total: 25746
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Pareto Task Assignments by an Adaptive Quantum-based Evolutionary Algorithm AQMEA
PublicationW pracy scharakteryzowano state_of_the_art w zakresie kwantowych algorytmów ewolucyjnych. Scharakteryzowano zasady efektywnego projektowania tej klasy algorytmów genetycznych. Podano wyniki uzyskane za pomocą kwantowego algorytmu ewolucyjnego AQMEA w zakresie wyznaczanie przydziałów zadań optymalnych w sensie Pareto.
2022/2023_LATO Modern Techniques in Control Theory - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesWykład i ćwiczenia z przedmiotu Nowoczesne metody teorii sterowania
Theory of Urban Design sem I MGR ARCH
e-Learning CoursesW ramach kursu zamieszcozne zostaną treści programowe dla grupy angielskiej na kierunku magisterkim Architektura
Information & Culture
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China Information
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IT-Information Technology
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Information Geographique
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Information and Organization
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Information Polity
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Information Display
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Information Development
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Information Visualization
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Information Psychiatrique
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Information and Control
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Information Geometry
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Information and Media
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Informacje o przedmiotach i specjalnościach do wyboru // Information about elective subjects and specialties
e-Learning CoursesInformacje o przedmiotach/specjalnościach do wyboru 2024/2025 - semestr zimowy 2024/2025 Information about elective subjects/specialties - winter semester 2024/2025
Graph Neural Networks and Structural Information on Ionic Liquids: A Cheminformatics Study on Molecular Physicochemical Property Prediction
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) provide a promising solution in many industrial applications, such as solvents, absorbents, electrolytes, catalysts, lubricants, and many others. However, due to the enormous variety of their structures, uncovering or designing those with optimal attributes requires expensive and exhaustive simulations and experiments. For these reasons, searching for an efficient theoretical tool for finding the relationship...
Performance of extended Lagrangian schemes for molecular dynamics simulations with classical polarizable force fields and density functional theory
PublicationIterative energy minimization with the aim of achieving self-consistency is a common feature of Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics (BOMD) and classical molecular dynamics with polarizable force fields. In the former, the electronic degrees of freedom are optimized, while the latter often involves an iterative determination of induced point dipoles. The computational effort of the self-consistency procedure can be reduced by re-using...
Magnetic anisotropy and structural flexibility in the f ield-induced single ion magnets [Co{(OPPh2) (EPPh2)N}2], E = S, Se, explored by experimental and computational methods
PublicationDuring the last few years, a large number of mononuclear Co(II) complexes of various coordination geometries have been explored as potential single ion magnets (SIMs). In the work presented herein, the Co(II) S = 3/2 tetrahedral [Co{(OPPh2)(EPPh2)N}2], E = S, Se, complexes (abbreviated as CoO2E2), bearing chalcogenated mixed donor-atom imidodiphosphinato ligands, were studied by both experimental and computational techniques. Specifically,...
Review of Recent Advancement on Nature/Bio-inspired Antenna Designs
PublicationThis article presents an extensive examination of antennas rooted in nature and biology, showcasing their remarkable performance across a wide spectrum of frequencies—from microwave to terahertz. The limitations of traditional antenna design have become increasingly evident in the face of burgeoning demands for novel communication technologies. Conventional analytical-equation-based approaches struggle to deliver the combined performance...
Nonconventional 1,8-Diazafluoren-9-One Aggregates for Green Light Enhancement in Hybrid Biocompatible Media
PublicationOrganic aggregates currently play a prominent role, mainly for their unique optoelectronic properties in the aggregated state. Such properties can be related to the aggregates’ structure and the molecular packing mode. In the literature, we have well-established models of H and J aggregates defined based on the molecular exciton model. However, unconventional aggregates, the most unrecognized forms, have been generating interest...
Vibration and buckling characteristics of nonlocal beam placed in a magnetic field embedded in Winkler–Pasternak elastic foundation using a new refined beam theory: an analytical approach
PublicationIn this article, a new refined beam theory, namely one variable first-order shear deformation theory, has been employed to study the vibration and buckling characteristics of nonlocal beam. The beam is exposed to an axial magnetic field and embedded in Winkler–Pasternak foundation. The von Kármán hypothesis along with Hamilton’s principle has been implemented to derive the governing equations for both the vibration and buckling...
Using Eye-tracking to get information on the skills acquisition by the radiology residents
PublicationThis paper describes the possibility of monitoring the progress of knowledge and skills acquisition by the students of radiology. It is achieved by an analysis of a visual attention distribution patterns during image-based tasks solving. The concept is to use the eye-tracking data to recognize the way how the radiographic images are read by recognized experts, radiography residents involved in the training program, and untrained...
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to evaluate the relationship between perception of music genres and subjective features of music that can be assigned to them. For this purpose a group of subjective features such as loudness, melody, rhythm, volume, instrumentation was chosen to describe music genres. A group of 30 listeners with normal hearing, ranging from 20 to 40, was created. Each sub-ject participating in listening tests was asked...
