Search results for: activated sludge
Modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationHydrolysis is an important process in biological wastewater treatment and has been known as the rate limiting step in organic carbon removal from municipal or industrial wastewater. The biodegradation of XS is initiated by hydrolysis which is an integral part of activated sludge models, such as the Activated Sludge Model no. 2d (ASM2d). The aim of this study was to evaluate different concepts of modeling the hydrolysis process...
The role of slowly biodegradable substrate in a full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThis paper contains futher results obtained at ''Wschod'' WWTP in Gdańsk under transient conditions (spring season) and comparation of similar experiments carried out at a recently upgraded ''Debogorze'' WWTP in Gdynia. The removal of colloidal and particulate fractions resulted in similar effects (reduced process rates) at both plants. For example, the initial denitrification rates (NUR1) were up to 30% lower during the ''conventional''...
Stabilizing lactate production through repeated batch fermentation of food waste and waste activated sludge
PublicationBio-valorization of organic waste streams, such as food waste and waste activated sludge, to lactic acid (LA) has recently drawn much attention. It offers an opportunity for resource recovery, alleviates environmental issues and potentially turns a profit. In this study, both stable and high LA yield (0.72 ± 0.15 g/g total chemical oxygen demand) and productivity rate (0.53 g/L•h) were obtained through repeated batch fermentation....
The Influence of Low-Temperature Disintegration on the Co-Fermentation Process of Distillation Residue and Waste-Activated Sludge
Publication: Innovative low-temperature disintegration (process temperature 55 ◦C and oxygen concentration 0.2 mg/dm3 ) can be an economically rational technology to intensifying energy production from renewable sources. The proposed process can achieve a degree of disintegration—under optimal conditions—of about 50%, which is excellent when compared with other methods of feed pre-treatment. The low-temperature disintegration of distillation...
Model-based identification of the dominant N2O emission pathway in a full-scale activated sludge system
PublicationActivated sludge models (ASMs), extended with an N2O emission module, are powerful tools to describe the operation of full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Specifically, such models can investigate the most contributive N2O production pathways and guide towards N2O and carbon footprint (CF) mitigation measures. A common practice is to develop and validate models using data from a single WWTP. In this study, a successfully...
Mild hydrogen peroxide interceded bacterial disintegration of waste activated sludge for efficient biomethane production
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Combined sodium citrate and ultrasonic pretreatment of waste activated sludge for cost effective production of biogas
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Effects of different hydraulic models on predicting longitudinal profiles of reactive pollutants in activated sludge reactors
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ dyspersji na prognozowanie stężeń azotu amonowego w komorach osadu czynnego w oczyszczalni ścieków Gdańsk-Wschód. W tym celu wykorzystano jednowymiarowe równanie adwekcji-dyspersji z członem źródłowym (szybkością nitryfikacji). Współczynnik dyspersji został wyznaczony na podstawie pomiarów znacznika fluoroscencyjnego. Model został zweryfikowany w oparciu o pomiary stężeń azotu w 6 sekcjach komory tlenowej...
The Relationship between Gene Activity and Nitrous Oxide Production during Nitrification in Activated Sludge Systems
PublicationNitrite is an important factor which inhibits the first stage of the nitrification, the effect is stronger with the decrease of the DO concentrations. NO2- presence at concentration above 15 mg N – NO2 in the aeration tanks stimulates N2O production regardless of the DO concentration. The significant nirS gene induction, observed especially during the experiments with the nitrite addition indicates that N2O production is basically...
Assessment of the Effect of Wastewater Quantity and Quality, and Sludge Parameters on Predictive Abilities of Non-Linear Models for Activated Sludge Settleability Predictions
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Evaluation and behaviour of slowly biodegradable substrate on mathematical modelling of oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublicationThe effect of the readily biodegradable (Ss) fraction in activated sludge systems has been extensively investigated, but only minor information can be found about the effect of Xs on OUR in activated sludge systems. The aim of this study was to determine the evaluation and behaviour of Xs on mathematical modelling of OUR using ASM2d and its modification. The essential study was divided into two major parts: experimental investigation...
