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Search results for: X-ray diffraction
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and particle size distribution (PSD) data of iron oxide (Fe3O4) - magnetite particles
Open Research DataDataset presenting X-ray diffractogram and particle size distribution of nanomagnetite (Fe3O4) iron oxide particles purchased from Sigma Aldrich (637106).X-ray diffraction study was performed with a PRO X-ray diffractometer (X’Pert PRO Philips diffractometer, Co. Ka radiation, Almelo, Holland), while PSD was determined using laser diffraction technique...
Structure evolution of V2O5 thin films deposited on quartz glass substrate - High-Temperature X-ray Diffraction
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns of V2O5 thin films deposited on guartz glass. The thin films were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about sol synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The sol was deposited on the quartz glass substrate. The structure was measured in-situ during heating between 50-800°C under synthetic...
The structure of strontium–borate glass-ceramics containing crystalites of Bi2VO5.5. measured with X-ray diffraction and SEM methods
Open Research DataThe structure of strontium–borate glass-ceramics containing Bi2VO5.5 crystallites was measured by XRD and SEM.
The structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing nanocrystallites of Bi2VO5.5. measured with X-ray diffraction method
Open Research DataThe structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing Bi2VO5.5 nanocrystallites was measured by XRD.
PublicationObjective: The purpose of the study was to create an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based on X-ray images of the pelvis, as an additional tool to automate and improve the diagnosis of coxarthrosis. The research is focused on joint space narrowing, which is a radiological symptom showing the thinning of the articular cartilage layer, which is translucent to X-rays. It is the first and the most important of the radiological signs...
Performance of a fuel cell optimized for in situ X-ray absorption experiments
PublicationKomercyjna komórka ogniwa paliwowego typu PEM została zmodyfikowana w celu realizacji pomiaru XAS w warunkach pracy ogniwa. Modyfikacja komórki miała na celu optymalizację jej parametrów pod kątem eksperymentu XAS realizowanego w modzie transmisyjnym i fluorescencyjnym, poprzez minimalizację absorpcji komórki, przy zachowaniu jej parametrów elektrochemicznych. W pracy zostały zaprezentowane szczegóły techniczne komórki a jej efektywność...
European X-Ray Free Electron Laser (EXFEL): local implications
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K X-ray line energies as diagnostics of warm dense plasma
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Relativistic calculations of X-ray photoelectron spectra and the accuracy of the IOTC method*
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The K X-ray line structures for a warm dense copper plasma
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High-accuracy computation of hard X-ray focusing and imaging for refractive optics
PublicationA mathematical apparatus for solving problems of X-ray wave propagation through complex optical systems, when the lens thickness can change with jumps, is developed and presented. The developed method is based on the use of the superposition of oriented Gaussian beams, which satisfy the Helmholtz equation with high accuracy. The wave propagation in air and through kinoform and ordinary lenses is considered. Focusing and imaging...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) of bulk boron and borophene flakes after the ball-milling process at different operating parameters
Open Research DataThese data include X-ray diffraction patterns of bulk boron and borophene obtained during ball milling at different rotation speeds, time and mass loadings. The data were collected to investigate the crystal structure of the studied materials.
The structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with X-ray diffraction method
Open Research DataThe structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by XRD.
Application of the X-ray micro computed tomography to the analysis of the structure of polymeric materials
PublicationIn this paper the application of X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) as a non-destructive testing method of polymeric materials is presented. Increasing applicability of polymers in variedend-use industries such as automotive, building and construction, consumer goods, and packaging is propelling the growth of the global polymer processing market. However, controlling of the polymer structure is one of the most important...
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Carboxylic Acids as Corrosion Inhibitors of Aluminium Alloys
PublicationThe datasets, titled X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy studies of citric acid adsorption on aluminium alloy 5754 in alkaline media and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy studies of various carboxylic acids adsorption on aluminium alloys in alkaline media, contain XPS studies of the corrosion inhibitory action of selected dicarboxylic acids towards commercially available aluminium alloy 5754 in alkaline media at pH=11. These datasets...
