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Search results for: low-latency video denoising, real-time, poisson-gaussian noise, gaussian noise
On the Handling of Outliers in the GNSS Time Series by Means of the Noise and Probability Analysis
PublicationThe data pre-analysis plays a significant role in the noise determination. The most important issue is to find an optimum criterion for outliers removal, since their existence can affect any further analysis. The noises in the GNSS time series are characterized by spectral index and amplitudes that can be determined with a few different methods. In this research, the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) was used. The noise amplitudes...
The noise macromodel of an optocoupler including 1/(f^alfa) noise source
PublicationThe course of design of an optocoupler's PSpice macromodel including noise sources is described. The PSpice macromodel is proposed for the low frequency range. The PSpice model of a MOSFET transistor was applied as the noise source type 1/(f^alfa) in an optocoupler PSpice macromodel. In the enhanced macromodel the value of an exponent α can be changed in the range of 0.8 - 1.25.
Performance Analysis of the "Intelligent" Kirchhoff- Law - Johnson-Noise Secure Key Exchange
PublicationThe Kirchhoff-law - Johnson-noise (KLJN) secure key distribution system provides a way of exchanging theoretically secure keys by measuring random voltage and current through the wire connecting two different resistors at Alice’s and Bob’s ends. Recently new advanced protocols for the KLJN method have been proposed with enhanced performance. In this paper, we analyze the KLJN system and compare with the „intelligent” KLJN (iKLJN)...
Noise in biological Raman spectroscopy
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a widely used method to investigate chemical molecules by analyzing their vibrational transitions. It utilizes inelastic scattering of the laser light irradiating the investigated object. The scattered light requires appropriate filtering to reduce dominant laser light and expose much weaker components having shifted wavelengths of a characteristic spectral pattern. These components are measured by dispersing...
Noise & Health
Journals -
Measurements of flicker noise in supercapacitor cells
PublicationFlicker noise (1/f-like noise) is often used to assess the quality of various materials and devices. This phenomenon has been observed in different electrochemical devices or reactions (e.g., smart windows, pitting corrosion events). In our exploratory studies we consider how to measure and utilize 1/f noise for the quality assessment of supercapacitors. This task requires special attention because of enormous capacitance of the...
An Overview of the Development of a Real-Time System for Endoscopic Video Classification
PublicationThe article presents the results of improving endoscopic image classification algorithms in an effort towards applying them in a real-time diagnosis supporting system. Methods for the detection and removal of personal data are presented and discussed. The currently developed recognition algorithms have been improved in terms of accuracy and performance to make them suitable for a real-life implementation. Their test results are...
Analysis of noise properties of the optocoupler device
PublicationIn the paper the localization of a source of Random Telegraph Signal noise (RTS noise) in optocoupler devices type CNY 17 were defined. The equivalent noise circuit in low frequency noise for these type optocouplers was proposed.
Investigation of the road noise source employing an automatic noise monitoring station
PublicationThe paper presents a pilot investigation of noise source models in two selected localizations in the context of future dynamic noise map creation. The experiments were carried out using the automatic noise monitoring station engineered at the Multimedia Systems Departmentof the Gda´nsk University of Technology. The results of the noise measurements employing monitoring stations and its comparison to the reference values are depicted....
Improvement of speech intelligibility in the presence of noise interference using the Lombard effect and an automatic noise interference profiling based on deep learning
PublicationThe Lombard effect is a phenomenon that results in speech intelligibility improvement when applied to noise. There are many distinctive features of Lombard speech that were recalled in this dissertation. This work proposes the creation of a system capable of improving speech quality and intelligibility in real-time measured by objective metrics and subjective tests. This system consists of three main components: speech type detection,...
Noise emitted by SKM Trains in Gdansk
PublicationHigh intensity traffic of SKM trains in Gdansk carries a significant level of noise emission. SKM line runs through the central part of the city and therefore in the vicinity of residential areas and recreational facilities. This research was planned and performed to find out what was the real noise emission of SKM trains and to determine whether the measurement noise values are within allowed limits. Individual acoustic events...
Quantum superadditivity in linear optics networks: Sending bits via multiple-access Gaussian channels
PublicationSuperadditivity effects of communication capacities are known in the case of discrete variable quantum channels. We describe the continuous variable analog of one of these effects in the framework of Gaussian multiple access channels (MACs). Classically, superadditivity-type effects are strongly restricted: For example, adding resources to one sender is never advantageous to other senders in sending their respective information...
