Search results for: food science
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Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies
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npj Science of Food
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The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences
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Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca-Food Science and Technology
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Health risks from consumption of medicinal plant dietary supplements
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Methodological evaluation of method for dietary heavy metal intake
PublicationNarażenie człowieka na działanie zanieczyszczeń środowiskowych jest poważnym problemem w obecnych czasach. Metale ciężkie są uważane za toksyczne dla człowieka ze względu na tendencję kumulowania się w wybranych tkankach organizmu. Ponadto, ich obecność w ustroju jest przyczyną wielu schorzeń. Substancje szkodliwe mogą przenikać do organizmu kilkoma drogami, poprzez spożywanie skażonej żywności. Biorąc pod uwagę ryzyko związane...
Chemical Quality of Bottled Waters: A Review
PublicationBottled water has become very popular for quenching thirst and as a dietary (mineral) supplement. Theplethora of natural mineral waters precludes any unequivocal system of classification, which makes it difficult for theconsumer to choose a water with properties that suits him/her exactly. The ever-increasing popularity of bottled watersmeans that it is of the utmost importance to determine not only their mineral content, but above...
A Fast and Validated Method for the Determination of Malondialdehyde in Fish Liver Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with a Photodiode Array Detector
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Effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus Bauer and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB12 on proteolytic changes in dry-cured loins
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Pasta Fortified with Potato Juice: Structure, Quality, and Consumer Acceptance
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Effect of substrate type on the field performance and chemical composition of highbush blueberry cv.Patriot
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Effect of Filling Type and Heating Method on Prevalence of Listeria species and Listeria monocytogenes in Dumplings Produced in Poland
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Effect of Cover Brine Type on the Quality of Meat from Herring Marinades
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Chocolate desserts with ricotta hydrolysates: In vitro study of inhibitory activity against angiotensin‐converting enzyme and cholinesterase
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The usefulness of birch saps from the area of Podkarpacie to produce birch syrup
PublicationIn northern European countries, as well as in North America tree saps of maples and birches are used for the production of syrups. Birch syrups are characterized by a specific aromatic taste and can be used as an addition to sweets, desserts, salads and meats. Attention is paid to the health benefits of birch syrups, mainly for high mineral content. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of birch saps obtained from...
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Smartphones as tools for equitable food quality assessment
PublicationBackground: The ubiquity of smartphones equipped with an array of sophisticated sensors, ample processing power, network connectivity and a convenient interface makes them a promising tool for non-invasive, portable food quality assessment. Combined with the recent developments in the areas of IoT, deep learning algorithms and cloud computing, they present an opportunity for advancing wide-spread, equitable and sustainable food...
Maillard-reaction (glycation) of biopolymeric packaging films; principles, mechanisms, food applications
PublicationBackground The biodegradable, biocompatible, sustainable, and renewable nature of biomaterials has led to increased interest in developing biopolymeric food packaging films (BFPFs) with green ingredients and strategies. To enhance the performance of these films, biopolymer molecules can be modified or combined with additives like nanomaterials, cross-linkers, bioactive compounds, and other polymers, particularly with Maillard-reaction...
Honey antibacterial activity: A neglected aspect of honey quality assurance as functional food
PublicationBackground Honey is considered as a functional food with health-promoting properties. Its potent antibacterial and antibiofilm effects are the major attributes of so called ‘medical-grade honey’ which is topically used for the treatment of burns, wounds and skin disorders. Nevertheless, the current set of honey quality parameters adopted in the European Union do not include its biological properties. Furthermore, in light of the...
The role of hydrodynamic cavitation in tuning physicochemical properties of food items: A comprehensive review
PublicationBackground: Today, food processing industries are looking for alternative technologies with an eco-friendly character for the processing of food, beverages and agricultural crops. Ideally, such technologies may preserve the original properties of the food products while reaching their primary target of application. Scope and approach: At this point, hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) is recognized as one of the potential technologies...
Membrane technologies assisting plant-based and agro-food by-products processing: A comprehensive review
PublicationBackground Nowadays, membrane-based technologies (e.g. microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, membrane distillation, and pervaporation) have demonstrated to meet the requirements to be involved in different food and bioproduct processes. Scope and approach Several applications have been developed, including either separation, recovery or concentration of bioactive molecules from agro-food products and by-products,...
Enterococci isolated from plant-derived food - Analysis of antibiotic resistance and the occurrence of resistance genes
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Juices from non-typical edible fruits as health-promoting acidity regulators for food industry
PublicationThe study verifies the possibility of application of juices from selected fruits characterized by the high antioxidant potential as natural acidity regulators with improved nutritional properties. The tested non-typical fruits included mirabelle plum, sea buckthorn and blue-berried honeysuckle. Beetroot juice whose pH is about 6.0 served as a model food product. Potentiometric titration was used to compare the efficacy of tested...
