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Search results for: SOLID TYPE WELDING
Operational Performance and Weld Bead Characteristics of Experimental Tubular-Wires for Underwater Welding
PublicationAiming to evaluate new formulations and their operational behavior underwater, two experimental tubular wires with different chemical compositions in their internal flux were initially manufactured, employing a pilot machine and a unique manufacturing process. Weld beads were deposited on a plate placed in a flat position inside a tank using a mechanized system and the IMC 300 welding power source. The work was done at a depth...
Determination of t8/5 cooling times for underwater local dry welding of steel
PublicationKnowledge of thermal history is the basic condition for studying the structure - properties of welded joints. The determinant of thermal history is the thermal cycle, whose in-situ measurements are still a big challenge. Water as the welding environment complicates this issue even more. The article presents a method to determine an equation for calculating t8/5 cooling times for underwater gas metal arc welding of unalloyed steels...
Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of Underwater Friction Stir Welding of Low Carbon Steel
PublicationThis article investigates the flow of materials and weld formation during underwater friction stir welding (UFSW) of low carbon steel. A thermo-mechanical model is used to understand the relation between frictional heat phenomena during the welding and weld properties. To better understand the effects of the water environment, the simulation and experimental results were compared with the sample prepared by the traditional friction...
Improvement of S355G10+N steel weldability in water environment by Temper Bead Welding
PublicationThe normalized S355G10 + N steel was chosen for testing, it is used in a variety of applications including the building of offshore structures, which may require repairs in water environment. The main aim of the work was to check susceptibility to cold cracking for fillet welds – Controlled Thermal Severity (CTS) tests and butt welds – Tekken tests and in the next step evaluation of effectiveness of Temper Bead Welding (TBW) application...
Badania połączeń spawanych rurociągu wody pitnej we Włocławku, ang. Welding joints tests in drinking water pipeline.
PublicationCelem badań opisanych w pracy było określenie przyczyn korozji powstałej w strefie wpływu ciepła (SWC) w obwodowych połączeniach spawanych w rurociągu wody pitnej. Materiałem, z którego wykonano rurociąg to stal 304/304L. W obszarze złącza spawanego stwierdzono wżery inicjowane od niezgodności geometrycznych, gdzie mogły gromadzić się osady zwiększające udział chlorków bezpośrednio przy powierzchni rury, promujące tym procesy korozyjne....
Review on friction stir welding of dissimilar magnesium and aluminum alloys: Scientometric analysis and strategies for achieving high-quality joints
PublicationMagnesium and aluminum alloys continually attract interest as lightweight structural materials for transport applications. However, joining these dissimilar alloys is very challenging. The main obstacle that hinders progress in dissimilar Mg-Al joining is the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds (IMCs). As a solid-state joining technique, FSW is an excellent candidate to attenuate the deleterious IMC effects in dissimilar...
Mechanical and structural behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel pad welded by underwater wet welding conditions
PublicationThe aim of the paper was to determine the metallurgical and mechanical behaviors of a high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel pad-welded specimen used in the structures of industrial and naval parts. Then to predict the metallurgical consequences (nature of the phases present) and the mechanical properties (hardness and impact strength) of the pad-welded steel obtained by underwater wet welding with different heat input values. The...
Corrigendum to “An investigation on residual stress and fatigue life assessment of T-shape welded joints” [Eng. Fail. Anal. 141 (2022) 106685]
PublicationThis paper aims to quantitatively evaluate the residual stress and fatigue life of T-type welded joints with a multi-pass weld in different direction. The main research objectives of the experimental test were to test the residual stress by changing direction along with multiple wielding passes and determine the fatigue life of the welded joints. The result shows that compressive residual stress increases in the sample gradually...
An investigation on residual stress and fatigue life assessment of T-shape welded joints
PublicationThis paper aims to quantitatively evaluate the residual stress and fatigue life of T-type welded joints with a multi-pass weld in different direction. The main research objectives of the experimental test were to test the residual stress by changing direction along with multiple wielding passes and determine the fatigue life of the welded joints. The result shows that compressive residual stress increases in the sample gradually...
Effect of underwater friction stir welding parameters on AA5754 alloy joints: experimental studies
PublicationThe water as a welding environment may generate serious technological and metallurgical problems but in certain cases, the physicochemical properties of water can be used effectively, e.g., to impart the specific properties of welded materials. The purpose of the work was verification of effectiveness of the water cooling of aluminium alloy AA5754 for various sets of technological parameters of underwater friction stir welding...
