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Search results for: Molecular dynamics simulations
Structure of liquid gold from tight-binding driven molecular-dynamics
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki symulacji ciekłego złota w nadkomórce periodycznej przy użyciu stworzonego przez autorów programu komputerowego, za pomocą połączonych metod dynamiki molekularnej (MD) i ciasnego wiązania (TB). Omówiono strukturę tak symulowanej cieczy, porównując ją z dostępnymi danymi doświadczalnymi oraz wynikami innych symulacji, pod kątem radialnej i kątowej funkcji rozkładu i elektronowej gęstości stanów.A tight-binding...
Towards temperature-dependent coarse-grained potentials of side-chain interactions for protein folding simulations. I: Molecular dynamics study of a pair of methane molecules in water at various temperatures
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Albumin–Hyaluronan Interactions: Influence of Ionic Composition Probed by Molecular Dynamics
PublicationThe lubrication mechanism in synovial fluid and joints is not yet fully understood. Nevertheless, intermolecular interactions between various neutral and ionic species including large macromolecular systems and simple inorganic ions are the key to understanding the excellent lubrication performance. An important tool for characterizing the intermolecular forces and their structural consequences is molecular dynamics. Albumin...
Effect of Nanohydroxyapatite on Silk Fibroin–Chitosan Interactions—Molecular Dynamics Study
PublicationFibroin–chitosan composites, especially those containing nanohydroxyapatite, show potential for bone tissue regeneration. The physicochemical properties of these biocomposites depend on the compatibility between their components. In this study, the intermolecular interactions of fibroin and chitosan were analyzed using a molecular dynamics approach. Two types of systems were investigated: one containing acetic acid and the other...
Interactions of amphotericin B derivatives with lipid membranes - a molecular dynamics study
PublicationW pracy analizowano oddziaływanie dwóch nisko-toksycznych pochodnych amfoterycyny B (związki SAmE i PAmE) z modelami błon lipidowych. Badania wykonane zostały za pomocą dynamiki molekularnej. Modele błon oprócz fosfolipidów DMPC zawierały odpowiednio cholesterol (model błony zwierzęcej) lub ertosterol (model błony grzybowej). Analiza wyników wykazała, że obie pochodne amfoterycyny B zachowują się inaczej w błonie cholesterolowej...
Theory and Practice of Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics of Biologically Important Systems
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Simulation of the Opening and Closing of Hsp70 Chaperones by Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics
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Structure and Molecular Dynamics in Renewable Polyamides from Dideoxy-Diamino Isohexide
PublicationThe chemical structure, the conformation, andthe flexibility of the polymer chain fragments present in thepolyamides synthesized from 2,5-diamino-2,5-dideoxy-1,4;3,6-dianhydrosorbitol, 1,4-diaminobutane, and either sebacic orbrassylic acid have been studied by liquid-state 2D NMRspectroscopy viz. correlation spectra (COSY) and heteronuclearmultiple-bond correlation spectra (gHMBC), by 13Ccross-polarization/magic-angle spinning...
The structure of Pb-PbO-SiO2 glass via molecular dynamics simulation
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest badaniom struktury blisko i średniozasięgowej częściowo zredukowanego szkła ołowiowo-krzemianowego o stechiometrii 1Pb1PbO1SiO2 uzyskanego na drodze symulacji dynamiczno-molekularnych. Otrzymane rezultaty porównamy z danymi otrzymanymi dla szkła niemodyfikowanego (2PbO1SiO2) i całkowicie zredukowanego (2Pb1SiO2).
Interaction of amphotericin B with phospholipids in the model membrane - molecular dynamics study.
PublicationAmfoterycyna B jest antybiotykiem używanym w leczeniu układowych infekcji grzybowych. Jej mechanizm działania polega na tworzeniu kanałów wewnątrz błon lipidowych. W przedstawianej pracy publikowane są wyniki symulacji przeprowadzonej dynamiką molekularną monomerycznej i dimerycznej formy antybiotyku wewnątrz błony lipidowej zbudowanej z cząsteczek DMPC. Wyniki te wskazują, że powinowactwo cząsteczek amfoterycyny wewnątrz dimeru...
The structure of porous and spontaneously densified amorphous PbSiO3: a Molecular Dynamics study.
