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Search results for: land use planning
Separation of anthocyanins from black carrot, chokeberry, blackcurrant, and elderberry with the use of preparative chromatography
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Religiosity and Attitudes towards Health, Disease, Death and the Use of Stimulants among Jehovah’s Witnesses
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Monitoring of Selected CBRN Threats in the Air in Industrial Areas with the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
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Efficacy of the use of the McKenzie and Vojta methods to treat discopathy-associated syndromes in the pediatric population
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Efficacy of the use of the McKenzie and Vojta methods to treat discopathy-associated syndromes in the pediatric population
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Addressing Ethical Considerations Related to the Use of Artificial Intelligence in EFL Classrooms at Oran2 University
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The use of a simulation model to analyze the impact of heavy transport generated by the port to the city traffic.
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Use of a Least Squares with Conditional Equations Method in Positioning a Tramway Track in the Gdansk Agglomeration
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A review of the traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and clinical evidence for the use of the genus Alchemilla (Rosaceae)
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The Current Use of Mass Spectrometry in Combination with Other Separation Techniques in Drug Discovery Arena
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Functional 3D-Printed Polymeric Materials with Metallic Reinforcement for Use in Cut-Resistant Gloves
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Simulation of willow productivity based on radiation use efficiency, shoot mortality and shoot age
PublicationPraca przedstawia model matematyczny produktywności plantacji wiklinowych. Dokonano oceny efektywności wykorzystania radiacji słonecznej przez badane plantacje, optymalnie nawadniane i nawożone. Wyniki obliczeń i pomiarów wykazują dużą zgodność, chociaż nie zawszespełnione było wymaganie dotyczące optymalnych warunków wzrostu.
Simulation and experiments of high speed milling vibration surveillence with a use of changing spindle speed
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest nowemu podejściu do nadzorowania drgań wirujących narzędzi w nowoczesnych frezarkach. Przeprowadzono analizy dynamiczne skrawania smukłym frezem kulistym. Opisano dynamikę sterowanego układu nistacjonarnego. Jako rezultat sterowania optymalno-liniowego otrzymano program chwilowych zmian prędkości obrotowej pozwalający uzyskać redukację drgań. Metodę zweryfikowano eksperymentalnie na frezarce Alcera Gambin...
Pooled analysis of WHO Surgical Safety Checklist use and mortality after emergency laparotomy
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The importance of diurnal and nocturnal activity and interspecific interactions for space use by ants in clear-cuts
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Determination of Complex Permeability of Silicon Steel for Use in High-Frequency Modeling of Power Transformers
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The use of modified vegetable oil from Crambe abyssinica as a lubricant base for the food industry
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The use of a static electrical energy meter as a transducer of active power to a pulse frequency signal
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Novel design of sodium alginate based absorbable stent for the use in urethral stricture disease
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The use of eLearning strategies among travel agents in the United Kingdom, India and New Zealand
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The Use of Wood Chips for Revitalization of Degraded Forest Soil on Young Scots Pine Plantation
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Use of personal knowledge of 8-year-old students in creative solving of technical tasks
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The Use of Physical Therapy Procedures in the Treatment of Soft Tissue Injuries in a Horse: A Case Study
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Use of Bioluminescence for Monitoring Brown Coal Mine Waters from Deep and Surface Drainage
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Nonlinear secondary arc model use for evaluation of single pole auto-reclosing effectiveness
PublicationPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss two evaluation methods of single pole autoreclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a nonlinear secondary arc implementation is presented. Design/methodology/approach – A computer simulation studies were...
Resonance microstrip structure with patch of arbitrary convex geometry with the use of field matching technique
PublicationAn analysis of the resonance frequency problem of planar microstrip structure with patch of arbitrary convex geometry is presented. A full-wave analysis is employed utilizing a combination of Galerkin’s moment method and field matching technique. In this approach, a field matching technique is adopted to calculate the patch surface current densities, and next the method of moments is utilized to calculate resonance frequencies...
Scattering From a Cylindrical Object of Arbitrary Cross Section With the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA simple and intuitive solution to scattering problems in shielded and open structures is presented. The main idea of the analysis is based on the direct field matching technique involving the usage of projection of the fields at the boundary on a fixed set of orthogonal basis functions. Different convex shapes and various obstacle materials are considered to verify the validity of the method in open and closed structures. The...
The use of Response Surface Methodology for reliability estimation of aluminum silo subjected to wind load
PublicationAn axisymmetric aluminum silo model with a single, standardized geometric imperfection of its lateral surface is considered. The silo is wind – loaded only. The paper is focused on the critical, or limit value of wind pressure, both producing a loss of stability of the silo. This value is affected by vertical coordinate (position) of the imperfection and the angular relation between the imperfection and the wind direction. Reliability...