PublicationA new adaptive comb filtering algorithm, capable of tracking the fundamental frequency and amplitudes of different frequency components of a nonstationary harmonic signal embedded in white measurement noise, is proposed. Frequency tracking characteristics of the new scheme are studied analytically, proving (under Gaussian assumptions and optimal tuning) its statistical efficiency for quasi-linear frequency changes. Laboratory tests...
Detection and segmentation of moving vehicles and trains using Gaussian mixtures, shadow detection and morphological processing
PublicationSolution presented in this paper combines background modelling, shadow detection and morphological and temporal processing into one system responsible for detection and segmentation of moving objects recorded with a static camera. Vehicles and trains are detected based on their pixellevel difference from the continually updated background model utilizing a Gaussian mixture calculated separately for every pixel. The shadow detection...
PublicationSince 2012 all new tires in Europe must be labeled. The label contains general information about tire performance concerning rolling resistance (that corresponds to fuel economy), noise emission and wet grip (only for passenger car tires). Measurements of noise performance of tires must be performed according to the Annex 3 of the Regulation No 117 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations. The regulation specifies...
Low-frequency noise in Au-decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diode at selected ambient gases
PublicationWe report results of the current–voltage characteristics and low-frequency noise in Au nanoparticle (AuNP)-decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diodes. Measurements were conducted in ambient air with addition of either of two organic vapors, tetrahydrofuran [(CH2)4O; THF] and chloroform (CHCl3), as also during yellow light illumination (592nm), close to the measured particle plasmon polariton frequency of the Au nanoparticle...
Waveform design for fast clutter cancellation in noise radars
PublicationCanceling clutter is an important, but computation-ally intensive part of signal processing in noise radars. It is shown that considerable improvements can be made to a simple least squares canceler if minor constraints are imposed onto noise waveform. The proposed scheme is potentially capable of canceling clutter in real-time, even for high sampling rates.
Real-time Operating Systems - Seminar 2023/4
e-Learning CoursesPage to support seminar clases of Real-time Operating Systems
Noise modeling of static CMOS gates for low-noise circuit synthesis
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono efektywną metodę modelowania widma szumu napięcia zasilającego generowanego przez statyczne bramki cyfrowe CMOS. Metoda modelowania uwzględnia krótkie impulsy prądowe powstające w czasie przełączania bramek i pozwala oszacować górne limity widma szumu napięcia zasilającego co umożliwia niskoszumową syntezę układów cyfrowych.
Model of noise sources in supercapacitors
PublicationThe paper presents detailed model of noise sources in supercapacitors. Noise phenomena observed in supercapacitors may be used as a diagnostic tool for assessment of supercapacitor quality or degradation mechanisms (e.g. corrosion of the electrodes or cloggin g up the pores) during ageing. Therefore, it is important to consider where noise is generated. The equivalent circuit of noise sources existing...
Fault detection and diagnostics of complex dynamic systems using Gaussian Process Models - nuclear power plant case study
PublicationThe article examines the use of Gaussian Process Models to simulate the dynamic processes of a Pressurized Water nuclear Reactor for fault detection and diagnostics. The paper illustrates the potential of Gaussian Process Models as a tool for monitoring and predicting various fault conditions in Pressurized Water nuclear Reactor power plants, including reactor coolant flow and temperature variations, deviations from nominal working...
Final report on noise and rolling resistance
PublicationWork Package 6 deals with environmental impacts of PERS use, including noise and rolling resistance. This report covers preliminary noise tests performed in the laboratory and at the road test sites. The obtained results indicate that PERS material reduce noise considerably - up to 12 dB in comparison to SMA16 reference surface. Noise reduction properties are especially visible in the case of factory produced PERS slabs supplied...
Issues related to noise and protection against noise against the background of hazards present in the working environment
PublicationNoise is one of the physical factors that poses the greatest threat in the working environment. In order to reduce the noise exposure, noise reduction at the source should be considered. Next, the engineering and administrative controls are being developed. Finally, hearing protectors are used. Issues related to protection against noise are part of the topics in the field of occupational...