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano nową metodę numerycznego otrzymywania strukturporowatych metodą dynamiki molekularnej. Metoda polega na rozpoczęciu symulacji z ładunkami ekranowanymi i stopniowym zwiększaniu ich do pełnych ładunków jonowych. Metodę zastosowano do układu PbSiO3.
Molecular Dynamics Study of the Internal Water Molecules in Vasopressin and Oxytocin Receptors
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A Molecular dynamics study of the influence of chemical reduction on the structure of amorphous germania
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest badaniom struktury blisko- i średniozasięgowej redukowanego amorficznego tlenku germanu o składzie 1Ge 1GeO2 za pomocą symulacji dynamiczno-molekularnych. Symulacje MD realizowano w zespole mikrokanonicznym (NVE), z wykorzystaniem dwuciałowego potencjału oddziaływania miedzyatomowego Borna-Mayera-Hugginsa. Wyraźnie widoczna tendencja do aglomeracji neutralnych atomów Ge została porównana z tendencją do aglomeracji...
Molecular dynamics and verisimilitude - to what extent can one trust a computational simulation?
PublicationFor the last several tens of years, computer simulations have become of undeniable importance. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation techniques are used to examine the phenomena which occur at the level that cannot be observed directly. Thus, they can be successfully exploited in many different scientific fields such as: materials science, applied mathematics and theoretical physics, biochemistry, biophysics or drug design. Despite...
Explicit solvent repulsive scaling replica exchange molecular dynamics ( RS‐REMD ) in molecular modeling of protein‐glycosaminoglycan complexes
PublicationGlycosaminoglcyans (GAGs), linear anionic periodic polysaccharides, are crucial for many biologically relevant functions in the extracellular matrix. By interacting with proteins GAGs mediate processes such as cancer development, cell proliferation and the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Despite this eminent importance of GAGs, they still represent a limited focus for the computational community in comparison to other classes...
Applying molecular dynamics simulation to take the fracture fingerprint of polycrystalline SiC nanosheets
PublicationGraphene-like nanosheets are the key elements of advanced materials and systems. The mechanical behavior of the structurally perfect 2D nanostructures is well documented, but that of polycrystalline ones is less understood. Herein, we applied molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) to take the fracture fingerprint of polycrystalline SiC nanosheets (PSiCNS), where monocrystalline SiC nanosheets (MSiCNS) was the reference nanosheet....
Study of the Interactions between Neurophysin II and Dipeptide Ligand by Means of Molecular Dynamics
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Molecular dynamics study of the influence of calcium ions on the conformation of gelsolin S2 domain
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Molecular dynamics study of amyloid formation of two Abl-SH3 domain peptides
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Investigation of Protein Folding by Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics with the UNRES Force Field
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Molecular Dynamics study of short and medium range order in modified BGO glasses.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyniki symulacji dynamiczno-molekularnychniemodyfikowanych i modyfikowanych szkieł BGO o różnych stechiometriach. Otrzymane wyniki dokładnie przedyskutowano pod kątem blisko- i średnio-zasięgowego uporządkowania atomów i porównano z innymi dostępnymi danymi literaturowymi.
Molecular Dynamics of Complexes of Atosiban with Neurohypophyseal Receptors in the Fully Hydrated Phospholipid Bilayer
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Solvation of N-methylformamide by ethanol: a comparison of molecular dynamics calculations with the experimental data
PublicationWykonano obliczenia metodami dynamiki molekularnej dla tytułowego układu. Rezultaty porównano z uzyskanymi wcześniej wynikami pomiarów termodynamicznych oraz wnioskami z nich wyciągniętymi.
Molecular dynamics study on the role of solvation water in the adsorption of hyperactive AFP to the ice surface
PublicationUsing computer simulations, the early stages of the adsorption of the CfAFP molecule to the ice surface were analyzed. We found that the ice and the protein interact at least as early as when the protein is about 1 nm away from the ice surface. These interactions are mediated by interfacial solvation water and are possible thanks to the structural ordering of the solvent. This ordering leads to positional preference of the protein...
Nanomechanical Properties of Metallic fcc Nanorods from Molecular Simulations with the Sutton-Chen Potential
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UNRES server for physics-based coarse-grained simulations and prediction of protein structure, dynamics and thermodynamics
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Collagen type II–hyaluronan interactions – the effect of proline hydroxylation: a molecular dynamics study
PublicationHyaluronan–collagen composites have been employed in numerous biomedical applications. Understanding the interactions between hyaluronan and collagen is particularly important in the context of joint cartilage function and the treatment of joint diseases. Many factors affect the affinity of collagen for hyaluronan. One of the important factors is the ratio of 3- or 4-hydroxy proline to proline residues. This article presents...
