total: 3221
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On the Dynamics of an Enhanced Coaxial Inertial Exciter for Vibratory Machines
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Dynamics of Opposing Polymer Brushes: A Computer Simulation Study
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Influence of magnetic interaction on lattice dynamics of FeBO 3
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Dynamics of ginsenoside biosynthesis in suspension culture of Panax quinquefolium
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Molecular dynamics of fentanyl bound to μ-opioid receptor
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Molecular dynamics simulations of ultraprecision machining of fcc monocrystals
PublicationArtykuł zawiera wyniki wielkoskalowych symulacji dynamiczno-molekularnych ultraprecyzyjnego skrawania monokryształów metali niedeformowalnym narzędziem. Zmiennymi parametrami symulacji były: szybkość i głębokość skrawania, temperatura, orientacja krystalograficzna skrawanego kryształu oraz kształt narzędzia.Analizie poddano zmiany strukturalne w obrabianym materiale.
Dynamics Conscious Approach to Tribometer Design and Tribo-testing
PublicationIn the paper findings are discussed on the issue of dynamic characteristics of a tribometer as a factor influencing the result of the tribological experiment. An advanced approach to tribo-testing is attempted with integrated dynamic analysis of the tribometer and the sliding pair. The fundamental idea is explored of the tribometer being regarded as any machine in which friction is inflicted with all the resulting consequences...
mechanical engineering education via projects in multibody dynamics
PublicationPraca prezentuje rozważania nad wykorzystaniem interdyscyplinarnych projektów bazujących na zasadach dynamiki układów wieloczłonowych, traktowanych tu jako rozwinięcie kursu klasycznej mechaniki. Celem dydaktycznym jest zebranie w jednym procesie dydaktycznym takich aspektów jak: możliwość wykorzystania poznanych teoretycznie równań do modelowania i analizy znanego mu obiektu rzeczywistego; umożliwienie formułowania i testowania...
Discrepancies of energy values in dynamics of three intersecting plates
PublicationW pracy analizuje się lot konstrukcji powłokowej złożonej z trzech przecinających się powłok. Obciążeniem jest przestrzenny układ sił o zadanym trójkątnym przebiegu w czasie. Po ustaniu obciążenia powłoka doświadcza swobodnego lotu. Celem pracy jest dyskusja różnic wartości energii całkowitej układu w locie swobodnym jakie znane są w literaturze przedmiotu. W pracy przedstawiono także przykład weryfikujący zastosowane algorytmy...
Structural and dynamic changes adopted by EmrE, multidrug transporter protein—Studies by molecular dynamics simulation
PublicationEmrE protein transports positively charged aromatic drugs (xenobiotics) in exchange for two protons and thus provides bacteria resistance to variety of drugs. In order to understand how this protein may recognize ligands, the monomer and asymmetric apo-form of the EmrE dimer embedded in a heterogeneous phospholipid (POPE + POPG) membrane were studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Dimer is regarded as a functional form of the...
Encapsulation of an anticancer drug Isatin inside a host nano-vehicle SWCNT: a molecular dynamics simulation
PublicationThe use of carbon nanotubes as anticancer drug delivery cargo systems is a promising modality as they are able to perforate cellular membranes and transport the carried therapeutic molecules into the cellular components. Our work describes the encapsulation process of a common anticancer drug, Isatin (1H-indole-2,3-dione) as a guest molecule, in a capped single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) host with chirality of (10,10). The...
Multi-GPU-powered UNRES package for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of protein systems at biological size- and timescales
PublicationCoarse-grained models are nowadays extensively used in biomolecular simulations owing to the tremendous extension of size- and time-scale of simulations. The physics-based UNRES (UNited RESidue) model of proteins developed in our laboratory has only two interaction sites per amino-acid residue (united peptide groups and united side chains) and implicit solvent. However, owing to rigorous physics-based derivation, which enabled...
Toward mechanosynthesis of diamondoid sructures: viii. quantum-chemical molecular dynamics simulations of hexagonal silicon-iv structure synthesis with stm
Publicationw tej publikacji badano metodami kwantowo-chemicznymi różne strategie mechanosyntezy heksagonalnego krzemu iv. określono przybliżone warunki mechanosyntezy krzemu w formie lonsdaleitu za pomocą uhv-spm.
Flow maldistribution and its mitigation in mini heat exchangers
PublicationIn the present paper, a detailed numerical investigation has been carried out to analyze the flow maldistribution in 50 parallel 1 mm x 1 mm rectangular minichannels and 1 mm depth minigap section with rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular or concave mani-folds in Z-type flow configuration (16 different cases). The working medium was ethanol and the mass flow rate was 5×10-4 kg/s. Both sections was heated from the bottom side. Heat...