Real-time simulation in non real-time environment
PublicationSimulation in real-time is a very useful tool because of didactical and practical benefits. Very important benefit of real-time simulation is a fact that operator’s decision can be taken into account in the same time scale as the real system would work. This enables construction of simulators, and opportunity to test control algorithms in Hardware in The Loop scheme using target industrial equipment. Professional real-time environments...
Noise profiling for speech enhancement employing machine learning models
PublicationThis paper aims to propose a noise profiling method that can be performed in near real-time based on machine learning (ML). To address challenges related to noise profiling effectively, we start with a critical review of the literature background. Then, we outline the experiment performed consisting of two parts. The first part concerns the noise recognition model built upon several baseline classifiers and noise signal features...
Developing assumptions for the tram noise attenuation passive system using the noise maps analysis method
PublicationThe paper presents experimental research carried out to determine the possible actions to reduce thenoise generated by trams in a highly urbanised area. A few design strategies affecting tram ride qualityhave been presented – especially in the aspect of the acoustic phenomena. Main sources of the noisein trams were characterised. The paper includes selected results of comprehensive...
Distributed System For Noise Threat Evaluation Based On Psychoacoustic Measurements
PublicationAn innovative system designed for the continuous monitoring of acoustic climate of urban areas was presentedin the paper. The assessment of environmental threats is performed using online data, acquired through a grid ofengineered monitoring stations collecting comprehensive information about the acoustic climate of urban areas.The grid of proposed devices provides valuable data for the purpose of long and short time acoustic climateanalysis....
The Application Of A Noise Mapping Tool Deployed In Grid Infrastructure For Creating Noise Maps Of Urban Areas
PublicationThe concept and implementation of the system for creating dynamic noise maps in PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The methodology of dynamic acoustical maps creating is introduced. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source and propagation models, was developed and employed in the system. The details of incorporation of the system to the PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The results of simulations performed by...
Robust local basis function algorithms for identification of time-varying FIR systems in impulsive noise environments
PublicationWhile local basis function (LBF) estimation algorithms, commonly used for identifying/tracking systems with time-varying parameters, demonstrate good performance under the assumption of normally distributed measurement noise, the estimation results may significantly deviate from satisfactory when the noise distribution is of impulsive nature, for example, heavy-tailed or corrupted by outliers. This paper introduces a computationally...
Anatomy of noise in quantitative biological Raman spectroscopy
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a fundamental form of molecular spectroscopy that is widely used to investigate structures and properties of molecules using their vibrational transitions. It relies on inelastic scattering of monochromatic laser light irradiating the specimen. After appropriate filtering the scattered light is dispersed onto a detector to determine the shift from the excitation wavelength, which appears in the form of...
Shipping Low Frequency Noise and Its Propagation in Shallow Water
PublicationOne of the most significant factor influencing acoustical climate of the sea is underwater noise generated by moving ships. If the considered sea area has features of the shallow water, namely the wave frequency fulfils relation f < 10c/h, where c denotes phase speed of sound, and h is depths of the sea, then in certain distance from the wave source specific image of sound pressure distribution in the mean of wave modes appears....
PublicationThe paper deals mainly with investigation of underwater noise that propagation is in shallow water. In this paper has been presented the experimental investigation results concerning the distribution of the sound field pressure generated by moving ships in the shallow water at the small distance from the ship. The main acoustical characteristics describing features of the field are spectrograms in pseudo 3D system – distance and frequency...
A new approach to active noise and vibration control - [Part I: the known frequency case]
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to rejection of complex-valued sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discrete-time stable linear plant with unknown dynamics. It is assumed that the frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance is known, and that the output signal is contaminated with wideband measurement noise. The disturbance rejection control rule is first derived and analyzed for a nominal plant model, different from...
A new methof for identyfication of RTS noise
PublicationIn the paper a new method, called the Noise Scattering Pattern (NSP) method, for RTS noise identyfication in a noise signal is presented. Examples of patterns of the NSP method are included.
Fixed Pattern Noise Reduction and Linearity Improvement in Time-Mode CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationIn the paper, a digital clock stopping technique for gain and offset correction in time-mode analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) has been proposed. The technique is dedicated to imagers with massively parallel image acquisition working in the time mode where compensation of dark signal non-uniformity (DSNU) as well as photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU) is critical. Fixed pattern noise (FPN) reduction has been experimentally validated...
The Low-frequency Noise of SiC MESFETs
PublicationPrzedstawiono system do pomiaru szumów małoczestotliwościowych tranzystorów SiC MESFET oraz przykładowe wyniki pomiarów.
