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Search results for: MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE
Modelling of concrete fracture at aggregate level using FEM and DEM based on X-ray uCT images of internal structure
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje problem pękania w zginanych belkach betonowych. Proces pękania był obserwowany przy zastosowaniu mikrotomografii . Zaobserwowany proces był symulowany numerycznie przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i metody elementów dyskretnych. Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy. Otrzymano dobrą zgodność wyników numerycznych z doświadczalnymi.
Modelling of concrete facture at aggregate level using DEM based on x-ray mu CT images of internal structure
PublicationW artykule pokazano wyniki dyskretne DEM dla pękania betonu poddanego zginaniu. Beton został symulowany jako ośrodek 4-fazowy. Mikrostrukturę betonu określono na podstawie zdjęć uzyskanych mikro-tomografem. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zjawiska mikrostrukturalne podczas zarysowania na poziomie kruszywa.
Dominika Wróblewska dr inż. arch.
PeopleDr. Eng. arch. Dominika Wróblewska, university professor, obtained the title of doctor of technical sciences in 2000. In 2002, she started working at the Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology (currently the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering) as an assistant professor. Since 2019, he has been working as a university professor. The areas of interest are changes, introducing...
Non-destructive testing of industrial structures with the use of multi-camera Digital Image Correlation method
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Multi-sensor monitoring of the corrosion rate and the assessment of the efficiency of a corrosion inhibitor in utility water installations
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<title>Multi-cavity complex controller with vector simulator for TESLA technology linear accelerator</title>
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Adsorption dynamics of chlorinated hydrocarbons from multi-component aqueous solution onto activated carbon
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A multi-label text message classification method designed for applications in call/contact centre systems
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Reliability of Multi-rotor UAV’s Flight Stabilization Algorithm in Case of Object’s Working Point Changes
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Beyond traditional financial asset classes: The demand for infrastructure in a multi‐period asset allocation framework
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Positional Scanning Identifies the Molecular Determinants of a High Affinity Multi-Leucine Inhibitor for Furin and PACE4
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Impact of Movement Tempo Distribution on Bar Velocity During a Multi-Set Bench Press Exercise
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Preparation, Structure and Catalytic Activity of Pt–Pd Bimetallic Nanoparticles on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
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Investigation of active channels in multi-channel surface arm EMG recordings for 24 different movements
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Multi-layer graphene oxide alone and in a composite with nanosilica: Preparation and interactions with polar and nonpolar adsorbates
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Design of a SiC based triple active bridge ceil for a multi-megawatt DC-DC converter
PublicationThe paper describes the design methodology of a novel Triple Active Bridge cell used as the building block for modular DC-DC converters. The intended application is for Medium Voltage Direct Current grids, such as the DC collector for offshore wind farms. The latest generation of SiC MOSFET semiconductors is utilized to operate in the medium frequency range while optimizing the efficiency. The dimensioning of the main cell components,...
Estimating of the rough green target size in lumber manufacturing on the twin shaft multi-rip saws
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę i wyniki badań doświadczalnych dokładności przecinania pryzm ze zmrożonego drewna brzozowego na dwuwrzecionowej pilarce tarczowej w warunkach przemysłowych. W badaniach wykorzystywano piły typu "Multix" oraz piły nowego typu. Ponadto, wykazano, że obecność w przekroju poprzecznym, zmiennego na długości przecinanej deski, stopnia po obu jej stronach ma znaczny wpływ na szacowanie wymiaru początkowego...
Investigations of operational driving loads of bucket chains and manoeuvre hoisting winches on multi-bucket dredgers
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy zagadnień wstępnego projektowania siłowni pogłębiarek wieloczerpakowych. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań eksploatacyjnych sześciu pogłębiarek wieloczerpakowych. Badania eksploatacyjne obejmowały pomiary parametrów charakteryzujących warunki pracy dwóch podstawowych głównych odbiorników energii mechanicznej na pogłębiarkach wieloczerpakowych a mianowicie łańcuchów czerpakowych i zespołu wciągarek manewrowych....
Electrohydrodynamic Secondary Flow and Particle Collection Efficiency in Spike-Plate Multi-Electrode Electrostatic Precipitator
PublicationIn this work the results of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) secondary flowmeasurements in a spike-plate type electrostatic precipitator (ESP) are presented. In the investigated ESP two-sided and one-sided spike electrodes were used as a discharge electrodes. The results of 2D PIVmeasurements showed that flow pattern obtained for a different spike tips positions in respect to the primary flow direction significantly changing the flow...
Environmental risk- based ranking of solvents by the combination of multimedia model and multi-criteria decision analysis
PublicationA novel procedure for assessing the environmental risk related to solvents emissions has been developed. The assessment of risk is based on hazard and exposure detailed investigations. The potential exposure related to different environmental phases is calculated with basic multimedia model, that gives the percentage distribution of solvent in environmental compartments as a result. Specific hazards– toxicological, environmental...
