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Market Regeneration in Line with Sustainable Urban Development
PublicationThis article presents the study of the optimal design solutions for regeneration of marketplaces. It examines the design variants for the revitalisation of the marketplace, in particular, investment in their modernisation in order to find the most optimal model for transforming these public spaces to have a significant impact on the city’s development. The research is a comparative analysis of the implementation of regeneration...
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A decentralised model of the regulating ancillary services market
PublicationThe article presents a model of regulating ancillary services provision in a dencetralised manner. A concept of the operation of local markets for ancillary services is presented.
The use of innovative application in creating new marketing space for cultural and entertainment events in the local market
PublicationThe following article describes the problems concerning marketing of mass events in the local market and potential solutions. In the first part the barriers that occur in communication between the organizers and the articipants are defined. In the process of identifying problems the results of research conducted for the needs article were used. In following sections the solution with use of Smartphone app is shown. The features that...
The comparison of Internet Mortgage Market in Selected EU Countries
PublicationThe paper presents the description of Internet mortgage market in selected European Union countries. It starts with brief introduction to the concept of creating a fuzzy model representing Polish Internet Mortgage Market. Then, for better understanding of the complexities of this kind of market functioning the comparison is made between mortgage markets in Poland, Estonia, Germany and The United Kingdom (UK): The UK as the European...
Price Changes in Wholesale Market of Electrical Energy in Poland
PublicationThe article discusses the Price changes on the wholesale electricity market in Poland Moreover, The price levels on the futures electricity markets and the spot transactions market are presented. The impact of emission charges under the EU ETS on the price of electricity in the domestic market has been taken into consideration Furthermore, the basic determinants of the generation structure in Poland that influence the level of...
The Efficiency of Polish Stock Market: Ordinal Patterns Approach
PublicationZunino et al. analyzed the problem of discrimination of developed and emergent markets by the use of ordinal patterns methods: number of forbidden patterns and ordinal pattern probability distribution as a basis for entropy and statistical measure of complexity. In this paper we apply the same methodology for the analysis of Polish stock market (index WIG). The results indicate that Polish market belongs neither to developed, nor...
Price bubbles and Co-bubbles in the green economy market
PublicationIn light of growing concerns about climate change and environmental issues, investor interest has surged in the new green economy market. However, the existing literature is limited regarding potential price bubble and co-bubble within this new domain. This study examines price bubble and co-bubble in the new green economy market, covering 31 indexes classified into three groups: the green economy market and its components, geographical...
PublicationThis article presents our continuing efforts to develop a model of the Internet-based mortgage market in Poland. It sums up modeling research done over the last 4 years, also showing the stages and the process of building and verifying the proposed model consisting of three submodels. The submodels are described for three market situations; that is, a stable market, financial crisis, and economic boom. The proposed model variables...
Conceptual fuzzy model of the polish internet mortgage market
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present the conceptual structure of basic fuzzy model representing Polish Internet mortgage market. The paper starts with introduction describing the market complexities and challenges, and description of previously created rule based model. Then the steps of the process of proposed model fuzzyfication are presented. Final part of the paper consists of conclusions and directions for future research.
The transformation of the Chinese stock market between 1990 and 2012
PublicationThe main purpose of this paper is to examine the transformation of the stock market in the People’s Republic of China (i.e. concentrated on stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen; the stock exchange in Hong Kong was omitted) from its beginnings in the early 1990s, through rapid development over the next two decades, up to the financial crisis of 2008 (the period examined is 1990–2012). The paper presents a short history of the...
A proposal for a knowledge market based on quantity and quality of knowledge
PublicationThe paper proposes an autonomous market environment in which it is possible to trade knowledge based on its quantity and quality.
Renewable Energy Sources on the Polish Electrical Energy Market
PublicationProduction of electricity from renewable energu sources in Poland is presented in the paper.The machanism of energy origin certifikates market and the proposal of mechanism modification are discused.
