Search results for: water dynamics
Structural and dynamic properties of water within the solvation layer around various conformations of the glycine-based polypeptide
PublicationSeveral conformations of the solvated glycine-based polypeptides were investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. Some properties of water in the neighbouring space around these molecules were investigated. It was found, that water forms a well-defined layer - the first solvation shell - around the peptide molecule, and thickness of this layer is independent of the peptide structure, and it equals to approximately 0.28 nm....
Structural and Dynamic Properties of Water within the Solvation Layer around Various Conformations of the Glycine-based Polypeptide
PublicationSeveral conformations of the solvated glycine-based polypeptides were investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. Some properties of water in the neighboring space around these molecules were investigated. It was found that water forms a well-defined layer—the first solvation shell—around the peptide molecule, and thickness of this layer is independent of the peptide structure and is equal to approximately 0.28 nm. Within...
Lattice dynamics of Mg2SiO4
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Finite Resolution Dynamics
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Dynamics of quantum entanglement
PublicationA model of discrete dynamics of entanglement of a bipartite quantum state is considered. It involves a global unitary dynamics of the system and periodic actions of local bistochastic or decaying channel. For initially pure states the decay of entanglement is accompanied by an increase of von Neumann entropy of the system. We observe and discuss revivals of entanglement due to unitary interaction of subsystems. For some mixed states...
Directed pulse dynamics
PublicationIntroducing a projection method into a one-dimensional model of a pulse propagation in isotropic media, we derive and investigate a system of equation describing dynamics ultrashort pulses of opposite directions ofpropagation and ones with interaction of directed pulses with different polarization.
Entropy of water calculated from harmonic approximation: estimation of the accuracy of method
PublicationSome molecular dynamics simulations were performed for liquid TIP4P and SPC water at a constant density (1.00 g/cm(3)) and within the temperature range of 5-90 degrees C. By using harmonic approximation, both the entropy of water S-H and the specific heat c(v) were calculated, and the results were compared to literature data. It was found that harmonic approximation overestimates absolute entropy of TIP4P water by 5.6 J/mol K (similar...
Molecular hydrogen solvated in water – A computational study
PublicationThe aqueous hydrogen molecule is studied with molecular dynamics simulations at ambient temperature and pressure conditions, using a newly developed flexible and polarizable H2 molecule model. The design and implementation of this model, compatible with an existing flexible and polarizable force field for water, is presented in detail. The structure of the hydration layer suggests that first-shell water molecules accommodate the...
Mechanism of antifreeze protein functioning and the “anchored clathrate water” concept
PublicationIn liquid water, there is a natural tendency to form aggregates that consist of water molecules linked by hydrogen bonds. Such spontaneously formed aggregates are surrounded by a "sea" of disordered water molecules, with both forms remaining in equilibrium. The process of creating water aggregates also takes place in the solvation water of proteins, but in this case the interactions of water molecules with the protein surface shift...
Guanosine Dianions Hydrated by One to Four Water Molecules
PublicationIntermolecular interactions such as those present in molecule···water complexes may profoundly influence the physicochemical properties of molecules. Here, we carried out an experimental–computational study on doubly deprotonated guanosine monophosphate···water clusters, [dGMP – 2H]2–·nH2O (n = 1–4), using a combination of negative anion photoelectron spectroscopy (NIPES) with molecular dynamics (MD) and quantum chemical (QM) calculations....
An insight into the mixed quantum mechanical-molecular dynamics simulation of a ZnII-Curcumin complex with a chosen DNA sequence that supports experimental DNA binding investigations
PublicationAn important aspect of research pertaining to Curcumin (HCur) is the need to arrest its degradation in aqueous solution and in biological milieu. This may be achieved through complex formation with metal ions. For this reason, a complex of HCur was prepared with ZnII, that is not likely to be active in redox pathways, minimizing further complications. The complex is monomeric, tetrahedral, with one HCur, an acetate and a molecule...
Mechanism of Binding of Antifungal Antibiotic Amphotericin B to Lipid Membranes: An Insight from Combined Single-Membrane Imaging, Microspectroscopy, and Molecular Dynamics
PublicationAmphotericin B is a lifesaving polyene antibiotic used in the treatment of systemic mycoses. Unfortunately, the pharmacological applicability of this drug is limited because of its severe toxic side effects. At the same time, the lack of a well-defined mechanism of selectivity hampers the efforts to rationally design safer derivatives. As the drug primarily targets the biomembranes of both fungi and humans, new insights into the...