Impact of laser beam welding on mechanical behaviour of 2.25Cr–1Mo (P22) steel
PublicationThe use of welding processes in the manufacturing and repair of structures intended for the energy industry plays a key role in the guarantee of a continuous supply of fossil fuels, which is the basic condition for ensuring energy security. A square butt joint of 10 mm thick plate of 2.25Cr–1Mo (P22) steel was fabricated by autogenous laser beam welding process and then post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) for two sets of process parameters...
The influence of welding heat input on the quality and properties of high strength low-alloy dissimilar steel butt joints
PublicationThe paper presents the results of non-destructive and destructive tests of dissimilar highstrength low-alloy S460ML and S460N steel butt joints. These steels are characterized by similar mechanical properties, but their carbon equivalent CeIIW values are much different. The joints were made using different values of heat input for each welding bead. They were tested by non-destructive methods: visual, penetrant, radiographic and...
Manufacturing Parameters, Materials, and Welds Properties of Butt Friction Stir Welded Joints–Overview
PublicationThe modern and eco-friendly friction stir welding (FSW) method allows the combination of even such materials that are considered to be non-weldable. The development of FSW technology in recent years has allowed a rapid increase in the understanding of the mechanism of this process and made it possible to perform the first welding trials of modern polymeric and composite materials, the joining of which was previously a challenge....
Piotr Jasiński prof. dr hab. inż.
PeoplePiotr Jasinski obtained MSc in electronics in 1992 from the Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Poland. Working at GUT, he received PhD in 2000 and DSc in 2009. Between 2001 and 2004 Post Doctoral Fellow at Missouri University of Science and Technology, while between 2008 and 2010 an Assistant Research Professor. Currently is an Associate Professor at Gdansk University of Technology working in the field of electronics, biomedical...
Study of the influence of thermal factors on the welding process of polyethylene gas pipelines,
PublicationA one-dimensional calculation scheme is proposed with the help of which it is possible to determine and set the technological parameters with the accuracy to be realized in production conditions: the temperature of the heating element and the heating time, which allows maximum mechanization of the technological operations of polyethylene gas pipelines welding. The numerical value of the coefficient of temperature for polyethylene...
Weldability of high strength steel in underwater environment
PublicationThe article describes the problems with weldability of high-strength steels in the aquatic environment. The tendency of steel S355J2G3 and S500M to form cold cracks when welded in wet welding conditions has been experimentally evaluated. It was found that the tested steels have a high propensity to cracking. An experiment has been proposed and tested to evaluate the usefulness of the tempering bead technique as a method of improving...
Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of TIG Welded Dissimilar Joints between 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel and Incoloy 800HT Nickel Alloy
PublicationIn this article, the mechanical properties and microstructure of 304L austenitic stainless steel/Incoloy 800HT nickel alloy dissimilar welded joints are investigated. The joints were made of 21.3 mm × 7.47 mm tubes using the TIG process with the use of S Ni 6082 nickel filler metal. No welding imperfections were found and high strength properties of joints were obtained, meeting the assumed acceptance criteria of the product’s...
Corrosion behavior of hydrogen charged super duplex stainless steel welded joints
PublicationThe electrochemical behavior of the weld metal, heat-affected zone (HAZ), and base material of super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) welded joints, made with the application of flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) and submerged arc welding (SAW), were investigated with the use of metallographic examinations (optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy), potentiodynamic polarization measurements and total hydrogen content determination...
Influence of the notch rounding radius on estimating the elastic notch stress concentration factor in a laser welded tee joint
PublicationIn recent years an increased interest of industry in sandwich-type metal structures can be observed. These structures consist of thin plates of 2.5 mm in thickness separated by stiffeners of different shapes and forms. Welds joining the plates and stiffeners are made on the outer side of the plates using laser welding technique. A locally focused source of heat causes the plate to melt creating a very narrow and elongated joint....
Prediction of Weld Deformations by Numerical Methods - Review
PublicationThe welding process is the basic technique of joining in the shipbuilding industry. This method generates welding distortions that cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process due to both the time and cost of straightening as well as their influence on later stages of production. Proper preparation of welding processes plays a growing role in the shipbuilding industry and the development of calculating tools is being...