Agent-based social network as a simulation of a market behaviour
PublicationRecent years and the outbreak of world's economic crisis in 2008 proved the crucial importance of reliable analysis of market dynamics. However, werarely apply models of proper detail level (the global prosperity forecast of 2007 can be seen as a grim proof). The behaviour of individuals and companies is far from being ideal and rational. Many claims that the economic paradigm of rational expectations (coming from J. Muth and R....
Analysing the Residential Market Using Self-Organizing Map
PublicationAlthough the residential property market has strong connections with various sectors, such as construction, logistics, and investment, it works through different dynamics than other markets; thus, it can be analysed from various perspectives. Researchers and investors are mostly interested in price trends, the impact of external factors on residential property prices, and price prediction. When analysing price trends, it is beneficial...
Disequilibrium in the real estate market: Evidence from Poland
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Fundamental Analysis – Possiblity of Application on the Real Estate Market
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Empirical investigation on labour market interactions in an enlarged Europe
PublicationThis paper proposes an empirical assessment of economic interactions between the labour markets ofthe integrating EU over the period of time 1995-2005. Drawing on recently made available industrystatistics, we provide a sector level study (13 tradable sectors, including manufacturing and services),analysing the contemporary evolution of domestic and trade partners' employment levels. Given theintensification of trade relations...
Toward smart decision support system for martgage market
PublicationZaproponowano rozmyty model inteligentnego wspomagania podejmowania decyzji na rynku kredytowym w Polsce.
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The momentum effect in country-level stock market anomalies
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An Application of Factor Pricing Models to the Polish Stock Market
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Consumer Behaviour of Silver Singles on the E-Tourist Market
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Conditions of the fuzzy internet mortgage market submodels implementation
PublicationPrzedstawiono submodele internetowego rynku pozyczek w ujeciu rozmytym. Omowiono warunki stosowania poszczegolnych modeli.
Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies
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Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies
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JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies
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Journal of Capital Market and Behavioral Finance
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The Hybrid Fuzzy - SOEKS Approach to the Polish Internet Mortgage Market
PublicationThe paper presents the hybrid fuzzy- SOEKS approach to the Polish Internet mortgage market, which is treated as an example of a fast changing market. Firstly, the market and market problems are described. Then, the first approach to the market problems is presented: the complete fuzzy model which was built basing on the rules. The fuzzy model is presented on one real data case. Next, the new approach, called Set of Experience Knowledge...
Diamond investments – Is the market free from multiple price bubbles?
PublicationThe following study aims to investigate whether multiple price bubbles, in which the quoted market price of diamonds significantly deviates from their fundamental value, exist in the diamond market. It was conducted using ADF, SADF and GSADF tests, with the latter found to be an optimal form of evaluating the analysed issue. The presented results support the conclusion that the diamond market is not free from periods defined as...
The Technological Advancement of New Products, Product Newness and Market Information
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to propose product newness and obtaining market information as mediators of the relationship between the technological advancement of a new product and its commercial success. So far, little is known about the mediators of this relationship but knowledge about the factors that strengthen or weaken it is valid, both for the theory and practice of new product management. On the one hand, product newness...
Sustainable investing exchange-traded funds: US and European market
PublicationThe key aim of the paper is to examine the diffusion of the sustainable investing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on the European and US ETFs markets, with the special focus on the market shares of sustainable investing and conventional funds. The model of diffusion of innovation (logistic growth model) is applied. Monthly data on the assets of ETFs in the time period of 2006-2017 are used. Increasing assets of sustainable investing...
A Simulation Model for Risk and Pricing Competition in the Retail Lending Market
PublicationWe propose a simulation model of the retail lending market with two types of agents: borrowers searching for low interest rates and lenders competing through risk-based pricing. We show that individual banks observe adverse selection, even if every lender applies the same pricing strategy and a credit scoring model of comparable discrimination power. Additionally, the model justifies the reverse-S shape of the response rate curve....
Recycling of photovoltaic modules - legal status, technology, market prospects
PublicationThe increase in the number of manufactured and installed photovoltaic modules and the growing concern about the insufficient supply of pure silicon imply the need to take action to develop infrastructure for recycling PV modules. The article presents a multifaceted analysis of the current state of development of the photovoltaic module recycling sector from a global and national perspective. The essence of the issue was introduced...
