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Search results for: X-ray crystallographic analysis
The bismuth atom neighbourhood in bismuth-silicate glasses from X-ray absorption experiment
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki strukturalnej analizy EXAFS lokalnego otoczenia atomów bizmutu w krystalicznym tlenku bizmutu (odmiana alfa) i w szklach bizmutowo-krzemianowych o składzie xBi2O3 (1-x)SiO2,x=0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6. Analizę XA- FS realizowano w oparciu o metodę GNXAS. Otrzymane wyniki porównano z danymi literaturowym.
Experimental investigations on water sorptivity in mortars with the use of X-ray micro-CT system.
PublicationW pracy doswiadczalnej zbadano zjawisko sorpcji wody w pryzmatycznych próbkach zapraw, które jest ściśle powiązane z trwałością materiału. Sorpcyjność oceniana na etapie ustalonym w połączeniu z warunkami zewnętrznymi może być wykorzystana do przewidywania okresu użytkowania. Sorpcyjność początkową i wtórną wody w próbkach zapraw nienasyconych zmierzono w badaniach laboratoryjnych zgodnie z normą amerykańską ASTM C 1585–04. Wpływ...
Experimental investigations of fracture process in concrete by means of x-ray micro-computed tomography
PublicationW artykule pokazano doświadczalne wyniki badań procesu pękania w betonie stosując mikro-tomografię. Doświadczenia wykonano dla zginanych belek betonowych. Wyniki doświadczalne modelowano stosując MES na bazie modelu z degradacją sztywności sprężystej z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Beton symulowano jako materiał 4-fazowy. Uzyskano dobra zgodność wyników MES z doświadczeniami.
X-Ray Computer Tomography Study of Degradation of the Zircaloy-2 Tubes Oxidized at High Temperatures
PublicationThe investigations of high-temperature oxidation of zirconium alloys, applied for fuel pellets in nuclear power plants, are usually limited to oxidation kinetics, phase transformations and microstructural characterization. The purpose of this research was to characterize the degradation phenomena occurring within oxide layer and at the interface oxide/metal, on internal and external Zircaloy-2 tube...
A high-accuracy complex-phase method of simulating X-ray propagation through a multi-lens system
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. For solving the problem for an electromagnetic wave, a finite-difference method is applied. The error of simulation is analytically estimated and investigated. It was found that a very detailed difference grid is required for reliable and accurate calculations of the propagation of X-ray waves through a multi-lens...
Syntheses, spectroscopic and structural properties of phenoxysilyl compounds: X-ray structures, FT-IR and DFT calculations
PublicationThe reaction of silicon disulfide with alkylphenols leads to tetraphenoxysilane, cyclodisilthiane and silanethiol. The products of the reaction of silicon disulfide with phenols are characterized by FT-IR, NMR, X-ray diffraction and DFT calculations. The intramolecular interactions in the compounds are mainly XH---π (X = C, S) whereas the intermolecular interactions are either very weak CH---π/CH---O contacts found in aryloxysilane...
A high-accuracy method of computation of x-ray waves propagation through an optical system consisting of many lenses
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. Two differential equations are contemplated for solving the problem for electromagnetic wave propagation: first – an equation for the electric field, second – an equation derived for a complex phase of an electric field. Both equations are solved by the use of a finite-difference method. The simulation error is estimated...
The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of surface composition of aged mixed copper manganese oxide catalysts
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Modeling of the L and M x-ray line structures for tungsten in high-temperature tokamak plasmas
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Modelling of the soft X-ray tungsten spectra expected to be registered by GEM detection system for WEST
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Structure of high-resolution Kβ1,3 x-ray emission spectra for the elements from Ca to Ge
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Assessment of the cryoprotectant concentration inside a bulky organ for cryopreservation using X-ray computed tomography
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Fracture evolution in concrete compressive fatigue experiments based on X-ray micro-CT images
PublicationArtykuł omawia ewolucje pękania w betonie podczas cyklicznego ściskania betonu. Przestrzenną ewolucję pękania zobrazowano stosując mikro-tomograf rentgenowski. Zdjęcia wykonano dla różnych cykli zmęczeniowych. Wyniki porównano z testami monotonicznymi. Jakościowa ewolucja objętości pękania ze wzrostem zmęczeniowego zniszczenia pokazała silnie nieliniowy kształt.
