Search results for: NON-DESTRUCTIVE DIAGNOSTICS - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Diagnostics


    ISSN: 2075-4418

  • Opracowanie technologii spawania naprawczego szyn poddźwigowych A120 oraz badania nieniszczące jakości szyn w DCT w Porcie Północnym


    - Year 2017

    Ekspertyza dotyczy realizacji zlecenia związanego z naprawą spoin szyn poddźwigowych na terenie terminalu kontenerowego - Deep Water Terminal (DCT) w Porcie Północnym w Gdańsku. W ramach opracowania: 1. Wykonano badania ultradźwiękowe (UT) i magnetyczno-proszkowe (MT) spoin czołowych szyn poddźwigowych typu A120, według schematu dostarczonego przez firmę SKANSKA S.A. 2. Wykonano analizę wyników badań...

  • Napawanie elementów wymiennika ciepła austenitycznym drutem proszkowym

    Na potrzeby przemysłu energetycznego produkuje się wymienniki ciepła przeznaczone do eksploatacji w warunkach agresywnych chemicznie, np. w środowisku siarkowodoru. Z przyczyn ekonomicznych często stosuje się w takim przypadku materiały bimetaliczne wytwarzane procesami napawania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nieniszczących, pomiarów twardości, analizy składu chemicznego, pomiarów ferrytu delta oraz badań makro- i mikroskopowych...

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    ISSN: 0022-3093 , eISSN: 1873-4812

  • Określenie parametrów modelowania geometrii krzyżownic rozjazdów zwyczajnych dla potrzeb budowy i utrzymania linii kolejowych

    Zdecydowana większość rozjazdów występująca na liniach kolejowych w Polsce to rozjazdy zwyczajne o typowym zestawie parametrów. Z tego powodu analiza przypadków nietypowych (takich jak rozjazdy o zmiennej krzywiźnie toru zwrotnego) może być utrudniona. Wirtualny model geometryczno-konstrukcyjny rozjazdu, generowany w oparciu o metody analityczne, stanowić może narzędzie użyteczne w sferze projektowania, konstrukcji oraz diagnostyki...

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  • Badania stanu technicznego ścianek szczelnych strony południowej i północnej komory południowej śluzy Dzierżno


    - Year 2016

    Prace dotyczyły badań nieniszczących łączników (zamków) Paine`a oraz ścianek szczelnych. Ściany boczne komory południowej śluzy Dzierżno zbudowane są ze stalowych pasów blachy o grubości około 16mm i długości 22m połączonych ze sobą wzdłuż dłuższej krawędzi za pomocą zamków Peine`a. System ten umożliwia uzyskanie szczelnego połączenia na całej długości ścianki. Zaawansowany proces korozji spowodował rozszczelnienie połączenia...

  • Application of gpr method in diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures


    This paper presents an application of the ground penetration method (GPR) for diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures. In situ measurements were conducted for three civil engineering structures: the ground floor structure, the abutment of the railway viaduct and the concrete well. The dual polarized ground penetrating radar with the antenna operating at a center frequency of 2 GHz was used for GPR surveys. Three different...

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  • Metoda diagnostyki łożysk na podstawie analizy przebiegów prądu i napięcia zasilającego silnik indukcyjny.


    - Year 2018

    W niniejszej monografii przedstawiono oryginalne podejście i realizację diagnostyki łożysk silników indukcyjnych przy użyciu metody opartej na pomiarach i analizie iloczynu wartości chwilowych prądu i napięcia zasilającego maszyny. Uzyskane wyniki badań eksperymentalnych na obiektach rzeczywistych okazały się zbieżne z wynikami badań symulacyjnych i potwierdziły, że powstanie uszkodzeń łożysk w silniku skutkuje pojawieniem się...

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  • Legal destructive entrepreneurship in the modern economy


    Motivation: Usually examples of activities that have a positive impact on the economy of the state are cited. Destructive entrepreneurship refers to activities that have negative impact on the economy. This phenomenon is relatively new in the literature and does not yet have a precise definition. Aim: The aim of this article is to attempt a definition of the phenomenon of legal destructive entrepreneurship. The author also analysed...

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  • Diagnostyka eksploatacyjna okrętowych silników spalinowych - tłokowych i turbinowych


    - Year 2017

    W monografii przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia diagnostyki technicznej silników spalinowych dużej mocy, zarówno tłokowych, jak i turbinowych, ukierunkowane na eksploatację okrętowych (i nie tylko) systemów energetycznych, w których występują tego typu silniki. W początkowej części opracowania zaproponowano koncepcję systemowego ujęcia diagnostyki eksploatacyjnej silników okrętowych w aspekcie obowiązujących standardów światowych...

