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Search results for: LEAF TEAS QUALITY
Joanna Klein mgr inż.
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Synthesis of green benzamide-decorated UiO-66-NH2 for biomedical applications
PublicationMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) biocompatible systems can host enzymes/bacteria/viruses. Herein we synthesized a series of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH)-decorated UiO-66-NH2 based on Citrus tangerine leaf extract for drug delivery and biosensor applications. Five chemically manipulated FAAH-like benzamides were localized on the UiO-66-NH2 surface with physical interactions. Comprehensive cellular and molecular analyses were...
Generalization of Phylogenetic Matching Metrics with Experimental Tests of Practical Advantages
PublicationThe ability to quantify a dissimilarity of different phylogenetic trees is required in various types of phylogenetic studies, for example, such metrics are used to assess the quality of phylogeny construction methods and to define optimization criteria in supertree building algorithms. In this article, starting from the already described concept of matching metrics, we define three new metrics for rooted phylogenetic trees. One...
Wpływ eksploatacji składowisk komunalnych na jakość wód podziemnych. Rola ekotestów w ocenie ryzyka środowiskowego = Influence of communal landfills exploitation on the quality of subsurface waters. The role of ecotests in environmental risk assessment
PublicationSkładowiska odpadów stanowią szczególny przejaw antropopresji, gdzie wykorzystanie badań ekotoksykologicznych może w znaczący sposób przyczynić się do skuteczniejszej ochrony wód powierzchniowych oraz podziemnych. Ze względu na fakt, iż w Polsce do roku 1997 nie było obowiązku monitorowania składu odpadów gromadzonych na składowiskach komunalnych, często trafiały na nie także odpady niebezpieczne; najczęściej w postaci baterii,...
Miscanthus × giganteus light microscope observation - short and double rotation
Open Research DataThis dataset includes light microscope images of cross root, leaf, and rhizome sections from Miscanthus × giganteus. The experiment was performed under work package 2: Energy plantation - field trial, research task 1: Energy biomass cultivation in short and double rotation. The plants were planted in marginal soils that had been amended with biochar...
Miscanthus × giganteus growth and photosynthetic rate measurements
Open Research DataThis data set contains the findings of the growth development, gas exchange, and specific leaf area of the plants during the experiment in which straw and wood chips-based biochars were used as soil amendment for Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) cultivation.
Hanna Gaweł
PeopleHanna is a PhD student at the Doctoral School in Social Sciences in the discipline of Social Communication and Media Sciences at the Jagiellonian University and is employed as an Assistant at the Institute of Information Studies of the said university. She received her Master's degree from Jagiellonian University, where she studied Information Management at the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences. Her Bachelor's degree was...
Successive cytotoxicity control by evolutionary surface decorated electronic push-pull green ZnCr-LDH nanostructures: Drug delivery enlargement for targeted breast cancer chemotherapy
PublicationThe reason for the increasing bioavailability and biocompatibility of the porous nanomaterials in the presence of different (bio)molecules is still unknown. The role of difference functional groups and their interactions with the potential bioavailability and biocompatibility is of great importance. To investigate the potential contribution of the electronic effects (especially on the surface of the porous nanomaterials) on their...
Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła mgr
PeopleKamila Kokot-Kanikuła is a digital media senior librarian at Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) Library. She works in Digital Archive and Multimedia Creation Department and her main areas of interests include early printed books, digital libraries, Open Access and Open Science. In the Pomeranian Digital Library (PDL) Project she is responsible for creating annual digital plans, transferring files on digital platform, and promoting...
Eljas Johansson Ph.D., Management & Quality
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Wpływ ascenzji wód piętra kredowego na jakość wód plejstoceńskiego poziomu wodonośnego w zachodniej części Żuław Gdańskich = The influence of ascent from cretaceous to pleistocene aquifer on the groundwater quality in the western part of Vistula River Delta
PublicationZachodnia część delty Wisły jest regionem zasobnym w wody podziemne. Występują one w utworach kredy górnej i plejstocenu. Szczególnie korzystne warunki hydrogeologiczne występują w pogrzebanej dolinie wypełnionej piaskami i żwirami, przebiegającej wzdłuż zachodniej granicy Żuław Gdańskich. W zasilaniu plejstoceńskiego poziomu wodonośnego w tym rejonie znaczący udział ma ascenzja wód z pietra kredowego. Udział ten zaznacza się...
The Use of Vegetables in the Biomonitoring of Cadmium and Lead Pollution in the Environment
PublicationLead and cadmium emitted from various anthropogenic sources have the ability to accumulate in tissues of living organisms. The phenomenon of accumulation of metals in the body is harmful and undesirable. On the other hand, the ability of plants to accumulate heavy metals from the individual elements of the environment has been used in biomonitoring of pollution. Leaf and root of vegetables have particular predisposition for accumulating...
Determination of POPs in environmental matrices - proficiency tests for Polish laboratories
PublicationKatedra Chemii Analitycznej Wydziału Chemicznego PG we współpracy ze Stowarzyszeniem RefMat oraz firmą LGC Promochem Sp. z o.o. prowadzi od 2003 roku wieloletni projekt badań biegłości laboratoriów. Celem badań jest określenie biegłości laboratoriów w zakresie oznaczania związków organicznych (anality z grupy PCB, WWA, pestycydy) w próbkach środowiskowych. W ramach projektu przeprowadzono dotychczas trzy badania biegłości dotyczące...
Validation of SPME-GC and HS-GC procedures for the determination of selected solvent residues in edible oil matrices
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przebieg procesu walidacji, przeprowadzonej zgodnie ze wskazaniami ICH (International Conference on Harmonization), procedur wykorzystywanych do oznaczania pozostałości wybranych rozpuszczalników w olejach jadalnych i preparatach farmaceutycznych. W celu izolacji i wzbogacania analitów wykorzystano dwie bezrozpuszczalnikowe techniki ekstrakcyjne: ekstrakcję do fazy nadpowierzchniowej (HS) i mikroekstrakcję...
Validation of the HS-GC-FID method for the determination of athanol residue in tablets
PublicationW pracy opisano proces walidacji metody oznaczania zawartości pozostałości etanolu w tabletkach. W pomiarach wykorzystano technikę HS-GC-FID. Wyznaczono następujące parametry walidacyjne:- selektywność- liniowość- poprawność- precyzję (powtarzalność i precyzję pośrednią)- granice wykrywalności i oznaczalności- zakres pomiarowy- niepewność
How different cystoscopy methods influence patient sexual satisfaction, anxiety, and depression levels: a randomized prospective trial
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Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Raw and Roasted Buckwheat Groats Fermented by Rhizopus Oligosporus
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Validation of the HS-GC-FID method for the determination of ethanol residue in tablets
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Determination of POPs in environmental matrices – proficiency tests for Polish laboratories
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Determination of PCBs in river sediment samples—proficiency test for selected Polish laboratories
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Reducing Monitoring Costs in Industrially Contaminated Rivers: Cluster and Regression Analysis Approach
PublicationMonitoring contamination in river water is an expensive procedure, particularly for developing countries where pollution is a significant problem. This study was conducted to provide a pollution monitoring strategy that reduces the cost of laboratory analysis. The new monitoring strategy was designed as a result of cluster and regression analysis on field data collected from an industrially influenced river. Pollution sources in...
Spatial and seasonal patterns of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes in the Gdańsk, Poland and surrounding areas determined using Radiello passive samplers
PublicationCelem badań było uzyskanie informacji o poziomie zanieczyszczeń powietrza atmosferycznego przez związki z grupy BTEX na terenie aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej z wykorzystaniem techniki dozymetrii pasywnej na etapie pobierania próbek analitów. Próbniki pasywne Radiello były poddawane ekspozycji na stacjach pomiarowych zarządzanych przez fundację ARMAAG, zlokalizowanych na terenie aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej.Otrzymane informacje analityczne...
Towards automation of IT systems repairs
PublicationMonitoring and repair are two sides of the on-the-fly maintenance of IT systems.Monitoring is well supported by automatic tools. In contrast, repairs involve much higherhuman intervention which negatively affects reliability and efficiency. The paper intro-duces a method of automating repairs of IT systems which can be integrated with any ofthe existing monitoring mechanisms. The method is described as a collection of modelsand...
Study of Cloud Water Samples Collected over Northern Poland
PublicationThe paper gives the results of the first studies on the chemistry of cloud water collected during 3 mo (Aug.–Oct. 2010) in the free atmosphere over the area to the south of the Tri-City (Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia) conurbation on the Gulf of Gdansk, Poland. Taken from cumulus, stratus, and stratocumulus clouds by means of an aircraft-mounted collector, the water samples were analyzed for the following contaminants: anions (chlorides,...
Local variability in snow concentrations of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants as a source of large uncertainty in interpreting spatial patterns at all scales
PublicationSingle point sampling, a widespread practice in snow studies in remote areas, due to logistical constraints, can present an unquantified error to the final study results. The low concentrations of studied chemicals, such as chlorinated persistent organic pollutants, contribute to the uncertainty. We conducted a field experiment in the Arctic to estimate the error stemming from differences in the composition of snow at short distances...
Experimental study of the use of electric car powered with stationary solar and electrochemical batteries in Northern Poland
PublicationThe subject of this paper is an experimental analysis of a Nissan LEAF electric car equipped with 24 kWh battery, powered from the standalone photo-voltaic (PV) charging station in Gdańsk, Poland. The calculations of charging process efficiency and range of test drives were conducted in two extreme situations (winter and summer) of sunlight and road conditions. Experiments were performed in the Laboratory of Innovative Power Technologies...
Double ZIF-L structures with exceptional CO2 capacity
PublicationCarbon dioxide emission is an emerging problem nowadays and new methods are designed for its control. In this article, a report on the formation of zeolitic imidazole framework with an apparent double leaf-like morphology DZIF-L is given. The special structure of the materials prevents from aggregation of the particles providing remarkable CO2 capacity. At 0.1 MPa the CO2 uptake was 2.99 ± 0.06 mmol/g. The capacity of synthesized...
PublicationCelem pracy jest modyfikacja sygnału mowy, aby uzyskać zwiększenie poprawy obiektywnych wskaźników jakości mowy po zmiksowaniu sygnału użytecznego z szumem bądź z sygnałem zakłócającym. Wykonane modyfikacje sygnału bazują na cechach mowy lombardzkiej, a w szczególności na efekcie podniesienia częstotliwości podstawowej F0. Sesja nagraniowa obejmowała zestawy słów i zdań w języku polskim, nagrane w warunkach ciszy, jak również w...
RENEMO Reduction of N2O emissions from wastewater treatment plants - measurements, modeling and process optimization
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to WPN/7/2013 agreement from 2013-07-15
Flavones in cocoa defence against Phytophthora megakarya
PublicationCross-pollination of suitable genotypes and earlier selection of elite offspring using adequate plants-associated defence markers in plantlets leaves are decisive for development of T. cacao genotypes tolerant to black pods disease (BPD). T. cacao plantlets from manual cross-pollination of ♀SNK64 × ♂UPA143 were analyzed for their susceptibility to BPD using leaf disc test. Subsequently, leaves (healthy, wounded and wound+infected)...
Comparison of Absorbed and Intercepted Fractions of PAR for Individual Trees Based on Radiative Transfer Model Simulations
PublicationThe fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) is a key parameter for estimating the gross primary production (GPP) of trees. For continuous, dense forest canopies, fAPAR, is often equated with the intercepted fraction, fIPAR. This assumption is not valid for individual trees in urban environments or parkland settings where the canopy is sparse and there are well-defined tree crown boundaries. Here, the distinction...
Transformation of the countryside into an open-air museum as a way to rescure its spatial layout and to improve the quality of live = Przekształcenie wsi w muzeum na wolnym powietrzu jako sposób ratowania jej układu przestrzennego i poprawy jakości życia mieszkańców
PublicationSince the first open-air museums until today, the exposition subject-matter has been specialized (ethnographic, archeological, industrial and technical skansens). But idea of the existence of such objects remains unchanged. Still, the goal is to show the collection of wooden buildings in the environment as close to their origin as possible or in the home environment. These distinguish the skansens and make them different then municipal...
2021 Construction management, PG_00042225
e-Learning CoursesThe course consists of several topics in the field of construction management: Construction projects, Project management, Risk management, Quality management, Financial Issues and Cash Flow, HR issues and motivation theories, etc.
On a matching distance between rooted phylogenetic trees
PublicationThe Robinson–Foulds (RF) distance is the most popular method of evaluating the dissimilarity between phylogenetic trees. In this paper, we define and explore in detail properties of the Matching Cluster (MC) distance, which can be regarded as a refinement of the RF metric for rooted trees. Similarly to RF, MC operates on clusters of compared trees, but the distance evaluation is more complex. Using the graph theoretic approach...
Multi-directional analysis of the maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems
Open Research DataPresented data are the result of research activity entitled „Multi-directional analysis of the maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems” conducted as a part of MINIATURA 7 competition. The research consisted of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of rainwater collected and stored in a rooftop harvesting system and then purified using inline...
Anna Zielińska-Jurek prof. dr hab. inż.
People2018 DSc in technical sciences in the field of chemical technology Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, Title: “Functionalized titanium(IV) oxide as a photocatalyst for environmental purification” 2011 Ph. D. in technical sciences in the field of chemical technology Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, Title of the dissertation:...
Wojciech Wojnowski dr inż.
PeopleUkończył V Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Gdańsku w klasie o profilu matematyczno-fizycznym z wykładowym językiem angielskim. W 2009 roku rozpoczął studia na Wydziale Chemicznym PG na kierunku technologia chemiczna, uzyskując w 2012 roku tytuł inżyniera, a w 2013 tytuł magistra. W latach 2013–2015 studiował sinologię na Uniwersytecie w Nankinie dzięki uzyskaniu Stypendium Rządu ChRL. Po powrocie do Polski w 2015 roku rozpoczął studia...
Subjective well-being, general self-efficacy and coping with stress in former psychiatric patients preparing for the peer support role: an exploratory study
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Remus: Polish-Kashubian parallel translation corpus
Open Research DataThe dataset contains 10,825 sentences from the Kashubian book "Life and Adventures of Remus" (Żëcé i przigòdë Remùsa) with parallel Polish translations. Aleksander Majkowski's book is considered the most important book in Kashubian literature, making it a valuable source of high-quality translation data.
Obrony prac doktorskich na Wydziale Chemicznym
EventsDn. 22.04.2022 r. o godz. 10.15 w Audytorium 1.4 Wydziału Chemicznego PG (budynek nr 5) odbędzie się w trybie hybrydowym publiczna obrona pracy doktorskiej mgr inż. Katarzyny Nalazek-Rudnickiej.
Krzysztof Redlarski dr inż.
PeopleKrzysztof Redlarski is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Informatics in Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics Gdansk University of Technology. He is a graduate of Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology. In 2013 he obtained a PhD degree in economic sciences in the field of management sciences. From the beginning of his work at the Gdansk University of Technology,...
Dataset for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (Kielce University Of Technology 2016-2020).
Open Research DataThis dataset was created for the purpose of research on scientific productivity at Polish technical universities.
Dataset for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (Częstochowa University Of Technology 2016-2020).
Open Research DataThis dataset was created for the purpose of research on scientific productivity at Polish technical universities.
Dataset for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (Lodz University of Technology 2016-2020).
Open Research DataThis dataset was created for the purpose of research on scientific productivity at Polish technical universities.
Dataset for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (Warsaw University of Technology 2016-2020).
Open Research DataThis dataset was created for the purpose of research on scientific productivity at Polish technical universities.
Dataset for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (Silesian University Of Technology 2016-2020).
Open Research DataThis dataset was created for the purpose of research on scientific productivity at Polish technical universities.The raw data was retrieved in June 2021 by the SciVal benchmarking tool in xlsx format and will be used to create the research profiles of the universities and underlying data of journals articles.The most common definition of research productivity...
Dataset for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (Poznań University of Technology 2016-2020).
Open Research DataThis dataset was created for the purpose of research on scientific productivity at Polish technical universities.
Dataset for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (AGH University of Science and Technology 2016-2020).
Open Research DataThis dataset was created for the purpose of research on scientific productivity at Polish technical universities.
Dataset for a research study on scientific productivity of Polish technical universities (Białystok University of Technology 2016-2020).
Open Research DataThis dataset was created for the purpose of research on scientific productivity at Polish technical universities.