Estimation and modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable substrate based on the batch respirometric tests in activated sludge systems
PublicationNowadays, appropriate determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractionation together with degradation kinetics of organic compounds have a prime importance on the design and operation of activated sludge systems. Batch respirometric tests based on the oxygen uptake rates (OUR) and corresponding COD is accepted method to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable (Ss) fraction...
Biochemical assays of intensified methane content in biogas from low-temperature processing of waste activated sludge
PublicationAnaerobic digestion (AD) is implemented as an important ‘waste to energy’ approach for converting organic-rich byproducts such as sewage sludge into biogas and nutrient-rich digestate. Sewage sludge consists of primary sludge and waste activated sludge (WAS), and low biodegradability of WAS limits methane production. This study presents the influence of the low-temperature pretreatment (LT-PT) of WAS on the efficiency of AD. Different...
The role of slowly biodegradable organic compounds in a full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the immediate effects of slowly biodegradable substrates on the denitrification capability and phosphate release/uptake interactions for a full-scale biomass process from two large wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in the cities of Gdansk and Gdynia (northern Poland). Since it is hard to distinguish the slowly biodegradable substrate in a direct way, a novel procedure based on batch...
Performance evaluation and model-based optimization of the mainstream deammonification in an integrated fixed-film activated sludge reactor
PublicationThis study aimed to model and optimize mainstream deammonification in an integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) pilot plant under natural seasonal temperature variations. The effect of gradually decreasing temperature on the performance was evaluated during a winter season and a transition period to summer conditions, and the correlation of the performance parameters was investigated using principal component analysis (PCA)....
The impact of 3,3',5,5'-tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) solution pretreatment by ozonolysis and photocatalysis on the activated sludge respirometric activity
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Effects of Low Concentration of Selected Analgesics and Successive Bioaugmentation of the Activated Sludge on Its Activity and Metabolic Diversity
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Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production by Municipal Wasted Activated Sludge: The Case Study of Marineo (ITALY) Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublicationPolyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biodegradable polymers with promising applications in various industries. The production of PHAs from sewage sludge represents an innovative and sustainable approach to both waste management and biopolymer synthesis. Sewage sludge, a by-product of wastewater treatment, contains a rich organic carbon source, making it an ideal substrate for producing PHA. This microbial synthesis of PHAs from sewage...
Two-Level Multivariable Control System of Dissolved Oxygen Tracking and Aeration System for Activated Sludge Processes
PublicationThe problem of tracking dissolved oxygen is one of the most complex and fundamental issues related to biological processes. The dissolved oxygen level in aerobic tanks has significant influence on behaviour and activity of microorganism inhabiting the plant. Aerated tanks are supplied with air from an aeration system (blowers, pipes, throttling valves, diffusers). It is a complex dynamic system governed by nonlinear hybrid dynamics....
Soft Sensor Application in Identification of the Activated Sludge Bulking Considering the Technological and Economical Aspects of Smart Systems Functioning
PublicationThe paper presented the methodology for the construction of a soft sensor used for activated sludge bulking identification. Devising such solutions fits within the current trends and development of a smart system and infrastructure within smart cities. In order to optimize the selection of the data-mining method depending on the data collected within a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), a number of methods were considered, including:...
The Problem of Wastewater in Shale Gas Exploitation The Influence of Fracturing Flowback Water on Activated Sludge at a Wastewater Treatment Plant
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Energetically efficient microwave disintegration of waste activated sludge for biofuel production by zeolite: Quantification of energy and biodegradability modelling
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The Influence of COD Fraction Forms and Molecules Size on Hydrolysis Process Developed by Comparative OUR Studies in Activated Sludge Modelling
PublicationThe activated sludge models (ASMs) commonly used by the International Water Association (IWA) task group are based on chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractionations. However, the proper evaluation of COD fractions, which is crucial for modelling and especially oxygen uptake rate (OUR) predictions, is still under debate. The biodegradation of particulate COD is initiated by the hydrolysis process, which is an integral part of an ASM....