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  • System Diagnostics - project

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Domżalski

    As part of the course, students prepare practical solutions to problems in the field of modern systems diagnostics. Studies: Automatic Control, Cybernetics and RoboticsLevel: IILecturer: dr inż. Mariusz Domżalski Time: Tuesday, 11:15AM Language: English

  • Process Diagnostics - summer semester 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • Z. Kowalczuk
    • T. Białaszewski

    Familiarization with modern methods of industrial process diagnostics

  • Badania eksperymentalne i numeryczne zachowania się zbiorników stalowych poddanych wstrząsom górniczym i sejsmicznym


    - Year 2023

    W niniejszej dysertacji opisano wyniki kompleksowych badań zachowania się zbiorników stalowych poddanych wstrząsom górniczym i umiarkowanym trzęsieniom ziemi. Badania prowadzono dla dwóch zbiorników rzeczywistych zlokalizowanych na terenie Polski. W pierwszym etapie badań przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne na specjalnym stanowisku laboratoryjnym dla modeli doświadczalnych zbiorników. Badania prowadzono dla różnego poziomu wypełnienia...

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  • Spawalność ferrytyczno-austenitycznej stali odpornej na korozję typu dupleks 2205 w warunkach podwodnych


    Praca dotyczy problemów spawalności stali odpornej na korozję typu dupleks w warunkach spawania mokrego elektrodami otulonymi i lokalną komorą suchą. Całość rozprawy składa się z dwóch części. Część pierwsza to przegląd literatury, w którym omówiono główne problemy wynikające z przeniesienia procesu spawania pod wodę oraz sposoby minimalizowania negatywnego wpływu środowiska. Część druga jest częścią doświadczalną, zawiera tezę...

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  • Public relations w społeczeństwie


    - Year 2020

    W artykule stawiam tezę – powtarzając za „„Standardami profesjonalnych public relations”- o konieczności wysuwania na plan pierwszy - we wszelkich działaniach w obszarze public relations - ich zgodności z wartościami i normami etycznymi, ponieważ wszelkie działania public relations są nie tylko realizowane w przestrzeni społecznej, ale mają istotny wpływ na kształt, kondycję społeczeństwa, również na budowę demokracji i społeczeństwa...

  • Non-relational Databases 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka

    This course discusses the three types of non-relational databases (i.e. document, graph, key-value). The course is aimed at students in the 7th semester of computer science.

  • Non-relational Databases 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka

    This course discusses the three types of non-relational databases (i.e. document, graph, key-value). The course is aimed at students in the 7th semester of computer science.

  • GPR simulations for diagnostics of a reinforced concrete beam


    - Year 2016

    The most popular technique for modelling of an electromagnetic field, the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, has recently become a popular technique as an interpretation tool for ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements. The aim of this study is to detect the size and the position of damage in a reinforced concrete beam using GPR maps. Numerical simulations were carried out using the finite differ-ence time domain...

  • Destructive impact of PWM inverters on traction AC motors


    - ELECTROMOTION - Year 2010

    The electric traction drives with an AC motor fed by a frequency converter are used more and more often nowadays. The most significant side effects, of a converter's output voltage forming PWM method for AC motor windings, are steep voltage changes, which can initiate several destructive phenomena. The paper presents the adverse influence of a converter common mode voltage on the motor windings's increased voltage exposure and...

  • Process Diagnostics - 2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • Z. Kowalczuk

    1 sem (II st.) AiR

  • Process Diagnostics - 2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • Z. Kowalczuk

    1 sem (II st.) AiR

  • Measurements in civil engineering, transport, environmental engineering, mining and power engineering 22/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Zima

    The course is primarily open to all PhD students at Gdansk University of Technology. This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Civil Engineering and Transport as well as Environmental Engineering, Mining and Power Engineering tracks at Doctoral School of GUT. This course allows the PhD students to obtain the knowledge related to the experimental equipment and types of experiments carried out at GUT in the field of...

  • Measurements in civil engineering, transport, environmental engineering, mining and power engineering 23/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Zima

    The course is primarily open to all PhD students at Gdansk University of Technology. This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Civil Engineering and Transport as well as Environmental Engineering, Mining and Power Engineering tracks at Doctoral School of GUT. This course allows the PhD students to obtain the knowledge related to the experimental equipment and types of experiments carried out at GUT in the field of...

  • Urine headspace analysis in medical diagnostics

    The analysis of the volatile organic compounds in the bodily fluids such as urine may provide useful information on the patients’ general health. The potential application of urine headspace analysis could facilitate the diagnostics of various diseases such as metabolic disorders, urinary tract diseases and gastrointestinal conditions. Described in this paper are the currently available techniques of urine sample analysis as well...

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  • Electronic Noses in Medical Diagnostics

    Electronic nose technology is being developed in order to identify aromas in a way parallel to the biologic olfaction. When applied to the field of medicine, such device should be able to identify and discriminate between different diseases. In recent years this kind of approach finds application in medical diagnostics, and especially in disease screening. Despite the fact that devices utilizing chemical sensor arrays are not routinely...