PublicationABSTRACT The present work was conducted to assess the weldability of duplex stainless steel in underwater conditions. Metal manual arc welding (MMA) with the use of coated electrodes was used in the investigations. Tekken weldability tests were performed underwater at 0.5 m depth and in the air. Nondestructive tests, metallographic examinations of welds, ferrite content assessment in microstructure and hardness test were performed....
Effects of Storing Flux-Cored Wires under Various Conditions
PublicationWelding processes involving the use of flux-cored wires are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in shipbuilding as well as in off-shore and civil engineering. The article presents characteristics of the welding process, its areas of application as well as advantages and disadvantages (e.g. necessity of ensuring appropriate conditions for the storage of filler metal wires). The satisfaction of quality-related requirements...
Cold Cracking Of Underwater Wet Welded S355G10+N High Strength Steel
PublicationWater as the welding environment determines some essential problems influencing steel weldability. Underwater welding of high strength steel joints causes increase susceptibility to cold cracking, which is an effect of much faster heat transfer from the weld area and presence of diffusible hydrogen causing increased metal fragility. The paper evaluates the susceptibility to cold cracking of the high strength S355G10+N steel used,...
Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel
PublicationThe paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...
Application of Barkhausen effect in the impact assessment of welding to internal stress distribution in steel
PublicationThe paper presents identification method of internal stresses in plane steel elements in the chase of deliverance and welding assembly. The assessment was made by means of a non-destructive experimental method based on measurements incorporating local external magnetic field and the measurement of induced voltage, including Barkhausen noise. This method allows a degradation assessment due to internal and external actions, causing...
Assessment of Corrosive Behaviour and Microstructure Characterization of Hybrid Friction Stir Welded Martensitic Stainless Steel
PublicationThis study examined the effect of induction heating on the microstructure and corrosion characteristics of hybrid friction stir welded AISI 410 stainless steel. Five joints have been produced with different friction stir welding parameters like welding speed, spindle speed, plunge depth, and induction power. Their microstructures were evaluated using a scanning electron microscope, and chemical composition was examined using...
Temperature Evolution, Material Flow, and Resulting Mechanical Properties as a Function of Tool Geometry during Friction Stir Welding of AA6082
PublicationThe friction stir welding process was simulated for joining AA6082 aluminum alloy with the use of the computational fluid dynamics method. Two different tool geometries were used—a tapered cylindrical pin (simple pin) and a hexagonal pin with grooves (complex pin). The analysis of the simulations performed was discussed in terms of temperature evolution during the process, total heat input, residual stresses and material flow....
PublicationWelding proces is basic joining technique in shipbuilding. Such method generated welding distortions which cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process. In the literature it is proposed wide spectrum of suggestions for a correct estimation of welding deformation in particular angular deformation in the fillet welded T joint. In the work influence of oversizing of weld on angular distortions of joint is presented basing...
Weldability of S460ML High Strength Low Alloy Steel in Underwater Conditions
PublicationThe paper presents experimental evaluation of susceptibility of the high strength S460ML steel to cold cracking in the conditions of wet welding with the use of covered electrodes. From the results of Tekken tests it was found out that the investigated steel was characterised, in the conditions of the carried out experiments (underwater wet welding and air welding with rutile electrodes), of high susceptibility to cold cracking....
Wstępne badania technologii spawania złączy narożnych ze stali niskoweglowej i nierdzewnej o grubości g=6mm i g=10mm
PublicationCelem pracy był dobór parametrów spawania dla spoin narożnych o grubości 6mm i 10mm próbek wykonanych ze stali niskowęglowej S355 i stali nierdzewnej - typu 304 (X6CrNI18-10). Złącza były spawane laserowo, jednostronnie z pełnym przetopem a powierzchnie lica i grani zapewniają uzyskanie szczelności przylegającego elementu uszczelniającego. Próbki zostały dostarczone przez Zleceniodawcę. Próby zostały przeprowadzone na stanowisku...
Prognozowanie właściwości złączy spawanych pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej
PublicationNiniejsza praca jest poświęcona spawaniu pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej (MLKS) i przedstawia metodologię oraz narzędzia umożliwiające prognozowanie właściwości złączy spawanych wykonanych przy zastosowaniu tej odmiany spawania. Monografia zawiera opis rozwoju spawania pod wodą oraz charakterystykę metod wykorzystywanych do realizacji prac spawalniczych. Zaproponowano nowy podział metod spawania pod wodą, uwzględniający...