Electrohydrodynamic secondary flow and particle collection efficiency in spike-plate multi-electrode electrostatic precipitator
PublicationIn this work the results of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) secondary flow measurements in a spike-plate type electrostatic precipitator (ESP) are presented. In the investigated ESP two-sided and one-sided spike electrodes were used as a discharge electrodes. The results of 2D PIV measurements showed that flow pattern obtained for a different spike tips positions in respect to the primary flow direction significantly changing the flow...
Multi-instrument analysis of L-band amplitude scintillation observed over the Eastern Arabian Peninsula
PublicationThe study of scintillation-causing ionospheric irregularities is important to mitigate their effects on satellite communications. It is also important due to the spatial and temporal variability of these irregularities, given that their characteristics differ from one region to another. This study investigates the spatial and temporal characteristics of L1 amplitude scintillation-causing ionospheric irregularities over the Eastern...
Optical sensor of a person sitting on a chair and dressed in multi-layered clothes vital signs monitoring
PublicationAn optoelectronic device enhancing a smart chair functionality is presented in the paper. Its essential purpose is a detection of a sitting person presence on the chair by means of detecting the vital signs. Additionally, it could be used for determining of clothes layer parameters useful in adjusting a system of a capacitive electrocardiography.
Determinants of COVID-19 Impact on the Private Sector: A Multi-Country Analysis Based on Survey Data
PublicationOur paper aims to investigate the impact of COVID‐19 on private sector companies in terms of sales, production, finance and employment. We check whether the country and industry in which companies operate, government financial support and loan access matter to the behaviour and performances of companies during the pandemic. We use a microdata set from a worldwide survey of more than 15,729 companies conducted between April and...
Novel Interpolation Method of Multi-DFT-Bins for Frequency Estimation of Signal with Parameter Step Change
PublicationThe IpDFT(Interpolation Discrete Fourier Trans-form) method is one of the most commonly used non-parametric methods. However, when a parameter (frequency, amplitude or phase) step changes in the DFT period, the DFT coefficients will be distorted seriously, resulting in the large estimation error of the IpDFT method. Hence, it is a key challenge to find an IpDFT method, which not only can eliminate the effect of the step-changed...
Multi-functional sensor based on photonic crystal fiber using plasmonic material and magnetic fluid
PublicationA unique highly sensitive photonic crystal fiber is investigated based on plasmonic material and magnetic fluid (MF) for the simultaneous measurement of temperature and magnetic field sensor. The designed sensor is explored by tracing the different parameters such as birefringence, coupling length, power spectrum, and the peak wavelength of the transmission intensity. The magnetic field and temperature computation are attained...
Multi-objective optimization of the cavitation generation unit structure of an advanced rotational hydrodynamic cavitation reactor
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation (HC) has been widely considered a promising technique for industrial-scale process intensifications. The effectiveness of HC is determined by the performance of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors (HCRs). The advanced rotational HCRs (ARHCRs) proposed recently have shown superior performance in various applications, while the research on the structural optimization is still absent. The present study, for the...
PublicationThe dynamic development of additive manufacturing technologies, especially over the last few years, has increased the range of possible industrial applications of 3D printed elements. This is a consequence of the distinct advantages of additive techniques, which include the possibility of improving the mechanical strength of products and shortening lead times. Offshore industry is one of these promising areas for the application...
High Quality Multi-Zone and 3D CFD Model of Combustion in Marine Diesel Engine Cylinder
PublicationThe paper presents a 3D model of the processes taking place in the cylinder of a large 4-stroke marine engine. The model is based on CFD calculations performed on the moving mesh. The modelling range includes the full duty cycle (720° crankshaft position) and the complete geometry of the cylinder with inlet and exhaust ducts. The input data, boundary conditions and validation data were obtained by direct measurements on the real...
Spectral criterion of infinite fatigue life of machinery parts under multi-axial random loading
PublicationPrzedstawiono kryterium nieograniczonej trwałości zmęczeniowej metalowych elementów poddanych wieloosiowym losowym drganiom. W celu jego wyznaczenia zastosowano hipotezę energii odkształcenia postaciowego i równanie Goodmana/Soderberga. Traktując gęstości widmowe mocy składowych naprężenia jako znane, kryterium to sformułowano w dziedzinie częstości. W przykładzie obliczeniowym rozpatrzono okresowy w sensie średniokwadratowym stan...
Ways to promote and increase the level of quality at private universities in Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia
Open Research DataTo exist and develop, universities must first of all have someone to educate. With considerable market competition, they must undertake intense marketing activities to reach the client, i.e. the potential student. Moreover, such activities are the main goals of non-public universities and are taken into account when building a strategy. Research shows...
