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Search results for: obliczenia dft
Comments on “Closed Form Variable Fractional Time Delay Using FFT”
PublicationIn this letter drawbacks of the aforementioned paper are pointed out. The proposed approach is improved with minor modifications of the discrete frequency response. This allows for design of fractional delay filters which are close to optimal and can be efficiently implemented in the frequency domain using the sliding DFT based structure. Alternatively, the derived equivalent closed form formulae for offset windows can be used...
The synthesis and structure of a potential immunosuppressant: N-mycophenoyl malonic acid dimethyl ester
PublicationThe synthesis of a potential immunosuppressant, i.e. dimethyl ester of N-mycophenoyl malonic acid was optimized in the reaction of mycophenolic acid (MPA) with amino malonic dimethyl ester in the presence of propanephosphonic anhydride (T3P) as a coupling reagent. The structural properties of the obtained MPA derivative were investigated by NMR, MS and single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Theoretical considerations of conformational...
Correlation–polarization effects in electron/positron scattering from acetylene: A comparison of computational models
PublicationDifferent computational methods are employed to evaluate elastic (rotationally summed) integral and differential cross sections for low energy (below about 10 eV) positron scattering off gas-phase C2H2 molecules. The computations are carried out at the static and static-plus-polarization levels for describing the interaction forces and the correlation–polarization contributions are found to be an essential component for the correct...
Experimental and DFT insights into an eco-friendly photocatalytic system toward environmental remediation and hydrogen generation based on AgInS2 quantum dots embedded on Bi2WO6
PublicationBismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) can work as a photocatalyst but suffers from rapid recombination of photogenerated charge carriers. Herein, density functional theory (DFT) simulations revealed that the formation of a thermodynamically stable AgInS2(112)/Bi2WO6(010) heterojunction could promote charge separation and enhance the photoactivity of Bi2WO6. To confirm these theoretical predictions, a new type of photocatalysts in the form...
Practical Approach to Large-Scale Electronic Structure Calculations in Electrolyte Solutions via Continuum-Embedded Linear-Scaling Density Functional Theory
PublicationWe present the implementation of a hybrid continuum-atomistic model for including the effects of a surrounding electrolyte in large-scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations within the Order-N Electronic Total Energy Package (ONETEP) linear-scaling DFT code, which allows the simulation of large complex systems such as electrochemical interfaces. The model represents the electrolyte ions as a scalar field and the solvent...
Synthesis, spectroscopy and computational studies of some novelphosphorylated derivatives of quinoline-5,8-diones
PublicationThe neutral phosphorus nucleophiles such as R2P(=Y)M allowed the radical addition to 2-methyl-5,8-dioxo-5,8-dihydroquinoline-7-amine and N-(2-methyl-5,8-dioxo-5,8-dihydroquinolin-7-yl)acetamide giving exclusively O-phosphorylated products. All products were quantitatively prepared and characterized by microanalysis, and multinuclear NMR spectroscopy. Seven of them, have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction method....
Performance of extended Lagrangian schemes for molecular dynamics simulations with classical polarizable force fields and density functional theory
PublicationIterative energy minimization with the aim of achieving self-consistency is a common feature of Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics (BOMD) and classical molecular dynamics with polarizable force fields. In the former, the electronic degrees of freedom are optimized, while the latter often involves an iterative determination of induced point dipoles. The computational effort of the self-consistency procedure can be reduced by re-using...
Lead(II) coordination polymers with imidazole-4- and pyrazole-3-carboxylate isomeric linkers: Structural diversity and luminescence properties
PublicationUsing 1H-imidazole-4-carboxylic acid (4imCOOH) and 1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid (3pyrCOOH) coordination polymers [Pb(4imCOO)2(H2O)]n (1) and [Pb2(3pyrCOO)4]n (2) were constructed. Obtained polymers were characterized via FT-IR, X-ray, PL and TG methods. The coordination polyhedron around Pb(II) in 1 is described as distorted pentagonal pyramid with hemidirected coordination sphere (based on DFT calculations). Compound 2 consists...
Filtr ułamkowoopóźniający realizowany w dziedzinie transformaty DFT
PublicationW pracy przestawiono zagadnienie implementacji w dziedzinie częstotliwości dyskretnej filtrów o zadanym opóźnieniu ułamkowym.Dla zapewnienia wysokiej jakości implementowanych filtrów konieczne jest jawne określenie prążków charakterystyki częstotliwościowej takiego filtru w jego paśmie niespecyfikowanym. Pokazano, że zaproponowana implementacja w realizowana w dziedzinie transformaty DFT możne zostać powiązana w dziedzinie czasu...