Lattice dynamics of CuAu-orderedCuInSe2
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Microarrays and Dynamics of Fluorescent Dyes
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Statistical Dynamics of the Rolling Mills
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Dynamics of Changes in The Urban Space
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Dynamics of surface floating objects
PublicationPrezentowana praca stanowi wstępne rozeznanie w dziedzinie badań dynamiki konstrukcji pływających z zastosowaniem teorii procesu dyfuzji. W pracy rozpatrywane są modele fizyczne jednostek wielokadłubowych oraz modele matematyczne. Spośród modeli jednostek wielokadłubowych wyróżnia się modele deterministyczne oraz modele stochastyczne.
Fast bubble dynamics and sizing
PublicationSingle bubble sizing is usually performed by measuring the resonant bubble response using the Dual Frequency Ultrasound Method. However, in practice, the use of millisecond-duration chirp-like waves yields nonlinear distortions of the bubble oscillations. In comparison with the resonant curve obtained under harmonic excitation, it was observed that the bubble dynamic response shifted by up to 20 percent of the resonant frequency...
On dynamics of origami-inspired rod
PublicationWe discuss the dynamics of a relatively simple origami-inspired structure considering discrete and continuum models. The latter was derived as a certain limit of the discrete model. Here we analyze small in-plane deformations and related equations of infinitesimal motions. For both models, dispersion relations were derived and compared. The comparison of the dispersion relations showed that the continuum model can capture the behavior...
Numerical Studies on Propellers in Open Water and behind Hulls aiming to support the Evaluation of Propulsion Tests
PublicationA RANS based numerical analysis of propellers can contribute considerably to our understanding of propeller/hull interaction. It may also allow for a review of scaling procedures on results from experimental fluid dynamics (EFD). Using various RANS codes (Fluent, CFX, STAR-CCM+ and FreSCo+) on common test cases the authors first focused on propeller open water (POW) calculations. Next we simulated the propeller hull interaction...
Molecular dynamics study on the influence of C-terminal sugar substitution on dynamics and conformation of vancomycin derivatives
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Investigation of the laser generated ablation plasma plume dynamics and plasma plume sound wave dynamics
PublicationWe investigated the dynamics of laser generated ablation plasma plume expanding in ambient air and dynamics of the sound wave generated by the expanding plasma. The ablation plasma plume was generated during nanosecond laser micromachining of the thin metal foil. The time-resolved images of the expanding plasma plume and sound wave were captured at several nanosecond intervals. Using captured images the expansion rate of the plasma...
Non-ergodic fragmentation upon collision-induced activation of cysteine–water cluster cations
PublicationCysteine–water cluster cations Cys(H2O)3,6 + and Cys(H2O)3,6H+ are assembled in He droplets and probed by tandem mass spectrometry with collision-induced activation. Benchmark experimental data for this biologically important system are complemented with theory to elucidate the details of the collisioninduced activation process. Experimental energy thresholds for successive release of water are compared to water dissociation energies...
Closer look into the structures of tetrabutylammonium bromide–glycerol-based deep eutectic solvents and their mixtures with water
PublicationIn recent years, deep eutectic solvents (DES) and it’s mixture with water have become more and more attention as green solvents used in chemistry. However, there are only a few theoretical studies on the mechanisms of pure DES and DES-water complex formation. Therefore, the structural properties of tetrabutylammonium bromide–glycerol-based deep eutectic solvents and their mixtures with water have been investigated by means of Molecular...
On dynamics of the question mark shell structure
PublicationW pracy prezentuje się problemy analizy dynamicznej nieregularnej konstrukcji powłokowej na przykładzie powłoki w kształcie znaku zapytania. Badania oparto na sześcioparametrowej nieliniowej teorii powłok, która pozwala na dyskretyzację modelu metodą elementów skończonych zawierających sześć stopni swobody w węźle. Ta teoria daje możliwość poprawnego modelowania nieregularności oraz rozgałęzień i ortogonalnych przecięć, jak również...
