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The concept of anti-collision system of autonomous surface vehicle
PublicationThe use of unmanned vehicles in various fields of science and the economy is becoming more common. An extremely important aspect of creating this type of solution is to provide autonomous vehicle navigation, which does not require interference of the human factor or in which it is limited to a minimum. This article discusses the concept of autonomous anti-collision system of unmanned surface vehicle. It proposed a sensor system...
The Analysis of Container Vessel Service Efficiency in the Aspect of Berth and Handling Equipment Usage in Polish Ports
PublicationThe paper analyses the efficiency of container vessel service in Polish container terminals taking under considerations different berth layouts and handling equipment.
Assessment of performance of unmanned maritime vehicles (USV, UUV, AUV) by CFD and MES investigation, PG_00053662
e-Learning CoursesThe course entitled "Assessment of Performance of Unmanned Maritime Vehicles" consists of the following problems to be discussed during the lectures (W): - major areas of application of UMV unmanned maritime vehicles, - sea environment, - types of UMV vehicles, - parameters, characteristics and features of UMV vehicles, - research, design, construction, implementation and operation of UMV vehicles, - systems of UMV vehicles...
Challenges associated with development of auv-unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles to be operated using the al-based control systems
PublicationThe last decade has been devoted towards further development of the UUV unmanned underwater vehicles which may be of two types. There are the USV unmanned surface vehicles and UUV unmanned underwater vehicles. There is a growing interest to work out and implement the fully advanced AUV autonomous underwater vehicles. The main drivers towards development of such the vehicles are the technologies of autonomous systems, sensors and...
Challenges associated with development of AUV - unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles to be operated using the AI-based control systems
PublicationThe last decade has been devoted towards further development of the UUV unmanned underwater vehicles which may be of two types. There are the USV unmanned surface vehicles and UUV unmanned underwater vehicles. There is a growing interest to work out and implement the fully advanced AUV autonomous underwater vehicles. The main drivers towards development of such the vehicles are the technologies of autonomous systems, sensors and...
Probability modelling of vessel collisions
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Case Study on the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for the Maintenance of Ocean Engineering Facilities
PublicationThe article presents the concept of using innovative unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including autonomous UAV-I for inspection activities, auxiliary and transport works in the processes of servicing large-scale ocean engineering structures in the offshore part of the sea. The proposed areas of application of UAV-I devices and key technologies determining the possibility of using these vehicles in difficult operating conditions...
Surface Chemistry & Experimental Techniques
e-Learning Courseswykłady prowadzone przez prof. G. Jerkiewicza
Computational Methods for Liver Vessel Segmentation in Medical Imaging: A Review
PublicationThe segmentation of liver blood vessels is of major importance as it is essential for formulating diagnoses, planning and delivering treatments, as well as evaluating the results of clinical procedures. Different imaging techniques are available for application in clinical practice, so the segmentation methods should take into account the characteristics of the imaging technique. Based on the literature, this review paper presents...
An Intergrated Model of Motion, Steering, Positioning and Stabilization of an Unmanned Autonomous Maritime Vehicle
PublicationIn the paper the aim of an interdisciplinary research is presented. The research method is introduced. An object the unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle is briefly described. The key research problem concerns a combined model of the vehicle motion including the loads of lift and hydrodynamic nature. The model takes into account the gravity and displacement forces, resistance and thrust forces, lift and other hydrodynamic forces....
Methods of determination of C coefficient for period of rolling vessel in calm water for example of pax cargo ship
PublicationThis article presents a different approach to calculate the C coefficient needed to determine the period of own rolling vessel in calm water. The C coefficient is usually adopted as the approximate value from the available literature, usually depending on the type of vessel, and less dependent on the loading condition. In experimental studies of marine properties (seakeeping) often have a problem with the selection of the correct...
Deduplication of Position Data and Global Identification of Objects Tracked in Distributed Vessel Monitoring System
PublicationVessel monitoring systems (VMS) play a very important role in safety navigation. In most cases, their structure is distributed and they are based on two data sources, namely Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA). Such approach results in several objects identification and position data duplication problems, which need to be solved in order to ensure the correct performance of a given VMS....
