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Determination of Thermophysical Parameters Involved in The Numerical Model to Predict the Temperature Field of Cast-In-Place Concrete Bridge Deck
PublicationThe paper dealswith a concept of a practical computationmethod to simulate the temperature distribution in an extradosed bridge deck. The main goal of the study is to develop a feasible model of hardening of concrete consistent with in-situ measurement capabilities. The presented investigations include laboratory tests of high performance concrete, measurements of temperature evolution in the bridge deck and above all, numerical...
Characterization of home-made and regional fruit wines by evaluation of correlation between selected chemical parameters
PublicationSince the last decade of the 20th century, there has been rising interest in the production of fruit wines, as evidenced by the high number of published papers and books covering this matter. When aiming to produce quality fruit wines, it is essential to evaluate the analytical parameters of the beverage. In this context, there are a large number of analyses for the evaluation of wines and fruit wines. This article characterizes...
Gender approaches to evolutionary multi-objective optimization using pre-selection of criteria
PublicationA novel idea to perform evolutionary computations (ECs) for solving highly dimensional multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems is proposed. Following the general idea of evolution, it is proposed that information about gender is used to distinguish between various groups of objectives and identify the (aggregate) nature of optimality of individuals (solutions). This identification is drawn out of the fitness of individuals...
Reprezentation of mechanic hysteresis in a railway track using the Preisach model
PublicationThis paper presents an implementation of the classic scalar Preisach model to describe the hysteresis phenomenon created in a railway track subjected to lateral (in the horizontal plane) displacements. The principles of the Preisach theory and the scalar mathematical model of the mechanical hysteresis that is based on statistically distributed modified hysteresis operators are briefly presented. This article presents the characteristic...
Application of response surface methodology to optimize solid-phase microextraction procedure for chromatographic determination of aroma-active monoterpenes in berries
PublicationMost of scientific papers concern the qualitative or semi-quantitative analysis of aroma-active terpenes in liquid food matrices. Therefore, the procedure based on solid-phase microextraction and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry for determination of monoterpenes in fresh berries was developed. The optimal extraction conditions using divinylbenzene-carboxen-polydimethylsiloxane fiber...
A highly-efficient technique for evaluating bond-orientational order parameters
PublicationWe propose a novel, highly-efficient approach for the evaluation of bond-orientational order parameters (BOPs). Our approach exploits the properties of spherical harmonics and Wigner 3jj-symbols to reduce the number of terms in the expressions for BOPs, and employs simultaneous interpolation of normalised associated Legendre polynomials and trigonometric functions to dramatically reduce the total number of arithmetic operations....
Hazard Control in Industrial Environments: A Knowledge-Vision-Based Approach
PublicationThis paper proposes the integration of image processing techniques (such as image segmentation, feature extraction and selection) and a knowledge representation approach in a framework for the development of an automatic system able to identify, in real time, unsafe activities in industrial environments. In this framework, the visual information (feature extraction) acquired from video-camera images and other context based gathered...
Fault Diagnostics in PEMFC Stacks by Evaluation of Local Performance and Cell Impedance Analysis
PublicationStarvation, flooding, and dry‐out phenomena occur in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), due to heterogeneous local conditions, material inhomogeneity, and uneven flow distribution across the single cell active area and in between the individual cells. The impact of the load level and air feed conditions on the performance was identified for individual single cells within a 10‐cell stack. Analysis of the current density...
Utilizing Genome-Wide mRNA Profiling to Identify the Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Mechanism of Triazoloacridone C-1305 as Direct Microtubule Stabilization
PublicationRational drug design and in vitro pharmacology profiling constitute the gold standard in drug development pipelines. Problems arise, however, because this process is often dicult due to limited information regarding the complete identification of a molecule’s biological activities. The increasing aordability of genome-wide next-generation technologies now provides an excellent opportunity to understand a compound’s diverse eects...
Detection and Imaging of Debonding in Adhesive Joints of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Steel Plates Using Guided Waves and Weighted Root Mean Square
PublicationStrengthening of engineering structures is an important issue, especially for elements subjected to variable loads. In the case of concrete beams or slabs, one of the most popular approaches assumes mounting an external reinforcement in the form of steel or composite elements by structural adhesives. A significant disadvantage of adhesive joints is the lack of access to the adhesive film for visual condition assessment, thus, there...
Miniaturized Metal-Mountable U-shaped Inductive-Coupling-Fed UHF RFID Tag Antenna with Defected Microstrip Surface
PublicationThis study presents a novel miniature ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag for metallic objects. Its arrangement includes a U-shaped feeder, which is inductively coupled to two E-type connected patches. Size reduction is achieved by means of utilizing the U-shaped feeder, and introducing a defection in the connection between the two E-type patches. The defection in the connection area between the...
In silico assessment and sonochemical synthesis of 2-alkynyl 3-chloropyrazines as prospective ligands for SARS-CoV-2
PublicationThe recent global pandemic caused by COVID-19 has triggered an intense effort worldwide towards the development of an effective cure for this disease. In our effort we have explored the 2-alkynyl substituted 3-chloropyrazine framework as a potential template for the design of molecules for this purpose. Our strategy was supported by the in silico studies of representative compounds to assess their binding affinities via docking...
An Improved Method of Minimizing Tool Vibration during Boring Holes in Large-Size Structures
PublicationThe paper presents a thoroughly modified method of solving the problem of vibration suppression when boring large-diameter holes in large-size workpieces. A new approach of adjusting the rotational speed of a boring tool is proposed which concerns the selection of the spindle speed in accordance with the results of the simulation of the cutting process. This streamlined method focuses on phenomenological aspects and involves the...
The impact of shipping 4.0 on controlling shipping accidents: A systematic literature review
PublicationMaritime shipping, with a significant role in global trade, confronts various accidents leading to loss of lives, properties, and the environment. Shipping 4.0 technologies are scaling up to address this problem by employing real-time data-driven technologies, including cyber-physical systems, advanced tracking and tracing, intelligent systems, and big data analytics. Despite growing attention, there is a general lack of clarity...
Dynamic analysis of the railway bridge span under moving loads
PublicationThe first part of this paper provides a review of the state of knowledge of the dynamic behaviour of railway bridges under moving loads. Particular attention is paid to developments in modelling railway bridge loading and dynamic vehicle-span (structure) interaction. The most important aspects determining the advancements in this area of knowledge are identified. The contemporary techniques for defining bridge span finite element...
Sensing Direction of Human Motion Using Single-Input-Single-Output (SISO) Channel Model and Neural Networks
PublicationObject detection Through-the-Walls enables localization and identification of hidden objects behind the walls. While numerous studies have exploited Channel State Information of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) WiFi and radar devices in association with Artificial Intelligence based algorithms (AI) to detect and localize objects behind walls, this study proposes a novel non-invasive Through-the-Walls human motion direction...
Wavelet filtering of signals without using model functions
PublicationThe effective wavelet filtering of real signals is impossible without determining their shape. The shape of a real signal is related to its wavelet spectrum. For shape analysis, a continuous color wavelet spectrogram of signal level is often used. The disadvantage of continuous wavelet spectrogram is the complexity of analyzing a blurry color image. A real signal with additive noise strongly distorts the spectrogram based on continuous...
Using terrestrial laser scanning in inventorying of a hybrid constructed wetland system
PublicationThe goal of this paper was to evaluate the possibility of using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) for inventorying of a hybrid constructed wetland (CW) wastewater treatment plant. The object under study was a turtle-shaped system built in 2015 in Eastern Poland. Its main purpose is the treatment of wastewater from theMuseumand Education Centre of Polesie National Park. The study showed that the CW system had been built in compliance...
Multimedia System for Environmental Noise Monitoring. [Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu Środowiskowego]
PublicationIntroductionNumerous reports relating to noise threats in Poland indicate that they occur commonly. The noise has an enormous impact on the health and life quality of the human beings. Noise pollution in Poland is greater than in others UE countries, moreover it has been increased recently. Taking into account 2002/49/WE directive related to the control and assessment of environmental noise a necessity of monitoring these threats...
Biometryczna kontrola dostępu
PublicationOpisano szczegółowo algorytm detekcji oraz identyfikacji człowieka na podstawie punktów nodalnych twarzy. Zdefiniowano pojęcia: biometria, proces pomiaru biometrycznego, metody biometrycznej identyfikacji oraz kontrola dostępu. Przedstawiono opis opracowanego systemu biometrycznej identyfikacji wykorzystującego sztuczne sieci neuronowe. Podano wyniki badań oraz przeprowadzono ich wnikliwą dyskusję.Biometrics is the study of automated...
Conley-Morse graphs for a non-linear Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "A database schema for the analysis of global dynamics of multiparameter systems" by Z. Arai, W. Kalies, H. Kokubu, K. Mischaikow, H. Oka, P. Pilarczyk, published in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS),...
Conley-Morse graphs for a non-linear Leslie population model with 3 varying parameters
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "A database schema for the analysis of global dynamics of multiparameter systems" by Z. Arai, W. Kalies, H. Kokubu, K. Mischaikow, H. Oka, P. Pilarczyk, published in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS),...
Technology of an adhesive silicone film as drug carrier in transdermal therapy I. Analytical methods used for characterization and design of the universal elastomer layers
PublicationSilicone polymers possess unique properties, which make them suitable for many different applications, for example in the pharmaceutical and medical industry. To create an adhesive silicone film, the appropriate silicone components have to be chosen first. From these components two layers were made: an adhesive elastomer applied on the skin, and a non-adhesive elastomer on the other side of the film. The aim of this study was...
Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Onychomycosis—Literature Review
PublicationOnychomycosis is a common fungal nail infection that is difficult to diagnose due to its similarity to other nail conditions. Accurate identification is essential for effective treatment. The current gold standard methods include microscopic examination with potassium hydroxide, fungal cultures, and Periodic acid-Schiff biopsy staining. These conventional techniques, however, suffer from high turnover times, variable sensitivity,...
Evaluation of Terpene Decomposition in Kaffir Lime Juice during Storage Using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry and Proton Transfer Reaction–Mass Spectrometry
PublicationKaffir lime juice, often treated as production waste, can be a good source of terpenes. These compounds undergo various decomposition processes under the influence of external factors, especially during transportation and storage. In this paper, it was possible to monitor changes in the terpene profile of kaffir lime juice under different storage conditions, namely, 4 ◦C, 20 ◦C, and 35 ◦C. The identification of key decomposition...
Landscape of Automated Log Analysis: A Systematic Literature Review and Mapping Study
PublicationLogging is a common practice in software engineering to provide insights into working systems. The main uses of log files have always been failure identification and root cause analysis. In recent years, novel applications of logging have emerged that benefit from automated analysis of log files, for example, real-time monitoring of system health, understanding users’ behavior, and extracting domain knowledge. Although nearly every...
Modeling of Common Mode Currents Induced by Motor Cable in Converter Fed AC Motor Drives
PublicationInvestigation of conducted EMI generation in AC motor fed by pulse width modulated frequency converters requires to consider parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related common mode currents are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. An analysis of frequency converter load impedance-frequency characteristics...
Analytical procedures for the determination of surfactants in environmental samples
PublicationBecause of their specific physical and chemical properties (amphiphilicity, solubility in polar and nonpolar liquids, ability to form micelles, adsorption at phase boundaries, low toxicity) surfactants (surface-active compounds) are widely applied in industry and in the household. As their applications are on a very large scale, it has become necessary to acquire a more detailed understanding of their environmental fate.In the...
Enabling Deeper Linguistic-based Text Analytics – Construct Development for the Criticality of Negative Service Experience
PublicationSignificant progress has been made in linguistic-based text analytics particularly with the increasing availability of data and deep learning computational models for more accurate opinion analysis and domain-specific entity recognition. In understanding customer service experience from texts, analysis of sentiments associated with different stages of the service lifecycle is a useful starting point. However, when richer insights...
Safety integrity level verification for safety-related functions with security aspects
PublicationThe article is devoted some important issues of the functional safety analysis, in particular the safetyintegrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed controland protection systems with regard to cyber security aspects. The procedure for functional safety man-agement includes hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safetyrequirements and definition...
