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Self-Calibrating Stress Measurement System Based on Multidirectional Barkhausen Noise Measurements
PublicationThe system presented in this paper enables automatization of the two-dimensional calibration process (determination of Barkhausen noise (BN) intensity dependence on in-plane components of strain). Then, using dedicated software created by the authors in LabVIEW environment, and with the help of two dimensional calibration data one can effectively determine strain and stress distribution i.e. magnitude and orientation of main strain/stress...
Computer-Aided Design of Railroad Horizontal Arc Areas in Adapting to Satellite Measurements
PublicationThis paper presents a method of designing railway sections located in horizontal arcs. The adopted procedure is universal, i.e., it creates the possibility of varying both the type and the length of the assumed transition curves. This means that the applied analytical formulas apply to the boundary conditions of the transition curves and all of the simplifications widely existing in common algorithms have been eliminated. The presented...
Cost-Efficient Design Methodology for Compact Rat-Race Couplers
PublicationIn this article, a reliable and low-cost design methodology for simulation-driven optimization of miniaturized rat-race couplers (RRCs) is presented. We exploit a two-stage design approach, where a composite structure (a basic building block of the RRC structure) is first optimized using a pattern search algorithm, and, subsequently, the entire coupler is tuned by means of surrogate-based optimization (SBO) procedure. SBO is executed...
Speech Analytics Based on Machine Learning
PublicationIn this chapter, the process of speech data preparation for machine learning is discussed in detail. Examples of speech analytics methods applied to phonemes and allophones are shown. Further, an approach to automatic phoneme recognition involving optimized parametrization and a classifier belonging to machine learning algorithms is discussed. Feature vectors are built on the basis of descriptors coming from the music information...
On EM-driven size reduction of antenna structures with explicit constraint handling
PublicationSimulation-driven miniaturization of antenna components is a challenging task mainly due to the presence of expensive constraints, evaluation of which involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. The recommended approach is implicit constraint handling using penalty functions, which, however, requires a meticulous selection of penalty coefficients, instrumental in ensuring optimization process reliability. This paper proposes...
Comparison of tuning procedures based on evolutionary algorithm for multi-region fuzzy-logic PID controller for non-linear plant
PublicationThe paper presents a comparison of tuning procedures for a multi-region fuzzy-logic controller used for nonlinear process control. This controller is composed of local PID controllers and fuzzy-logic mechanism that aggregates local control signals. Three off-line tuning procedures are presented. The first one focuses on separate tuning of local PID controllers gains in the case when the parameters of membership functions of fuzzy-logic...
Bees Detection on Images: Study of Different Color Models for Neural Networks
PublicationThis paper presents an approach to bee detection in video streams using a neural network classifier. We describe the motivation for our research and the methodology of data acquisition. The main contribution to this work is a comparison of different color models used as an input format for a feedforward convolutional architecture applied to bee detection. The detection process has is based on a neural binary classifier that classifies...
Kompleksowa analiza symulacyjna układu napędowego zespołu trakcyjnego
PublicationThe paper describes an approach to comprehensive analysis of traction electric drive. The drivetrain of ED-74 electric unit equipped with four inverter-fed induction motors was modeled in Matlab/Simulink. The model consists of functional blocks as: motors, inverters, drive controllers, filters. Structure and operation of the model was described. Chosen simulation results were presented and discussed. Two methods of modeling the...
Deformation mitigation and twisting moment control in space frames
PublicationOver the last five decades, space frames have centered on the modernization of touristic zones in view of architectural attractions. Although attempts to control joint movement and minimize axial force and bending moment in such structures were made sufficiently, twisting moments in space frames have been underestimated so far. In space frames, external load or restoring the misshapen shape may cause twisting in members. We herein...
Rapid Surrogate-Aided Multi-Criterial Optimization of Compact Microwave Passives Employing Machine Learning and ANNs
PublicationThis article introduces an innovative method for achieving low-cost and reliable multi-objective optimization (MO) of microwave passive circuits. The technique capitalizes on the attributes of surrogate models, specifically artificial neural networks (ANNs), and multi-resolution electromagnetic (EM) analysis. We integrate the search process into a machine learning (ML) framework, where each iteration produces multiple infill points...
Development of conductive porous media as packing materials for biotrickling filter – microbial fuel cell system (BTF-MFC system)
Open Research DataDataset presents values of electrical resistance measured for three developed conductive packimg materials for the application in a BTF-MFC system.
PublicationW pracy poddano analizie wielozadaniowy proces tworzenia komputerowego modelu przepływów. W efekcie zidentyfikowano szereg czynników ograniczających obszar stosowania modelu w praktyce inżynierskiej. W zakresie pozyskiwania danych strukturalnych i operacyjnych wskazano potencjalne źródła błędów, które przyczyniają się do zmniejszenia dokładności odwzorowania stanu rzeczywistego. Specjalną rangę nadano specyfikacji czynników związanych...
Jakość oprogramowania w zwinnym podejściu do zarządzania projektami informatycznymi
PublicationCel: Celem artykułu jest ocena, czy wykorzystanie podejścia zwinnego Scrum w organizacji podnosi jakość wytwarzanego oprogramowania oraz próba uzyskania odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak nowelizacja Przewodnika po Scrumie (Scrum Guide) z listopada 2020 roku wpłynęła na proces wytwarzania oprogramowania. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Przyjętą metodyką badawczą jest przegląd literatury przedmiotu oraz badania własne autora....
Voice command recognition using hybrid genetic algorithm
PublicationAbstract: Speech recognition is a process of converting the acoustic signal into a set of words, whereas voice command recognition consists in the correct identification of voice commands, usually single words. Voice command recognition systems are widely used in the military, control systems, electronic devices, such as cellular phones, or by people with disabilities (e.g., for controlling a wheelchair or operating a computer...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2006
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2010
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2007
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2011
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2012
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2008
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2009
Open Research DataThe product level is the NOAA AVHRR Level 1C that is result of processing the AVHRR data from the HRPT stream based on ancillary information like sensing geometry and calibration data. Then converted into geophysical variables: top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) albedo or brightness temperature. Additionally, information like geolocation has been added. Other...
Wpływ rodzaju zanieczyszczenia powierzchni odlewu ze staliwa LH14 na jakość napoin wykonanych elektrodą otuloną
PublicationNapawanie jest szeroko stosowaną metodą naprawiania powierzchni. Pozwala między innymi na uzupełnienie miejsc, w których uprzednio wystąpiły wżery korozyjne. Techniki napawania wykorzystywane są również do przywracania pierwotnego kształtu zużytych części. W pracy wykonano badania napoin wykonanych elektrodami otulonymi na czołowych powierzchniach cylindrycznych próbek ze staliwa LH14. Proces wykonywano dwoma rodzajami elektrod:...
Safety PL - a support tool for Road Safety Impact Assessment
PublicationPublished on 19 November 2008, the European Union's Directive 2008/96/EC is one of the most important EU documents setting out a road safety orientation, in particular, road infrastructure safety management. It identifies four main areas of activity: road safety impact assessment, road safety audit, ranking of high accident concentration sections and network safety ranking and road infrastructure safety inspection. The Directive...
Połączenie G3 dwóch kierunków prostych z użyciem krzywej NURBS
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono nową metodę projektowania układu geometrycznego toru kolejowego opartą na zastosowaniu krzywych NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) do opisu krzywizny. Punkty kontrolne krzywej NURBS wyznaczane są w procesie optymalizacji za pomocą algorytmu genetycznego. Jako kryterium optymalizacji przyjęto minimalizację oddziaływań dynamicznych występujących w układzie tor-pojazd przy spełnieniu warunków geometrycznych...
Segmentation-Based BI-RADS ensemble classification of breast tumours in ultrasound images
PublicationBackground: The development of computer-aided diagnosis systems in breast cancer imaging is exponential. Since 2016, 81 papers have described the automated segmentation of breast lesions in ultrasound images using arti- ficial intelligence. However, only two papers have dealt with complex BI-RADS classifications. Purpose: This study addresses the automatic classification of breast lesions into binary classes (benign vs. ma- lignant)...
Oferta kształcenia a wymogi współczesnego rynku pracy
PublicationWspółcześnie zmianom ulegają struktury gospodarek oraz sposoby gospodarowania poszczególnymi zasobami na rynkach. Wpływ na to mają nowoczesne technologie, procesy globalizacji i integracji. Obserwowane dynamiczne zmiany wymuszają włączenie się w proces unowocześniania różnych uczestników rynku. Jednym z nich są instytucje zajmujące się szeroko rozumianym kształceniem, które przygotowują zasoby pracy do wejścia na rynek pracy. Celem...
Fault diagnosis of marine 4-stroke diesel engines using a one-vs-one extreme learning ensemble
PublicationThis paper proposes a novel approach for intelligent fault diagnosis for stroke Diesel marine engines, which are commonly used in on-road and marine transportation. The safety and reliability of a ship's work rely strongly on the performance of such an engine; therefore, early detection of any type of failure that affects the engine is of crucial importance. Automatic diagnostic systems are of special importance because they can...
Nonlinear material identification of heterogeneous isogeometric Kirchhoff–Love shells
PublicationThis work presents a Finite Element Model Updating inverse methodology for reconstructing heterogeneous materialdistributions based on an efficient isogeometric shell formulation. It uses nonlinear hyperelastic material models suitable fordescribing incompressible material behavior as well as initially curved shells. The material distribution is discretized by bilinearelements such that the nodal values...