Chaotic Dynamics and Bifurcations in Impact Systems
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A Database Schema for the Analysis of Global Dynamics
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Structural Dynamics and Stability of Composite Structures
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Molecular Dynamics Studies on Amyloidogenic Proteins
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Molecular Dynamics Studies on Amyloidogenic Proteins
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Modeling Dynamics of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy budowy modelu autonomicznego pojazdu podwodnego do celów syntezy układu sterowania pojazdem. Rozważany pojazd ma długośc ok. 1 m i 30 cm średnicy. Wyposażony jest w 5 pędników, które pozwalają na sterowanie w pięciu stopniach swobody. Do badań wykorzystano model o 4 stopniach swobody. Dokonano identyfikacji parametrycznej modelu. Model zrealizowano w środowisku programowym Matlab/Simulink.
Circular saw vibrations or dynamics of the spindle
PublicationSawing of wood with circular saws is a typical example of cutting with multi-blade tools. In that kind of cutting, theposition accuracy of following tool blades is a crucial factor which affects the cutting process and machining final effects.Position tooth errors may cause deterioration in cutting conditions, changes in loads of individual teeth and the tool as a whole,and also a decrease in accuracy and surface quality after...
Economic growth dynamics across countries
PublicationRozdział w monografii stanowi analizę statystyczną dynamiki wzrostu gospodarczego w krajach świata, w latach 1989-2010. Dodatkowo autorka analizuje relacje statystyczne zachodzące pomiędzy stopą wzrostu gospodarczego, a wybranymi wskaźnikami rozwoju społecznego.
Catamaran dynamics at irregular wave excitations
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy dynamiki jednostki wielokadłubowej typu katamaran poddanej wymuszeniom pochodzącym od falowania nieregularnego.Przeprowadzono analizę dynamiki jednostki wielokadłubowej przy założeniu, że jest on opisany jako model liniowy, na który działa fala nieregularna. Model matematyczny układu dynamicznego jest reprezentowany poprzez równania stanu. Zapisano równania uwzględniające napływ fali czołowej, która wywołuje ruchy...
Structural Dynamics and Stability of Composite Structures
PublicationThis an editorial for a special Issue devoted to the application of dynamic and stability analysis of composite structures. In structural applications, past few decades have seen outstanding advances in the use of composite materials including Functionally Graded Materials (FGM). Most structures, whether they are used in civil, marine, or aerospace engineering, are subjected to dynamic loads during their operation.Therefore, dynamic...
Computational fluid dynamics - lustres and shadows.
PublicationThe paper is devoted to the different aspects of CFD. The advantages of this concept are evident and obvious; powerfuk and effective tools bring this technology closer to the quantifiable world. However, certain weaknesses in this structure are apparent. Sometimes, a simplistic tendency towards simplifications and facilitations may degenerate and lead to negative behaviours and signs. These have not been serious up to date, but...
Recognizing emotions on the basis of keystroke dynamics
PublicationThe article describes a research on recognizing emotional states on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An overview of various studies and applications of emotion recognition based on data coming from keyboard is presented. Then, the idea of an experiment is presented, i.e. the way of collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and finally training classifiers. Different classification approaches are proposed to be...
Dynamics of Ice Jam Formation and Release
PublicationThe numerical model DynaRICE and its application to ice jam formation and release is presented. The model is a two-dimensional coupled flow and ice dynamic model. The ice dynamic component, which includes both the internal ice resistance and boundary friction on ice motion, uses a Lagrangian SPH method. The hydrodynamic component of the model uses a streamline upwind finite element method, which is capable of simulating trans-critical...
On the Dynamics of a Visco–Piezo–Flexoelectric Nanobeam
PublicationThe fundamental motivation of this research is to investigate the effect of flexoelectricity on a piezoelectric nanobeam for the first time involving internal viscoelasticity. To date, the effect of flexoelectricity on the mechanical behavior of nanobeams has been investigated extensively under various physical and environmental conditions. However, this effect as an internal property of materials has not been studied when the...
Dold sequences, periodic points, and dynamics
PublicationIn this survey we describe how the so-called Dold congruence arises in topology, and how it relates to periodic point counting in dynamical systems.