The Influence of Tool Shape and Process Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of AW-3004 Aluminium Alloy Friction Stir Welded Joints
PublicationThe purpose of the following study was to compare the effect of the shape of a tool onthe joint and to obtain the values of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) parameters that provide the bestpossible joint quality. The material used was an aluminium alloy, EN AW-3004 (AlMn1Mg1). To theauthors’ best knowledge, no investigations of this alloy during FSW have been presented earlier. Fivebutt joints were made with a self-developed, cylindrical,...
Effect of Storage Conditions of Rutile Flux Cored Welding Wires on Properties of Welds
PublicationThe influence of storage locations of two grades of rutile flux cored welding wires on their surface condition and the strength of the welds made with them were studied. Wires were stored in real urban conditions (Gdańsk and Katowice) for 1 month, simultaneously recording changes in conditions: temperature and relative humidity of the environment. Visual tests of wires in the delivered and stored condition as well as visual and...
Comparison of strain results at a laser weld notch obtained by numerical calculations and experimental measurements
PublicationIn the development of ship structures applying new materials and it’s purposeful placement play an important role. During the last years, especially in a construction of ro-ro type vessels, the usage of novel sandwich structures in cargo decks is profitable. Steel sandwich panel is an innovative solution which at a todays state of development can be used for the construction of any members not taking part in a global bending of...
The Influence of Selected Parameters of Numerical Modelling on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch
PublicationLatest development in the field of welding technology and prefabrication enabled massive production of thin-walled sandwich structures. Multi-layered sandwich structures are fabricated with the use of high-power CO2 lasers, friction welding, arc welding, hybrid welding, or other technique designed for the special purpose. Steel or aluminium alloy plates with thickness between 1 and 5 mm are connected by internal stiffeners. Strength...
FEM modelling of stress and strain distribution in weld joints of steel sandwich panels
PublicationThe development of laser welding technology has enabled the mass production of thin-walled structures, including steel sandwich panels. The technology of joining plating panels with stiffeners by welding allows us to create joints with a specific geometry and material properties. In comparison with other types of joints, laser welds are characterized by their specific behaviour under cyclic load and, as a consequence, a different...
Weldability of S500MC Steel in Underwater Conditions
PublicationWet welding with the use of covered electrodes is one of the methods of underwater welding. This method is the oldest, the most economic and the most versatile. The main difficulties during underwater wet welding are: high cooling rates of the joint, the presence of hydrogen in the arc area and formation of hard martensitic structure in the weld. These phenomena are often accompanied by porosity of welds and large number of spatters,...
Effect of Arc Strikes on High Strength Low Alloy Steels Welded by SMAW
PublicationWet welding with covered electrodes (Shielded Metal Arc Welding – SMAW) is the most commonly used method of carrying out welding repair works in a water environment. Limited visibility and the inability to move freely under water result in an increased risk of formation of welding imperfections such as lack of fusion, lack of penetration and arc strikes. The work focused on changes in the properties and structure of steel subjected...
Induction Assisted Hybrid Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Materials AA5052 Aluminium Alloy and X12Cr13 Stainless Steel
PublicationThis research aimed to study the induction in-situ heated hybrid friction stir welding (IAFSW) method to join AA5052 aluminium alloy with X12Cr13 stainless steel (SS) to enhance joint strength. The potency of this method on the mechanical properties and microstructural characterizations were also investigated. The results show that the transverse tensile strength gained was 94% of the AA5052 base metal that is 229.5 MPa. This superior...
Solid State Phenomena
Journals -
Materials for energy storage and conversion devices 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesElectrodes: Metals as electrodes in aqueous and non-aqueous systems, metal nanoparticles. Collectors current. 3D, 2D, 1 D carbons, carbon nanomaterials. Organic semiconductors "Synthetic metals" - p-type, n-type. Inorganic semiconductors: oxides, selenides, sulfides, others. Intercalated electrodes. Mixed conductors (MIEC). Photo-active semiconductor materials. Electrolytes. Water electrolytes in commercial products. Electroactive...