Environmental impacts of food waste management technologies: A critical review of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies
PublicationFood waste is a serious global problem. Therefore, it is essential to reduce food waste and adopt recycling strategies to minimize its environmental impacts. However, conventional waste disposal methods emit harmful gases such as dioxin, CH4, N2O, and NH3, which contaminate the air and water resources. This work reviews the environmental consequences of food waste based on lifecycle assessment (LCA) techniques using methods such...
Microorganisms from starter and protective cultures - Occurrence of antibiotic resistance and conjugal transfer of tet genes in vitro and during food fermentation
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Up-to-date strategies and future trends towards the extraction and purification of Capsaicin: A comprehensive review
PublicationBackground According to the current need of manufacturing healthier products, food companies are seeking specific biomolecules that may offer additional added value (i.e., biological activities) to the new food formulations. Capsaicin, as the pungent ingredient of chili peppers, has become so far one of the target biomolecules explored since the 1950s. There is evidence demonstrating that capsaicin exhibits important biological...
The termostability, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of some vegetables subjected to different durations of boiling: investigation in vitro.
PublicationThis research was performed in order to compare the water and acetone extracts of raw and boiled for 10, 20, 40 and 60 min Korean lotus roots (KLR) and Polish white onion (PWO) in the contents of theirbioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and thermostability. It was found that polyphenols (mg GAE/g), flavanols (mg GAE/g), flavonoids (mg CE/g), anthocyanins(mg CGE/kg) and tannins (mg CE/g) in water extract of raw lotus roots...
Susceptibility to Oxidation of Selected Freshwater Fish Species Lipids as a Potential Source of Fish Oil in Dietary Supplements
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The thermostability, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of some vegetables subjected to different durations of boiling: investigation in vitro
PublicationThis research was performed in order to compare the water and acetone extracts of raw and boiled for 10, 20, 40 and 60 min Korean lotus roots (KLR) and Polish white onion (PWO) in the contents of theirbioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and thermostability.It was found that polyphenols (mg GAE/g), flavanols (mg GAE/g), flavonoids (mg CE/g), anthocyanins (mg CGE/kg) and tannins (mg CE/g) in water extract of raw lotus roots...
Free Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines Content during Ageing of Dry-cured Pork Loins Inoculated with <i>Lactobacillus casei</i> ŁOCK 0900 Probiotic Strain
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Effect of ultrasound treatment on water holding properties and microstructure of beef (m. semimembranosus) during ageing
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LF NMR spectroscopy analysis of water dynamics and texture of Gluten-Free bread with cricket powder during storage
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Effect of the various fats on the structural characteristics of the hard dough biscuit
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Production of wheat bread with spray-dried potato juice: Influence on dough and bread characteristics
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Aroma profile and lactic acid bacteria characteristic of traditional Slovak cheese “May bryndza”
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Changes in chemical composition and oxidative stability of cold-pressed oils obtained from by-product roasted berry seeds
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Survival of probiotic lactic acid bacteria immobilized in different forms of bacterial cellulose in simulated gastric juices and bile salt solution
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Effect of whole amaranth flour on bread properties and nutritive value
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Bioaccessibility of D-chiro-inositol from water biscuits formulated from buckwheat flours fermented by lactic acid bacteria and fungi
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The effect of previous storage condition on the diffusion and contribution of digestive proteases in the ripening of marinated Baltic herring (Clupea harengus)
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ACID whey concentrated by ultrafiltration a tool for modeling bread properties
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Effect of constant and fluctuating temperatures during frozen storage on quality of marinated fillets from Atlantic and Baltic herrings (Clupea harengus)
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Technological benefits of inulin-type fructans application in gluten-free products – A review
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Bioaccessibility of anti-AGEs activity, antioxidant capacity and phenolics from water biscuits prepared from fermented buckwheat flours
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Partial characterization of white cabbages (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) from different regions by glucosinolates, bioactive compounds, total antioxidant activities and proteins
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczeń glukozynolanów (GLS), aktywności przeciwutleniającej (TRSA) oraz białek w próbkach białej kapusty pochodzącej z różnych rejonów geograficznych Europy. Glukobrassycyna i sinigryna były dominującymi GLS we wszystkich próbkach kapusty. Całkowita zawartość GLS mieściła się w zakresie od 3,3-7,7 µmol/g sm. Aktywność przeciwulteniająca próbek kapusty została oszacowana za pomocą testów ABTS,...
Starter cultures as a reservoir of antibiotic resistant microorganisms
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Properties of retrograded and acetylated starch preparations: Part 1. Structure, susceptibility to amylase, and pasting characteristics
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Analysis of molecular structure of starch citrate obtained by a well-stablished method