Application of Extreme Doses of Aluminium for Growth Control of Filmentous Bacteria Microthrix Parvicella in an Activated Sludge System - Laboratory Investigations
PublicationLaboratory investigations of aluminium (PAX-16) application for control of population of filamentous bacteria Microthrix Parvicella in a three-phase bioreactor in lab-scale were performed. Dosing of small aluminium doses (approximately 0.5 mgAl/gMLSS·d) in the period preceding seasonal growth of M.Parvicella failed to prevent mass growth of this microorganism leading to activated sludge bulking phenomenon (SVI-250 ml/gMLSS)...
Nitrification, denitrification, and dephosphatation capability of activated sludge during co-treatment of intermediate-age landfill leachates with municipal wastewater
PublicationThis study focuses on the possible use and efficacy of the co-treatment of landfill leachate (intermediate-age) with municipal wastewater. The nitrification, denitrification, and dephosphatation capability of activated sludge acclimated with a mixture of raw municipal wastewater (RWW) with gradually increasing amounts of raw landfill leachate (RLL) (from 0.5 to 5% v/v) were tested. Biochemical tests were conducted simultaneously...
Denitrification Process Enhancement and Diversity of the Denitrifying Community in the Full Scale Activated Sludge System after Adaptation to Fusel Oil
PublicationImplementation of anaerobic digestion of primary sludge in modern wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) limits the availability of organic carbon for denitrification in conventional nitrification-denitrification (N/DN) systems. In order to ensure efficient denitrification, dosage of the external carbon source is commonly undertaken. However, application of commercial products, such us ethanol or acetate, greatly increases operational...
The coexistence and competition of canonical and comammox nitrite oxidizing bacteria in a nitrifying activated sludge system – Experimental observations and simulation studies
PublicationThe second step of nitrification can be mediated by nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB), i.e. Nitrospira and Nitrobacter, with different characteristics in terms of the r/K theory. In this study, an activated sludge model was developed to account for competition between two groups of canonical NOB and comammox bacteria. Heterotrophic denitrification on soluble microbial products was also incorporated into the model. Four 5-week washout...
The impact of precipitation and external carbon source addition on biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems - experimentalinvestigation and mathematical modeling
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of chemical precipitation and addition of external carbonsources on the denitrification capability and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) interactions atthe 'Wschod' WWTP (600,000 PE) in Gdansk (northern Poland). For this purpose, different kinds of batch experimentswere carried out with the settled wastewater (without pretreatment and after coagulation-flocculation)and...
The evaluation of COD fractionation and modeling as a key factor for appropriate optimization and monitoring of modern cost-effective activated sludge systems
PublicationA study was conducted to characterize the raw wastewater entering a modern cost effective municipal WWTP in Poland using two approaches; 1) a combination of modeling and carbonaceous oxygen demand (COD) fractionation using respirometric test coupled with model estimation (RTME) and 2) flocculation/filtration COD fractionation method combined with BOD measurements (FF-BOD). It was observed that the particulate fractions of COD obtained...
The advanced monitoring as a key factor for appropriate optimization and control of full-scale activated sludge systems – case study Debogorze WWTP.
PublicationComputer simulation has become a helpful tool in wastewater treatment systems performance and effectiveness analysis. Advanced monitoring, by using appropriate software, enables to create a mathematical model of a real wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), run a simulation and subsequently interpret results under various conditions. An operation of WWTP is usually controlled by global parameters such as flow, solids retention time,...
The impact of precipitation and external carbon source addition on biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems – experimental investigation and mathematical modeling
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of chemical precipitation and addition of external carbonsources on the denitrification capability and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) interactions atthe ‘Wschod’ WWTP (600,000 PE) in Gdansk (northern Poland). For this purpose, different kinds of batch experimentswere carried out with the settled wastewater (without pretreatment and after coagulation-flocculation)and...
New insights into modeling two-step nitrification in activated sludge systems – The effects of initial biomass concentrations, comammox and heterotrophic activities
PublicationIn this study, the conventional two-step nitrification model was extended with complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) and heterotrophic denitrification on soluble microbial products. The data for model calibration/validation were collected at four long-term washout experiments when the solid retention time (SRT) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were progressively reduced from 4 d to 1 d, with mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)...