Deduplication of Tracked Objects Position Data at Single Observation Point of a Vessel Monitoring System
PublicationVessel Monitoring System (VMS) play a major role in safety navigation. In most cases they are based on two data sources, namely Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA). Integration of data obtained from these sources is an important problem, which needs to be solved in order to ensure the correct performance of a given VMS. In this paper basic functions which should be implemented in a tracked...
Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems
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PublicationThe development and growing availability of modern technologies, along with more and more severe environment protection standards which frequently take a form of legal regulations, are the reason why attempts are made to find a quiet and economical propulsion system not only for newly built watercraft units, but also for modernised ones. Correct selection of the propulsion and supply system for a given vessel affects significantly...
PublicationThe increase of seakeeping performance is of particular importance for car and passenger ferries, service ships in the gas and oil extraction industry and offshore wind power farm industry, as well as for special purpose ships (including military applications). In the water areas of the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea, which are characterised by a short and steep wave, the hull shape has a substantial impact on the...
Multihull vessel excitations in stochastic formulation
PublicationPraca dotyczy określania wymuszeń wielokadłubowej jednostki pływającej w ujęciu stochastycznym. Wymuszenia ruchu jednostek pływających pochodzą od ruchu fal morskich i działania wiatru. Najczęściej jest to falowanie nieregularne i dlatego w badaniach dynamiki takich jednostek zakłada się, że proces falowania ma charakter probabilistyczny. Przeprowadzono analizę dynamiki jednostki wielokadłubowej na liniowym modelu, na który działa...
The Application of a Mobile Unmanned Device for Monitoring Water and Sediment Pollution in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationPollution in the Port of Gdynia can encompass various types of substances and contaminants that affect the quality of water and sediment in this region. Ships entering and leaving the port can release pollutants such as oil, fuel, waste, and chemicals into the water. Controlling and monitoring these pollutants is a crucial part of environmental stewardship. In recent years, uncrewed units have been increasingly in use for in situ...
Transverse surface waves on a cylindrical surface with coating
PublicationWe discuss the propagation of transverse surface waves that are so-called whispering-gallery waves along a surface of an elastic cylinder with coating. The coating is modelled in the framework of linearized Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Other interpretations of the surface shear modulus are given and relations to so-called stiff interface and stiff skin model are discussed. The dispersion relations are obtained and analyzed.
Vessel Energy Requirement Prediction from Acceleration Stage Towing Tests on Scale Models
PublicationOne of the most crucial tasks for naval architects is computing the energy required to meet the ship’s operational needs. When predicting a ship’s energy requirements, a series of hull resistance tests on a scale model vessel is carried out in constant speed stages, while the acceleration stage measurements are ignored. Another important factor in seakeeping analysis is the ship’s hydrodynamic added mass. The second law of dynamics...
2022-2023 - Assessment of performance of unmanned maritime vehicles (USV, UUV, AUV) by CFD and MES investigation, PG_00053662
e-Learning CoursesThe course entitled "APofUMV Assessment of Performance of Unmanned Maritime Vehicles (W-lecture) is mainly conducted for the DAPE Course Students. The lectures (W) are closely connected with the project exercises (P) where some examples for the data designs are conducted. All the AP of UMV lectures are connected with presentation following problems: - major areas of application of UMV unmanned maritime vehicles, - sea environment...
Photogrammetric Development Of The Threshold Water At The Dam On The Vistula River In Wloclawek From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Uav)
PublicationBarrage in Wloclawek (Poland) was designed by Hydroprojekt and built in the years of 1962 - 1970 as the first stage of the planned Lower Vist ula Cascade. Cascade design assumed the construction of 8 dams in Wyszogr o d, Plock, Wloclawek, Nieszawa (Ciechocinek as an option), Solec Kujawski, Chelmno, Opalen and Tczew. Nieszawa dam was supposed to ensure the maintenance of an adequate free surface...
Surface finite viscoelasticity and surface anti-plane waves
PublicationWe introduce the surface viscoelasticity under finite deformations. The theory is straightforward generalization of the Gurtin–Murdoch model to materials with fading memory. Surface viscoelasticity may reflect some surface related creep/stress relaxation phenomena observed at small scales. Discussed model could also describe thin inelastic coatings or thin interfacial layers. The constitutive equations for surface stresses are...