Effect of Chitosan Deacetylation on Its Affinity to Type III Collagen: A Molecular Dynamics Study
PublicationThe ability to form strong intermolecular interactions by linear glucosamine polysaccharides with collagen is strictly related to their nonlinear dynamic behavior and hence bio-lubricating features. Type III collagen plays a crucial role in tissue regeneration, and its presence in the articular cartilage affects its bio-technical features. In this study, the molecular dynamics methodology was applied to evaluate the effect of...
Influence of a lipid bilayer on the conformational behavior of amphotericin B derivatives - A molecular dynamics study.
PublicationAmphotericin B (AmB) is an effective but very toxic antifungal antibiotic. In our laboratory a series of AmB derivatives of improved selectivity of action was synthesized and tested. To understand molecular basis of this improvement, comparative conformational studies of amphotericin B and its two more selectivederivatives were carried out in an aqueous solution and in a lipid membrane. These molecular simulation studies revealed...
Furan Fragmentation in the Gas Phase: New Insights from Statistical and Molecular Dynamics Calculations
PublicationWe present a complete exploration of the different fragmentation mechanisms of furan (C4H4O) operating at low and high energies. Three different theoretical approaches are combined to determine the structure of all possible reaction intermediates, many of them not described in previous studies, and a large number of pathways involving three types of fundamental elementary mechanisms: isomerization, fragmentation, and H/H2 loss...
Combining tight-binding and molecular dynamics methods to model the behaviour of metals in the plastic regime
PublicationOpisujemy zastosowanie metody dwuskalowej (kwantowo-klasycznej) w zastosowaniu do metali. Region energetycznie najważniejszy jest traktowany kwantowo, podczas gdy reszta układu jest traktowana klasycznie. Wprowadzamy własną implementację metody oraz przedstawiamy uzyskane wyniki dla metali.
Triticale extrudates – Changes of macrostructure, mechanical properties and molecular water dynamics during hydration
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Formation of Protein Networks between Mucins: Molecular Dynamics Study Based on the Interaction Energy of the System
PublicationMolecular dynamics simulations have been performed for a model aqueous solution of mucin. As mucin is a central part of lubricin, a key component of synovial fluid, we investigate its ability to form cross-linked networks. Such network formation could be of major importance for the viscoelastic properties of the soft-matter system and crucial for understanding the lubrication mechanism in articular cartilage. Thus,the inter- and...
Molecular Dynamics to Predict Cryo-EM: Capturing Transitions and Short-Lived Conformational States of Biomolecules
PublicationSingle-particle cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has revolutionized the field of the structural biology, providing an access to the atomic resolution structures of large biomolecular complexes in their near-native environment. Today’s cryo-EM maps can frequently reach the atomic-level resolution, while often containing a range of resolutions, with conformationally variable regions obtained at 6 Å or worse. Low resolution...
Structural and dynamic changes adopted by EmrE, multidrug transporter protein—Studies by molecular dynamics simulation
PublicationEmrE protein transports positively charged aromatic drugs (xenobiotics) in exchange for two protons and thus provides bacteria resistance to variety of drugs. In order to understand how this protein may recognize ligands, the monomer and asymmetric apo-form of the EmrE dimer embedded in a heterogeneous phospholipid (POPE + POPG) membrane were studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Dimer is regarded as a functional form of the...
Chip suction system in circular sawing machine: empirical research and computational fluid dynamics numerical simulations
PublicationThe experimental analysis of the wood chip removing system during its redesigning in the existing sliding table circular saw and computational fluid dynamic (CFD) numerical simulations of the air flow process is presented in the paper. The attention was focused on the extraction hood and the bottom shelter of the actual existing system. The main aim was to perform experimental research on the pressure distribution inside the...
