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Search results for: sensors
Modeling of active fiber Bragg grating sensors
PublicationW artykule omówiono działanie przetwornika hydrofonu wykorzystującego profilowaną membranę sprzężoną z aktywną światłowodową siatką Bragga. W wyniku modelowania, wykonanego Metodą Elementów Skończonych, stwierdzono występowanie gradientów naprężeń wzdłuż siatki. Opracowano program do modelowania pasywnych i aktywnych światłowodowych siatek Bragga wykorzystujący metodę modów sprzężonych. Przedstawiono charakterystyki widmowe pasywnych...
Analytical fluctuation enhanced sensing by resistive gas sensors
PublicationResistance fluctuations across polarised resistive gas sensors were studied in detail to evaluate sensor working conditions for detecting methane and ammonia at various concentrations. The 1/f noise component typically dominates other noise sources up to a few kHz and can be utilised to improve gas selectivity when compared with measurements of the sensor DC resistance. The Arrhenius plot was created and the activation energy for...
Selectivity of amperometric gas sensors in multicomponent gas mixtures
PublicationIn recent years smog and poor air quality became a growing environmental problem. There is a need to continuously monitor the quality of air. The lack of selectivity is one of the most important problems limiting the use of gas sensors for this purpose. In this study, a selectivity of the six amperometric gas sensors is being investigated. Calibration of sensors has been performed in order to find a correlation between concentration...
An electronic nose based on the semiconducting and electrochemical gas sensors
PublicationThe practical application of human nose for fragrance recognition is severely limited by the fact that our sense of smell is subjective and gets tired easily. Consequently, there is a significant need for an instrument that can be a substitution of the human sense of smell. Development of an electronic nose devices is an active area of research starting from pioneering research of Dodd and Persuad in the mid-1980s. Such systems...
Gas sampling system for matrix of semiconductor gas sensors
PublicationSemiconductor gas sensors are popular commercial sensors applied in numerous gas detection systems. They are reliable, small, rugged and inexpensive. However, there are a few problem limiting the wider use of such sensors. Semiconductor gas sensor usually exhibits a low selectivity, low repeatability, drift of response, strong temperature and moisture influence on sensor properties. Sample flow rate is one of the parameters that...
Temperature Sensors Based on Polymer Fiber Optic Interferometer
PublicationTemperature measurements are of great importance in many fields of human activities, including industry, technology, and science. For example, obtaining a certain temperature value or a sudden change in it can be the primary control marker of a chemical process. Fiber optic sensors have remarkable properties giving a broad range of applications. They enable continuous real-time temperature control in difficult-to-reach areas, in...
Efficiency of gas mixtures detection by resistive gas sensors
PublicationResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Theeir main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environenmental applications requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent results of gas detection improvement by utilizing a single gas sensor and additional measurements to...
PublicationResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Their main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environmental applications (e.g., in sewage systems to protect workers, in air conditioning systems to monitor atmosphere quality) requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent...
Resistive gas sensors – Perspectives on selectivity and sensitivity improvement
PublicationResistive gas sensors are very popular and relatively inexpensive; they can operate at elevated or room temperature for years on end. The main disadvantage of resistive gas sensors is their limited selectivity and sensitivity, but various methods have been applied to improve their behavior. The composition of the porous gas sensing layer, or changes in the sensor’s operating temperature, can enhance the gas detection ability. Furthermore, emerging...
Gas sensors based on conducting polymers-recent developments
PublicationThis work discusses sensing performance dependence of PEDOT polymer and its composites on the counter ions used in the polymerization process. The sensors based on PEDOT-RGO composite show reversible response to NO2, while on PEDOT/LiClO4 irreversible. As a result, PEDOT-RGO could be used as a typical gas sensor, while sensor based PEDOT/LiClO4 could be used as an integrating gas sensor, also known as an accumulating gas sensor....
PublicationThe principles of taste sense and kinds of tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami and fat) have been described. Food quality estimation by taste sense: organoleptic testing and sensory analysis has been presented. The principle of operation of potentiom etric sensor composed of several Ion Selective Electrodes or All Solid State Electrodes with polymeric membranes and macromolecular chemical compounds sensitive to substances...
