Blended natural and synthetic coagulants for the COD and BOD removal from surface water; optimization by response surface methodology: The case of Gibe river
PublicationA novel wastewater treatment method is presented in this study. It combines natural coagulants derived from watermelon seeds with the commonly used synthetic coagulant alum. This research demonstrates a remarkable synergy between these two coagulants in removing nutrients from Gibe River wastewater. Combining natural and chemical coagulants often improves water treatment by enhancing particle destabilization, accelerating floc...
Natural deep eutectic solvent based ultrasound assisted liquid-liquid micro-extraction method for methyl violet dye determination in contaminated river water
PublicationSimple and green natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) based ultrasound assisted liquid-liquid micro-extraction (UA-LLME) method was developed for extraction and determination of methyl violet dye in contaminated river water samples using UV/Vis spectrophotometry. Choline chloride - decanoic acid based natural deep eutectic solvent was used for extraction. Important analytical parameters like pH, deep eutectic solvent volume/phase...
Molecular modelling of amphotericin B-ergosterol primary complex in water
PublicationBadano właściwości pierwotnego kompleksu amfoterycyny B z ergosterolem przy pomocy symulacji dynamiki molekularnej. Otrzymane w wyniku naszych symulacji rezultaty słabo odpowiadają postulowanym przez innych autorów modelom kompleksu antybiotyk-sterol. Z drugiej strony uzyskane geometrie nie są sprzeczne z wynikami eksperymentów biofizycznych dotyczących powstawania kompleksów w wodzie i w środowisku wodno-alkoholowym.
Influence of dissolved organic matter in natural and simulated water on the photochemical decomposition of butylparaben
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Chemometric estimation of natural water and sediment using toxicity tests and physicochemical parameters
PublicationOceny jakości wód dokonano na podstawie analizy chemometrycznej bazy danych monitoringowych, składającej się z wyników testów toksyczności i wyników badań parametrów fizykochemicznych. Badaniom poddano próbki wód powierzchniowych pobrane z Jeziora Turawskiego oraz próbki wód podziemnych pobranych z otworów badawczych wykonanych w jego dnie, jak i wokół niego. Zastosowano następujące metody chemometryczne: analizę wiązkową i analizę...
Modelling of concrete fracture at aggregate level using FEM and DEM based on X-ray uCT images of internal structure
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje problem pękania w zginanych belkach betonowych. Proces pękania był obserwowany przy zastosowaniu mikrotomografii . Zaobserwowany proces był symulowany numerycznie przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i metody elementów dyskretnych. Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy. Otrzymano dobrą zgodność wyników numerycznych z doświadczalnymi.
Predicting Thrust Loss of Ship Propellers Due to Ventilation and Out-of-Water Effect
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The calculation long-term physical field created by water flow around the ship
PublicationThe paper presents a description of the problems with fluid flow around a ship. Using the described solution of the problem were performed numerical calculations using the boundary element method. Were also presented preliminary results of the calculation of pressure fields at the bottom of the ship, taking into account the impact of the bottom.
The Efficiency of P-Removal from Natural Waters with Sorbents Placed in Water Permeable Nonwovens
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Numerical modelling of water transport processes in partially-connected tidal basins
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Theoretical modelling of efficient fire safety water networks by certified domination
PublicationThis paper explores a new way of designing water supply networks for fire safety using ideas from graph theory, focusing on a method called certified domination. Ensuring a good water supply is crucial for fire safety in communities, this study looks at the rules and problems in Poland for how much water is needed to fight fires in different areas and how this can be achieved at a lowest possible cost. We present a way to plan...
Modelling of heat transfer during flow condensation of natural refrigerants under conditions of increased saturation pressure
PublicationThe paper presents a modified in-house model for calculating heat transfer coefficients during flow condensation, which can be applied to a variety of working fluids, but natural refrigerants in particular, at full range thermodynamic parameters with a particular focus on increased saturation pressure. The modified model is based on a strong physical basis, namely the hypothesis of analogy between the heat transfer coefficient...
Influence of main design parameters of ship propeller shaft water-lubricated bearings on their properties
PublicationW artykule omówiono wpływ głównych parametrów konstrukcyjnych i eksploatacyjnych takich jak wielkość luzu łożyskowego, własności materiału panwi, stanu powierzchni skojarzenia ślizgowego oraz temperatury i zasolenia wody na nośność hydrodynamiczną łożyska okrętowego wału śrubowego smarowanego wodą.