Advanced Control With PLC—Code Generator for aMPC Controller Implementation and Cooperation With External Computational Server for Dealing With Multidimensionality, Constraints and LMI Based Robustness
PublicationThe manufacturers of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) usually equip their products with extremely simple control algorithms, such as PID and on-off regulators. However, modern PLCs have much more efficient processors and extensive memory, which enables implementing more sophisticated controllers. The paper discusses issues related to the implementation of matrix operations, time limitations for code execution within one PLC...
Direction of Arrival Estimation Based on Received Signal Strength Using Two-Row Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator Antenna
PublicationIn this paper, we present a novel approach to direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using two-row electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna which has 12 passive elements and allows for elevation and azimuth beam switching using a simple microcontroller, relying solely on received signal strength (RSS) values measured at the antenna output port. To this end, we thoroughly investigate all 18 available 3D antenna...
Dynamic Route Discovery Using Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm in Wireless Ad-Hoc Visible Light Communication Network
PublicationIn recent times, visible light communication is an emerging technology that supports high speed data communication for wireless communication systems. However, the performance of the visible light communication system is impaired by inter symbol interference, the time dispersive nature of the channel, and nonlinear features of the light emitting diode that significantly reduces the bit error rate performance. To address these problems,...
Fast Real-Time RDFT- and GDFT-Based Direct Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Drive
PublicationThis paper presents the theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a direct fault harmonic identification approach in a converter-fed electric drive for automated diagnosis purposes. On the basis of the analytical model of the proposed real-time direct fault diagnosis, the fault-related harmonic component is calculated using recursive DFT (RDFT) and Goertzel DFT (GDFT), applied instead of the full spectrum calculations...
Rediscovering Automatic Detection of Stuttering and Its Subclasses through Machine Learning—The Impact of Changing Deep Model Architecture and Amount of Data in the Training Set
PublicationThis work deals with automatically detecting stuttering and its subclasses. An effective classification of stuttering along with its subclasses could find wide application in determining the severity of stuttering by speech therapists, preliminary patient diagnosis, and enabling communication with the previously mentioned voice assistants. The first part of this work provides an overview of examples of classical and deep learning...
Decision making process using deep learning
PublicationEndüstri 4.0, dördüncü endüstri devrimi veya Endüstriyel Nesnelerin İnterneti (IIoT) olarak adlandırılan sanayi akımı, işletmelere, daha verimli, daha büyük bir esneklikle, daha güvenli ve daha çevre dostu bir şekilde üretim yapma imkanı sunmaktadır. Nesnelerin İnterneti ile bağlantılı yeni teknoloji ve hizmetler birçok endüstriyel uygulamada devrim niteliği taşımaktadır. Fabrikalardaki otomasyon, tahminleyici bakım (PdM – Predictive...
The Use of Wavelet Analysis to Denoising of Electrocardiography Signal
PublicationThe electrocardiography examination, due to its accessibility and simplicity, has an important role in diagnostics of the heart ailments. It enables quick detection of various heart defects, undetectable by other kinds of diagnostic tools, so it is very popular. Nevertheless, the measured signal is exposed to a different disturbances. Among them, the electromagnetic interferences, drift of reference electrode and high frequency...
Social media and efficient computer infrastructure in smart city
PublicationSocial media require an efficient infrastructures of computer and communication systems to support a smart city. In a big city, there are several crucial dilemmas with a home and public space planning, a growing population, a global warming, carbon emissions, a lack of key resources like water and energy, and a traffic congestion. In a smart city, we expect an efficient and sustainable transportation, efficient management of resources...
Ship weather routing optimization with dynamic constraints based on reliable synchronous roll prediction
PublicationShip routing process taking into account weather conditions is a constrained multi-objective optimization problem and it should consider various optimization criteria and constraints. Formulation of a stability-related, dynamic route optimization constraint is presented in this paper. One of the key objectives of a cross ocean sailing is finding a compromise between ship safety and economics of operation. This compromise should...
Towards Rational Biosurfactant Design—Predicting Solubilization in Rhamnolipid Solutions
PublicationThe efficiency of micellar solubilization is dictated inter alia by the properties of the solubilizate, the type of surfactant, and environmental conditions of the process. We, therefore, hypothesized that using the descriptors of the aforementioned features we can predict the solubilization efficiency, expressed as molar solubilization ratio (MSR). In other words, we aimed at creating a model to find the optimal surfactant and...