Analiza egzergetyczna bloku gazowo parowego współpracującego z obiegiem ORC
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono sposób przeprowadzania bilansu egzergetycznego dla obiegu Clausiusa – Rankina. Następnie przy pomocy programu EES współpracującego z bazą REFPROP 9.0 (Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database) [6] wykonany został bilans egzergetyczny dla układu kaskadowego siłowni CCGT – ORC, w którym blok gazowo – parowy współpracuje z obiegiem ORC. Obliczenia wykonano w oparciu o rzeczywiste parametry...
New Materiality-towards ‘Media Environments
PublicationArticle presents media solutions providing new materiality of architectural spaces. Media solutions in architecture evolve in new forms. Articlepresentsboth the developmentof new technological solutionsas well as new ways of application of media solutions in relation toarchitectural form. The aim of the article is to show technical aspects of new materiality - intelligent materials, allowing transmission of changeable visual content...
Numerical model for thin liquid film with evaporation and condensation on solid surfaces in systems with conjugated heat transfer
PublicationCondensation and evaporation processes from wetted surfaces are of utmost importance in many technological or industrial applications. In many devices such as home-appliances and air conditioning systems just to name a few, condensation and evaporation processes greatly impact their performance and energy efficiency; The physics of these processes is quite complex, involving conjugate heat transfer among solid–liquid film-gaseous...
Numerical modeling of wave-seabed-structure interaction.
PublicationPraca doktorska przedstawia propozycję nowoczesnego rozwiązania obciążeń hydraulicznych przy uwzględnieniu nieliniowych oddziaływań pomiędzy falą wodną, przepuszczalnym dnem i porowatą konstrukcją morską. Nabrzeże pionowe, falochron podwodny i falochron kompozytowy były obiektem eksperymentów numerycznych, których wyniki były weryfikowane przy użyciu wyników laboratoryjnych (niszczących i nieniszczących). Krótki przegląd bieżącej...
Conditions for increasing the recognition of degradation in thermal-flow diagnostics, taking into account environmental legal aspects
PublicationThe ever-increasing demand for electricity and the need for conventional sources to cooperate with renewable ones generates the need to increase the efficiency and safety of the generation sources. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to operate existing facilities more efficiently with full detection of emerging faults. These are the requirements of Polish, European and International law, which demands that energy facilities...
Silicon’s Influence on Polyphenol and Flavonoid Profiles in Pea (Pisum sativum L.) under Cadmium Exposure in Hydroponics: A Study of Metabolomics, Extraction Efficacy, and Antimicrobial Properties of Extracts
PublicationThe current study aimed to investigate the impact of silicon (Si) supplementation in the form of Na2SiO3 on the metabolome of peas under normal conditions and following exposure to cadmium (Cd) stress. Si is known for its ability to enhance stress tolerance in various plant species, including the mitigation of heavy metal toxicity. Cd, a significant contaminant, poses risks to...
PublicationThe seminal Navier-Stokes equations have been stated yet before creation of principles of thermodynamics and the first and second laws. In the literature there is the common opinion that the Navier-Stokes equations cannot be taken as a thermodynamically correct model of “working fluid” which is able to describe transformation of “ heat” into “work” and vice versa. Therefore, in the paper, a new exposition of thermodynamically...
Release of selected chemical elements from shale drill cuttings to aqueous solutions of different pH
PublicationThe effect of pH changes on leachability of light and heavy metals from shale drill cuttings generated from unconventional shale gas production was investigated. Cuttings, being the primary byproduct generated from drilling operations, belong to the potentially hazardous type of wastes due to presence of heavy and radioactive elements and remains of drilling fluid. In this regard, assessment of potentially dangerous components...
PublicationIn the paper are presented the results of follow on studies from [1]–[3] using authors own model to predict heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling. The model has been tested against a large selection of experimental data collected from various researchers to investigate the sensitivity of the in-house developed model. The collected experimental data came from various studies from literature and were conducted for the full...
The non-invasive evaluation of heart function in patients with an acute myocardial infarction: The role of impedance cardiography
PublicationBackground: The purpose of this study was to analyze hemodynamic changes in patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) at an early stage of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and at one-month follow-up. Methods: Patients with AMI (n = 27) who underwent PCI were analyzed using impedance cardiography (ICG). ICG data were collected continuously (beat by beat) during the whole PCI procedure and thereafter at every...
Synthesis, characterization, and interactions of single-walled carbon nanotubes modified with doxorubicin with Langmuir–Blodgett biomimetic membranes
PublicationThe synthesis, characterization, and the influence of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) modified with an anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOx) on the properties of model biological membrane as well as the comparison of the two modes of modification has been presented. The drug was covalently attached to the nanotubes either preferentially on the sides or at the ends of the nanotubes by the formation of hydrazone bond. The efficiency...
