic substances in tobacco products, the topic is often treated selectively as relating primarily to cigarettes and rarely extends to other products of the broadly defined tobacco industry. However, there is no...
The role of noble metals in TiO2 nanotubes for the abatement of parabens by photocatalysis, catalytic and photocatalytic ozonation
PublicationThe role of modified TiO2 nanotubes (TNTs) with noble metals was studied for photocatalysis, catalytic and photocatalytic ozonation of a paraben’s mixture. The TNTs were obtained by anodization and were modified by photodeposition with 0.25 mol% of Au, Pt or Pd. Results showed that solar photocatalysis led to higher degradation than UVA radiation, and under UVA radiation, the use of 3 Pt-TNTs (3 TNTs plates modified with Pt) and...
Change in Heavy Metals Concentrations in Sediments Deposited in Retention Tanks in a Stream after a Flood
PublicationOur paper presents the results of heavy metal (HM) (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) content in bottom sediments from retention tanks along Oliwa Stream in Gdańsk, Poland, before a flood (BF) and after a flood (AF) 14-15 July 2016. The flood had a huge impact on the quality of bottom sediments and their displacement. The concentrations of HM differed significantly for research series conducted 3 months BF and 8 months AF. The concentration of Cu...
Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas - A review
PublicationWaste generated due to mining activity poses a serious issue due to the large amounts generated, even up to 65 billion tons per year, and is often associated with the risk posed by its storage and environmental management. This work aims to review waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, coal, oil and natural gas. It includes an analysis and discussion on the possibilities for reuse of certain types of wastes generated...
Heavy Metals in Sediments of Urban Streams: Contamination and Health Risk Assessment of Influencing Factors
PublicationSediments of two urban streams in northern Poland outflowing to the Baltic Sea were assessed to explain the spatial variation in relation to urbanization level of the catchment, the role of retention tanks (RTs) and identification of pollution level. During the 3 month period of investigation sediment samples were collected from the inflow (IN) and outflow (OUT) of six RTs located on streams for flood protection. Six heavy metals...
Land development and forms of heavy metals occurrence (zn, cd, pb) in polish rivers
PublicationEkosystemy rzeczne podlegają intensywnej antropopresji. Metale ciężkie występujące w glebie i osadach dennych w różnych formach specjacyjnych mają istotny wpływ na wtórne zanieczyszczenie wody ze względu na takie procesy jak migracja, akumulacja i biowzbogacanie.Przedmiotem badań były próbki gleby, osadów dennych oraz wody pobrane z różnych rzek z południowej części województwa świętokrzyskiego. W trakcie badań próbek wykorzystano...
Impact of chitosan/noble metals-based coatings on the plasmochemically activated surface of NiTi alloy
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Current and future emissions of selected heavy metals to the atmosphere from anthropogenic cources in Europe