Water-lubricated bearings of ship propeller shafts - problems, experimental tests and theoretical investigations
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problemy związane z projektowaniem, montażem i ekspolatcją smarowanych wodą łożysk okrętowych wałów głównych.Przedstawiono wyniki prowadzonych prac badawczych ekperymntalnych i obliczeń.
Natural and anthropogenic influences on ice formation on various water bodies of the Silesian Upland (southern Poland)
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Prediction of Ship Resonant Rolling - Related Dangerous Zones with Regard to the Equivalent Metacentric Height Governing Natural Frequency of Roll
PublicationPotentially dangerous zones corresponding to dynamical stability phenomena, possibly encountered by ships sailing in rough sea, are estimated nowadays with the use of the method recommended by IMO in the guidance coded MSC.1/Circ.1228. In this IMO method the parameter governing the natural period of roll is the initial metacentric height. Some earlier studies revealed that the initial metacentric height...
Impact of Climate Change on Water Sources and River‐Floodplain Mixing in the Natural Wetland Floodplain of Biebrza River
PublicationThe origins of river and floodplain waters (groundwater, rainfall, and snowmelt) and their extent during overbank flow events strongly impact ecological processes such as denitrification and vegetation development. However, the long-term sensitivity of floodplain water signatures to climate change remains elusive. We examined how the integrated hydrological model HydroGeoSphere and the Hydraulic Mixing-Cell method could help us...
Using water sources extent during inundation as a reliable predictor for vegetation zonation in a natural wetland floodplain
PublicationDistinctive zones of inundation water during floods were shown to originate from different sources in some major floodplains around the world. Recent research showed that the zonation of water in rivers and floodplains is related to vegetation patterns. In spite of this, water source zones were not used for vegetation modeling due to difficulties in their delineation. In this study, we used simulation results of a fully-coupled...
Phenolics occurrence in surface water of the Dniester river basin (West Ukraine): natural background and industrial pollution
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań poziomu fenoli w wodach rzecznych pochodzących ze zlewni Dniestru. Określono zarówno poziom tła naturalnego tych związków w wodzie rzecznej (na poziomie 0,012 mg/l) jak i poziom stężeń tych związków w części zlewni podlegającej antropopresji. Główne źródła emisji antropogenicznej są związane z przemysłem petrochemicznym. Poziom stężenia sumy fenoli w wodzie rzecznej na obszarach objętych wpływem...
Modelling water flow in unsaturated porous media: Accounting for nonlinear permeability and material heterogeneity
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problematykę matematycznego modelowania przepływów w nienasyconych ośrodkach porowatych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwóch aspektów. Pierwszym z nich jest obliczanie średniego współczynnika przewodności hydraulicznej między węzłami siatki w numerycznym rozwiązaniu równania przepływu nienasyconego. Drugim zagadnieniem jest wpływ lokalnej zmienności parametrów ośrodka porowatego (współczynnika przewodności...
Three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon derived from natural resources for highly efficient treatment of polluted water
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Removal of organic compounds from natural underground water in sorption and sono-sorption processes on selected activated carbons
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Jakub Montewka prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJakub Montewka is an associate professor at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland and visiting processor at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland and Wuhan University of Technology in China. Jakub is researching in the field of maritime traffic risk and safety. His primary interests lie in the risk assessment of maritime transportation, quantification of safety of maritime navigation, route optimization for ships in ice-covered...
Implicit versus explicit finite volume schemes for extreme, free surface water flow modelling.
PublicationPrzedstawiono jeden jawny i trzy niejawne schematy metody objętości skończonych. Porównano własności tych schematów oraz oceniono możliwości ich stosowania do modelowania gwałtownych przepływów w kanałach otwartych. Zaproponowano modyfikację schematu niejawnego. Poprawiony schemat może być stosowany do obliczeń przepływu szybkozmiennego w kanałach otwartych i w sieciach kanalizacyjnych.
Modelling the Kerf Angle, Roughness and Waviness of the Surface of Inconel 718 in an Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Process
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Interaction Between Storm Water Conduit Flow and Overland Flow for Numerical Modelling of Urban Area Inundation
PublicationNowadays we can observe increasing frequency of inundations in cities. This makes accurate predicting of inundations more important than ever. Numerical modeling of this issue requires complex approach with simultaneous calculations of pipe flow and surface flow. In this paper, after a short review of known methods used for solving pipe and surface flow, we will try to answer the question if presented methods would be sufficiently...