Carbon laminates with RE doped optical fibre sensors
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Preparation and properties of nanoporius alumina-based humidity sensors
PublicationPrzedstawiono preparatykę czujników wilgotności na bazie nanoporowatego tlenku glinu. Wykorzystano spektroskopię impedancyjną do określenia właściwości czujników. Porównano właściwości czujników przygotowanych z różnymi parametrami procesu technologicznego.
<title>Glass-ceramic fiber optic sensors</title>
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Optical Devices And Sensors Made Of Special-Purpose Fibers
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Scalable Measurement System for Multiple Impedance Gas Sensors
PublicationAuthor proposes scalable architecture of the measurement system for gas sensor with impedance dependance of the gas concentration. The main part of the system is a single-board impedance analyser. The number of analysers working in parallel can be configured according to specific application. The system is controlled by a single computer which organises the measurement cycle and store the acquired measurement data. The system is...
Counting and tracking vehicles using acoustic vector sensors
PublicationA method is presented for counting vehicles and for determining their movement direction by means of acoustic vector sensor application. The assumptions of the method employing spatial distribution of sound intensity determined with the help of an integrated 3D intensity probe are discussed. The intensity probe developed by the authors was used for the experiments. The mode of operation of the algorithm is presented in conjunction...
Radar sensors implementation in river information services in Poland
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In-ADC, Rank-Order Filter for Digital Pixel Sensors
PublicationThis paper presents a new implementation of the rank-order filter, which is established on a parallel-operated array of single-slope (SS) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The SS ADCs use an “on-the-ramp processing” technique, i.e., filtration is performed along with analog-to-digital conversion, so the final states of the converters represent a filtered image. A proof-of-concept 64 × 64 array of SS ADCs, integrated with MOS...
Properties of humidity sensors with porous Al2O3 as a dielectric layer
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ wartości wilgotności względnej na charakterystki ceramicznego czujnika z porowatą warstwą Al2O3. Pokazano wpływ wybranych parametrów technologicznych na właściwości czujnika. Wyniki pomiarów dla dwóch grup czujników poddano analizie wykorzystując znane z literatury układy zastępcze.
Gas detection in semiconductor sensors using fluctuation phenomena
PublicationRozpatrzono problemy pomiaru szumów, kóre należy rozwiązać, gdy szumy traktuje się jako dodatkowe źródło informacji o gazach. Metoda szumowa (spektroskopia szumów rezystancyjnych, widma wyższych rzędów) daje więcej informacji polepszając czułość i seleKtywność czujnika.
Problems of gas detection by resistance fluctuations in gas sensors
PublicationPrzedstawiono problemy budowy dystrybutora gazów oraz próbek zapachowych do badań sensorów gazu. Podano układ elektroniczny wykorzystywany do rejestracji fluktuacji rezystancji obserwowany w czujnikach gazu. Załączono przykładowe wyniki obserwacji sygnałów losowych.
Accuracy improvement of bulk optical polarization interferometric sensors
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono optyczne czujniki wykorzystujące interferometrię polaryzacyjną. Omówiono czynniki obniżające ich dokładność pomiaru. Zaprezentowano metodę obróbki sygnału,która umożliwia częściową eliminację wpływu tych czynników i nową implementację tej metody, wykorzystującą układ analogowy o znacznie zmniejszonej nieliniowości.
ZnO ALD-Coated Microsphere-Based Sensors for Temperature Measurements
PublicationIn this paper, the application of a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with a 200 nm zinc oxide (ZnO) coating, deposited by the Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) method, for temperature measurements between 100 and 300°C, is presented. The main advantage of integrating a fiber-optic microsphere with a sensing device is the possibility of monitoring the integrity of the sensor head in real-time, which allows for higher accuracy during...
Simple Measurement Method for Resistive Sensors Based on ADCs of Microcontrollers
PublicationA new, complete measurement method for resistance measurement of resistive sensors for systems based on microcontrollers equipped with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) is proposed. The interface circuit consists of only four resistors, including a resistive sensor and a reference resistor, connected directly to the microcontroller pins. It is activated only during measurements, which significantly reduces power consumption....