Identification of 1H‐indene‐(1, 3, 5, 6)‐tetrol derivatives as potent pancreatic lipase inhibitors using molecular docking and molecular dynamics approach
PublicationPancreatic lipase is a potential therapeutic target to treat diet-induced obesity in humans, as obesity-related diseases continue to be a global problem. Despite intensive research on finding potential inhibitors, very few compounds have been introduced to clinical studies. In this work, new chemical scaffold 1H-indene-(1,3,5,6)-tetrol was proposed using knowledge-based approach, and 36 inhibitors were derived by modifying its...
Molecular simulations study of ligand-release mechanism in an odorant-binding protein from the southern house mosquito
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Silica In Silico: A Molecular Dynamics Characterization of the Early Stages of Protein Embedding for Atom Probe Tomography
PublicationA novel procedure for the application of atom probe tomography (APT) to the structural analysis of biological systems, has been recently proposed, whereby the specimen is embedded by a silica matrix and ablated by a pulsed laser source. Such a technique, requires that the silica primer be properly inert and bio-compatible, keeping the native structural features of the system at hand, while condensing into an amorphous, glass-like...
Free volume in physical absorption of carbon dioxide in ionic liquids: Molecular dynamics supported modeling
PublicationUnderstanding the mechanisms underlying the carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption in ionic liquids (ILs) is the key to their efficient utilization in industrial flue gas treatment. One of the parameters considered substantially important in the process is the Free Volume. In this study, the Fractional Free Volume (FFV) of 73 ILs was calculated using Molecular Dynamics (MD). A quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) study...
Encapsulation of an anticancer drug Isatin inside a host nano-vehicle SWCNT: a molecular dynamics simulation
PublicationThe use of carbon nanotubes as anticancer drug delivery cargo systems is a promising modality as they are able to perforate cellular membranes and transport the carried therapeutic molecules into the cellular components. Our work describes the encapsulation process of a common anticancer drug, Isatin (1H-indole-2,3-dione) as a guest molecule, in a capped single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) host with chirality of (10,10). The...
Early stages of condensation from the gaseous phase in a H2O-N2 system: a molecular dynamics study.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki symulacji wczesnych etapów kondensacji z fazy gazowej w układzie xH2O (1-x)N2. Przeanalizowano całkowitą liczbę klastrów, średni rozmiar klastra i rozmiar klastra maksymalnego w funkcji czasu.
Molecular dynamics simulation and MM-PBSA analysis of Oxytricha nova TEBP ternary complex with ssDNA
PublicationPraca dotyczy badań metodami chemii obliczeniowej właściwości elektrostatycznych i termodynamicznych kompleksu telomerowego białka TEBP pochodzącego z organizmu Oxytricha z jednoniciowym telomerowym DNA (ssDNA).
Molecular dynamics simulation of human neurohypophyseal hormone receptors complexed with oxytocin—modeling of an activated state
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Docking simulations, Molecular properties and ADMET studies of novel Chromane6,7diol analogues as potential inhibitors of Mushroom tyrosinase
PublicationResearch on inhibition of tyrosinase enzyme has attained significant value, because tyrosinase inhibitors have potential applications in medicine, cosmetics (as whitening agents) and in agriculture (as bioinsecticides). Determination and elucidation of new tyrosinase inhibitors are not only beneficial for medical purposes, but their promising applications in improving food quality and nutritional...
Ocean mixed layer dynamics: high-resolution simulations of wind, wave and convective effects
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of high-resolution numerical simulations of the ocean mixed layer (OML) forced by wind, waves and cooling from the atmosphere, i.e., under strongly turbulent, convective conditions. The goal is to provide detailed, three-dimensional information about OML circulation, turbulent kinetic energy, and temperature and salinity...
Catalytic Mechanism of Non-Target DNA Cleavage in CRISPR-Cas9 Revealed by Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
PublicationCRISPR-Cas9 is a cutting-edge genome editing technology, which uses the endonuclease Cas9 to introduce mutations at desired sites of the genome. This revolutionary tool is promising to treat a myriad of human genetic diseases. Nevertheless, the molecular basis of DNA cleavage, which is a fundamental step for genome editing, has not been established. Here, quantum–classical molecular dynamics (MD) and free energy methods are used...
Conformational studies of [Nphe5]SFTI-1 by means of 2D NMR spectroscopy in conjunction with molecular dynamics calculations
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Molecular dynamics study of a gelsolin-derived peptide binding to a lipid bilayer containing phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate
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Structure determination of UL49.5 transmembrane protein from bovine herpesvirus 1 by NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics