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Search results for: external carbon source
The influence of a ferrofluid in the presence of an external rotating magnetic field on the growth rate and cell metabolic activity of a wine yeast strain
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Free volume in physical absorption of carbon dioxide in ionic liquids: Molecular dynamics supported modeling
PublicationUnderstanding the mechanisms underlying the carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption in ionic liquids (ILs) is the key to their efficient utilization in industrial flue gas treatment. One of the parameters considered substantially important in the process is the Free Volume. In this study, the Fractional Free Volume (FFV) of 73 ILs was calculated using Molecular Dynamics (MD). A quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) study...
New LED photoreactor with modulated UV–vis light source for efficient degradation of toluene over WO3/TiO2 photocatalyst
PublicationThe efficiencies of prepared WO3/TiO2 photocatalysts with varying amounts of WO3 were evaluated for gas-phase photocatalytic degradation of toluene. The obtained results revealed that the best photocatalytic properties were characteristic for samples calcined at 500ºC, which can be associated with high crystalline phase content (> 97%) and favourable BET surface area. The photocatalytic degradation tests were performed in two photoreactors...
AlP compound and P-doping for promotion of electrocatalytic activity of N-doped carbon derived from metal-organic framework
PublicationWater splitting plays a key role in future fuels, where two processes occur - the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Nitrogen-doped carbon derived from...
Nonlocal Vibration of Carbon/Boron-Nitride Nano-hetero-structure in Thermal and Magnetic Fields by means of Nonlinear Finite Element Method
PublicationHybrid nanotubes composed of carbon and boron-nitride nanotubes have manifested as innovative building blocks to exploit the exceptional features of both structures simultaneously. On the other hand, by mixing with other types of materials, the fabrication of relatively large nanotubes would be feasible in the case of macroscale applications. In the current article, a nonlinear finite element formulation is employed to deal with...
Adsorptive Removal of Aqueous Phase Crystal Violet Dye by Low-Cost Activated Carbon Obtained from Date Palm (L.) Dead Leaflets
PublicationUp to now, water pollution is still one of the important issues and challenges worldwide, due to its environmental, economic and human life impacts. It is also remains a challenge to environment scientists and technologists. Nowadays, the textile dyeing industry is considered one of the largest water consuming industries and produces large volumes of colored wastewater in its dyeing and finishing process. In this study, date palm...
Boron-Enhanced Growth of Micron-Scale Carbon-Based Nanowalls: A Route toward High Rates of Electrochemical Biosensing
PublicationIn this study, we have demonstrated the fabrication of novel materials called boron-doped carbon nanowalls (B:CNWs), which are characterized by remarkable electrochemical properties such as high standard rate constant (k°), low peak-to-peak separation value (ΔE) for the oxidation and reduction processes of the [Fe(CN)6]3–/4– redox system, and low surface resistivity. The B:CNW samples were deposited by the microwave plasma-assisted...
Physicochemical studies (Raman) of multiple times processed poly(lactic acid)-carbon black composites
Open Research DataThis dataset contains Raman spectroscopy studies of commercially available ProtoPasta 3D printable filament, composed of poly-lactic acid (PLA) and conductive carbon black (CB) filler. The aim of the study is to observe structural differences and applied properties changes under multiple reprocessing of the composite material at different temperatures...
Photocatalytic activity of zinc oxide nanorods incorporated graphitic carbon nitride catalyst
PublicationBackground Photocatalysts are user-friendly and serve as compatible materials for degrading industrial dye pollutants. This study utilizes zinc oxide/graphitic carbon nitride (ZnO/g-C3N4) nanocomposites against degrading methylene blue (MB). Methods The hydrothermal method assisted sonication technique was used to fabricate the ZnO/g-C3N4 composite with varying ratios of ZnO/g-C3N4 (1:0.25, 1:0.50, 1:1). The synthesized materials...
Instantaneous Impedance Analysis of Non-Stationary Corrosion Process: a Case Study of Carbon Steel in 1M HCl
PublicationThe paper concerns the problem of evaluation of stationarity of carbon steel corrosion in 1M HCl. Comparison of corrosion rate with addition of corrosion inhibitor to the reference measurement is the most often used way of evaluating inhibitor efficiency. Such an approach is valid only if corrosion rate is a stationary process. Two complementary techniques were used simultaneously: volumetric analysis of evolved hydrogen and instantaneous...
Utilization of Gaseous Carbon Dioxide and Industrial Ca-rich Waste for Calcium Carbonate Precipitation: A Review
PublicationTechnologies for the management of various types of waste and the production of useful products from them are currently widely studied. Both carbon dioxide and calcium-rich waste from various production processes are problematic wastes that can be used to produce calcium carbonate. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide an overview about the state of the development of processes that use these two wastes...
Understanding the capacitance of thin composite films based on conducting polymer and carbon nanostructures in aqueous electrolytes
PublicationIn this work electrochemical performance of thin composite films consisted of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), graphene oxide (GOx) and oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (oxMWCNTs) is investigated in various sulphates (Li2SO4, Na2SO4, K2SO4, MgSO4) and acidic (H2SO4) electrolytes. Capacitance values, rate capability and cycling stability achieved for the composite layers are correlated with the electrolytes’ properties...
Synergistic effect of multi walled carbon nanotubes and reduced graphene oxides in natural rubber for sensing application
PublicationUtilizing the electrical properties of polymer nanocomposites is an important strategy to develop high performance solvent sensors. Here we report the synergistic effect of multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) in regulating the sensitivity of the naturally occurring elastomer, natural rubber (NR). Composites were fabricated by dispersing CNTs alone and together with exfoliated RGO sheets (thermally...
The role of aluminium in metal–organic frameworks derived carbon doped with cobalt in electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction
PublicationWater electrolysis is one of the most crucial processes in the development of new energy sources, where ultra-clean fuel is produced - hydrogen. Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is the sluggish process of overall water splitting. Therefore, this study presents the design, characterization and electrochemical study of cobalt-based electrocatalysts embedded into porous carbons derived from an Al-metal–organic...
Large‐Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Over the European Sector During the Geomagnetic Storm on March 23–24, 2023: Energy Deposition in the Source Regions and the Propagation Characteristics
PublicationMultiple Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (LSTIDs) are observed in the European sector in both day-time and night-time during the magnetic storm on March 23–24, 2023. The Total Electron Content (TEC) observation from a network of GNSS receivers shows the propagation of LSTIDs with amplitudes between around 0.5 and 1 TECU originating from auroral and polar cusp regions down to southern Europe (35°N) with velocities...
Interatomic potential suitable for the modeling of penta-graphene: Molecular statics/molecular dynamics studies
PublicationWe test the potentials available for elemental carbon, with the scope to choose the potential suitable for the modeling of penta-graphene, the latest two dimensional carbon allotrope. By using molecular statics and molecular dynamics simulations we show that there is only one potential e namely the Tersoff-type potential proposed by Erhart and Albe in 2005 e which is able to correctly describe all the important features of penta-graphene....
Materiał węglowy ptrzymany na bazie karbonizowanego chitozanu domieszkowanego platyną = CARBON MATERIAL RECEIVED THROUGH CARBONIZATION OF CHITOSAN DOPED WITH PLATINUM
PublicationThe aim of this work was to investigate the impact of porous carbons with high nitrogen content onthe platinum catalyst performance properties. The system may be applied as well as cathodic catalyst for oxygenreduction in microbial fuel cells.We report a simple route for preparation of dispersed Platinum on the carbon support. Chitosan powder wasprotonated using aqueous solution of organic acid. The water from the pores was removed...
Enhanced electrochemical activity of boron-doped nanocarbon functionalized reticulated vitreous carbon structures for water treatment applications
PublicationAn extraordinary charge transfer kinetics and chemical stability make a boron-doped diamond (BDD) a prom- ising material for electrochemical applications including wastewater treatment. Yet, with flat geometrical sur- faces its scaling options are limited. In this study, the reticulated Vitreous Carbon (RVC) served as a substrate for boron-doped diamondized nanocarbons (BDNC) film growth resulting with complex heterogeneity carbon structures...
Hard carbon derived from rice husk as low cost negative electrodes in Na-ion batteries
PublicationHere, we report the synthesis of hard carbon materials (RH) made from natural rice husk through a single pyrolysis process and their application as an anode in sodium-ion batteries. The studies show that the electrochemical properties of RHs are affected by the treatment temperatures, which determine the materials morphology, in particular, their degree of graphitization and extent of continuous channels (nanovoids). The latter...
