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Search results for: compact antennas
A Compact Circularly Polarized Antenna With Directional Pattern for Wearable Off-Body Communications
PublicationThis letter presents a geometrically simple and compact circularly polarized (CP) antenna with unidirectional radiation characteristics for off-body communications. The proposed antenna is based on a microstrip line monopole extension from a coplanar waveguide (CPW) and a protruded stub from one side of the coplanar ground plane along the length of the monopole. The orthogonal components of equal amplitudes required for circular...
Development of a compact microstrip resonant cell aimed at efficient microwave component size reduction
PublicationA comprehensive comparison of a wide collection of compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs) found in the extensive body of literature has been presented. The evaluation of different CMRC designs has led to the selection of the most promising CMRC geometry for the efficient miniaturisation of modern microwave components. In order to showcase the vital effectiveness of the approach, the initially selected CMRC has been notably...
High-Gain Compact Circularly Polarized X-Band Superstrate Antenna for CubeSat Applications
PublicationIn this letter, a concept of high-gain circularly polarized X-band antenna employing a partially reflecting surface (PRS) has been presented. In the initial antenna analysis, the influence of parasitic elements size in the PRS structure on antenna radiation pattern parameters has been investigated and the optimal arrangement of the elements has been identified. The proposed antenna provides wide bandwidth of return loss above 10...
A Highly Compact Low-Profile Beam Switching Transmitarray Antenna for ISM-Band Applications
PublicationThis paper presents a novel, very low-profile transmitarray antenna (TA) designed specifically for applications in the 24 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band. The design innovation lies in embedding the switchable feed antenna into the beam-focusing surface and adding a reflector, which effectively halves the antenna’s size in the boresight direction. This compact antenna allows for easy beam switching through the...
Rapid multi-objective design optimisation of compact microwave couplers by means of physics-based surrogates
PublicationThe authors introduce a methodology for fast multi-objective design optimisation of miniaturised microwave couplers. The approach exploits the surrogate-based optimisation paradigm with an underlying low-fidelity model constructed from an equivalent circuit of the structure under consideration, corrected through implicit and frequency space mapping. A fast prediction tool obtained this way is subsequently optimised by a multi-objective...
Accelerated simulation-driven design optimisation of compact couplers by means of two-level space mapping
PublicationIn this study, the authors discuss a robust and efficient technique for rapid design of compact couplers. The approach exploits two-level space mapping (SM) correction of an equivalent circuit model of the coupler structure under design. The first SM layer (local correction) is utilised to ensure good matching between the equivalent circuit and the electromagnetic model at the component level. Subsequent global correction allows...
Variable-fidelity response feature surrogates for accelerated statistical analysis and yield estimation of compact microwave components
PublicationAccounting for manufacturing tolerances is an essential part of a reliable microwave design process. Yet, quantification of geometry and/or material parameter uncertainties is challenging at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. This is due to inherently high cost of EM analysis and massive simulations necessary to conduct the statistical analysis. Here, a low-cost and accurate yield estimation procedure...
Bandwidth-size design trade-offs for compact spline-parameterised patch couplers by means of electromagnetic-driven multi-objective optimisation
PublicationBroad bandwidth and small size are the key performance figures for contemporary microwave couplers. These requirements are conflicting, i.e. improvement of one generally leads to degradation of the other assuming fixed topology of the circuit at hand. From a designer's perspective, the knowledge about available design trade-offs is indispensable as it permits for tailoring the circuit for particular applications as well as comparing...
Low-cost and reliable geometry scaling of compact microstrip couplers with respect to operating frequency, power split ratio, and dielectric substrate parameters
PublicationA technique for rapid re-design of miniaturised microstrip couplers with respect to operating conditions as well as material parameters of the dielectric substrate is proposed. The dimension scaling process is based on a set of pre-optimised reference designs, obtained for an equivalent circuit model of the coupler at hand. The reference designs are utilised to construct an inverse surrogate model which – upon suitable correction...
Fast EM-driven size reduction of antenna structures by means of adjoint sensitivities and trust regions
PublicationIn this letter, a simple yet robust and computationally efficient optimization technique for explicit size reduction of antenna structures is presented. Our approach directly handles the antenna size as the main design objective, while ensuring satisfactory electrical performance by means of suitably defined penalty functions. For the sake of accuracy, the antenna structure is evaluated using high-fidelity EM simulation. In order...
A Broadband Circularly Polarized Wide-Slot Antenna with a Miniaturized Footprint
PublicationThis letter presents a novel and simple feeding technique for exciting orthogonal components in a wide-slot antenna. In this technique, a rectangular bracket-shape parasitic strip is placed at the open end of the straight microstrip line to excite the fundamental horizontal and vertical components of the circular polarization (CP). The proposed technique—when employed in conjunction with the asymmetrical geometry of coplanar waveguide...
Highly-Miniaturized Self-Quadruplexing Antenna Based on Substrate-Integrated Rectangular Cavity
PublicationThis paper introduces a novel self-quadruplexing antenna (SQA) architecture using a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) for compact size, wide-frequency re-designability, and high isolation responses. The proposed SQA is developed by engraving two U-shaped slots (USSs) on the top conductor of the SIRC. The USSs are excited by employing four microstrip feedlines to achieve self-quadruplexing antenna characteristics. The...
Reliable Greedy Multipoint Model-Order Reduction Techniques for Finite-Element Analysis
PublicationA new greedy multipoint model-order reduction algorithm for fast frequency-domain finite-element method simulations of electromagnetic problems is proposed. The location of the expansion points and the size of the projection basis are determined based on a rigorous error estimator. Compared to previous multipoint methods, the quality of the error estimator is significantly improved by ensuring the orthogonality of the projection...
Rapid design of miniaturised branch-line couplers through concurrent cell optimisation and surrogate-assisted fine-tuning
PublicationIn this study, the authors introduce a methodology for low-cost simulation-driven design optimisation of highly miniaturised branch-line couplers (BLCs). The first stage of their design approach exploits fast concurrent optimisation of geometrically dependent, but electromagnetically isolated cells that constitute a BLC. The cross-coupling effects between the cells are taken into account in the second stage, where a surrogate-assisted...
Rapid multi-objective antenna design using point-by-point Pareto set identification and local surrogate models
PublicationAntenna design is inherently a multicriterial problem.Determination of the best possible tradeoffs between conflicting objectives (a so-called Pareto front), such as reflection response, gain, and antenna size, is indispensable from the designer’s point of view, yet challenging when high-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations are utilized for performance evaluation. Here, a novel and computationally...
Rapid simulation-driven design of miniaturised dual-band microwave couplers by means of adaptive response scaling
PublicationOne of the major challenges in the design of compact microwave structures is the necessity of simultaneous handling of several objectives and the fact that expensive electromagnetic (EM) analysis is required for their reliable evaluation. Design of multi-band circuits where performance requirements are to be satisfied for several frequencies at the same time is even more difficult. In this work, a computationally efficient design...
Dual-Polarized Wideband Bandpass Metasurface-Based Filter
PublicationThis paper presents a novel metasurface-based bandpass filter. The structure is realized by simply patterning a double-sided AD250 substrate, and does not require any vias or insertion of lumped elements. The top layer is an annular- aperture-array with multiple inner conductors, whereas the bottom layer is a first-order Hilbert-curve array. FEM-based simulation results of the filter are obtained using HFSS. The experimental validation...
A new approach to a fast and accurate design of microwave circuits with complex topologies
PublicationA robust simulation-driven design methodology of microwave circuits with complex topologies has been presented. The general method elaborated is suitable for a wide class of N-port unconventional microwave circuits constructed as a deviation from classic design solutions. The key idea of the approach proposed lies in an iterative redesign of a conventional circuit by a sequential modification and optimisation of its atomic building...
Miniaturized uniplanar triple-band slot dipole antenna with folded radiator
PublicationA miniaturized uniplanar slot dipole for triple-frequency operation is presented. The antenna consists of a folded slot radiator with an increased number of degrees of freedom that allow for efficient size reduction. Rigorous electromagnetic (EM)-driven design optimization is applied in order to achieve the smallest possible size while maintaining acceptable levels of antenna reflection at the required operating frequencies. The...
Design optimization of novel compact circular polarization antenna
PublicationThe paper describes a structure and a design optimization procedure of a miniaturized circular polarization antenna with elliptical ground plane slots and feed line with stepped-impedance stubs. Constrained optimization of all antenna parameters is executed in order to explicitly reduce the antenna size while maintaining required impedance axial ratio bandwidth of 5 GHz to 7 GHz at the same time. The size of the optimized antenna...
Novel structure and design of compact UWB slot antenna
PublicationIn this paper, a novel structure of a compact UWB slot antenna is presented along with a simulation-driven design optimization algorithm for adjusting geometry parameters of the device. Our primary objective is to obtain small footprint of the structure while maintaining its acceptable electrical performance. It is achieved by introducing sufficiently large number of geometry degrees of freedom, including increased number of parameterized...
A Concept and Design Optimization of Compact Planar UWB Monopole Antenna
PublicationA novel structure concept of a compact UWB monopole antenna is introduced together with a low-cost design optimization procedure. Reduced footprint is achieved by introduction of a protruded ground plane for current path increase and a matching transformer to ensure wideband impedance matching. All geometrical parameters of the structure are optimized simultaneously by means of surrogate based optimization involving variable-fidelity...
Auto-Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements Based on Multi-Taper Approach
PublicationMeasurements of antenna prototypes are normally performed in dedicated, yet costly environments such as anechoic chambers (ACs). However, the AC construction cost might be unjustified when the measurements aim to support education, or budget-tight research. Alternatively, experiments can be realized in non-anechoic regime and refined using appropriate methods. In this letter, a framework for correction of antenna far-field measurements...
A Compact Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna with MIMO Characterizations for UWB Applications
PublicationUltra-wideband (UWB) technology is extensively used in indoor navigation, medical applications, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices due to its low power consumption and resilience against multipath fading and losses. This paper examines a multiple input multiple-output (MIMO), circularly polarized (CP) dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) for UWB systems. Compact form factor, high gain, wideband response, improved port isolation,...
Cost-Efficient EM-Driven Size Reduction of Antenna Structures by Multi-Fidelity Simulation Models
PublicationDesign of antenna systems for emerging application areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT), fifth generation wireless communications (5G), or remote sensing, is a challenging endeavor. In addition to meeting stringent performance specifications concerning electrical and field properties, the structure has to maintain small physical dimensions. The latter normally requires searching for trade-off solutions because miniaturization...
Multi-objective design optimization of antennas for reflection, size, and gain variability using kriging surrogates and generalized domain segmentation
PublicationCost-efficient multi-objective design optimization of antennas is presented. The framework exploits auxiliary data-driven surrogates, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for initial Pareto front identification, response correction techniques for design refinement, as well as generalized domain segmentation. The purpose of this last mechanism is to reduce the volume of the design space region that needs to be sampled in order...