The reactivity of 1,1-dichloro-2,2-di-tert-butyldiphosphane towards lithiated metal carbonyls: a new entry to phosphanylphosphinidene dimers
PublicationReactions of [Cp*(OC)3M]Li (Cp* = C5Me5, M = Mo, W) towards t-Bu2P–PCl2 lead to the formation of phosphanylphosphinidene dimers [Cp*(OC)3M(η2-t-Bu2P–P)]2 in fairly good yields. The formation of a tetraphosphorus ligand proceeds via reductive dimerization of t-Bu2P–P units. NMR, X-ray investigations and DFT calculations show that the resulting tetraphosphorus ligand has a structure of dication t-Bu2P+=P–P=P+t-Bu2.
Fast Real-Time RDFT- and GDFT-Based Direct Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Drive
PublicationThis paper presents the theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a direct fault harmonic identification approach in a converter-fed electric drive for automated diagnosis purposes. On the basis of the analytical model of the proposed real-time direct fault diagnosis, the fault-related harmonic component is calculated using recursive DFT (RDFT) and Goertzel DFT (GDFT), applied instead of the full spectrum calculations...
Ab-initio study of electrical and optical properties of allylamine
PublicationThe Density functional theory is one of most promising methodology in fast and accurate calculations of electrical and optical properties from the atomic basis. In this paper, we calculate electrical and optical properties of allylamine (2-propen 1- amine) in terms of accuracy and speed of calculations obtained by selection of DFT-1/2 method with ultrasoft Vanderbilt pseudopotentials. Comparison of density of states between...
Ab-initio study of electrical and optical properties of allylamine
PublicationThe Density functional theory is one of most promising methodology in fast and accurate calculations of electrical and optical properties from the atomic basis. In this paper, we calculate electrical and optical properties of allylamine (2-propen 1- amine) in terms of accuracy and speed of calculations obtained by selection of DFT-1/2 method with ultrasoft Vanderbilt pseudopotentials. Comparison of density of states between molecule...
Syntheses and structures of the first terminal phosphanylphosphido complexes of molybdenum(IV)
PublicationThe reactions of R2P-P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu, iPr2N) with [Cp2MoCl2] yield terminal phosphanylphosphido complexes formally via the insertion of the phosphinidene P-atom into the C - H bond of a cyclopentadienyl ring and the migration of the hydrogen atom or SiMe3 moiety to the molybdenum centre. Solid state structures of [Cp(C5H4P-PtBu2)MoH], [Cp(C5H4P-PtBu2)Mo(SiMe3)] and [Cp{C5H4P-P(NiPr2)2}Mo(SiMe3)] were established by single crystal...
Projektowanie filtru DFT-VFD metodą Hooke-Jeevesa
PublicationZaletą filtrów ułamkowo opóźniających typu DFT-VFD określanych przez współczynniki ich dyskretnej charakterystyki częstotliwościowej z pasma przejściowego jest ich powiązanie z metodą okien przesuwanych. Czyni je to szczególnie przydatnymi w zastosowaniach do zmiany szybkości próbkowania. Problem stanowi jednak projektowanie tych filtrów. Dotychczas dostępna metoda POCS co prawda gwarantuje zbieżność, ale jest ona bardzo powolna....
Inrush and short circuit current identification based on real-time spectral analysis with the use of the FPGA FFT processor
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono krótkookresową analize widmową prądu załączeniowego i prądu zwarciowego transformatora w czasie rzeczywistym z zastosowaniem procesora FFT zrealizowanego w FPGA. Otrzymane widmo ułatwia rozróżnienie rodzaju prądu, co może być zastosowanei do lepszego sterowania zabezpieczneiem różnicowo-prądowym. Określono tez teoretyczne przebiegi prądów dla przyjetego modelu transformatora. Przeprowadzono ponadto analizę...