Use of X-Ray Computed Tomography for Ice Detection Applied to Organ Cryopreservation
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Ovarian tissue cryopreservation by stepped vitrification and monitored by X-ray computed tomography
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X-ray and NMR structural studies of the series of porphyrazines with peripheral pyrrolyl groups
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Detection of Chest X-ray Abnormalities Using CNN Based on Hyperparameter Optimization
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Structure of Kα1,2 - and Kβ1,3 -emission x-ray spectra for Se, Y, and Zr
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Precise x-ray energies of gadolinium determined by a combined experimental and theoretical approach
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Two-photon double ionization of atoms in attosecond x-ray radiation fields
PublicationWe consider two-photon double ionization of helium with 100, 200, and 400 eV excess energy for the two ejected electrons, corresponding to photon energies of 89.5, 139.5, and 239.5 eV, respectively. We focus on the case of ultrashort pulses (two oscillations of the field) and develop an approach to calculate the two-photon transition matrix elements within the lowest order of the time-dependent perturbation theory. One of the...
Testing interaction models by using x-ray absorption spectroscopy: solid Pb
PublicationPraca prezentuje zastosowanie metody EXAFS jako narzędzia do testowania potencjałów oddziaływań międzyatomowych używanych w symulacjach dynamiczno-molekularnych na przykładzie czystego ołowiu w fazie stałej (od temperatury pokojowej do temperatury topnienia). Testowaniu poddano następujące potencjały: dwuciałowy empiryczny potencjał Dzugutova, Larssona i Ebbsjo (DLE), potencjał ciasnego wiązania (TB) i potencjał w modelu osadzonego...
Tome-lapse X-ray tomography imaging of flow patterns in versatile silo model
PublicationThe paper introduces a new versatile silo model that was especially designed for in situ X-ray tomography studies of silo discharge for various flow conditions, namely concentric and eccentric. The presented work focuses on organic granular materials where low fraction of short-grain white rice is mixed with spheroidal sorghum particles. The high-quality tomography images combined with adequate image processing strategy allows...
SEI Growth and Depth Profiling on ZFO Electrodes by Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
PublicationZnFe2O4 (ZFO) Li-ion batteries (LIBs) represent a reliable, affordable, and safe energy storage technology for use in portable application. However, current LIB active materials (graphite, lithium/transition metal spinel or layered oxides, olivine structures) can store only limited energy since they rely on insertion storage based on solid-state host-guest interactions. Moreover, performances and durability of the cells are strongly...
The bismuth atom neighbourhood in bismuth-silicate glasses from X-ray absorption experiment
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki strukturalnej analizy EXAFS lokalnego otoczenia atomów bizmutu w krystalicznym tlenku bizmutu (odmiana alfa) i w szklach bizmutowo-krzemianowych o składzie xBi2O3 (1-x)SiO2,x=0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6. Analizę XA- FS realizowano w oparciu o metodę GNXAS. Otrzymane wyniki porównano z danymi literaturowym.
Enhancing Luminescence and X-ray Absorption Capacity of Eu3+:LaF3 Nanoparticles by Bi3+ Codoping
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The K x-ray line structures of the 3d-transition metals in warm dense plasma
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On the interpretation of high-resolution x-ray spectra from JET with an ITER-like wall
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Experimental investigations of fracture process in concrete by means of x-ray micro-computed tomography
PublicationW artykule pokazano doświadczalne wyniki badań procesu pękania w betonie stosując mikro-tomografię. Doświadczenia wykonano dla zginanych belek betonowych. Wyniki doświadczalne modelowano stosując MES na bazie modelu z degradacją sztywności sprężystej z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Beton symulowano jako materiał 4-fazowy. Uzyskano dobra zgodność wyników MES z doświadczeniami.
Experimental investigations on water sorptivity in mortars with the use of X-ray micro-CT system.
PublicationW pracy doswiadczalnej zbadano zjawisko sorpcji wody w pryzmatycznych próbkach zapraw, które jest ściśle powiązane z trwałością materiału. Sorpcyjność oceniana na etapie ustalonym w połączeniu z warunkami zewnętrznymi może być wykorzystana do przewidywania okresu użytkowania. Sorpcyjność początkową i wtórną wody w próbkach zapraw nienasyconych zmierzono w badaniach laboratoryjnych zgodnie z normą amerykańską ASTM C 1585–04. Wpływ...