Does migration lead to economic convergence in an enlarged European market?
PublicationThis paper examines the relationship between migration and convergence for the enlarged internal market of the European Union (EU27) for the period 1990-2007. The impact of migration on growth is estimated in two ways: by including the migration rate in a growth regression and examining its impact on the convergence coefficient; and from the actual coefficient on migration, which can be interpreted as the effect of migration on...
Competencies of graduates as future labour market participants – preliminary study
PublicationThe aim of article is to examine and compare the views of employers and future employees on the desirable competencies of the potential labour market participants. The applied research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods – interviews conducted among recruiters (representing potential employers) and a survey of university graduates (future employees). The study shows that both the Polish graduates and...
Geoscience Methods in Real Estate Market Analyses Subjectivity Decrease
PublicationReal estate management, including real estate market analysis, is part of a so-called geosystem. In recent years, the popularity of creating various types of systems and automatic solutions in real estate management, including those related to property classification and valuation, has been growing in the world, mainly to reduce the impact of human subjectivity, to increase the scope of analyses and reduce research time. A very...
The most competitive manufactured products in the polish export on theeu market
PublicationCelem publikacji jest wyselekcjonowanie najbardziej konkurencyjnych wyrobów przemysłowych w polskim eksporcie przemysłowym na unijny rynek w latach 1995-2003. Analiza została przeprowadzona na bardzo wysokim poziomie dezagregacji danych, co pozwoliło przedstawić listę 10 najbardziej konkurencyjnych artykułow przemysłowych, wywożonych na rynek Unii Europejskiej w badanych latach. NR DOKUM: 76583
Polish entrepreneur in the global market - legal conditions of business operation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia prawne związane z możliwością prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej przez polskich przedsiębiorców w miejscu i skali ponadkrajowej. Nawiązano w związku z tym do dokonującej się globalizacji w świecie jako przyczyny, która jest źródłem określonych zachowań różnych podmiotów gospodarczych.
The competitiveness of Polish manufacturing export on the market in the years 2004-2006
PublicationCelem artykułu było zbadanie, jak zmienił się poziom konkurencyjności polskiego eksportu artykułów przemysłowych na unijne rynki w latach 2003-2006. Ponadto autorka starała sie odpowiedzieć, co (niska jakość czy wysoka cena)było podstawą konkurecyjności polskiego wywozu na rynek UE w analizowanych latach.
The influence of the commodity exchange on development agricultural futures market in Poland
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Market and state in socio-economic order: a brief review of theories
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The low price anomaly and the Intriguing Case of the Polish Stock Market
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Is there momentum in equity anomalies? Evidence from the Polish emerging market
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Science centres in post-pandemic reality – educational and market context
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Modernisation of historical structures exemplified by the Market Hall (HalaTargowa) in Gdańsk.
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wybrane problemy realizacyjne, które wystąpiły podczas modernizacji Hali Targowej w Gdańsku przy Placu Dominikańskim 1. Projekt modernizacji obiektu zakładał utrzymanie dotychczasowej funkcji użytkowej, tj. handlu. Jest to jego funkcja pierwotna nie zmieniana od momentu powstania hali w 1896 roku. Modernizacja objęła renowację i restaurację zabytkowych części budowli oraz dostosowanie jej do...
Security of export transactions in the offer of leading banks on the Polish market
PublicationThe following article presents the so-called conditioned payment methods, i.e. instruments for securing export transactions, such as letter of credit, documentary collection, bank guarantees, factoring and forfaiting. The characteristics of each particular method are presented as well as the transactions using them are described. In the following paper, the author included also the leading Polish banks, which offer the above- mentioned...
An example of the fuzzy internet mortgage market sub-models implementation
PublicationPrzedstawiono implementacje rozmytego modelu do wspomagania zarządzania internetowym rynkiem kredytów hipotecznych
The outdoor market places in the public space of a modern city. - Vol. I