Opracowanie ekspertyzy dotyczącej przyczyn pękania łopatek wirnika SP turbiny PG1 typu 13UP55
PublicationZakres badań i analiz dotyczył ustalenia przyczyn pękania elementów łopatek wirnika SPA5 turbiny TG1 typu 13UP55 obejmował: 1. wykonanie badań składu chemicznego stali, z której wykonano łopatki dostarczone przez Zleceniodawcę dwoma metodami, 2. badania mikroobszarów zniszczenia łopatek na mikroskopie elektronowym skaningowym z mikroanalizatorem EDS, 3. badania metalograficzne makroskopowe i mikroskopowe fragmentów...
Influence of friction stir welding technological parameters on the properties of the joints of selected aluminum alloys
PublicationThe purpose of this dissertation was to determine the effect of friction stir welding technological parameters on the properties of selected aluminum alloy joints, with consideration of the residual stresses and dislocation density in the joints. The goal of the present work was also to produce defect-free joints with high mechanical and electrochemical properties. In the dissertation, similar welds of AA6082 alloy and dissimilar...
Effect of Porosity on the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Friction-Stir-Welded Spark-Plasma-Sintered Aluminum Matrix Composites with Bimodal Micro- and Nano-Sized Reinforcing Al2O3 Particles
PublicationThe thermo-mechanical behavior of nanosized Al2O3 particles reinforcing aluminum was analyzed in the present paper. The material was prepared by spark plasma sintering and friction stir welding. The thermal stresses affecting the composite behavior during welding were modeled through COMSOL MultiPhysics, and the results were validated by the analyses of the composites’ mechanical properties. The spark-plasma-sintered materials...
Advanced ultra super critical power plants: role of buttering layer
PublicationDissimilar metal welded (DMW) joint plays a crucial role in constructing and maintaining ultra-supercritical (USC) nuclear power plants while presenting noteworthy environmental implications. This research examines different welding techniques utilized in DMWJ, specifically emphasizing materials such as P91. The study investigates the mechanical properties of these materials, the impact of alloying elements, the notable difficulties...
Preliminary investigations of effect of conditions of FCAW process on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationOne of the types of hydrogen degradation of steel welded joints is cold cracking. The direct cause of the formation of cold cracks is simultaneous presence of hydrogen, residual stresses and brittle structure. The way of preventing the occurring of degradation is to eliminate at least one of these factors. Practice has shown that the best solution is to control the amount of hydrogen in deposited metal. In this paper the state...
Determination of causes of accelerated local corrosion of austenitic steels in water supply systems
PublicationThis paper concerns an inspection of a water supply system, made of AISI 304 steel, which showed signs of local corrosion at the weld. Such corrosion caused material perforation after very short periods of operation. It was revealed that steel was sensitised during the welding process. It was also proven that chromium micro-segregation occurred in the alloy leading to galvanic cell formation which initialised the process of pitting...
Zgrzewanie tarciowe z mieszaniem wewnętrznym zgrzeiny stopów aluminium AW7075-T651 i AW6082-T6 = Friction stir welding of aluminium alloys AW-7075-t651 and AW-6082-t6
PublicationW pracy przedstawione są wyniki badań nad złączami doczołowymi zgrzewanymi przy użyciu technologii Friction Stir Welding (FSW), wykonanymi z wysokowytrzymałego stopu Al-Zn (AW-7075-T651) oraz stopu Al-Mg2Si (AW-6082-T6) o wysokiej odporności na korozję. Stop AW-7075-T651 okazał się bardziej podatny na obniżenie własności mechanicznych w odniesieniu do materiału rodzimego. Złącza ze stopu AW-6082-T6 wykazały się lepszą plastycznością....
Effect of Linear Energy and Microstructure on the Content of Residual Hydrogen in Welded Joints made of Superduplex Steels
PublicationThe article presents tests concerning the content of retained hydrogen present in FCAW and SAW welded joints made of superduplex steel. The use of various welding technologies resulted in the obtainment of welds having different microstructures and ferrite contents. Measurements of retained hydrogen present in joints (performed using the complete combustion method) revealed various contents of hydrogen in the base material and...
PublicationIn this paper, the application possibilities of the ultra-high strength (UHSS). Domex 960 steel in the underwater welded structures are analyzed. In the research, the investigated material has been tested in bead-on-plate wet welding conditions with the usage of different heat input values, namely 0.63 kJ/mm, 0.72 kJ/mm and 0.93 kJ/mm. Specimens were performed by the manual metal arc (MMA) welding method with the usage of rutile...