Age Prediction from Low Resolution, Dual-Energy X-ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationAge prediction from X-rays is an interesting research topic important for clinical applications such as biological maturity assessment. It is also useful in many other practical applications, including sports or forensic investigations for age verification purposes. Research on these issues is usually carried out using high-resolution X-ray scans of parts of the body, such as images of the hands or images of the chest. In this...
Combining X-ray tomogrpahy imaging and DEM simulations to investigate granular material flow during silo discharging
PublicationEven after few decades of research, the study of particle motion taking place during silo discharging hasn’t been fully addressed, both experimentally and numerically, because of nontrivial behaviors that occur during associated flow patterns. For instance, discrete element method (DEM) has shown good qualitative prediction potential of velocity profile, but, on the other hand, frequently failed to match quantitatively experimental...
Two-dimensional simulations of concrete fracture at aggregate level with cohesive elements based on X-ray lCT images
PublicationThe paper presents results of two-dimensional meso-scale simulations of fracture in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending test. Concrete was assumed as a 4-phase material composed of aggregate grains placed in the cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and macro-voids. The particle distribution was taken from real concrete beams on the basis of X-ray lCT images. Comprehensive numerical analyses were carried...
Oriented Gaussian beams for high-accuracy computation with accuracy control of X-ray propagation through a multi-lens system
PublicationA highly accurate method for calculating X-ray propagation is developed. Within this approach, the propagating wave is represented as a superposition of oriented Gaussian beams. The direction of wave propagation in each Gaussian beam agrees with the local direction of propagation of the X-ray wavefront. When calculating the propagation of X-ray waves through lenses, the thin lens approximation is applied. In this approximation,...
Crystal structure and physical properties of AePd1-xP1+x (Ae = Ca, Sr)
PublicationWe report the discovery of two new compounds AePd1-xP1+x (Ae = Ca, Sr) crystallized in different hexagonal structures. Single crystals of AePd1-xP1+x (Ae = Ca, Sr) are obtained using the Bi-flux method. Crystallographic analysis by both powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction shows that CaPd1-xP1+x crystallizes in a non-centrosymmetric hexagonal structure with the space group P-6m2 (No.187) and lattice parameters a = b = 4.0391(9)...
Variable-temperature X-ray diffraction study of structural parameters of NH---S hydrogen bonds in triethylammonium and pyridinium silanethiolates
PublicationHydrogen bonds in triethylammonium and pyridinium silanethiolate salts have been characterized by X-ray, FT–IR and NMR spectroscopies. DFT calculations reveal strongly asymmetric double-well minima at the potential energy curves of the studied compounds
Detection of Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms Based on X-Ray Images Using Machine Learning- Pilot Study
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FPGA-based LLRF control module for x-ray free electron laser and TESLA feedback system
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Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Studies of Phonon Dispersion in PbTe and (Pb,Cd)Te Solid Solution
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Diagnostics of the plasma parameters based on the K X-ray line positions for various 4d and 4f metals
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Quantitative estimation of volume changes of granular materials during silo flow using X-ray tomography.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych nad zmianami objętościowymi materiału granulowanego podczas przepływu silosowego. Badania wykonano przy zastosowaniu tomografii rentgenowskiej. Wyniki porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi przy zastosowaniu cyfrowej obróbki zdjęć płynącego materiału.
Enhancement of the Magnetic Coupling in Exfoliated CrCl 3 Crystals Observed by Low‐Temperature Magnetic Force Microscopy and X‐ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
PublicationMagnetic crystals formed by 2D layers interacting by weak van der Waals forces are currently a hot research topic. When these crystals are thinned to nanometric size, they can manifest strikingly different magnetic behavior compared to the bulk form. This can be the result of, for example, quantum electronic confinement effects, the presence of defects, or pinning of the crystallographic structure in metastable phases induced by...
Individual contributions of M X-ray line from Cu- and Co-like tungsten ions and L X-ray line from Ne-like molybdenum ions – Benchmarks for new approach to determine the high-temperature tokamak plasma parameters
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Short-range order structure and free volume distribution in liquid bismuth: X-ray diffraction and computer simulations studies
PublicationThe structure of liquid bismuth was studied by X-ray diffraction and computer simulation methods. The contraction of the atomic structure within the first coordination sphere in the temperature interval of 575- 1225 K is reported. The temperature dependencies of the coordination numbers and of the free volume are analysed. On the basis of the temperature dependencies of the free volume, the temperature dependencies of viscosity...
PublicationThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale numerical results of fracture in notched concrete beams under quasi-static three-point bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and air voids. As a numerical approach, the discrete element method (DEM) was used. The concrete micro-structure in calculations was directly...
Study of microstress state of P91 steel using complementary mechanical Barkhausen, magnetoacoustic emission, and X-ray diffraction techniques
PublicationThe paper deals with assessment of microstress state of martensite P91 steel using three complementary techniques: mechanical Barkhausen emission, magnetoacoustic emission (MAE), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) profile analysis. Magnetic coercivity Hc and microstructure were investigated with inductive magnetometry and magnetic force microscopy (MFM), respectively. Internal stress level of P91 steel was modified by heat treatment....
Local structural and chemical ordering of nanosized Pt(3±δ)Co probed by multiple-scattering x-ray absorption spectroscopy
PublicationThis work reports a detailed investigation of the local structure and chemical disorder of a Pt(3±δ)Co thin film and Pt(3±δ)Co nanoparticles. We have used a combination of techniques including x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The important effect of chemical ordering on pair and three-atom configurations has been studied using computer simulations...
Incensfuran: isolation, X-ray crystal structure and absolute configuration by means of chiroptical studies in solution and solid state
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Theoretical Modeling of High-Resolution X-ray Spectra Emitted by Tungsten and Molybdenum Ions from Tokamak Plasmas
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Modeling of the K and L x-ray line structures for molybdenum ions in warm dense Z-pinch plasma
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X-ray diffraction and high-resolution NMR spectroscopy of methyl 3azido-2,3-dideoxy-ŕD-lyxo-hexopyranoside
PublicationOpisano strukturę 3-azydo-2,3 dideoksy-ŕ-d-lykso-heksopiranozydu metylu na podstawie danych otrzymanych przy pomocy rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej oraz wysokorozdzielczej spektroskopii magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego. Przedyskutowano również wpływ pierścieniowego atomu tlenu na wartości stałych sprężeń atomów wodoru przy atomach C6 i C1 pierścienia 2-deoksy-D-lyksooraz-D-ksylo-heksopiranozydów.
A three-dimensional meso-scale approach with cohesive elements to concrete fracture based on X-ray μCT images.
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne dotyczące pękania betonu uzyskane stosując trójwymiarowy model mezoskopowy z elementami kohezyjnymi. Obliczenia trójwymiarowe zostały wykonane dla zginanej belki betonowej. Beton został opisany jako model 3-fazowy. Mikrostruktura betonu odpowiadała zdjęciom tomograficznym. Wyniki numeryczne zostały porównane z wynikami doświadczalnymi. Uzyskano b. dobra zgodność między wynikami numerycznymi i doświadczalnymi.
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of COVID-19 from Chest X-ray Images Using Hybrid-Features and Random Forest Classifier
PublicationIn recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to using radiology imaging to automatically find COVID-19. (1) Background: There are now a number of computer-aided diagnostic schemes that help radiologists and doctors perform diagnostic COVID-19 tests quickly, accurately, and consistently. (2) Methods: Using chest X-ray images, this study proposed a cutting-edge scheme for the automatic recognition of COVID-19 and pneumonia....
Comparative X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy studies of BiFeO3 ceramics prepared by conventional solid-state reaction and mechanical activation
PublicationThe aim of this work was to prepare BiFeO3 by modified solid-state sintering and mechanical activation processes and to investigate the structure and hyperfine interactions of the material. X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy were applied as complementary methods. In the case of sintering, BiFeO3 phase was obtained from the mixture of precursors with 3 and 5 % excess of Bi2O3 during heating at 1023 K. Small amounts of...
Application of vibrational spectroscopy, thermal analyses and X-Ray diffraction in the rapid evaluation of the stability in solid-state of ranitidine, famotidine and cimetidine
PublicationThis paper reports the study on applicability of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), near-infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) for the estimation of the chemical stability and photostability of histamine H2-receptor antagonist substances. Ranitidine hydrochloride (RAN), famotidine (FAM) and cimetidine (CIM) were tested and differences in sensitivity were measured...
Soft X-ray Induced Production of Neutral Fragments in High-Rydberg States at the O 1s Ionization Threshold of the Water Molecule
PublicationDissociation of water molecules after soft X-ray absorption can yield neutral fragments in high-Rydberg (HR) states. We have studied the production of such fragments by field ionization and ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry. Neutral HR fragments are created at all resonances below the O 1s ionization potential (IP) and particularly within 1 eV above the O 1s IP. The latter effect is due to the recapture of the O 1s photoelectrons...