Corrosion Resistance and Surface Bioactivity of Ti6Al4V Alloy after Finish Turning under Ecological Cutting Conditions
PublicationThe influence of cooling conditions and surface topography after finish turning of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy on corrosion resistance and surface bioactivity was analyzed. The samples were machined under dry and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) conditions to obtain different surface roughness. The surface topographies of the processed samples were assessed and measured using an optical profilometer. The produced samples were subjected...
Study of Non-Newtonian biomagnetic blood flow in a stenosed bifurcated artery having elastic walls
PublicationFluid structure interaction (FSI) gained attention of researchers and scientist due to its applications in science felds like biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering etc. One of the major application in FSI is to study elastic wall behavior of stenotic arteries. In this paper we discussed an incompressible Non-Newtonian blood fow analysis in an elastic bifurcated artery. A magnetic feld is applied along x direction. For...
Fluid Mechanics PG 00049759 Wykład+Ćwiczenia, sem. 4, lato 2024
e-Learning Courses -
Fluid Mechanics PG 00049759 Wykład+Ćwiczenia, sem. 4, lato 2025
e-Learning Courses -
Exploring novel Cd(ii) complexes with 5-methyl-4-imidazolecarboxaldehyde: synthesis, structure, computational insights, and affinity to DNA through switchSense methodology
PublicationA series of four Cd(II) complexes with 5-methyl-4-imidazolecarboxaldehyde (L) with different inorganic anions within or outside the coordination sphere of general formula: [CdCl2 L2 ] (1), [CdBr2 L 2] (2), [CdI2L 2] (3), and [CdL4 ](PF6 )2 ·3H2 O (4) was synthesized through one-step and two-step reactions, respectively. All complexes were obtained as colorless crystals without the need for recrystallization and exhibited solubi- lity...
Adolfo Poma
PeopleI am the group leader of the computational modelling of biomolecules divison at the institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences in Poland. My group was hosted between 2021-2022 by International Centre for Research on Innovative Bio-based Materials (ICRI-BioM). In 2008, I got a Master degree in computational physics from the State University of Campinas, Brazil. Then I moved to Germany and under the...
Computational simulation of motion of a rescue module during its launching from ship at rough sea
PublicationThis paper is a continuation of the work titled : “A comp utational model for simulation of motion of rescue module during its launching from stern ramp of a ship at rough sea”. It presents results of computer simulations of motion of a rescue module with embarked persons during its launching on rollers along stern ramp of a ship at rough sea. The simulations were conducted for a selected ship fitted with a launching ramp , for...
The TEMPUS PROGRAM - Computational Geometry for Ships i.e. our first step towards the European Union.
PublicationPraca prezentuje genezę, zakres merytoryczny i realizację europejskiego programu TEMPUS pt. "Geometria Komputerowa dla Statków" zorganizowanego i przeprowadzonego na Wydz. OiO PG w latach 1993-95. Projekt miał charakter dydaktyczny i oferował zaawansowany kurs nowoczesnej metodologii modelowania geometrycznego i analizy hydrodynamicznej kształtu kadłuba okrętu dla studentów wydziału i młodych inżynierów polskiego przemysłu okrętowego....
Experimental and computational analysis of SnSx encapsulated into carbonized chitosan as electrode material for potassium ion batteries
PublicationTin sulphide compounds (SnSx, x = 1, 2) are potential anode materials for potassium-ion batteries (PIBs) due to their characteristic layered structure, high theoretical capacity, non-toxicity and low production cost. However, they suffer from significant volume changes resulting in poor performance of such anodes. In this work incorporation of SnSx into the carbon structure was expected to overcome these disadvantages. Two SnS-based...
Unraveling the Interplay between DNA and Proteins: A Computational Exploration of Sequence and Structure-Specific Recognition Mechanisms
PublicationMy PhD dissertation focused on DNA-protein interactions and the recognition of specific DNA sequences and structures. I discovered that acidic amino acid residues (Asp/Glu) play a crucial role by exhibiting a preference for cytosine. Their contribution to binding affinity depends on nearby cytosines, balancing electrostatic repulsion with specific interactions. Acidic residues act as negative selectors, discouraging non-cytosine...
Characterizing Interactions Between Small Peptides and Dimethyl Sulfoxide Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Computational Methods
PublicationThis study provides a comprehensive analysis of the interactions between dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and two small peptides, diglycine and N-acetyl-glycine-methylamide (NAGMA), in aqueous solutions using FTIR spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and DFT results revealed that DMSO does not form direct bonds with the peptides, suggesting that DMSO indirectly influences both peptides by...