Sulfurization of phosphanylphosphinidene ligand: Access to phosphinothioyltrithiophosphonato platinum(II) complexes
PublicationThe reactivity of phosphanylphosphinidene Pt(0) complexes [DppePt(η2-P–PtBu2)] (1) and [(pTol3P)2Pt(η2-P–PtBu2)] (2) toward sulfur was studied. Reactions of 1 and 2 with an excess of sulfur led to the formation of the first transition metal complexes 3 and 4 with phosphinothioyltrithiophosphonato ligands with the formula [tBu2P(=S)–P(=S)S2]2-. In contrast to previous reports on the phosphanylphosphinidene moiety sulfurization,...
Using A Particular Sampling Method for Impedance Measurement
PublicationThe paper presents an impedance measurement method using a particular sampling method which is an alternative to DFT calculation. The method uses a sine excitation signal and sampling response signals proportional to current flowing through and voltage across the measured impedance. The object impedance is calculated without using Fourier transform. The method was first evaluated in MATLAB by means of simulation. The method was...
The Reactivity of the Imine Bond within Polynuclear Nickel(II) Complexes
PublicationThree novel Ni complexes with the Schiff base ligand 2-methoxy-6-(E-2-pyridyliminomethyl)-phenol (L1) are described. In comparison with the similar 2-(pyridine-2-ylimino-methyl)phenol (pymp), the mode of coordination of L1 is altered due to the presence of methoxy substituent introducing the sterical hindrance. During the synthesis of the complexes, partial hydrolysis of the ligand was observed. Since such immediate hydrolysis...
Metody projektowania ułatwiającego testowanie dla układów cyfrowych
PublicationPrzedstawiono przegląd metod ułatwiających testowanie DFT (Design for Testability) dla układów cyfrowych. Zaprezentowano metody stosowane na poziomie układów scalonych, pakietów oraz systemów elektronicznych. Pokazano heurystyczne metody projektowania pozwalające na zwiększenie sterowalności i obserwowalności układów oraz metody strukturalne, a wśród nich układy BILBO (Built-In Logic Block Observer), BIST (Built-In Self Test),...
Linear-scaling calculation of Hartree-Fock exchange energy with Non-orthogonal Generalised Wannier Functions
PublicationWe present a method for the calculation of four-centre two-electron repulsion integrals in terms of localised non-orthogonal generalised Wannier functions (NGWFs). Our method has been imple- mented in the ONETEP program and is used to compute the Hartree-Fock exchange energy component of Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations with hybrid exchange-correlation functionals. As the NGWFs are optimised in situ...
Electronic structure calculations in electrolyte solutions: Methods for neutralization of extended charged interfaces
PublicationDensity functional theory (DFT) is often used for simulating extended materials such as infinite crystals or surfaces, under periodic boundary conditions (PBCs). In such calculations, when the simulation cell has non-zero charge, electrical neutrality has to be imposed, and this is often done via a uniform background charge of opposite sign (“jellium”). This artificial neutralization does not occur in reality, where a different...
A comparison of structural and luminescence properties of lead(II) coordination polymers with isomeric thiophenecarboxylate ligands
PublicationTwo new lead(II) coordination polymers with isomeric thiophenecarboxylates, namely [Pb(2tpCOO)2]n (1) and [Pb(3tpCOO)2(H2O)]n (2) (2tpCOO− = thiophene-2-carboxylate, 3tpCOO− = thiophene-3-carboxylate), were synthesized and characterized. Single crystal X-ray crystallography revealed a distorted pentagonal pyramidal geometry {PbO6} around Pb in 1 and a distorted dodecahedral geometry {PbO8} in 2. The distortion derived from the...
Emerging oxidized and defective phases in low-dimensional CrCl3
PublicationTwo-dimensional (2D) magnets such as chromium trihalides CrX3 (X ¼ I, Br, Cl) represent a frontier for spintronics applications and, in particular, CrCl3 has attracted research interest due its relative stability under ambient conditions without rapid degradation, as opposed to CrI3. Herein, mechanically exfoliated CrCl3 flakes are characterized at the atomic scale and the electronic structures of pristine, oxidized, and defective...
Exploring thiophene-2-acetate and thiophene-3-acetate binding modes towards the molecular and supramolecular structures and photoluminescence properties of Pb(ii) polymers
PublicationTo evaluate the impact of the flexible positional isomeric ligands thiophene-2-acetate (2tpacCOO) andthiophene-3-acetate (3tpacCOO) on the construction and self-assembly process of Pb(II) polymers, twonovel compounds, [Pb(2tpacCOO)2(H2O)]n(1) and [Pb(3tpacCOO)2]n(2), were preparedviaanonhydro-thermal method with respect to green chemistry rules. The obtained polymers were fully characterized byelemental analysis, TG/DTG and PXRD,...