Modeling nitrous oxide production by a denitrifying-enhancedbiologically phosphorus removing (EBPR) activated sludge in thepresence of different carbon sources and electron acceptors
PublicationIn this study, the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) was expanded to identify the most important mechanisms leading to the anoxic nitrous oxide (N2O) production in the combined nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal activated sludge systems. The new model adopted a three-stage denitrification concept and was evaluated against the measured data from one/two-phase batch experiments carried out with activated sludge withdrawn...
Strategies for mitigating nitrous oxide production and decreasing the carbon footprint of a full-scale combined nitrogen and phosphorus removal activated sludge system
PublicationNitrous oxide (N2O) emitted from biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems contributes significantly to the total carbon footprint of modern wastewater treatment plants. In the present study, N2O production and emissions were experimentally determined in a large-scale plant (220,000 PE) employing combined nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal. As a modelling tool, the Activated Sludge Model 2d (ASM2d) was extended...
Modeling the Effect of External Carbon Source Addition under Different Electron Acceptor Conditions in Biological Nutrient Removal Activated Sludge Systems
Publicationhe aim of this study was to expand the International Water Association Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to predict the aerobic/anoxic behavior of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) and “ordinary” heterotrophs in the presence of different external carbon sources and electron acceptors. The following new aspects were considered: (1) a new type of the readily biodegradable substrate, not available for the anaerobic activity...
Nitrogen transformations and mass balances in anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic batch experiments with full-scale biomasses from BNR activated sludge systems.
PublicationThe aim of this study was to investigate nitrogen mass balances occurring inside full-scale BNR activated sludge systems, with special attention to colloidal and dissolved organic nitrogen (CON and DON) transformations. For this purpose, laboratory experiments were carried out using process biomass from two large BNR plants in northern Poland. Two parallel batch reactors were operated in a 3-phase (anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic) cycle....
Nitrogen transformations and mass balances in anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic batch experiments with full-scale biomasses from BNR activated sludge systems.
PublicationThe aim of this study was to investigate nitrogen mass balances occurring inside full-scale BNR activated sludge systems, with special attention to colloidal and dissolved organic nitrogen (CON and DON) transformations. For this purpose, laboratory experiments were carried out using process biomass from two large BNR plants in northern Poland. Two parallel batch reactors were operated in a 3-phase (anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic) cycle....
Acclimation of denitrifying activated sludge to a single vs. complex external carbon source during a start-up of sequencing batch reactors treating ammonium-rich anaerobic sludge digester liquors
PublicationIn this study, denitrification of ammonium- reach anaerobic sludge digester liquor was investigated during start-up periods of two laboratory- scale ‘‘fill-and-draw’’ reactors. One reactor was fed with a single carbon source (ethanol), whereas the other reactor was fed with a complex carbon source (fusel oil). During two acclimation experiments, the structure of microbial community involved in denitrification was analyzed using...
Effect of neoteric solvents on the activated sewage sludge activity
PublicationCiecze jonowe (ILs) cieszą sie rosnącym zainteresowaniem z uwagi na fakt, iż znajdują coraz więcej zastosowań jako alternatywa dla rozpuszczalników organicznych. W związku z zaistnieniem możliwości zastosowania ILs w nowych czystych technologiach nastała potrzeba zbadania ich toksyczności w stosunku do organizmów żywych i środowiska. Celem badań było oszacowanie wpływu cieczy jonowych na wyselekcjonowane mikroorganizmy osadu czynnego....
Enhanced degradation of glucocorticoids, a potential COVID-19 remedy, by co-fermentation of waste activated sludge and animal manure: The role of manure type and degradation mechanism
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Role of Fungi in Biodegradation of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids by Activated Sewage Sludge
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs), due to their specific properties, can play the role of persistent water contaminants. Fungi manifest the ability to decompose hardy degradable compounds, showing potential in the biodegradation of ILs, which has been studied extensively on sewage sludge; however, attention was drawn mainly to bacterial and not fungal species. The aim of the research was to determine the significance of fungi in ILs’ biodegradation...