Computational Approach towards Repetitive Design Tasks: The Case Study of Parking Lot Automated Design
PublicationThe study aims to develop and assess an algorithm for efficiently generating parking spot layouts within predefined area outlines. The algorithm is an attempt to streamline the decisionmaking process by producing different design variants and optimizing the utilization of available space. The algorithm’s primary objective is to streamline decision-making by generating diverse design variants while optimizing the use of available...
Structural, spectroscopic, and computational characterization of the cleavage product of dimolybdenum(II) core under aerobic conditions
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Essentials and Perspectives of Computational Modelling Assistance for CNS-oriented Nanoparticle-based Drug Delivery Systems
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Computational complexity and length of recorded data for fluctuation enhanced sensing method in resistive gas sensors
PublicationThis paper considers complexity and accuracy of data processing for gas detection using resistance fluctuation data observed in resistance gas sensors. A few selected methods were considered (Principal Component Analysis – PCA, Support Vector Machine – SVM). Functions like power spectral density or histogram were used to create input data vector for these algorithms from the observed resistance fluctuations. The presented considerations...
Computational model for simulation of lifeboat motions during its launching from ship in rough seas
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono model obliczeniowy 3 D, opisujący ruch obiektu w 6 stopniach swobody (6DoF), do symulacji ruchu jedno- lub dwuzawiesiowej łodzi ratunkowej lub ratowniczej podczas opuszczania ze statku na wzburzonej wodzie. Jest to złożony model uwzględniający warunki morskie oraz elastyczność i własności tłumiące elementów i mechanizmów żurawika, liny oraz kadłuba łodzi. Ponadto przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki obliczeń...
Dynamics of a linear pneumatic actuator with 50 mm piston diameter and 150 mm stroke subjected only to a mass load of 640 g
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of a linear pneumatic cylinder subjected only to mass load. An actuator of one of the well known European manufacturers was tested.The experiment were to measure pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator and the position of the piston during stroke and retracting. The test was repeated 11 times....
Dynamics of a linear pneumatic actuator with 50 mm piston diameter and 100 mm stroke subjected only to a mass load of 450 g
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of a linear pneumatic cylinder subjected only to mass load. An actuator of one of the well known European manufacturers was tested.The experiment were to measure pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator and the position of the piston during stroke and retracting. The test was repeated 11 times....
Dynamics of a linear pneumatic actuator with 80 mm piston diameter and 100 mm stroke subjected only to a mass load of 1650 g
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of a linear pneumatic cylinder subjected only to mass load. An actuator of one of the well known European manufacturers was tested.The experiment were to measure pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator and the position of the piston during stroke and retracting. The test was repeated 11 times....
Dynamics of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter and 100 mm stroke subjected only to a mass load of 1640 g
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of a linear pneumatic cylinder subjected only to mass load. An actuator of one of the well known European manufacturers was tested.The experiment were to measure pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator and the position of the piston during stroke and retracting. The test was repeated 11 times....
Dynamics of a linear pneumatic actuator with 80 mm piston diameter and 300 mm stroke subjected only to a mass load of 1650 g
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of a linear pneumatic cylinder subjected only to mass load. An actuator of one of the well known European manufacturers was tested.The experiment were to measure pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator and the position of the piston during stroke and retracting. The test was repeated 11 times....
Dynamics of a linear pneumatic actuator with 50 mm piston diameter and 100 mm stroke subjected only to a mass load of 930 g
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of a linear pneumatic cylinder subjected only to mass load. An actuator of one of the well known European manufacturers was tested.The experiment were to measure pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator and the position of the piston during stroke and retracting. The test was repeated 11 times....
Dynamics of a linear pneumatic actuator with 50 mm piston diameter and 300 mm stroke subjected only to a mass load of 930 g
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of a linear pneumatic cylinder subjected only to mass load. An actuator of one of the well known European manufacturers was tested.The experiment were to measure pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator and the position of the piston during stroke and retracting. The test was repeated 11 times....
Dynamics of a linear pneumatic actuator with 50 mm piston diameter and 500 mm stroke subjected only to a mass load of 1530 g
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of a linear pneumatic cylinder subjected only to mass load. An actuator of one of the well known European manufacturers was tested.The experiment were to measure pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator and the position of the piston during stroke and retracting. The test was repeated 11 times....
Dynamics of a linear pneumatic actuator with 80 mm piston diameter and 100 mm stroke subjected only to a mass load of 900 g
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of a linear pneumatic cylinder subjected only to mass load. An actuator of one of the well known European manufacturers was tested.The experiment were to measure pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator and the position of the piston during stroke and retracting. The test was repeated 11 times....