In situ transformation boosts the pseudocapacitance of CuNi-MOF via cooperative orientational and electronic governing
PublicationThe disordered arrangement and thereof inferior conductivity of 2D MOF sheets seriously hinder their practical application. Herein, we propose in situ transformation strategy to architect vertically oriented bimetallic CuNi-MOF as a self-supporting electrode, leading to a decuple high specific capacitance of 1262 C g-1 in comparison with the pristine Ni-MOF powder of 114 C g-1 at 2 A g-1. DFT calculations reveal that introduction...
On thio‐substituted N‐heterocyclic arsines
PublicationMetathesis of N-heterocyclic chloroarsines with sulfur-based nucleophiles furnished thio-substituted 1,3,2-diazarsolidines and 1,3,2-diazarsolenes. Crystallographic and NMR spectroscopic studies revealed that a thiocyanato-diazarsolene exhibits a salt-like structure composed of weakly interacting thiocyanate and arsenium ions, while the remaining products formed neutral molecules. The structural data indicate that the heterocyclic...
Structural properties of hypothetical CeBa2Cu3O7 compound from LSDA+DMFT calculations
PublicationThe hypothetical stoichiometric CeBa2Cu3O7 (Ce123) compound, which has not been synthesized as a single phase yet, was studied by the density functional theory (DFT). We utilized a method which merges the local spin density approximation (LSDA) with the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) to account for the electronic correlations. The LSDA+DMFT calculations were performed in the high-temperature range. The particular emphasis was...
Synthesis and characterization of mononuclear Zn(II), Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes containing a sterically demanding silanethiolate ligand derived from tris(2,6-diisopropylphenoxy)silanethiol
PublicationFour heteroleptic complexes of zinc(II), cobalt(II) and nickel(II) containing a monodentate silanethiolate ligand derived from tris(2,6-diisopropylphenoxy)silanethiol (TDST), were prepared and characterized. The geometries of ligands in the complexes are typical: distorted tetrahedral in zinc and cobalt(II) complexes and square planar in nickel(II) compound. Magnetic studies performed for Ni(II) and Co(II) compounds confirm the...
Unraveling Energy Transfer and Fluorescence Quenching Dynamics in Biomolecular Complexes: A Comprehensive Study of Imiquimod-Rifampicin Interaction.
PublicationIn nature, numerous biomolecules are implicated in charge transfer (CT) and energy transfer (ET) mechanisms crucial for fundamental processes such as photosynthesis. Unveiling these mechanisms is pertinent to multiple disciplines including chemistry, engineering and biochemistry. This letter presents a study involving two molecules forming a model system with efficient ET properties. Specifically, their complex exhibits dark quenching...
Compressible gas density measurement by means of Fourier analysis of interferograms
PublicationThis paper describes a method for nonintrusive compressible gas density measurement by means of automated analysis of interferograms using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), and its implementation using DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform), that does make this measurement technique a fairly valuable and accessible experimental method. The presented approach makes it possible to use the finite fringe setting of the interferometer, thus reducing...
Optimization of Hydrogen - Evolving Photochemical Molecular Devices
PublicationA molecular photocatalyst consisting of a RuII photocenter, a tetrapyridophenazine bridging ligand, and a PtX2 (X=Cl or I) moiety as the catalytic center functions as a stable system for light-driven hydrogen production. The catalytic activity of this photochemical molecular device (PMD) is significantly enhanced by exchanging the terminal chlorides at the Pt center for iodide ligands. Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy...
Self-testing of analog parts of mixed-signal electronic microsystems based on multiple sampling of time responses
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono nowe podejście samo-testowania toru analogowego zakończonego przetwornikiem A/C w mieszanych sygnałowo elektronicznych systemach wbudowanych sterowanych mikrokontrolerami. Bazuje ono na nowej metodzie diagnostycznej opartej na przekształceniu transformującym zbiór próbek odpowiedzi czasowej układu badanego na pobudzenie impulsem prostokątnym na rodzinę krzywych identyfikacyjnych umieszczonych w przestrzeni...