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  • Frequency Diagnostics of Transformer Insulating Parameters


    - Year 2020

    In the article is presented experimental analysis and diagnostics of insulating system oil-paper for power transformers, mainly by progressive frequency method – dielectric spectroscopy. In the 1-st part of the article is described base theory about measurement and diagnostics insulating part (oil and paper) of power transformers. In the 2-nd part of article is described measuring method of insulating frequency diagnostics - frequency...

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  • Active Dynamic Thermography in Medical Diagnostics


    This is an overview of active thermal imaging methods in medical diagnostics using external thermal stimulation. In this chapter, several clinical cases diagnosed using the active dynamic thermography method, ADT, are presented. Features of this technology are discussed and main advantages underlined. Applications in skin burn diagnostics and quantitative evaluation leading to modern classification of burned patients for further...

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  • Diagnostics of thermal processes in antenna systems of broadcast stations


    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Year 2014

    Diagnostics is an important element associated with the operation of a radio antenna systems, allowing earlier detection of potential damage. Thermography is one of the diagnostic tools, which allows for non-invasive assessment of technical condition. It brings together both financial savings associated with the removal of the damage and the potential effects caused by it. The article presents an example of using a thermal imaging...

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  • Diagnostics of commutation unit in satellite pumps and motors

    The article describes a part of the research on the development of satellite pumps and motors, conducted on Gdansk University of Technology as a part of grant "New elaborate of hydraulic satellite machines for drives with vegetable liquids and non-flammable liquids" (LIDER/35/102/L-2/10/NCBiR/2011) funded by the National Centre for Research and Development in Poland. The presented area includes the diagnostics of commutation units...

  • Diagnostics of commutation unit in satellite pumps and motors


    The article describes a part of the research on the development of satellite pumps and motors, conducted on Gdansk University of Technology as a part of grant "New elaborate of hydraulic satellite machines for drives with vegetable liquids and non-flammable liquids" (LIDER/35/102/L-2/10/NCBiR/2011) funded by the National Centre for Research and Development in Poland. The presented area includes the diagnostics of commutation units...

  • Destructive Consequences of PWM Inverter Feeding for Traction AC Motors


    The electric traction drives with an AC motor fed by a frequency converter are used more and more often nowadays. The most significant side effects, of a converter's output voltage forming PWM method for AC motor windings, are steep voltage changes, which can initiate several destructive phenomena. The paper presents the adverse influence of a converter common mode voltage on the motor windings' increased voltage exposure and the...

  • Diagnostics in ballast water management

    • M. Bielski
    • J. Wachowicz
    • R. Bielski
    • A. Arkadiusz
    • J. Hendra

    - Year 2018

    . Diagnostics in ballast water management is the main remedy to protect against the threat of spreading invasive species that can be carried in ships' ballast tanks. This phenomenon is getting better known and understood. New and more effective methods of preventing threats related to this are being developed. Procedures are created to ensure environmental safety in the face of ever-increasing transport by sea. The article characterizes...

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  • Motor bearing diagnostics performed by means of laser vibrometer


    Damage of bearings is the most common cause of failures in squirrel-cage induction motors. That is why the issues connected with diagnostics of bearings are so important. The equipment employed for bearing diagnostics usually makes use of vibrations as the criterion for technical condition of the bearings. This paper presents exemplary results of the research conducted on bearings with artificially introduced damage. A scanning...

  • Diagnostics of induction motor bearings - possibility of measurements


    - Year 2011

    In induction motors damage in the elements of electromagnetic system, for example in the wiring of stator, rotor or in the magnetic circuit can appear as well as damage of mechanical parts (bearings, rotor, shaft). Bearing diagnostics is so important in supervision of motor condition, because extensive research shows that the bearings arethe elements most susceptible to damage. This paper presents the research which the author...

  • Justyna Borucka dr inż. arch.

    Justyna Borucka is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology, Coordinator of Erasmus Programme and International Cooperation and since 2016 a Vice-Dean for Development. She is also board member of Polish Architects Association (SARP o.Wybrzeże). Her research focused on theory of architecture and strategies for urban renewal with the special impact of interdisciplinary relationships...

  • Elastic wave propapagation in diagnostics of self-drilling system of grouted anchors


    - Diagnostyka - Year 2017

    The paper presents an experimental investigation of elastic wave propagation in a self-drilling hollow bar system, which is commonly used in geotechnical industry as the element of grouted ground anchors and soil nails. The single self-drilling hollow bar and self-drilling system of two bars connected by a coupler were considered. Longitudinal waves were excited at one end of the bar and registered at both ends, by means of PZT...