Ionic liquid coupled plasma promotes acetic acid production during anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge: Breaking the restrictions of low bioavailable substrates and altering the metabolic activities of anaerobes
PublicationThis study explored the potential application of plasma coupling ionic liquid on disintegration of waste activated sludge and enhanced production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in anaerobic fermentation. Under optimal conditions (dosage of ionic liquid [Emim]OTf = 0.1 g/g VSS (volatile suspended solids) and discharge power of dielectric barrier discharge plasma (DBD) = 75.2 W), the [Emim]OTf/DBD pretreatment increased SCFA...
Salinity enhances high optically active L-lactate production from co-fermentation of food waste and waste activated sludge: Unveiling the response of microbial community shift and functional profiling
PublicationLactic acid (LA), a versatile platform molecule, can be fermented from organic wastes, such as food waste and waste activated sludge. In this study, an efficient approach using salt, a component of food waste as an additive, was proposed to increase LA production. The LA productivity was increased at 10 g NaCl/L and optical pure L-lactate was obtained at 30 g NaCl/L. The enhancement of LA was in accordance with the increased solubilization...
1-Methyl-3-octylimidazolium Chloride − Sorption and Primary Biodegradation Analysis in Activated Sewage Sludge
PublicationCiecze jonowe są nielotne i z tego względu nie przedostają się do atmosfery, jednakże mogą zanieczyszczać wodę i gleby. Badania sposobów redukcji stężenia cieczy jonowych w środowisku jest istotne ze względu na rosnące zapotrzebowanie na biodegradowalne związki chemiczne. Ustalono, że górny limit stężeń dla pierwotnej biodegradacji chlorku 1-metylo-3-oktyloimidazolu wynosi 0.2 mM. Powyżej tego stężenia aktywność dehydrogenaz znacząco...
Bacterial consortium an axenic cultures isolated from activated sewage sludge for biodegradation of imidazolium-based ionic liquid
PublicationExtensive research and increasing number of potential industrial applications made ionic liquids (ILs) important materials in design of new, cleaner technologies. Together with the technological applicability, the environmental fate of these chemicals is considered and significant efforts are being made in designing strategies to mitigate their potential negative impacts. Many ILs are proven to be poorly biodegradable and relatively...
Sustainable utilization of sodium silicate-based lead glass sludge as an alkali-activator for alkali-activated slag: Performance, characterization, and Pb-stabilization
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Toxicity of ionic liquid cations and anions towards activated sewage sludge organisms from different sources – Consequences for biodegradation testing and wastewater treatment plant operation
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) have attracted great interest in academia and industry during the last decade. So far, several ILs have been used in technological processes, from small scale to industrial applications, which makes it more and more likely that they will be released into the environment. Researches have been actively studying the environmental and toxicological bevaviour of ILs, but their influence on the activated sewage sludge...
Robert Aranowski dr inż.
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Release of potassium from actvated sludge as a resultof use peroxyacetic acid = Uwalnianie potasu z osadu czynnego pod wpływem kwasu nadoctowego
PublicationThe phenomenon of potassium efflux (GGKE - glutathione-gated potassium efflux) from the calls of activated sludge bacteria in the result of peroxyacetic acid (CH3CO3H) dosing was investigated. Addition of the strong oxidant to the activated sludge environment caused activation of the defense mechanisms of bacterial cells, related to glutathione transformations, which resulted in the significant increase of potassium ions concentration....
Detection of sulfonamide resistance genes via in situ PCR-FISH
PublicationDue to the rising use of antibiotics and as a consequence of their concentration in the environment an increasing number of antibiotic resistant bacteria is observed. The phenomenon has a hazardous impact on human and animal life. Sulfamethoxazole is one of the sulfonamides commonly detected in surface waters and soil. The aim of the study was to detect sulfamethoxazole resistance genes in activated sludge biocenosis by use of...