Influence of service ageing on polyester-reinforced polyvinyl chloride-coated fabrics reported through mathematical material models
PublicationIn this paper the coupled service (constructional tension) and environmental (sunlight, rainfalls, temperature variations) ageing influence on the polyester-reinforced polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-coated fabric VALMEX is studied. Two cases of the same fabric have been analyzed: one USED for 20 years on the real construction of the Forest Opera in Sopot (Poland), and one kept as a spare material (NOT USED). The following tests have...
The Thin-Layer Microchromatography (μTLC) and TLC–FID Technique as a New Methodology in the Study of Lubricating Oils
PublicationThis paper concerns the possibility of using TLC coupled with a flame ionization detector (FID) and micro-TLC (μTLC) as precursors for microfluidized devices of analytical techniques to identify and determine the presence and content of the petroleum/vegetable oil base in the lubricating oils applied in cutting devices (chainsaws). This research is related to the problem of ensuring, in compliance with the requirements of environmental...
Assessment of FSW Welds Made of Aluminum Alloy AW7075-T651.
PublicationThis paper summarizes the results of experimental studies in which the aluminum alloy AW7075-T651 was friction stir welded (FSW) using various combinations of process parameters (rotational - R and travel speed - T). Mechanical properties of the test welds were assessed by using static tensile test and Vickers hardness measurement. The temperature of the welded plates was monitored during welding by means of thermocouples placed...
Efficient algorithm for blinking LED detection dedicated to embedded systems equipped with high performance cameras
PublicationThis paper presents the concept and implementation of an efficient algorithm for detection of blinking LED or similar signal sources. Algorithm is designed for embedded devices equipped with high performance cameras being a part of an indoor positioning embedded system. An algorithm to be implemented in such a system should be efficient in terms of computational power what is hard to be achieved when large amount of data from camera...
Pedestrian safety management using the risk-based approach
PublicationThe paper presents a concept of a multi-level pedestrian safety management system. Three management levels are distinguished: strategic, tactical and operational. The basis for the proposed approach to pedestrian safety management is a risk-based method. In the approach the elements of behavioural and systemic theories were used, allowing for the development of a formalised and repeatable procedure integrating the phases of risk...
Towards Understanding the Health Aspects of the Processing of Lignocellulosic Fillers
PublicationHealth and safety issues should be addressed during the development and investigation of the industrial processes. In order to develop a sustainable process and fully evaluate its benefits and drawbacks for its optimization, it is crucial to determine its impact on the surrounding environment. This study aimed to assess the emission of volatile organic compounds during the modification of lignocellulosic fillers with passive dosimetry....
PublicationThe optimal transformation path for the resource is determined by the quality of a log combined with its dimension. The commercial value of derived products is also closely connected with the size and extent of containing wood deficiencies. The results of studies with three diverse strategies for log sorting are presented in the paper. Resource assessment by a worker without extensive experience in sorting logs, the certified grading...
Selection of an artificial pre-training neural network for the classification of inland vessels based on their images
PublicationArtificial neural networks (ANN) are the most commonly used algorithms for image classification problems. An image classifier takes an image or video as input and classifies it into one of the possible categories that it was trained to identify. They are applied in various areas such as security, defense, healthcare, biology, forensics, communication, etc. There is no need to create one’s own ANN because there are several pre-trained...
Application of safirinium N-hydroxysuccinimide esters to derivatization of peptides for high-resolution mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, and fluorescent labeling of bacterial cells
PublicationMass spectrometry methods are commonly used in the identification of peptides and biomarkers. Due to a relatively low abundance of proteins in biological samples, there is a need for the development of novel derivatization methods that would improve MS detection limits. Hence, novel fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimide esters of dihydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyridin-2-ium carboxylates (Safirinium P dyes) have been synthesized. The...
Factors affecting low-temperature cracking of asphalt pavements: analysis of field observations using the ordered logistic model
PublicationAccurate identification of factors that primarily affect the number of low-temperature cracks is crucial for selection of road materials and planning of pavement maintenance. Field investigations of lowtemperature cracks were performed in the years 2014 and 2020 on the same 68 road sections being in service in typical traffic conditions. The collected data were statistically analysed using the ordered logistic regression model....
Maritime traffic situation awareness analysis via high-fidelity ship imaging trajectory
PublicationSituation awareness provides crucial yet instant information to maritime traffic participants, and significant attentions are paid to implement traffic situation awareness task via various maritime data source (e.g., automatic identification system, maritime surveillance video, radar, etc.). The study aims to analyze traffic situation with the support of ship imaging trajectory. First, we employ the dark channel prior model to...