Modelling of Capillary Pressure-driven Water Flow in Unsaturated Concrete Using Coupled DEM/CFD Approach.
PublicationSformułowano nowatorskie, połączone podejście do modelowania dwufazowego przepływu wody napędzanego kapilarami w nienasyconym betonie. Dzięki połączeniu metody elementów dyskretnych (DEM) z obliczeniową dynamiką płynów (CFD) w warunkach izotermicznych proces został zbadany numerycznie w mezoskali w warunkach dwuwymiarowych. Niewielkie próbki betonu o uproszczonej mezostrukturze cząstek poddano w pełni sprzężonym hydromechanicznym...
Leszek Ziemczonek dr
PeopleUniversity education 1973-1978 – Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, University of Gdańsk in Gdańsk, Mathematical Physics, M. Sc. 1979 – Diploma of Postgraduate Studies, Pedagogics 1989 – Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Theoretical Physics, Ph. D. 2010-2012 – Diploma of Postgraduate Studies, Mathematics Training: · 09.1983 – Trieste (Italy) – International Centre for Theoretical Physics...
Modelling and experimental investigation of the phenomenon of brekdown of the liquid layer formed by an impinging two-phase air-water jet
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę teoretyczną i badania eksperymentalne badania zjawiska rozrywania warstwy cieczy powstałej z uderzającej strugi
Conformational studies of vasopressin and mesotocin using NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling methods. Part I: studies in water
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Filip Kutt dr inż.
PeopleFilip Kutt was born in Gdansk, Poland. He received the M.Sc., PhD, degrees in electrical engineering in 2007 and 2013, respectively, all from Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) Poland. He is with GUT since 2007, currently as an Assistant Professor. His main scientific and research interests cover a wide spectrum of mathematical modelling of electrical machines using analytical modelling and FEM-based computations.
Magdalena Gajewska prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMagdalena Gajewska (born June 1th 1968 in Gdańsk) in 1993 graduated Hydro-Engineering Faculty at Gdańsk University of Technology. At present she is an assistant professor in the Department of Water and Wastewater Technology at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering GUT. PhD (2001) and habilitation (2013) in the discipline of environmental engineering. In the 2016-2020 term, serves as Vice -dean for science. She...
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
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Sliding friction of alumina (Al2O3) with friction induced vibrations
Open Research DataTest files containing data on experiments in self mated sliding contact of alumina Al2O3 lubricated with either water or paraffin oil. Tests run in variable load/velocity conditions and with different dynamic settings of the test rig (PT-3 tribometer). The aim of the research was to attempt in finding correlations between the dynamic characteristics...
A spline-based FE approach to modelling of high frequency dynamics of 1-D structures
PublicationIn this paper a computational methodology leading to the development of a new class of FEs, based on the application of continuous and smooth approximation polynomials, being splines, has been presented. Application of the splines as appropriately defined piecewise elemental shape functions led the authors to the formulation of a new approach for FEM, named as spFEM, where contrary to the well-known NURBS approach, the boundaries...
Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Polyurethane Flexible Adhesive in Reduction of Structural Vibrations
PublicationThe aim of the present study is to consider the idea of using polyurethane flexible adhesive in to reduce the vibrations in structures exposed to dynamic loads and evaluate their damping properties in relation to large deformations. Firstly, two aluminium cantilever beams, simulating structural elements (without and with polyurethane layer in the form of tape), were analysed, in order to check the damping of the unconstrained polymer...
Hybrid model of geared rotor system
PublicationIn the paper a hybrid model of a geared multirotor system has been developed. The model is obtained by application of both the modal decomposition methodology and the spatial discretization method. Reduced modal model was constructed for the system without gyroscopic and damping effects. The gyroscopic interaction, damping and other phenomena which are difficult to include in the modal approach were modeled by application of simply...
Research on heavy loaded water lubricated main shaft bearings of the ship = Badania mocno obciążonych, smarowanych wodą łożysk wału śrubowego jednostki pływającej
PublicationW referacie zaprezentowano wyniki badań łożyska z polimerową panwią smarowanego wodą, jednego z wiodących producentów. Próby prowadzono dla dwóch odmiennych warunków pracy: dla typowych wielkości obciążeń, jakie występują w łożysku rufowym okrętowego wału głównego oraz dla obciążeń, przy których średnie naciski są bliskie wartościom dopuszczalnym, określonym przez producenta. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że łożysko pracuje...