The synthesis, x-ray structure and metal cation complexation properties of colored crown with two heterocyclic residues as a part of macrocycle
PublicationZsyntezowano nowy eter koronowy zawierający ugrupowanie azowe, resztę pirolu i pirydyny w pierścieniu makrocyklicznym. Badano zdolność kompleksowania kationów metali w acetonitrylu oraz mieszaninę acetonitryl-woda. Do pomiarów wykorzystano spektrofotometrię UV-Vis. Ustalono strukturę krystalograficzną otrzymanego związku.
Synthesis and Properties of Di-isopropylamino Derivatives of Diphosphanes and Triphosphanes: The X-Ray Structure of (iPr2N)2P-P(SiMe3)2
PublicationPrzeprowadzono reakcję (iPr2N)2PCl z P(SiMe3)2Li w wyniku której otrzymano difosfan (iPr2N)2P-P(SiMe3)2. Strukturę związku określono przy pomocy rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej. Otrzymano także pochodną litową (iPr2N)2P-P(SiMe3)Li w rekcji z nBuLi. W reakcji (iPr2N)2PCl z (iPr2N)2P-P(SiMe3)Li otrzymano trifosfan (iPr2N)2P-P(SiMe3)-P(NiPr2)2 z dużą wydajnością. Próby otrzymania pochodnej litowej (iPr2N)2P-PLi-P(NiPr2)2 zakończyły...
Modeling of soft N, M and L X-ray lines from tungsten relevant to plasma parameters in the WEST tokamak
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Unraveling the origin of the complex structure of the thorium Lγ x-ray lines in high-resolution spectra induced by heavy projectiles
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An optimized controlled rate slow cooling protocol for bovine ovarian tissue cryopreservation by means of X-ray computed tomography
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Bimodal Nd-Doped LuVO4 Nanoprobes Functionalized with Polyacrilic Acid for X-Ray Computed Tomography and NIR Luminescent Imaging
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Morphology changes in Fe-Cr porous alloys upon high-temperature oxidation quantified by X-ray tomographic microscopy
PublicationThe effect of high-temperature oxidation at 850 C (10 h, 30 h, 100 h) and 900 C (10 h) on porous (30 % porosity) ferritic stainless steel (Fe22Cr) has been investigated using synchrotron tomographic microscopy, which allowed for visualisation, separation and quantitative analysis of the metallic core, closed pores, open pores and oxide scale phase. The same regions within the samples were investigated before and after oxidation...
A three-dimensional meso-scale approach to concrete fracture based on combined DEM with x-ray micro-CT images
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne uzyskane stosując 3-wymiarowy mezoskopowy model do opisu pękania w betonie na poziomie kruszywa w belce z nacięciem podczas zginania. Do obliczeń użyto metodę elementów dyskretnych. Beton został opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy złożony z kruszywa, zaprawy, makro-porów i stref przejściowych miedzy kruszywem a zaprawą. Kształt i położenia kruszywa przyjęto na podstawie skanów z mikro-tomografu. Uzyskano...
Modelling of concrete fracture at aggregate level using FEM and DEM based on X-ray uCT images of internal structure
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje problem pękania w zginanych belkach betonowych. Proces pękania był obserwowany przy zastosowaniu mikrotomografii . Zaobserwowany proces był symulowany numerycznie przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i metody elementów dyskretnych. Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy. Otrzymano dobrą zgodność wyników numerycznych z doświadczalnymi.
Modelling of concrete facture at aggregate level using DEM based on x-ray mu CT images of internal structure
PublicationW artykule pokazano wyniki dyskretne DEM dla pękania betonu poddanego zginaniu. Beton został symulowany jako ośrodek 4-fazowy. Mikrostrukturę betonu określono na podstawie zdjęć uzyskanych mikro-tomografem. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zjawiska mikrostrukturalne podczas zarysowania na poziomie kruszywa.
Evolution of the nanostructure of Pt and Pt–Co polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell electrocatalysts at successive degradation stages probed by X-ray photoemission
PublicationWe present a set of XPS (X-ray photoemission spectroscopy) measurements and detailed data-analysis of electrodes for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) based on carbon supported catalysts (Pt and Pt–Co) subjected to a step-like potential cycling (accelerated degradation test). The results of the measurements complete and corroborate parallel TEM (transmission electron microscopy), XRD (X-ray diffraction) and XAS (X-ray...