Weak forms of shadowing in topological dynamics
PublicationWe consider continuous maps of compact metric spaces. It is proved that every pseudotrajectory with sufficiently small errors contains a subsequence of positive density that is point-wise close to a subsequence of an exact trajectory with the same indices. Also, we study homeomor- phisms such that any pseudotrajectory can be shadowed by a finite number of exact orbits. In terms of numerical methods this property (we call it multishadowing)...
Influence of Added Water Mass on Ship Structure Vibration Parameters in Virtual and Real Conditions
PublicationModelling of ship structures in a virtual environment is now standard practice. Unfortunately, many engineers forget to consideri the influence of added water on the frequency values and the amplitude of natural vibrations. The article presents the effect of water damping on the frequency values of the individual natural vibration modes. The tests were carried out in two stages. First, the mentioned values were determined using...
Communication: Inside the water wheel: Intrinsic differences between hydrated tetraphenylphosphonium and tetraphenylborate ions
PublicationTetraphenylphosphonium tetraphenylborate (TPTB) is a common reference electrolyte in physical chemistry of solutions allowing for a convenient partitioning of thermodynamic properties into single-ion contributions. Here, we compute on the basis of ab initio molecular dynamics simulations the infrared (IR) spectra for hydrated constituent ions of the TPTB assumption. Using spectral decomposition techniques, we extract important...
Changes in evaporation patterns and their impact on Climatic Water Balance and river discharges in central Poland, 1961–2020
PublicationThis study investigates the changes in precipitation and evaporation patterns and their impact on Climatic Water Balance and river discharges in central Poland from 1961 to 2020. The analysis focuses on two “normal” periods, 1961–1990 and 1991–2020 (according to the World Meteorological Organization). Bartlett’s test and the Kruskal–Wallis rank sum test were used to assess the homogeneity of variances and compare distributions...
Why is the cubic structure preferred in newly formed ice?
PublicationMolecular dynamics was employed to explain the preference for the cubic structure in newly formed crystals of ice. The results showed that in supercooled liquid water the molecules connected by hydrogen bonds are more likely to adopt relative orientations similar to the ones characteristic for cubic ice. The observed preference for certain relative orientations of molecules in the hydrogen-bonded pairs results in the higher probability...
Understanding ion–ion and ion–solvent interactions in aqueous solutions of morpholinium ionic liquids with N-acetyl-L-alaninate anion through partial molar properties and molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationAmino acid ionic liquids (AAILs) provide a low toxicity, biodegradable alternative to conventional ionic liquids, while also maintaining solubility in water. Densities and sound velocities of aqueous solutions of four amino acid ionic liquids (AAILs), based on the N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium ([Mor1,R], R = 2, 3, 6, 8) cation and N-acetyl-L-alaninate ([N-Ac-L-Ala]) anion were measured at T = (293.15–313.15) K and at atmospheric...
Unusual Influence of Fluorinated Anions on the Stretching Vibrations of Liquid Water
PublicationInfrared (IR) spectroscopy is a commonly used and invaluable tool in the studies of solvation phenomena in aqueous solutions. Concurrently, ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations deliver the solvation shell picture at a molecular detail level and allow for a consistent decomposition of the theoretical IR spectrum into underlying spatial correlations. Here, we demonstrate how the novel spectral decomposition techniques...
Stochastic approach to the dynamics of a linear floating object
PublicationArtykuł stanowi prezentację metody różniczkowych równań stochastycznych w zastosowaniu do analizy dynamiki obiektów pływających. Analizowany jest ruch jednostki pływającej jako obiektu liniowego z uwzględnieniem w równaniach stochastycznych nieliniowości, występującej w wymuszeniach zewnętrznych działających na obiekt. Stochastyczne równania różniczkowe są zapisane dla sprzężonych ruchów symetrycznych.
Stochastic approach to the dynamics of marine floating object
PublicationAnalizowany jest ruch jednostki pływającej z uwzględnieniem w równaniach stochastycznych nieliniowości, występującej w wymuszeniach zewnętrznych działających na obiekt. Stochastyczne równania różniczkowe są zapisane dla sprzężonych ruchów symetrycznych.
Lattice dynamics of the rare-earth element samarium