A multi‑criteria approach to investigate spatial distribution,sources, and the potential toxicological effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments of urban retention tanks
PublicationBottom sediments deposited in retention tanks (RTs) located on two urban streams (Oliwski and Strzyza) in the central part of Gdansk (Poland) were analysed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons’ (PAHs) content. PAHs were extracted from samples with methylene chloride, then the extracts were subjected to clean-up applying the solid phase extraction (SPE) method. Quantitative and qualitative determination of 16 PAHs was performed...
Output voltage, current and DC-link voltages under SVPWM, experimental results
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the experimental results of the project: A universal algorithm of space vector pulse width modulation for three-level three and multi-phase NPC inverters with DC-link voltage balancing. The output line-to-line voltage, output current and DC-link voltages were included. The comparison studies between proposed Space Vector Pulse-Width...
Output voltage, current and DC-link voltages under SPWM, experimental results
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the experimental results of the project: A universal algorithm of space vector pulse width modulation for three-level three and multi-phase NPC inverters with DC-link voltage balancing. The output line-to-line voltage, output current and DC-link voltages were included. The Carrier-Based Pulse-Width Modulation (CBPWM) technique was...
Jerzy Balicki dr hab. inż.
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Multi-GPU-powered UNRES package for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of protein systems at biological size- and timescales
PublicationCoarse-grained models are nowadays extensively used in biomolecular simulations owing to the tremendous extension of size- and time-scale of simulations. The physics-based UNRES (UNited RESidue) model of proteins developed in our laboratory has only two interaction sites per amino-acid residue (united peptide groups and united side chains) and implicit solvent. However, owing to rigorous physics-based derivation, which enabled...
Assessment of the Steering Precision of a Hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) along Sounding Profiles Using a Low-Cost Multi-Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver Supported Autopilot
Publicationhe performance of bathymetric measurements by traditional methods (using manned vessels) in ultra-shallow waters, i.e., lakes, rivers, and sea beaches with a depth of less than 1 m, is often difficult or, in many cases, impossible due to problems related to safe vessel maneuvering. For this reason, the use of shallow draft hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) appears to provide a promising alternative method for performing...
Mercury and Chlorinated Pesticides on the Highest Level of the Food Web as Exemplified by Herring from the Southern Baltic and African Penguins from the Zoo
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Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Preoperative HbA1c Level Have no Consequence on Outcomes after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy—a Cohort Study
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Discovering the mechanisms of strain-dependent response of Staphylococcus aureus to photoinactivation: Oxidative stress toleration, endogenous porphyrin level and strain's virulence
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Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with oxidatively damaged DNA in human leukocytes and decreased level of urinary 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine
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Small field radiotherapy of head and neck cancer patients is responsible for oxidatively damaged DNA/oxidative stress on the level of a whole organism
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Down-regulation of RdRp complex and activated immune response due to increased arsenic level leads to decreased corona virus replication
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Steady-State Vibration Level Measurement of the Five-Phase Induction Machine during Third Harmonic Injection or Open-Phase Faults
PublicationMultiphase electric machines are increasingly used in various industries and for electromobility. Complex systems have been developed for the control and powering of multiphase machines, which require verification. The quality of control and the power supply of electric machines is usually evaluated by analyzing various electrical parameters. On the other hand, taking into account the fact that a motor is an electrical-mechanical...
Plasma n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids association with blood pressure level in healthy males. Part 2
PublicationRegularne spożycie ryb i długołańcuchowych kwasów tłuszczowych (PUFA) rodziny n-3, pochodzenia morskiego, może obniżać ciśnienie tętnicze krwi i zmniejszać ryzyko choroby wieńcowej. Jednak wpływ poszczególnych kwasów tłuszczowych z rodziny n-3 i n-6 PUFA na ciśnienie tetnicze jest nadal kontrowersyjny. Celem pracy było określenie zależności pomiędzy wysokością ciśnienia tętniczego krwi a zawartością n-3 i n-6 PUFA w surowicy i...
Atomic force microscopy technique for the surface characterization of sol–gel derived multi-component silica nanocomposites
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Initializing the EM Algorithm for Univariate Gaussian, Multi-Component, Heteroscedastic Mixture Models by Dynamic Programming Partitions
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Role of method of implementing multi-factorial falls prevention in nursing homes for elderly persons. The EUNESE project
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Determining the optimal course alteration maneouvre in a multi-target encounter situation for a given ship domain model
PublicationW artykulee przedstawiono nową deterministyczną metodę wyznaczania niezbędnego manewru kursem dla sytuacji spotkania z wieloma obiektami obcymi i dla dowolnej zadanej domeny. Jej prostota i niska złożoność obliczeniowa czynią ją dobrą alternatywą dla obecnie stosowanych metod. Główny algorytm został przedstawiony wprost, tak aby mógł być bezpośrednio zastosowany w pokładowych systemach antykolizyjnych lub w systemach VTS.
Multi-Site Cation Control of Ultra-Broadband Near-Infrared Phosphors for Application in Light-Emitting Diodes