Fast clutter cancellation for noise radars via waveform design
PublicationCanceling clutter is an important, but very expensive part of signal processing in noise radars. It is shown that considerable improvements can be made to a simple least squares canceler if minor constraints are imposed onto noise waveform. Using a combination of FPGA and CPU, the proposed scheme is capable of canceling both stationary clutter and moving targets in real-time, even for high sampling rates.
The EU Tyre Noise Label: The problem with measuring the noise level of only a few of all tyre variants
PublicationThe STEER project, described in another Inter-Noise 2022 paper, has evaluated the performance of the noise label of the European tyre label. The major finding was that uncertainties of the tyre/road noise measurements were higher than should be accepted. One of the worst uncertainty sources was found to be the common practice to measure only some tyres of all sizes or variants within a tyre line, to save money. Generally, only...
Journals -
Tyre/road noise reduction by a poroelastic road surface
PublicationLow noise road surfaces of existing types may in favourable cases and in new conditions provide up to 7 dB of noise reduction. For higher noise reductions, innovative solutions must be sought. Poroelastic road surfaces (PERS) may be such a solution, which currently is studied in the EU project PERSUADE. This paper presents results of trials with a PERS version prefabricated by one of the project partners. Tests were made in a laboratory...
Noise Analysis of Continuous GPS Time Series of Selected EPN Stations to Investigate Variations in Stability of Monument Types
PublicationThe type of monument that a GPS antenna is placed on plays a significant role in noise estimation for each permanent GPS station. In this research 18 Polish permanent GPS stations that belong to the EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) were analyzed using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). The antennae of Polish EPN stations are placed on roofs of buildings or on concrete pillars. The analyzed data covers a period of 5 years from 2008...
PublicationThe paper shows a study on the relationship between noise measures and sound quality (SQ) features that are related to annoyance caused by the traffic noise. First, a methodology to perform analyses related to the traffic noise annoyance is described including references to parameters of the assessment of road noise sources. Next, the measurement setup, location and results are presented along with the derived sound quality features....
Traffic Noise Analysis Applied to Automatic Vehicle Counting and Classification
PublicationProblems related to determining traffic noise characteristics are discussed in the context of automatic dynamic noise analysis based on noise level measurements and traffic prediction models. The obtained analytical results provide the second goal of the study, namely automatic vehicle counting and classification. Several traffic prediction models are presented and compared to the results of in-situ noise level measurements. Synchronized...
"Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.
PublicationThe subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...
"Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.
PublicationThe subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...
Problems of Railway Noise—A Case Study
PublicationUnder Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, all European countries are obliged to model their environmental noise levels in heavily populated areas. Some countries have their own national method, to predict noise but most have not created one yet. The recommendation for countries that do not have their own model is to use an interim method....
Problems of Railway Noise-A Case Study
PublicationUnder Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, all European countries are obliged to model their environmental noise levels in heavily populated areas. Some countries have their own national method, to predict noise but most have not created one yet. The recommendation for countries that do not have their own model is to use an interim method. The Dutch SRM II scheme is suggested for...
Investigation of Noise Threats and Their Impact on Hearing in Selected Schools
PublicationNoise measurements conducted in selected schools in Gdansk area are presented in this paper. The main aim of this research was to determine noise threats at schools. Some objective measurements of the acoustic climate were performed employing a noise monitoring station engineered at the Multimedia System Department, Gdansk University of Technology. Simultaneously, subjective noise annoyance examinations were carried out among pupils...
Pavement ageing influence on tyre/road noise
PublicationRoad surface should be constructed in a way that ensures safe and comfortable traffic conditions, not only when it is newly paved but also during its entire lifetime. An important factor in the asphalt mixture design process is also the expected pavement durability and stability of pavement properties over time. In many countries, road surface starts to play a significant role in traffic noise reduction actions. Selecting a particular...
Generation-recombination and 1/f noise in carbon nanotube networks
PublicationThe low-frequency noise is of special interest for carbon nanotubes devices, which are building blocks for a variety of sensors, including radio frequency and terahertz detectors. We studied noise in as-fabricated and aged carbon nanotube networks (CNNs) field-effect transistors. Contrary to the majority of previous publications, as-fabricated devices demonstrated the superposition of generation-recombination (GR) and 1/f noise...