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  • Machine Learning and Electronic Noses for Medical Diagnostics


    The need for noninvasive, easy-to-use, and inexpensive methods for point-of-care diagnostics of a variety of ailments motivates researchers to develop methods for analyzing complex biological samples, in particular human breath, that could aid in screening and early diagnosis. There are hopes that electronic noses, that is, devices based on arrays of semiselective or nonselective chemical sensors, can fill this niche. Electronic...

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    The benefits of the additional measurement of rotational degrees of free-dom on the performance of the vibration diagnosis of bridges are studied in this paper. The common vibrational diagnostics that uses translational degrees of freedom is extended by measurements of rotations. The study is curried out on a footbridge and the presence of damage as well as its location and size is determined with use of FEM updating procedure....

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  • Wpływ wybranych właściwości maszyny badawczej na wynik eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym


    - Year 2017

    Niniejsza monografia stanowi podsumowanie przekrojowych badań związanych z wpływem właściwości stanowiska badawczego (tribometru) na przebieg i rejestrowane wyniki eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym ciał stałych smarowanych cieczą w warunkach tarcia bez efektów smarowania hydrodynamicznego. Autor przedstawia wyniki kompleksowych analiz właściwości dynamicznych stanowiska badawczego w kontekście efektów obserwowanych...

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    - Year 2012

    Development of Raman spectroscopic system for diagnostics of growth of diamond and BDD (Boron- Doped-Diamond) thin films during μPA CVD (Microwave Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition) process is described. Raman studies of such films were carried out as in-situ monitoring of film deposition as ex-situ measurements conducted for a sample outside the reaction vessel after manufacturing process. Modular system for the in-situ...

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    In the article an approach to the problem of estimating reliability data based on physical models is proposed. The possibility of reliability assessment for selected elements of ship pipelines, based on the recognition of the destructive physical phenomena taking place in them, is discussed. To do this, an overview of these phenomena has been made. In addition, a preliminary review of existing measures of destruction of materials...

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  • Multipoint Ultrasonic Diagnostics System of Prestressed T-Beams

    This paper is devoted to the application of ultrasonic wave propagation phenomena for the diagnostics of prestressed, concrete, bridge T-beams. A multi-point damage detection system is studied with use of numerically obtained data. The system is designed to detect the presence of the material discontinuities as well as their location.

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  • Diagnostics of historic columns using wave propagation


    - Year 2015

    This paper presents a numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in columns of historical buildings for diagnostics purposes. Numerical calculations were performed using the finite element method in the Abaqus software package. The analysis was carried out for three types of brick columns: a full column, a column filled with debris, and a column empty inside. The excitation was in the form of a wave packet and signals of propagating...



    ISSN: 1525-1578 , eISSN: 1943-7811

  • Remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques in diagnostics of concrete structures

    Recently laser scanning technologies become widely used in many areas of the modern economy. In the following paper authors show a potential spectrum of use Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements. Based on modes of failure analysis of reinforcement concrete beam authors describe downsides and advantages of adaptation of terrestrial laser scanning to this purpose, moreover reveal under which...

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  • Instantaneous power signal measurements for bearing diagnostics

    Open Research Data

    Bearing diagnostics can be carried out based on the method, which relies on the measurement and analysis of the variability of the signal instantaneous power, defined as the product of instantaneous current and voltage power supplied to the engines. Bearing damage causes the appearance of deformations, which are in the form of additional harmonic components...

  • Analysis of the instantaneous power signal for bearing diagnostics -bearing damaged

    Open Research Data

    The attached dataset contains the measurement results of the instantaneous values of current and voltage, recorded during the diagnostics of a damaged bearing. Bearing diagnostics can be carried out based on the method, which relies on the measurement and analysis of the variability of the signal instantaneous power, defined as the product of instantaneous...

  • Analysis of the instantaneous power signal for bearing diagnostics - bearing undamaged

    Open Research Data

    The attached dataset contains the measurement results of the instantaneous values of current and voltage, recorded during the diagnostics of an undamaged bearing. Bearing diagnostics can be carried out based on the method, which relies on the measurement and analysis of the variability of the signal instantaneous power, defined as the product of instantaneous...

  • Remote sensing in laboratory diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements – current development and vision for the future


    - Year 2015

    Continuous emergence of new concrete types and kinds of reinforcement, as well as technological solutions in the field of structural engineering have made great demand for diagnostic tests of reinforced concrete elements. New challenges and problems facing people require new more efficient tools for laboratory diagnostics than those commonly used. Remote sensing may be the answer to this demand. In this paper the author describes...

  • Remote sensing in laboratory diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements – current development and vision for the future

    Continuous emergence of new concrete types and kinds of reinforcement, as well as technological solutions in the field of structural engineering have made great demand for diagnostic tests of reinforced concrete elements. New challenges and problems facing people require new more efficient tools for laboratory diagnostics than those commonly used. Remote sensing may be the answer to this demand. In this paper the author describes...

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