Classification of Covid-19 using Differential Evolution Chaotic Whale Optimization based Convolutional Neural Network
PublicationCOVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus disease-2019, is an transferrable disease that spreads rapidly, affecting countless individuals and leading to fatalities in this worldwide pandemic. The precise and swift detection of COVID-19 plays a crucial role in managing the pandemic's dissemination. Additionally, it is necessary to recognize COVID-19 quickly and accurately by investigating chest x-ray images. This paper proposed a...
Self-organising maps in the analysis of strains of human abdominal wall to identify areas of similar mechanical behaviour.
PublicationThe study refers to the application of a type of artificial neural network called the Self-Organising Map (SOM) for the identification of areas of the human abdominal wall that behave in a similar mechanical way. The research is based on data acquired during in vivo tests using the digital image correlation technique (DIC). The mechanical behaviour of the human abdominal wall is analysed during changing intra-abdominal pressure....
How high-tech solutions support the fight against IUU and ghost fishing: a review of innovative approaches, methods, and trends
PublicationIllegal, Unreported, and Unregulated fishing is a major threat to human food supply and marine ecosystem health. Not only is it a cause of significant economic loss but also its effects have serious long-term environmental implications, such as overfishing and ocean pollution. The beginning of the fight against this problem dates since the early 2000s. From that time, a number of approaches and methods have been developed and reported....
Low-Profile Interdigitated UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Metallic Objects
PublicationThis article presents a novel miniature interdigitated ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna that can be placed on metallic objects. The tag structure comprises two horizontal strip lines, each loaded with seven identical open stubs, and an integrated circuit (IC) chip connected directly to the feed lines in the middle of the structure. The perfect match to the IC chip’s impedance is realized...
Sustainable Investing. Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds
PublicationSustainable Investing: Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds examines the social and economic effects of sustainable investing ETFs and their impacts on the global financial system. The book presents the key issues with regard to sustainable investing, discussing exchange-traded funds mechanisms and categories in comparison to competing investment funds. The book outlines the theoretical determinants of ETF markets development...
Geoscience Methods in Real Estate Market Analyses Subjectivity Decrease
PublicationReal estate management, including real estate market analysis, is part of a so-called geosystem. In recent years, the popularity of creating various types of systems and automatic solutions in real estate management, including those related to property classification and valuation, has been growing in the world, mainly to reduce the impact of human subjectivity, to increase the scope of analyses and reduce research time. A very...
The Structure of Entrepreneurial Team Members’ Competencies: Between Effectuation and Causation
PublicationA conscious shaping of entrepreneurial competence is a relevant element of entrepreneurial education. In order to recognize which of the competencies regarded as entrepreneurial are characteristic of members of entrepreneurial teams, which is crucial for the work of those teams, it is necessary to identify the structure of those competencies. This quantitative study was conducted with the use of a survey method and involved 111...
Nowe substancje psychoaktywne. Cz. I. Współczesna sytuacja narkotykowa
PublicationGwałtowny wzrost liczby substancji wprowadzanych na rynek narkotykowy został zaobserwowany już pod koniec lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku. Każdego roku syntezowane są nowe substancje jako analogi już istniejących, a ich ilość systematycznie rośnie. Niejednokrotnie wprowadzenie niewielkiej zmiany w strukturze związku może spowodować znaczne zmiany ich właściwości fizykochemicznych oraz psychoaktywnych. Nowe substancje psychoaktywne...
Czynniki rozwojowe w dokumentach strategicznych miast powiatowych na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomorskiego
PublicationAutor postawił dwa cele: 1) zweryfikowanie hipotezy, że każde terytorium posiada endogeniczny potencjał rozwojowy; 2) sprawdzenie, czy sposób rozpoznawania i analizy czynników rozwojowych są odpowiednie dla sformułowanie właściwej strategii. Autor badał czynniki rozwojowe miast powiatowych ze względu na ich rolę w aktywizacji obszarów peryferyjnych (czyli poza obszarem metropolitalnym). Głównym źródłem informacji były elementy...