Use of optical skin phantoms for preclinical evaluation of laser efficiency for skin lesion therapy
PublicationSkin lesions are commonly treated using laser heating. However, the introduction of new devices into clinical practice requires evaluation of their performance. This study presents the application of optical phantoms for assessment of a newly developed 975-nm pulsed diode laser system for dermatological purposes. Such phantoms closely mimic the absorption and scattering of real human skin (although not precisely in relation to...
Optimization of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Seeding with the Use of sp³/sp² Raman Band Ratio
PublicationThe influence of various nanodiamond colloids used for seeding nondiamond substrates in microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition diamond process was investigated. Colloids based on deionized water, isopropanol alcohol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were used with different grain size dispersion: 150, 400 and 35 nm, respectively. The influence of growth time was also taken into consideration and bias enhanced nucleation....
Surface water quality assessment by the use of combination of multivariate statistical classification and expert information
PublicationThe present study deals with the assessment of surface water quality from an industrial-urban region located in northern Poland near to the city of Gdansk. Concentrations of thirteen chemicals includingtotal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) and major ions in the samples collected at five sampling points during six campaigns were used as variablesthroughout the study. The originality...
Use of electrochemical methods to examine different surface preparation methods for organic coatings on steel
PublicationObróbka strumieniowo - ścierna jest jedną z powszechnie stosowanych metod przygotowania powierzchni. Wśród nowoczesnych metod coraz większe zainteresowanie wzbudza przygotowanie powierzchni wodą pod wysokim ciśnieniem (z ang. waterjetting). W porównaniu z konwencjonalnymi metodami ''waterjetting'' jest nowoczesną oraz przyjazną środowisku metodą. W literaturze brakuje informacji na temat skuteczności owej metody do zastosowań...
The comparison of SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3-δ-CeO2 and SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3-δ-YSZ composites for use in SOFC anodes
PublicationWytworzono i przebadano właściwości strukturalne i elektryczne kompozytów SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3-δ-CeO2 i SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3-δ-YSZ. Przeprowadzono testy materiałów zastosowanych jako anody w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych.
A method of vibration surveillance with a use of the optimal control at energy performance index and the acceleration feedback
PublicationDokonano twórczej modyfikacji metody nadzorowania drgań za pomocą sterowania optymalnego przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. Zaproponowano oryginalną modyfikację, która polega na bezpośrednim powiązaniu sygnału pomiarowego z akcelerometru i optymalnego sygnału sterującego. Przewidziano obiecujące perspektywy zastosowań praktycznych zmodyfikowanej metody do przypadków frezowania szybkościowego.
The comparison of SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3–δ-CeO2 and SrTi0.98Nb0.02O3–δ-YSZ composites for use in SOFC anodes
PublicationComposites of Nb-doped strontium titanate mixed with yttria-stabilized zirconia or cerium oxide in 50:50, 70:30 and 85:15 weight ratios were evaluated as possible anode/electrolyte interface materials for solid oxide fuel cells in terms of chemical compatibility, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties. It has been shown that composite samples prepared by typical powder-mixing methods remain single-phase up to 1400°C....
Use of Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 producing recombinant colicins for treatment of IBD patients
PublicationPatients with Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis infected with Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli strains constitute the largest group among Inflammatory Bowel Disease subjects, when taking into account all known etiological agents of the disease. A possible link between these pathogenic bacteria and inflammation process has gained the confidence in recently published papers. Observed enteric neuroglial cells apoptosis and...
An optimized dissolved oxygen concentration control in SBR with the use of adaptive and predictive control schemes
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of optimizing control of the aeration process in a water resource recovery facility (WRRF) using sequencing batch reactor (SBR), one that affects the efficiency of wastewater treatment by stimulating metabolic reactions of microorganisms through dissolved oxygen (DO) level control, and accounts for the predominant part of operating costs. Two independent approaches to DO control algorithm design...
CeO2/La2O3/MWCNTs as an efficient nano-electrocatalyst for use in the anode of alcohol fuel cells
PublicationOne of the most important challenges in commercializing Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells (DAFCs) is the significant expense of advanced catalysts used in their anodes and cathodes and the CO poisoning of these catalysts with alcohol oxidation by-products. Alcohols oxidation reaction occurred in the anode of DAFCs. Within this study, a tripartite catalyst, comprising cerium oxide (CeO2) and lanthanum oxide (La2O3) integrated with multi-walled...
A New, Reconfigurable Circuit Offering Functionality of AND and OR Logic Gates for Use in Algorithms Implemented in Hardware
PublicationThe paper presents a programmable (using a 1-bit signal) digital gate that can operate in one of two OR or AND modes. A circuit of this type can also be implemented using conventional logic gates. However, in the case of the proposed circuit, compared to conventional solutions, the advantage is a much smaller number of transistors necessary for its implementation. Circuit is also much faster than its conventional counterpart. The...