Strongly anisotropic surface elasticity and antiplane surface waves
PublicationWithin the new model of surface elasticity, the propagation of anti-plane surface waves is discussed. For the proposed model, the surface strain energy depends on surface stretching and on changing of curvature along a preferred direction. From the continuum mechanics point of view, the model describes finite deformations of an elastic solid with an elastic membrane attached on its boundary reinforced by a family of aligned elastic...
Adaptive dynamic control allocation for dynamic positioning of marine vessel based on backstepping method and sequential quadratic programming
PublicationIt is generally assumed in dynamic positioning of over-actuated marine vessels that the control effectiveness matrix (input matrix) is known and constant, or, in case of fault information, it is estimated by the fault detection and diagnosis system. The purpose of the study is to develop the adaptive dynamic positioning control system for an over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of uncertainties and with emphasis on limited...
Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology
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Surface Innovations
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Ocular Surface
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Surface Technology
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The low-frequency magnetic field emissions on-board of the vessel
Open Research DataThe data represents measurement results performed on board of the vessel. The acquired time-waveforms, corresponding to the instantaneous values of the magnetic field (MF) induction were acquired near the cable supplying the bow thruster motor. Data recording of the magnetic field density (MFD) emissions was carried out with a/d converters of the data...
Side Fins Performance in Biomimetic Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
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Unmanned mine counter systems for South Baltic conditions.
PublicationPrzedstawiono warunki środowiskowe panujące na Bałtyku Południowego oraz opracowane w Polsce systemy przeciwminowe oparte na bezzałogowych statkach głębinowych. System głębinowy pk. ''Ukwiał'' wykorzystuje zdalnie sterowany, zasilany kablem statek głębinowy do przenoszenia ładunków wybuchowych. Jako alternatywne rozwiązanie przedstawiono urządzenie jednorazowego użytku w postaci statku głębinowego z obrotową głowicą bojową....
International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems
Journals -
Preliminary Results of a System-theoretic Assessment of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships' Safety
PublicationWhile a system‐theoretic approach to the safety analysis of innovative socio‐technical systems gains a growing acceptance among academia, safety issues of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) remain largely unexplored. Therefore, we applied a System‐Theoretic Process Analysis to develop and analyze a preliminary model of the unmanned shipping system in order to elaborate safety recommendations for...
Analysis of Methods for Determining Shallow Waterbody Depths Based on Images Taken by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
PublicationHydrographic surveys enable the acquisition and processing of bathymetric data, which after being plotted onto nautical charts, can help to ensure safety of navigation, monitor changes in the coastal zone, and assess hydro-engineering structure conditions. This study involves the measurement of waterbody depth, identification of the seabed shape and geomorphology, the coastline course, and the location of underwater obstacles....
Small Vessel with Inboard Engine Retrofitting Concepts; Real Boat Tests, Laboratory Hybrid Drive Tests and Theoretical Studies
PublicationThe development of modern technologies and their increasing availability, as well as the falling costs of highly ecient propulsion systems and power sources, have resulted in electric or hybrid propulsions systems’ growing popularity for use on watercraft. Presented in the paper are design and lab tests of a prototype parallel hybrid propulsion system. It describes a concept of retrofitting a conventionally powered nine meter-long...
Surface and interfacial anti-plane waves in micropolar solids with surface energy
PublicationIn this work, the propagation behaviour of a surface wave in a micropolar elastic half-space with surface strain and kinetic energies localized at the surface and the propagation behaviour of an interfacial anti-plane wave between two micropolar elastic half-spaces with interfacial strain and kinetic energies localized at the interface have been studied. The Gurtin–Murdoch model has been adopted for surface and interfacial elasticity....
Analysis of two design kind of propulsion for an inland vessel
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono założenia projektowe i dwa rozwiązania konstrukcyjne układu napędowego dla statku śródlądowego. W jednym z tych rozwiązań zastosowano przekładnię hydrostatyczną zaś w drugim - przekładnię elektryczną z przetwornikiem częstotliwości. Ponadto przedstawiono analizę porównawczą obu opracowanych układów.