The characterization of the residence time distribution in a magnetic mixer by means of the information entropy
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Information technology and knowledge management: a predestined integration. Part 1 : editorial
PublicationW pracy omówiono możliwość przyszłościowej integracj obszarów technologii informacyjnej oraz zarządzania wiedzą
Information technology and knowledge management: a predestined integration. Part 2: editorial
PublicationW pracy omówiono możliwość przyszłościowej integracji obszarów technologii informacyjnej oraz zarządzania wiedzą.
Transparency of information contained in the state budget from the view of utility for the citizen
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Methods and means of processing discrete information in networks with a high level of noise
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Radar sensors planning for the purpose of extension of River Information Services in Poland
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Improving Ship Maneuvering Safety with Augmented Virtuality Navigation Information Displays
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Reversible transformations from pure to mixed states and the unique measureof information.
PublicationWprowadzono protokół w którym kwantowe stany czyste są w sposób odwracalny przeprowadzane w stany mieszane. W oparciu o analizę protokołu wyprowadzono jednoznaczną miarę informacji. Dokonano porównania z innymi nieodwracalnymi protokółami przeprowadzającymi stany czyste w mieszane.
Biological fluids as a source of information on the exposure of man to envinonmental chemical agents.
PublicationWiele związków (min. lotne związki chlorowcoorganiczne, metale) ma szkodliwy wpływ na tkanki i narządy organizmu ludzkiego, wywołując nieodwracalne zmiany chorobowe. W celu określenia zagrożenia zawodowego coraz częściej wykonuje się pomiar stężeń substancji chemicznych i ich metabolitów w płynach biologicznych - moczu, krwi, rzadziej w mleku matki, żółci, ślinie, czy też spermie. Aby oznaczyć poziomy tych stężeń, pobrane próbki...
Hard and Soft Modelling Based Knowledge Capture for Information Flow Management
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono najpierw złożony aparat matematyczny który może być wykorzystany w modelowaniu zarządzania informacją i oceny jej wartości w procesach decyzyjnych. Aparat ten oparto na teorii procesów stochastycznych oraz na teorii uzyteczności. Następnie, opierając się na wypracowanym modelu matematycznym, zaproponowano przejście do modelowania miękkiego. Całość zilustrowano na przykładach z obszaru zarządzania informacją.
Information Extraction from Polish Radiology Reports using Language Models
PublicationRadiology reports are vital elements of directing patient care. They are usually delivered in free text form, which makes them prone to errors, such as omission in reporting radiological findings and using difficult-to-comprehend mental shortcuts. Although structured reporting is the recommended method, its adoption continues to be limited. Radiologists find structured reports too limiting and burdensome. In this paper, we propose...
Previous Opinions is All You Need - Legal Information Retrieval System
PublicationWe present a system for retrieving the most relevant legal opinions to a given legal case or question. To this end, we checked several state-of-the-art neural language models. As a training and testing data, we use tens of thousands of legal cases as question-opinion pairs. Text data has been subjected to advanced pre-processing adapted to the specifics of the legal domain. We empirically chose the BERT-based HerBERT model to perform...
Smart information and knowledge management: advances, challenges, and critical issues. - [preface]
PublicationOcena aktualnych wyzwan i problemów badawczych w obszarze zarzadzania wiedzą i informacją oraz inteligentnego wspomagania tego obszaru.
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to evaluate the relationship between perception of music genres and subjective features of music that can be assigned to them. For this purpose a group of subjective features such as loudness, melody, rhythm, volume, instrumentation was chosen to describe music genres. A group of 30 listeners with normal hearing, ranging from 20 to 40, was created. Each sub-ject participating in listening tests was asked...
Integration of Geographic Information Systems for Monitoring and Dissemination of Marine Environment Data
PublicationZastosowanie Systemów Informacji Przestrzennej (GIS) do celu monitorowania i wizualizacji różnych procesów środowiska morskiego jest dziedziną badaną od końca XX wieku. W ostatnich latach rozwój szerokopasmowego dostępu do Internetu oraz dostępność klastrów obliczeniowych pozwalają na wykonywanie czasochłonnych i wymagających operacji, takich jak analizy przestrzenne, w sposób zdalny. Jakkolwiek do tej pory sieciowe Systemy Informacji...
Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity - Civil Engineering, sem. I
e-Learning CoursesPreliminaries in Solid Body Mechanics focused on 2D and 3D engineering structures, in analytical approach
Konferencja „Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems”
Eventskonferencja „Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems”, współorganizator: Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki, miejsce obrad: WETI B
The role of Herzberg-Teller effects on the resonance Raman spectrum of trans-porphycene investigated by time dependent density functional theory.
PublicationThe S1 excited state properties as well as the associated absorption and resonance Raman (RR) spectra of trans-porphycene are investigated by means of time dependent density functional theory calculations. The relative magnitude of the Franck-Condon (FC) contribution and of the Herzberg-Teller (HT) effects is evaluated for both the absorption and RR intensities. The accuracy of the calculated spectra is assessed by employing different...
Electrostatic interactions in finite systems treated with periodic boundary conditions: Application to linear-scaling density functional theory
PublicationWe present a comparison of methods for treating the electrostatic interactions of finite, isolated systems within periodic boundary conditions (PBCs), within density functional theory (DFT), with particular emphasis on linear-scaling (LS) DFT. Often, PBCs are not physically realistic but are an unavoidable consequence of the choice of basis set and the efficacy of using Fourier transforms to compute the Hartree potential. In such...