Properties of Nasicon-based CO2 sensors with Bi8Nb2O17 reference electrode
PublicationPotentiometric CO2 sensors based on Nasicon (Na+ conductor, Na3Zr2Si2PO12) electrolyte, Bi8Nb2O17/Pt reference electrode and different sensing electrodes have been prepared. Besides the sensing electrode material, sensors differ from each other in the reference electrode preparation technique. The main aim of this study is to investigate sensor construction and electrode fabrication process influence on sensor properties. The optimal...
Techniques of acquiring additional features of the responses of individual gas sensors
PublicationGas sensors usually exhibit lack of selectivity, require fre quent calibration, exhibit drift of the response and a lot of factors, such as humidity or ambient temperature, influen ce their performance. Different approaches can be used to overcome this shortcomings. Building arrays of different sensors and usage of pattern recognition methods to analyze responses of elements...
Polymer Materials for U-Shaped Optic Fiber Sensors: A Review
PublicationFiber optic sensors have gained popularity over the last few decades. This is due to their numerous advantages, such as good metrological parameters, biocompatibility and resistance to magnetic and electric fields and environmental pollution. However, those built from glass fiber have one main disadvantage—they are fragile, meaning they can be easily damaged, even by the presence of vibration. Due to the great progress made by...
Chemiresistive gas sensors based on carbon nanotubes - fabrication and application
PublicationMany types of sensors have been invented to identify and quantify chemical contamination in the gas phase. Sensors based on carbon nanotubes are particularly attractive because of their wide range of applicaions and potential use in electronic nose that can be controlled using algorithms of Artificial Intelligence. Sensor functions, fabrication and selected applications are reviewed and discussed with focus on chemiresistors. Drawbacks...
Application of titanium dioxide thin films in fiber optic sensors
PublicationThe advance in the nanotechnology and fabrication of micro- and nanostructures has significant impact on development of new optical sensors. Presented study focuses on the applications of the titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films in fiber optic sensors. The concept of a sensing fiber optic interferometer integrating TiO2 thin film is presented. The cavity of this interferometer is delimited by a 80 nm film fabricated on the end-face...
On the problem of optimised allocation of water quality sensors and actuators in DWDS
PublicationThe problems of water quality sensors and actuators placement in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) are addressed as separate, primarily. However, against the background of control systems theory, the nature of DWDSs dynamics indicates that these both problems are interdependent and impact the design of related water quality monitoring and control structures and algorithms. The research work presented in this paper is...
PublicationThe paper presents an impedance measurement module which is aimed for gas sensor. Sensor’s heater temperature conditioning and modulation feature is available in order to allow implementation of different techniques improving selectivity and sensitivity of gas sensors. The measurement module uses three-parameter sine-fitting technique for impedance measurement. To monitor sensor temperature, the resistance of the sensor’s heater...
System of wireless magnetic sensors for detection and identification of ferromagnetic vehicles
PublicationThe paper presents the results of deformation of the Earth's magnetic field by land vehicles. Basing on the analysis of the shape of the magnetic field deformation, it is possible to detect and identify a vehicle. In order to eliminate the interference of the Earth's magnetic field by the environment, the measurements were performed in a differential configuration. Under a development project a wireless system of magnetic sensors...
Microwave Alignment and Displacement Sensors in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology
PublicationThis paper is aimed at presenting highly sensitive microwave displacement and alignment sensors. With this goal, the method of realizing mechanically tunable cavity resonators in groove gap waveguides technology is presented. The resonance frequency of the cavity is then used for displacement sensing. It is also demonstrated that the symmetry properties of a pair of groove gap waveguide cavities can be used to improve the robustness...
Modeling of multi-cavity Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensors
PublicationReflectance characteristics of a two-cavity extrinsic Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensor were investigated using computer modeling. Calculations were performed using a plane wave-based approach, selected for clarity of results. Based on the modeling results, it can be concluded that the two-cavity Fabry-Perot interferometer can be used to measure two different quantities, such as refractive index and temperature, independently. It...
Integration of inertial sensors and GPS system data for underwater navigation
PublicationThe Inertial Navigation System (INS) is usually employed to determine the position of an underwater vehicles, like Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and, more recently, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The accuracy of the position provided by the INS, which uses accelerometers and gyroscopes, deteriorates with time. An external aiding sources such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) can be employed to reduce the error growth...