Step-Up DC/DC Converters With Cascaded Quasi-Z-Source Network
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Coastal erosion as a source of mercury into the marine environment along the Polish Baltic shore
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Coastal erosion—a “new” land-based source of labile mercury to the marine environment
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Callus of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) as a source of ginsenosides – medicinal secondary metabolites
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Open-transistor fault diagnostics in voltage-source inverters by analyzing the load current
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę detekcji i lokalizacji uszkodzeń polegających na braku przewodzenia tranzystorów w falownikach napięcia zasilających silniki indukcyjne. Metoda jest rozszerzeniem, opracowanej wcześniej, metody wykorzystującej znormalizowane składowe stałe prądów obciążenia. Znormalizowane wartości średnie prądów powiązano z dodatkowymi wskaźnikami diagnostycznymi, które zawierają informacje o czasie trwania nieprzewodzenia...
Plug-in to Eclipse environment for VHDL source code editor with advanced formatting of text
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Trans-Z-source-like inverter with built-in DC current blocking capacitors
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State feedback control of the PMSM servo-drive with sinusoidal voltage source inverter
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Human amniotic-fluid-derived stem cells: a unique source for regenerative medicine
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Vortex cavitation as a source of high level acoustic pressure generated by ship propellers
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych nad mechanizmami fizycznymi generowania wysokiego ciśnienia akustycznego przez kawitujące wiry wierzchołkowe powstające na śrubach okrętowych
Liquefaction of alder wood as the source of renewable and sustainable polyols for preparation of polyurethane resins
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Edible Flowers Extracts as a Source of Bioactive Compounds with Antioxidant Properties—In Vitro Studies
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Monetary Incentives Increase Metacognitive Confidence in Source Memory Performance in Patients With Schizophrenia
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Spiny-Cheek Crayfish, Faxonius limosus (Rafinesque, 1817), as an Alternative Food Source
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Tm3+/Ho3+-Doped ASE Fibre Source for Mid-Infrared Sensor Applications
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Dobre praktyki i narzędzia open source w zwinnym wytwarzaniu oprogramowania
PublicationZwinne wytwarzanie oprogramowania stało się bardzo popularne. Na podstawie projektu MOST Wiedzy przedstawiono procesy i narzędzia wspierające wytwarzanie oprogramowania na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Metodologia DDD (domain-driven design) wspierana przez repozytorium GIT oraz tzw. proces “cherry picking” powoduje, że proces wytwarzania oprogramowania jest elastyczny i efektywny. Dodatkowo wprowadzenie elementów CI (continuous integration),...
Experimental investigations of commercial gas boiler as a heat source for the domestic micro-CHP
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na prototypowym stanowisku mikrosiłowni domowej ORC z kotłem gazowym jako źródłem ciepła. Wykazano, iż jest możliwa adaptacja komercyjnego kotła gazowego dla potrzeb kogeneracji w skali mikro.
Step-Up DC/DC Converters With Cascaded Quasi-Z-Source Network
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano nowe rozwiązania dotyczące przekształtników energoelektronicznych DC-DC podwyższających napięcie z ogniw paliwowych. Istota rozwiązania zawiera się w zastosowaniu kaskadowo połączonych wejściowych obwodów pasywnych typu Quasi-Z, umozliwiających znaczne podwyższanie napięcia z wykorzystaniem stanu parcy zwarć gałęzi tranzystorowych przekształtnika.
Implementation of didactic simulation models in Open Source and SCORM compliant LMS systems.
PublicationModele symulacyjne są cenną pomocą w procesie dydaktycznym. Ich zastosowanie w systemach komputerowego wspomagania nauczania znacząco podnosi ich efektywność oraz pozwala na przeprowadzanie wirtualnych ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych (na przykład podczas nauczania na odległość). Niestety stosowane obecnie systemy LMS (Lerning Management System) nie są zadowalająco przystosowane do obsługi symulacyjnej zawartości dydaktycznej. W artykule...
Open source solution LMS for supporting e-learning/blended learning engineers
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano darmowe systemy zarządzania kształceniem na odległość wspomagające e-learningowe/mieszane nauczanie inżynierów. Pierwszy system TeleCAD został opracowany w ramach projektu Leonardo da Vinci (1998-2001). System TeleCAD był propozycją w projekcie V Ramowy CURE (2003-2006). W roku 2003 dzięki projektowi Leonardo da Vinci EMDEL (2001-2005) Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej wybrało system...
The PWM current source inverter with IGBT transistors and multiscalar model control system
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono struktury układów sterowania maszyny indukcyjnej zasilanej z falownika prądu. Przedstawiono metodę modulacji szerokości impulsów dla falownika prądu. Pokazano modele matematyczne maszyny indukcyjnej klatkowej zasilanej z falownika prądu. Przedstawiono trzy układy regulacji sterowania multiskalarnego z czego dwa są nowe. Rozważania teoretyczne zweryfikowano za pomocą badań symulacyjnych.