Detection and Model of Thermal Traces Left after Aggressive Behavior of Laboratory Rodents
PublicationAutomation of complex social behavior analysis of experimental animals would allow for faster, more accurate and reliable research results in many biological, pharmacological, and medical fields. However, there are behaviors that are not only difficult to detect for the computer, but also for the human observer. Here, we present an analysis of the method for identifying aggressive behavior in thermal images by detecting traces...
Algoritmically improved microwave radar monitors breathing more acurrate than sensorized belt
PublicationThis paper describes a novel way to measure, process, analyze, and compare respiratory signals acquired by two types of devices: a wearable sensorized belt and a microwave radar-based sensor. Both devices provide breathing rate readouts. First, the background research is presented. Then, the underlying principles and working parameters of the microwave radar-based sensor, a contactless device for monitoring breathing, are described....
Forced Degradation Studies of Ivabradine and In Silico Toxicology Predictions for Its New Designated Impurities
PublicationAll activities should aim to eliminate genotoxic impurities and/or protect the API against degradation. There is a necessity to monitor impurities from all classification groups, hence ivabradine forced degradation studies were performed. Ivabradine was proved to be quite durable active substance, but still new and with insufficient stability data. Increased temperature, acid, base, oxidation reagents and light were found to cause...
Modelling of FloodWave Propagation with Wet-dry Front by One-dimensional Diffusive Wave Equation
PublicationA full dynamic model in the form of the shallow water equations (SWE) is often useful for reproducing the unsteady flow in open channels, as well as over a floodplain. However, most of the numerical algorithms applied to the solution of the SWE fail when flood wave propagation over an initially dry area is simulated. The main problems are related to the very small or negative values of water depths occurring in the vicinity of...
Optimization issues in distributed computing systems design
PublicationIn recent years, we observe a growing interest focused on distributed computing systems. Both industry and academia require increasing computational power to process and analyze large amount of data, including significant areas like analysis of medical data, earthquake, or weather forecast. Since distributed computing systems – similar to computer networks – are vulnerable to failures, survivability mechanisms are indispensable...
Numerical crash analysis of the cable barrier
PublicationSafety barriers are used to increase road safety. Their basic task is to prevent the errant vehicle from getting off the road in places which are potentially dangerous for vehicle passengers. Barriers, which are used on European roads, must fulfill the requirements of EN 1317 standards by passing appropriate crash tests. Because of their high cost, numerical simulations are increasingly used to evaluate the properties of safety...
Time-Gating method with automatic calibration for accurate measurements of electrically small antenna radiation patterns in Non-Anechoic environments
PublicationNon-anechoic sites represent a cheap alternative to measurements of antennas in dedicated facilities. However, due to a high noise—from the external EM signal sources and multipath interferences—the quality of radiation patterns obtained in non-anechoic conditions is poor. The characteristics can be corrected using a time-gating method (TGM), which involves filtering of the noise based on temporal analysis of the measured signals....
Precise Point Positioning Method Based on Wide-lane and Narrow-lane Phase Observations and Between Satellites Single Differencing
PublicationThe issue of using PPP method in position determination was formed in 1997. In most developed methods, ionospheric-free linear combination is used in order to eliminate the impact of the ionospheric delay. However, this approach does not provide the directly determination of the total value of the ambiguities, and the ambiguities for the individual signals. Therefore, in many publications methods of avoiding these deficiencies...
Efficient RSS-Based DoA Estimation for ESPAR Antennas Using Multiplane SDR Calibration Approach
PublicationIn this paper, we have introduced a new method to improve overall efficiency of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation scheme relying on received signal strength (RSS) values measured at the output port of electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna. The proposed approach uses software-defined radio (SDR) setup and power pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) estimator involving multiple calibration planes. By placing...
Dissociative ionization dynamics of dielectric gas C3F7CN
PublicationFluoronitrile C3F7CN is a promising candidate for the replacement of SF6 dielectric gas in high-voltage insulation. We present a combined experimental and theoretical study on its ionization dynamics probed in the 0-100 eV energy range. We exploited the total ion collection technique to determine the absolute ionization cross section, mass spectrometry to determine the fragment branching ratios and ab initio nonadiabatic molecular...
A structure and design optimization of novel compact microscrip dual-band rat-race coupler with enhanced bandwidth
PublicationIn the letter, a topology of a novel compact wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented along with its computationally efficient design optimization procedure. Reduction of the circuit size has been achieved by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased so as to secure sufficient flexibility of the circuit, necessary in...
Enhanced uniform data sampling for constrained data‐driven modeling of antenna input characteristics
PublicationData-driven surrogates are the most popular replacement models utilized in many fields of engineering and science, including design of microwave and antenna structures. The primary practical issue is a curse of dimensionality which limits the number of independent parameters that can be accounted for in the modelling process. Recently, a performance-driven modelling technique has been proposed where the constrained domain of the...