Measurement method for capacitive sensors for microcontrollers based on a phase shifter
PublicationA complete measurement method dedicated to capacitive sensors has been developed. It includes the development of hardware (an analogue interface circuit for microcontrollers with built-in times/counters and analogue comparators) and software (a measurement procedure and a systematic error calibration (correction) algorithm which is based on a calibration dictionary). The interface circuit consists of a low-pass filter and a phase...
Sensors for Rapid Detection of Environmental Toxicity in Blood of Poisoned People
PublicationRecently, the diagnosis and treatment of poisoned person can be done only in specialized centers. Furthermore, currently used clinical methods of intoxication diagnosis are not sufficient for early detection. Conventional laboratory tests based on urine and blood require professional, high skilled staff, high cost equipment as well as they are arduous and lasting analytical procedures. There is a need to elaborate relatively cheap...
Application of Vector Sensors to Acoustic Surveillance of a Public Interior Space
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę precyzyjnej detekcji i lokalizacji źródeł dźwięku w pomieszczeniach. Wykorzystano wektorowe czujniki akustyczne, dostarczające sygnałów ciśnienia akustycznego i prędkości cząsteczek powietrza. Zaprezentowano metodę lokalizacji źródeł dźwięku na widowni wydarzenia publicznego. Przedstawiono demonstracyjny system zainstalowany w sali wykładowej. System poddano ocenie dokładności na podstawie przeprowadzonych...
Molecular interaction sensors: a new detector platform for separation methods
PublicationPotencjometria jest nową metodą detekcji dla chromatografii cieczowej (LC)i elektroforezy kapilarnej (CE). Zastosowanie potencjometrii dla chromatograficznych technik wynika z faktu, że sygnał z detektora jest zależny od stanu rozdzielenia analitów nad pokryciem sensora i od rodzaju eluentu. Rozdzielenie analitu powoduje zmiany potencjału, a zmiany te można zaklasyfikować jako potencjometryczne. Do opisu ilościowego potrzebny jest...
Multichannel taste sensors with lipid, lipid like – polymer membranes
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Tuning the sumanene receptor structure towards the development of potentiometric sensors
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Resistance noise higher-order spectrums in nanoparticle gas sensors
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The Measurement Setup for Gas Detection by Resistance Fluctuations of Gas Sensors
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On the sensitivity, selectivity, sensory information and optimalsize of resistive chemical sensors
PublicationWykorzystano pojęcia teorii informacji do określenia możliwości poprawy selektywności i czujności rezystancyjnych sensorów gazu. Podano ogólne rozważania dotyczące limitu selektywnoœci dla tych sensorów. Porównano iloraz sygnału do szumów oraz pojemność kanału informacyjnego dla sensorów chemicznych wykorzystujących jako sygnał zjawiska fluktuacyjne z klasycznymi sensorami charakteryzowanymi jedną wartością. Ogólne rozważania wsparto...
Sinusoidal Control of a Brushless DC Motor with Misalignment of Hall Sensors
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A Family Of Multicore 0ptical Fibre Based Sensors And Instrumentation Systems
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Compensation of magnetic disturbances caused by sensors in a differential magnetometric system
PublicationStudy of low magnetic fields necessitates the use of precision magnetometers working in a differential system. Minimization of this error is a substantial issue in the case of magnetometers working in a differential system on a mobile platform. The compensation method of heading error consists in taking measurements of changes in magnetic induction with the use of the tested magnetometer for various locations of the sensor in relation...
Ammonia Gas Sensors: Comparison of Solid-State and Optical Methods
PublicationHigh precision and fast measurement of gas concentrations is important for both understanding and monitoring various phenomena, from industrial and environmental to medical and scientific applications. This article deals with the recent progress in ammonia detection using in-situ solid-state and optical methods. Due to the continuous progress in material engineering and optoelectronic technologies, these methods are among the most...
Amperometric gas sensors with elektrodes chemically deposited on Nafion membrane
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono opis metod otrzymywania elektrod pracujących w czujnikach amperometrycznych gazów z elektrolitem ciekłym. Zaprezentowano metody chemiczne takie jak: metoda impregnacji-redukcji i metoda Takenaka-Torikai. Przedstawiono przegląd konstrukcji czujnikowych gazowych z elektrodami tego typu.