X-Ray Computer Tomography Study of Degradation of the Zircaloy-2 Tubes Oxidized at High Temperatures
PublicationThe investigations of high-temperature oxidation of zirconium alloys, applied for fuel pellets in nuclear power plants, are usually limited to oxidation kinetics, phase transformations and microstructural characterization. The purpose of this research was to characterize the degradation phenomena occurring within oxide layer and at the interface oxide/metal, on internal and external Zircaloy-2 tube...
Assessment of the cryoprotectant concentration inside a bulky organ for cryopreservation using X-ray computed tomography
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The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of surface composition of aged mixed copper manganese oxide catalysts
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Modeling of the L and M x-ray line structures for tungsten in high-temperature tokamak plasmas
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Modelling of the soft X-ray tungsten spectra expected to be registered by GEM detection system for WEST
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Structure of high-resolution Kβ1,3 x-ray emission spectra for the elements from Ca to Ge
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Fracture evolution in concrete compressive fatigue experiments based on X-ray micro-CT images
PublicationArtykuł omawia ewolucje pękania w betonie podczas cyklicznego ściskania betonu. Przestrzenną ewolucję pękania zobrazowano stosując mikro-tomograf rentgenowski. Zdjęcia wykonano dla różnych cykli zmęczeniowych. Wyniki porównano z testami monotonicznymi. Jakościowa ewolucja objętości pękania ze wzrostem zmęczeniowego zniszczenia pokazała silnie nieliniowy kształt.
Journal of Surface Investigation-X-Ray Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques
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Syntheses, spectroscopic and structural properties of phenoxysilyl compounds: X-ray structures, FT-IR and DFT calculations
PublicationThe reaction of silicon disulfide with alkylphenols leads to tetraphenoxysilane, cyclodisilthiane and silanethiol. The products of the reaction of silicon disulfide with phenols are characterized by FT-IR, NMR, X-ray diffraction and DFT calculations. The intramolecular interactions in the compounds are mainly XH---π (X = C, S) whereas the intermolecular interactions are either very weak CH---π/CH---O contacts found in aryloxysilane...
A high-accuracy complex-phase method of simulating X-ray propagation through a multi-lens system
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. For solving the problem for an electromagnetic wave, a finite-difference method is applied. The error of simulation is analytically estimated and investigated. It was found that a very detailed difference grid is required for reliable and accurate calculations of the propagation of X-ray waves through a multi-lens...
Analysis of the bulk solid flow during gravitational silo emptying using X-ray and ECT tomography
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów zmian koncentracji piasku bezkohezyjnego zachodzących w prostokątnym modelu silosu opróżnianym grawitacyjnie. Pomiary wykonano z zastosowaniem kontynualnego promieniowania rentgenowskiego oraz z użyciem tomografii pojemnościowej. Badania wykonano dla zróżnicowanego zagęszczenia początkowego piasku oraz różnego stopnia szorstkości ścian. Szczególny nacisk położono na zachowanie sie materiału...
FPGA-based LLRF control module for x-ray free electron laser and TESLA feedback system
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Detection of Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms Based on X-Ray Images Using Machine Learning- Pilot Study
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Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Studies of Phonon Dispersion in PbTe and (Pb,Cd)Te Solid Solution
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Diagnostics of the plasma parameters based on the K X-ray line positions for various 4d and 4f metals
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Quantitative estimation of volume changes of granular materials during silo flow using X-ray tomography.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych nad zmianami objętościowymi materiału granulowanego podczas przepływu silosowego. Badania wykonano przy zastosowaniu tomografii rentgenowskiej. Wyniki porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi przy zastosowaniu cyfrowej obróbki zdjęć płynącego materiału.
Individual contributions of M X-ray line from Cu- and Co-like tungsten ions and L X-ray line from Ne-like molybdenum ions – Benchmarks for new approach to determine the high-temperature tokamak plasma parameters
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A high-accuracy method of computation of x-ray waves propagation through an optical system consisting of many lenses
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. Two differential equations are contemplated for solving the problem for electromagnetic wave propagation: first – an equation for the electric field, second – an equation derived for a complex phase of an electric field. Both equations are solved by the use of a finite-difference method. The simulation error is estimated...