Towards defragmented Lighting Design: concatenating research theories for effective use in design practices.
PublicationThis paper aims to provide guidelines for transferring design research to practice in the realm of lighting. It is based on the premise that design research in lighting should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Design research refers to the scholarly inquiry that seeks to advance design by studying and improving it in systematic and scientific ways by expanding, testing and operationalizing...
Development of a spray-ejector condenser for the use in a negative CO2 emission gas power plant
PublicationOne promising solution for developing low-emission power technologies is using gaseous fuel combustion in pure oxygen when the exhaust gas mixture is composed of H2O and CO2, and where CO2 is separated after steam condensation. The paper presents the results of computational analyses providing to the Spray-Ejector Condenser (SEC) development, which is one of the crucial components of the negative CO2 gas power plant (nCO2PP) cycle...
Assessment of the ice jam potential on regulated rivers and reservoirs with the use of numerical model results
PublicationThis study presents an attempt at estimating the jam potential on rivers with significant anthropogenic intervention in the course or flow characteristics of the river. The DynaRiCE model was used for forecasting both the place and time of an ice jam occurrence. In this modified method, two ice parameters are subjected to analysis, namely the relative ice-to-water velocity (vi/vw),and the ice thickness to single floe thickness...
Propagation in the Open Cylindrical Guide of Arbitrary Cross Section With the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA simple solution to propagation problem in open waveguides and dielectric fibers of arbitrary convex cross section is presented. The idea of the analysis is based on the direct field matching technique involving the usage of the field projection at the boundary on a fixed set of orthogonal basis functions. A complex root tracing algorithm is utilized to find the propagation coefficients of the investigated guides. Different convex...
The use of various species of fungi in biofiltration of air contaminated with odorous volatile organic compounds
PublicationAir pollution with odorous compounds is a significant social and environmental problem. This paper presents biological deodorization methods. The attention is focused on the application of biotrickling filters for air deodorization. Principles of their operation are discussed, indicating the key role of the selection of microorganisms responsible for the degradation of odorous compounds. A literature overview of the used fungal...
Pyrolysis of Pruning Residues from Various Types of Orchards and Pretreatment for Energetic Use of Biochar
PublicationThe routine pruning and cutting of fruit trees provides a considerable amount of biowaste each year. This lignocellulosic biomass, mainly in the form of branches, trunks, rootstocks, and leaves, is a potential high-quality fuel, yet often is treated as waste. The results of a feasibility study on biochar production by pyrolysis of residues from orchard pruning were presented. Three types of biomass waste were selected as raw materials...
Benchmarking Scalability and Security Configuration Impact for A Distributed Sensors-Server IOT Use Case
PublicationInternet of Things has been getting more and more attention and found numerous practical applications. Especially important in this context are performance, security and ability to cope with failures. Especially crucial is to find good trade-off between these. In this article we present results of practical tests with multiple clients representing sensors sending notifications to an IoT middleware – DeviceHive. We investigate performance...
Evaluation of propagation parameters of open guiding structures with the use of complex root finding algorithms
PublicationAn efficient complex root tracing algorithm is utilized for the investigation of electromagnetic wave propagation in open guiding structures. The dispersion characteristics of propagated and leaky waves are calculated for a couple of chosen waveguides. The efficiency of the root tracing algorithm is discuses and compared to a global root finding algorithm.
Analysis of graphene multi-strip planar guiding structures with the use of spectral domain approach
PublicationSpectral domain approach is modified and used to analyze some simple structures containing graphene strips. The modification is simple and concerns the Green’s function only. Moreover, the method is combined with the recently published root finding algorithms, which significantly improve the efficiency of the analysis. The results obtained for a simple guiding structure is verified and the field displacement effect is confirmed.
Re-use of the 20th century aviation infrastructure.=Adaptacje XX-wiecznej infrastruktury lotniskowej
PublicationThis article explores issues related to the adaptation of former aviation infrastructure. For research purposes, several adaptations of former airports and airplane hangars are selected and presented. Those examples show the importance of this infrastructure in today's urbanized landscape, as well as in history, and thus the social and cultural values it brings. The benefits of the redevelopment of former airport sites are also...
Experimental investigations on water sorptivity in mortars with the use of X-ray micro-CT system.
PublicationW pracy doswiadczalnej zbadano zjawisko sorpcji wody w pryzmatycznych próbkach zapraw, które jest ściśle powiązane z trwałością materiału. Sorpcyjność oceniana na etapie ustalonym w połączeniu z warunkami zewnętrznymi może być wykorzystana do przewidywania okresu użytkowania. Sorpcyjność początkową i wtórną wody w próbkach zapraw nienasyconych zmierzono w badaniach laboratoryjnych zgodnie z normą amerykańską ASTM C 1585–04. Wpływ...