Analysis of two design kind of propulsion for an inland vessel
Publicationw artykule przedstawiono dwa rodzaje układu napędowego dla statku śródlądowego. Pierwszy układ diesel-elektryczny z przetwornikiem częstotliwości i drugi układ diesel-hydrauliczny z przekładnią hydrostatyczną. Przeprowadzono wstępną analizę porównawczą obu układów z uwzględnieniem gabarytów, mas, kosztów inwestycyjnych i sprawności.
An azimuthing diesel-hydraulic propulsion system for an inland vessel
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono założenia i uwarunkowania techniczne oraz projekt koncepcyjny diesel-hydraulicznego systemu napędowego statku śródlądowego z pędnikami azymutalnymi. Projekt zawiera schemat systemu napędowego oraz wizualizację rozmieszczenia podstawowych elementów tego systemu w kadłubie statku.
Application of wave spectra to mathematical model of multihull vessel
PublicationDynamiczne układy mechaniczne reprezentujące obiekty pływające są ściśle związane z procesami stochastycznymi. Zmienne stanu i parametry wejścia w tych modelach mają charakter probabilistyczny. Modele matematyczne takich układów są reprezentowane przez układy stochastycznych równań różniczkowych tworząc układy równań ''Ito''. W artykule zostały wyznaczone współczynniki transmitancji dla wybranych trzech widm falowania: Kongresu...
PublicationPower and propulsion systems of offshore units must be of a very high level of reliability. The loss of ability to perform functions of their components causes generally to very high economic losses, which may be increased by unused the weather window resulting to postponing the planned offshore operations. To ensure carrying out so expensive offshore operations in the most reliable way, various types of redundancies are built-in...
Increasing the Geometrical and Interpretation Quality of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry Products Using Super-Resolution Algorithms
PublicationUnmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have now become very popular in photogrammetric and remote-sensing applications. Every day, these vehicles are used in new applications, new terrains, and new tasks, facing new problems. One of these problems is connected with flight altitude and the determined ground sample distance in a specific area, especially within cities and industrial and construction areas. The problem is that a safe flight...
Modeling of performance and safety of a multi-task unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle = Modelowanie ruchu i bezpieczeństwa wielozadaniowego bezzałogowego autonomicznego pojazdu wodnego
PublicationAt the beginning of the paper the aim of research is presented. Then the method is introduced. Next, the unmanned autonomous maritime vehicle is briefly described. The following chapter concerns a model of vehicle performance including the ballasting and motion. Some information on an integrated steering, positioning and stabilization system of the vehicle is briefly presented in the paper. Such the system enables to obtain a fully...
On Anti-Plane Surface Waves Considering Highly Anisotropic Surface Elasticity Constitutive Relations
PublicationWithin the framework of highly anisotropic surface elasticity model we discuss the propagation of new type of surface waves that are anti-plane surface waves. By the highly anisotropic surface elasticity model we mean the model with a surface strain energy density which depends on incomplete set of second derivatives of displacements. From the physical point of view this model corresponds to a coating made of a family of parallel...
On Surface Kinetic Constitutive Relations
PublicationIn the framework of the strain gradient surface elasticity we discuss a consistent form of surface kinetic energy. This kinetic constitutive equation completes the statement of initial–boundary value problems. The proposed surface kinetic energy density is the most general function consistent with the constitutive relations in bulk. As the surface strain energy depends on the surface deformation gradient and its gradient, the kinetic...
The Empirical Application of Automotive 3D Radar Sensor for Target Detection for an Autonomous Surface Vehicle’s Navigation
PublicationAvoiding collisions with other objects is one of the most basic safety tasks undertaken in the operation of floating vehicles. Addressing this challenge is essential, especially during unmanned vehicle navigation processes in autonomous missions. This paper provides an empirical analysis of the surface target detection possibilities in a water environment, which can be used for the future development of tracking and anti-collision...
Anti-plane surface waves in media with surface structure: Discrete vs. continuum model
PublicationWe present a comparison of the dispersion relations derived for anti-plane surface waves using the two distinct approaches of the surface elasticity vis-a-vis the lattice dynamics. We consider an elastic half-space with surface stresses described within the Gurtin–Murdoch model, and present a formulation of its discrete counterpart that is a square lattice half-plane with surface row of particles having mass and elastic bonds different...
Towards the Development of a Risk Model for Unmanned Vessels Design and Operations