Wave energy attenuation in fields of colliding ice floes. Part A: Discrete-element modelling of dissipation due to ice–water drag
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Population modelling of <i>Acartia</i> spp. in a water column ecosystem model for the South-Eastern Baltic Sea
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The effectiveness of polymer adhesive in reduction of vibrations of structural members
PublicationIn this paper, the idea of using polymer adhesive as a damping layer is proposed. An experimental study of two aluminium cantilevered beams has been conducted. One of them presents a plain cantilevered beam, while the second one considers two aluminium beams bonded with a polymer adhesive of different thickness (0,5; 1,2; 1,75; 3,1 and 5 mm). The polymer adhesive considered in the study is a specially designed flexible...
A numerical model to simulate the motion of a lifesaving module during its launching from the ship’s stern ramp
PublicationThe article presents a numerical model of object motion in six degrees of freedom (DoF) which is intended to be used to simulate 3D motion of a lifesaving module during its launching from a ship using a stern ramp in rough sea. The model, of relatively high complexity, takes into account both the motion of the ship on water in changing sea conditions, and the relative motion of the ramp with respect to the ship. The motion of the...
Michał Michna dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichal Michna received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Gdansk, Poland, in 1998 and 2005, respectively. Since 2004, he was employed at the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines of the Gdańsk University of Technology (assistant, assistant professor, senior lecturer). In 2010-2015 he was a deputy of head of the Department of Power Electronics and...
Tensile curve of E grade steel for shipbuilding
Open Research DataIn the shipbuilding industry, the risk of brittle fractures developing in constructions is limited by employing certified materials of specific impact strength, determined using the Charpy method (for a given design temperature) and by exercising control over the welding processes (technology qualification, supervision of production, tests of non-destructive...
Viscous versus electromagnetic damping – amplification in a neighbourhood of a mechanism singular position
PublicationIn the paper, damping of vibrations are considered and compared in a mechanical and in a electromechanical system. In the system, a continuous beam is considered as the main vibrating element. The compared dissipations methods are based on: viscous dampers and DC generators. To increase the possible damping effectiveness, velocity amplification is proposed, i.e., a mechanism is introduced between the beam and the damping element....
Wojciech Litwin prof. dr hab. inż.
People1992÷1996 - study on Mechanical Department at Gdansk University of Technology1996 – employed in the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdansk University of Technology2004 – PhD2014 – habilitation2016 - vice dean for science at Faculty of Ocean Engineering2020 - dean of the Faculty of Ocean Engineering2021 - head of Institute of Naval Architecture He participated in a number of designing and research programs...
Study on applicability of two modal identification techniques in irrelevant cases
PublicationStudy on applicability of two modal identification techniques in irrelevant cases is made in this paper. The following techniques are considered: Peak Picking based on correlation analysis (PP-CA), dedicated for ambient vibrations and Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), formulated for free decay vibrations investigation. Irrelevant cases are found when analyzed signals are different than recommended to a given technique. The...
Modal analysis of a steel grandstand
PublicationAmong the issues related to the idea of sustainable society is the safety of civil engineering structures devoted to satisfy different needs of people. One of the types of structures devoted to satisfy recreational needs are grandstands, which are used during sport events or music concerts. It is obligatory to consider interaction between structure and crowd load especially when the crowd movement involves rhythmic jumping, dancing,...
Generation and Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in a Towing Tank
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the research focused on linear and nonlinear wave generation and propagation in a deepwater towing tank equipped with a single flap-type wavemaker of variable draft. The problem of wave generation and propagation has been theoretically formulated and solved by applying an analytical method; linear and nonlinear solutions were obtained. The linear solution has been verified experimentally. The...
Investigating lubricants behaviour in microgravity for vibration damping purposes
PublicationVibration is one of the harshest environments an object is exposed to during and after launch into space on a launch vehicle. Such vibrations should be damped to avoid destruction of the spacecraft or its elements. Currently, active and material damping is used. A possibility of using lubrication as the damping factor is suggested by some research. MoS2 is a typical solid lubricant used in space applications. Its properties vary...