Photovoltaic solar cells and modules as the source of electricity in the world and its future in Poland
PublicationJedną z metod ograniczenia emisji CO2 na świecie i w Polsce jest zastępowanie paliw kopalnych odnawialnymi źródłami energii. Systemy fotowoltaiczne, generujące energie elektryczną, są uważane za technologię wpisująca się w politykę zrównoważonego rozwoju dzięki znacznemu postępowi technologicznemu w zakresie ich wytwarzania i znacznej redukcji kosztów tych systemów.W artykule naświetlono postęp, jaki dokonał się w tej dziedzinie...
Improved surface coverage of an optical fibre with nanocrystalline diamond by the application of dip-coating seeding
PublicationGrowth processes of diamond thin films on the fused silica optical fibres (10 cm in length) were investigated at various temperatures. Fused silica pre-treatment by dip-coating in a dispersion consisting of detonation nanodiamond (DND) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was applied. Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films were deposited on the fibres using the microwave plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition...
Laser-textured cross-hatched surface topography analysis with evaluation of high-frequency measurement noise
PublicationThe precision of surface roughness determination using ISO 25178 parameters relies on various factors that directly impact the measurement process. In industry applications, the contactless roughness measurement reduces data collection time. However, it introduces several potential errors, including those stemming from the environment. One of the main types of errors encountered during topography analysis is measurement noise,...
Machine learning-based seismic response and performance assessment of reinforced concrete buildings
PublicationComplexity and unpredictability nature of earthquakes makes them unique external loads that there is no unique formula used for the prediction of seismic responses. Hence, this research aims to implement the most well-known Machine Learning (ML) methods in Python software to propose a prediction model for seismic response and performance assessment of Reinforced Concrete Moment-Resisting Frames (RC MRFs). To prepare 92,400 data...
Synergistic effect of TiO2 photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes in the treatment of refinery effluents
PublicationDifferent types of photolytic and photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) were used for treatment of refinery effluents from bitumen production. The treatment efficiency was evaluated by analyzing chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulfide ions concentration. The studies revealed a synergistic effect of application of external oxidants (O3, H2O2, O3/H2O2)...
A Simple Neural Network for Collision Detection of Collaborative Robots
PublicationDue to the epidemic threat, more and more companies decide to automate their production lines. Given the lack of adequate security or space, in most cases, such companies cannot use classic production robots. The solution to this problem is the use of collaborative robots (cobots). However, the required equipment (force sensors) or alternative methods of detecting a threat to humans are usually quite expensive. The article presents...
Functional fluorine-doped tin oxide coating for opto-electrochemical label-free biosensors
PublicationSensors operating in multiple domains, such as optical and electrochemical, offer properties making biosensing more effective than those working in a single domain. To combine such domains in one sensing device, materials offering a certain set of properties are required. Fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) thin film is discussed in this work as functional optically for guiding lossy modes and simultaneously electrochemically, i.e....
Magnetic anisotropy and structural flexibility in the f ield-induced single ion magnets [Co{(OPPh2) (EPPh2)N}2], E = S, Se, explored by experimental and computational methods
PublicationDuring the last few years, a large number of mononuclear Co(II) complexes of various coordination geometries have been explored as potential single ion magnets (SIMs). In the work presented herein, the Co(II) S = 3/2 tetrahedral [Co{(OPPh2)(EPPh2)N}2], E = S, Se, complexes (abbreviated as CoO2E2), bearing chalcogenated mixed donor-atom imidodiphosphinato ligands, were studied by both experimental and computational techniques. Specifically,...
Study of the Resistance to Influence of Aggressive Liquids on Concrete with Lightweight Aggregate
PublicationThe corrosion of the structure of concrete caused by the aggressive external environment is one of the main problems that can reduce the durability of buildings. The paper analyzes the influence of the type of component on selected properties of lightweight concrete (LWC) exposed to aggressive liquids. When lightweight concrete containing porous aggregates is used, the influence of an aggressive environment may be of particular...
Contr-rotating eccentric-mass rotors used as exciters of sinusoidal forces applied to elastically supported bodies
PublicationThe work focuses on aspects of multibody dynamics. Investigated object is a mass driven by rotations of an inertial shaker. Resulting vibrational set consists of two counter-rotating identically-unbalanced rotors. Since the mass centres of the rotors do not coincide with the axes of their rotations, significant centrifugal forces arise during rotations. As both rotors are identically unbalanced, the inter-axial force components...