Stability and phase transition investigation of olanzapine polymorphs
PublicationWe use electrical embedded-fragment QM method with both DFT/ωB97XD/6-31G* and MP2/6-31G* to investigate the phase transformations of olanzapine. Gibbs free energy calculations predict that form I is always the most stable structure and form II is the least stable one, while form IV is more stable than form III below about 200 K but less stable above this temperature, implying a polymorphic phase transformation. This may account...
Relationship between electronic structure and geometry of silanethiols and their derivatives. Elucidation of copper group silanethiolates
PublicationWyznaczono strukturę elektronową wybranych silanotioli X3SiSH (dla X=H, C2H5, OCH3, F, Cl i Br) oraz powstalych z nich anionów. Geometrię i funkcje falowe wyznaczono przy użyciu teorii funcjonałów gęstości elektronowej DFT. Przeanalizowano wpływ efektów anomerycznych oraz wielkości calki nakładania sigma(Si-S) na obserwowane skrócenie wiązania Si-S przy deprotonowaniu silanotioli. Podano nowe wyjaśnienie wyjątkowo niskiej kwasowości...
Unassisted formation of hemiaminal ether from 4-aminopyridine and o-vanillin - experimental and theoretical study
PublicationThe reactions between o-vanillin and three isomeric aminopyridines lead to imines of diverse spatial conformation and reactivity. The direct products of these simple reactions carried out in methanol are either imine compounds formed in the reactions of 2- amino- and 3-aminopyridine with o-vanillin or the α-aminoether formed in the reaction of o-vanillin with 4-aminopyridine. The Schiff-type derivative of 4-aminopyridine and o-vanillin,...
Protein thermal stabilization in aqueous solutions of osmolytes
PublicationProteins’ thermal stabilization is a significant problem in various biomedical, biotechnological, and technological applications. We investigated thermal stability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions of the following stabilizing osmolytes: Glycine (GLY), N-methylglycine (NMG), N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), N,N,N-trimethylglycine (TMG), and trimethyl-N-oxide (TMAO). Results of CD-UV spectroscopic investigation were compared...
Do positrons measure atomic and molecular diameters?
PublicationWe report on density functional calculations (DFT) of elastic integral scattering cross-sections for positron collisions with argon, krypton, nitrogen and methane. The long-range asymptotic polarization potential is described using higher-order terms going much beyond an induced dipole potential (−α / r 4) while the short-range interaction is modeled by two different forms of electron – positron correlation potential (Boroński-Nieminen...
Prediction of Overall In Vitro Microsomal Stability of Drug Candidates Based on Molecular Modeling and Support Vector Machines. Case Study of Novel Arylpiperazines Derivatives
PublicationOther than efficacy of interaction with the molecular target, metabolic stability is the primary factor responsible for the failure or success of a compound in the drug development pipeline. The ideal drug candidate should be stable enough to reach its therapeutic site of action. Despite many recent excellent achievements in the field of computational methods supporting drug metabolism studies, a well-recognized procedure to model...
Li nucleation on the graphite anode under potential control in Li-ion batteries
PublicationApplication of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles requires improved safety, increased lifetime and high charging rates. One of the most commonly used intercalation anode material for Li-ion batteries, graphite, is vulnerable to Li nucleation, a side reaction which competes with the intercalation process and leads to loss of reversible capacity of the battery, ageing and short-circuits. In this study, we deploy a combined grand...
Mixed-ligand complexes of zinc(II), cobalt(II) and cadmium(II) with sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen ligands. Analysis of the solid state structure and solution behavior. Implications for metal ion substitution in alcohol dehydrogenase
PublicationScharakteryzowano strukturę heteroleptycznych kompleksów cynku(II), kobaltu(II) i kadmu(II) z 2-(2'-hydroksyetylopirydyną), tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolem i metanolem. Przy pomocy widm UV-Vis i NMR stwierdzono szybką wymianę N-liganda w roztworach tych kompleksów. Wyznaczono przesunięcia 15N NMR 2-(2'-hydroksyetylopirydyny) w kompleksach cynku(II) i kadmu(II). Na podstawie widm w podczerwieni i obliczeń DFT oszacowano względną moc...
Crystal structure and electronic structure of CePt2In7
PublicationWe report a corrected crystal structure for the CePt2In7 superconductor, refined from single crystal x-ray diffraction data. The corrected crystal structure shows a different Pt–In stacking along the c-direction in this layered material than was previously reported. In addition, all of the atomic sites are fully occupied with no evidence of atom site mixing, resolving a discrepancy between the observed high resistivity ratio of...
Comparison of the coordination geometries of Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions in complexes with water, methanol and bulky aryloxysilanethiolate ligands
PublicationZinc and cadmium complexes containing silanethiolate anions and methanol or water were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations. Contrary to zinc, the cadmium ion utilizes very weak donors to complete its coordination sphere; it forms contacts to phenyl rings of the silanethiolate ligand. Two zinc analogs of the general formula [Zn{SSi(OAr)3}2(L)2] where L = CH3OH (2)...
Carboxylation Enhances Fragmentation of Furan upon Resonant Electron Attachment
PublicationWe report a dissociative electron attachment study to 2-furoic acid (C5H4O3) isolated in a gas phase, which is a model molecule consisting of a carboxylic group and a furan ring. Dissociation of furan by low energy electrons is accessible only via electronic excited Feshbach resonances at energies of incident electrons above 5 eV. On the other hand, carboxylic acids are well- known to dissociate via attachment of electrons at subexcitation energies....
Reactivity of bulky aminophosphanes towards small molecules: Activation of dihydrogen and carbon dioxide by aminophosphane/borane frustrated Lewis pairs
PublicationA series of mono- and bisaminophosphanes with formulas R2NPR’R’’ and (R2N)2PR’ (R = iPr, Cy; R’ = Ph, Cy; R’’ = iPr) were characterized by X-ray analysis, NMR spectroscopy and computational methods. The common structural futures of these species are short and polarized PAN bonds, a pyramidal geometry at the P atom and an almost planar geometry at the N atoms. According to DFT calculations, these...
Copper(II) complexes of 7-amino-2-methylchromone and 7-aminoflavone: Magneto-structural, spectroscopic and DFT characterization
PublicationFour new complexes of copper(II) consisting of two different chromone derivatives with carbonyl and amine donor atoms: 7-aminoflavone (L1) and 7-amino-2-methylchromone (L2), were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, UV–Vis, FT-IR, EPR spectroscopy, MS and elemental analysis. In all four compounds, the chromone derivatives were found to act as monodentate O- or N-ligands. The structural characteristics of 1a and...
Ultrafast Intramolecular Relaxation and Wave-Packet Motion in a Ruthenium-Based Supramolecular Photocatalyst
PublicationThe hydrogen-evolving photocatalyst [(tbbpy)2 Ru(tpphz)Pd(Cl)2 ](2+) (tbbpy=4,4'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-bipyridine, tpphz=tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c:3'',2''-h:2''',3'''-j]phenazine) shows excitation-wavelength-dependent catalytic activity, which has been correlated to the localization of the initial excitation within the coordination sphere. In this contribution the excitation-wavelength dependence of the early excited-state relaxation...
Aqueous solutions of NMA, Na2HPO4 , and NaH2PO4 as models for interaction studies in phosphate–protein systems
PublicationPhosphate buffers are essential for many areas of studies. However, their influence on buffered systems is often ignored. The phosphate salts can interact with biologically important macromolecules (e.g. proteins) and stabilize or destabilize them. With our research, we want to answer question what kind of interactions, if any, occur between phosphate ions and a protein backbone model — N-methylacetamide (NMA). ATR-FTIR spectroscopy...
Experimental and theoretical studies on the photodegradation of 2-ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate in the presence of reactive oxygen and chlorine species
Publication2-Ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate (EHMC) is one of the most commonly used sunscreen ingredient. In this study we investigated photodegradation of EHMC in the presence of such common oxidizing and chlorinating systems as H2O2, H2O2/HCl, H2O2/UV, and H2O2/HCl/UV. Reaction products were detected by gas chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector (GC-MS). As a result of experimental studies chloro-substituted 4-methoxycinnamic...
Method using square-pulse excitation for high-impedance spectroscopy of anticorrosion coatings
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje metodę spektroskopii impedancyjnej przeznaczonej do diagnostyki powłok antykorozyjnych na obiektach bezpośrednio w terenie. Aby skrócić czas uzyskania widma impedancji (w zakresie od 1 mHz do 1 MHz) do kilku minut, wykorzystano sygnały harmoniczne do pomiaru widma powyżej 10 Hz a impuls prostokątny w dolnym zakresie częstotliwości. Do wyznaczania widma użyto algorytmów DSP odpowiednich do sygnału pobudzenia....